| Conway Morel (pseud. [i.e. Charles Zachary Macaulay.]) - Conscience - 1871 - 358 pages
...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HBRSCHBL, Bart. MA Tenth Edition, revised; with OPlates and many Woodcuts. 870.18s. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RicHARD A. PEOCTOR, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (1 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown 8vo. Hi. OTHER... | |
| Eliza Meteyard - Photography - 1871 - 476 pages
...RA PROCTOR, BAFRAs second Edition, revised and enlarged; with 14 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. Ws. 6d. The Sun ; Ruler, Light, Fire, and Life of the Planetary system. By RICHARD A. PROCTOR, BAFRAs With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 14s. Saturn... | |
| James J. Murphy - Sermons, English - 1871 - 388 pages
...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HEESCHEL, Bart. Eleventh Edition, with Plates and Woodcuts. Square crowu Svo. 12s. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By BICHARD A. PEOCTOE, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown Svo. 14». OTHER... | |
| Anna Eliza Bray - 1871 - 280 pages
...ASTEONOMY. By Sir JFW HEKSCHEL, Bart. Eleventh Edition, withPlates and Woodcuts. Square crown Svo. 12s. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RICHARD A. PROCTOR, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown Svo. 14*. OTHER... | |
| Bence Jones - Davy, Humphry, Sir - 1871 - 486 pages
...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HEESCKEL, Bart. Eleventh Edition, with Plates and Woodcuts. Square crown Svo. 12s. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RICHAHD A. PBOCTOB, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown Svo. it*. OTHER... | |
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...RA PROCTOR, BAFRAS Second Edition, revised and enlarged; with 14 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 10s. Gd. The Sun; Ruler, Light, Fire, and Life of the Planetary System. By the same Author. With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price 14s. Saturn and its... | |
| William Stewart Trench - Land tenure - 1871 - 408 pages
...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HBRSOHBL, Bart. MA Tenth Edition, revised; with 9 Plates and many Woodcuts. 8vo. 18s. The SUN; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RICHAED A. PEOCTOE, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown 8vo. 14«. OTHER... | |
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...edited, with Notes, by W. HL-OGINS, LL.DFRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. 8vo. 28». The Sun ; Ruler, Light, Fire, and Life of the Planetary System. By RICHARD A.PROCTOR,BAFRAS Second Edition; with 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. price... | |
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...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HEESOHEL, Bart. MA Tenth Edition, revised ; with 9 Plates and many Woodcuts. 8vo.l8*. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RICHARD A. PEOCTOB, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown 8vo. 14t. OTHER... | |
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...ASTRONOMY. By Sir JFW HEESCHEL, Bart. MA Tenth Edition, revised; with 9Plates and many Woodcuts. 8vo.l8s. The SUN ; RULER, LIGHT, FIRE, and LIFE of the PLANETARY SYSTEM. By RICHARD A. PEOCTOE, BAFRAS With 10 Plates (7 coloured) and 107 Figures on Wood. Crown 8vo. 14s. OTHER... | |
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