| John Patrick Prendergast - History - 1870 - 626 pages
...Ysgafell, Author of a Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Trice, and Editor of his Literary Kemains. 8vo. 14*. Lectures on the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Ids. The History of the Life and Times of Edward... | |
| Christian Carl J. freiherr von Bunsen - 1870 - 466 pages
...Ysgafell, Author of a Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Price, and Editor of his Literary Remains. 8vo. 14s. Lectures on the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. 15s. The History of the Life and Times of Edward... | |
| Michael Faraday, Bence Jones - Physicists - 1870 - 546 pages
...Hours of a Tourist. By HEKMAX MKKIVALE, MA 8vo. 12s. 6rf. NEW WORKS ruRLisHKi) BT LONGMANS AND CO. Lectures on the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. 'By WiiAiAM LONO- ' MAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8»o. 15* • The History of the Life and Times of... | |
| James Mill - Ethics - 1870 - 478 pages
...Leisure Hours of a Tourist. Bv HERMAN MKRIVALE, MA 8vo. 12s. 6d" NEW WORKS FUBLISHBU BY LONGMANS AND CO. Lectures on the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With Maps imd Illustrations. 8vo. 15s. The History of the Life and Times of Edward... | |
| Neil Arnott - Education - 1870 - 84 pages
...Ysgafell, Author of a Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Price, and Editor of his Literary Remains. 8vo. 14s. LECTURES on the HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. 15s. The HISTORY of the LIFE and TIMES of EDWARD... | |
| John Nicholas Murphy - Ireland - 1870 - 548 pages
...Ysgafell, Author of a Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Price, and Editor of his Literary Remains. 8vo. 14». Lectures on the History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LosoMAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. lo». The History of the Life and Times of Edward... | |
| Eduard Zeller - History - 1870 - 620 pages
...being a History of their Fellow-work. By Рпшжшс SÍEBOHM. Second Edition, enlarged. 8vo. HJ. LECTURES on the HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LOXGMAX, FSA With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Ш. The HISTORY of the LIFE and TIMES of EDWARD... | |
| John Richard Andrews (barrister.) - 1870 - 482 pages
...Leisure Hours of a Tourist. By HERMAN MEBIVALE, MA 8vo. 12.. Gd. NEW WORKS piRLiaHKU RY LONGMANS ANI. CO. Lectures on the History of .England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM Lox<>MAN. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. 15». The History of the Life and Times of Edward... | |
| Plutarch - 1870 - 540 pages
...More ; being a History of their Fellow-work. By FBBDEBIC SEEBOHX. Second Edition, enlarged. Svo. Us. LECTURES on the HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the earliest Times to the Death of King Edward II. By WILLIAM LONGMAN. With Haps and Illustrations. Svo. 15s. The HISTORY of the LIFE and TIMES of EDWABD... | |
| James Anthony Froude - Great Britain - 1870 - 658 pages
...Ysgafell, Author of a Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Price, and Editor of his Literary Remains. Svo. 14*. LECTURES on the HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the earliest Times to the Death of King Edward IL By WILLIAM LOSGMAS. With JIip» and Illustrations. Svo. 15*. The HISTORY of the LITE and TIMES of... | |
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