Lisa Bland's Reviews > The BFG

The BFG by Roald Dahl
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's review

it was amazing

Written by Roald Dahl this book cant really go wrong. I read this book to a year 3 class when doing my work experience recently and the book got a great response. The way in which the BFG speaks is funny and different to what we know.... it brings his character to life and allows the reader to connect with him as it portrays him as a kind and gentle giant looking for peace ('big friendly giant' also allows us to know this about him). The fact that he takes care of a human 'bean' called Sophie shows that he is a good friend and a reliable giant.

When i read this book aloud to the class i felt like i needed to read it in context in order for the children to appreciate the different voices and ways of talking. For example when reading Sophie's speech i would portray a voice which is soft, gentle, curious and innocent. When reading the BFG i would sound dopey, clumsy, caring and soft. The other scary giants would need to sound angry and frightening.

Overall this book was fantastic and the children loved hearing it. A very clever book and definitely one of my favorites from Roald Dahl!


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Reading Progress

Started Reading
July 20, 2011 – Finished Reading
August 22, 2011 – Shelved

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