Front cover image for International encyclopedia of public policy and administration

International encyclopedia of public policy and administration

"This invaluable source goes beyond any existing reference work regarding public policy and government affairs. It provides for the first time a comprehensive tool that covers the international integration of the literature on public policy and administration. The information found within includes concepts, practices, issues, and theories that inform and define contemporary public policy making, analysis, evaluation, management, and implementation. This source contains more than 850 articles from over 400 professionals covering topics from absenteeism to zoning. Each entry includes a thorough description of the topic, an explanation of its historical significance and a bibliography"--"Outstanding Reference Sources : the 1999 Selection of New Titles", American Libraries, May 1999. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
Print Book, English, 1998
Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1998