| 1833 - 324 pages
...responsum primus dédit ille petenti : «Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri; summittite tauros. » MELIBOEDS. Fortunate senex, ergo tua rura manebunt! Et tibi magna satis, quamvis lapis omuia nudus Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco. Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula , fêtas Née... | |
 | George Daniel - 1835 - 366 pages
...bellows me to death, No rank unwholesome vapours stop my breath. Happy old Man ! here, in my country box, Fortunate Senex, ergo tua rura manebunt : Et tibi magna satis ; quamvis lapis omnia nudus, And fruitful fields, I learn the price of stocks, As from my woodbine arbour, green and gay, (The Hampstead... | |
 | George Daniel - English literature - 1835 - 376 pages
...me to death, No rank unwholesome vapours stop my breath. Happy old Man ! here, in my country box, * Fortunate Senex, ergo tua rura manebunt : Et tibi magna satis ; quamvis lapis omnia nudus, &c. And fruitful fields, I learn the price of stocks, As from my woodbine arbour, green and gay, (The... | |
 | Virgil - 1836 - 638 pages
...mihi responsum primus dedit ille petenti : Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri : submittite tauros. MEL. Fortunate senex ! ergo tua rura manebunt : Et tibi magna satis : quamvis lapis omuia nudus, Lknmoque palus obducat pascua junco Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula ftetas, Nee mala... | |
 | Virgile - Pastoral poetry, Latin - 1838 - 522 pages
...pctenti : Pascite, utante, boves, pucri, eubinittite tauros45 M. Fortunate senex, ergo tua гига manebunt? Et tibi magna satis! quamvis lapis omnia nudus Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco. Non iusucta graves tentabunt pabula foetas, Ncc mala vicini pecoris contagia laedent. 5o Fortúnate senex,... | |
 | Henry Reeve - Painters - 1838 - 72 pages
...Artist loved thy sternly saddened air, But never human image placed he there. ALBERT CUYP. Ergo tua nira manebunt Et tibi magna satis ; quamvis lapis omnia nudus, Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco. Virgil. THE moisten'd lowlands, delicately clear, Through the thin haze and morning gleam appear ;... | |
 | Virgil - Didactic poetry, Latin - 1839 - 870 pages
...mihi responsum primus dédit ille petenti : Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri ; submittite tauros. MIL. Fortunate senex ! ergo tua rura manebunt, Et tibi...omnia nudus Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco. 50 Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula fœtas ; Née mala vicini pecoris contagia Isedent. Fortunate... | |
 | Virgil - 1842 - 616 pages
...responsum primus dedit ille petenti : 45 " Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri ; submittite tauros." MELIBŒUS. Fortunate senex ! ergo tua rura manebunt ! Et tibi...junco. Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula fœtas, 50 Nec mala vicini pecoris contagia laedent. Fortunate senex ! hîc, inter flumina nota Et fontes sacros,... | |
 | Virgil - 1842 - 614 pages
...responsum primus dedit ille petenti : 45 " Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri ; submittite tauros." MELIBŒUS. Fortunate senex ! ergo tua rura manebunt ! Et tibi...omnia nudus Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco. Nec mala viciai pecoris contagia laedent. Fortunate senex ! hîc, inter flu mina nota Et fontes sacros,... | |
 | Virgil - 1844 - 474 pages
...Hic mihi responsum primus dédit ule petenti : pascite ut ante boves, pueri; .submittite lauros. ME. Fortunate senex, ergo tua rura manebunt ! et tibi magna satis; quamvis lapis omnia nudus Non insueta graves tenlabunt pabula fêtas , 50 née mala vicini pecoris contagia laedent. Fortunate... | |
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