Hanc olim veteres vitam coluere Sabini, hanc Remus et frater, sic fortis Etruria crevit scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces. Les Géorgiques de Virgile - Page 160by Virgil - 1811 - 346 pagesFull view - About this book
| Sabine MacCormack - Literary Criticism - 2023 - 298 pages
...time, men had not yet heard the trumpet blown, not listened to the sword blade clanking on the anvil. hanc olim veteres vitam coluere Sabini, hanc Remus...una sibi muro circumdedit arces. ante etiam sceptrum Dictaei regis et ante impia quam caesis gens est epulata iuvencis, aureus hanc vitam in terris Saturnus... | |
| Philip R. Hardie - Literary Criticism - 1999 - 366 pages
...Geschichte betrachtete, auf das Bauerntum gelenkt. Die beiden Verse, die der Majestät Roms gelten: (534) scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces - sie machen die zweite Hälfte der Gruppe von vier Versen aus, die soeben betrachtet worden ist -... | |
| Llewelyn Morgan - History - 1999 - 284 pages
...'rater (533), and as the manner in which Etruria and Rome grew great. The reference to Rome (534-5), scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, \ septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces, clearly has strong ktistic overtones. Line 534 might in fact mean 'Rome was made the finest thing on... | |
| Niall Rudd - History - 2005 - 232 pages
...(532ff. ) : hanc olim ueteres uitam coluere Sabini, hanc Remus et frater; sic fortis Etruria creuit scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces. Such was the life once lived by the Sabines of old, and by Remus and his brother; this surely was how... | |
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