Front cover image for Fashion Africa

Fashion Africa

This visual guide to contemporary African fashion, compiled with an ethical perspective, exists to disseminate knowledge of what African has to offer in the field of fashion and textiles, bringing together designers, design companies, ethical manufacturers, and more, all with an African connection. The idea for it arose as a result of the author's MA degree, alongside the creation of the social enterprise AfricaFashionGuide, with the aim of promoting awareness of the potential within the global fashion and textiles industry for active trade with African suppliers and manufacturers. The fashion brands showcased in this book represent a kaleidoscope of contemporary African fashion
Print Book, English, ©2011
AFG Pub., London, England UK, ©2011
297 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 28 cm
Showcases 48 designers who have been influenced by the heartbeat, the many facets of history, culture, and people of Africa. Features designers such as Jewel by Lisa, Tiffany Amber, SUNO NY, Oliberte, NKWO, Loin Cloth and Ashes, Chichia London as well as ethical manufacturers such as Mantisworld and Kibotrade. Provides a contemporary, informative and visual overview of the African fashion and textiles industry with an ethical perspective