The choler, melancholy, phlegm, and blood, By reason that they flow continually In some one part, and are not continent, Receive the name of humours. Now thus far It may, by metaphor, apply itself Unto the general disposition: As when some one peculiar... Original memoranda,etc - Page 493by Robert Southey - 1850Full view - About this book
 | Thomas Babington baron Macaulay - 1866 - 730 pages
...Jonson called humours. The words of Ben are so much to the purpose that we will quote them : • " When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw All his affects, his spirits, and his powers, In their confluxions all to run one way, This may bo truly said... | |
 | Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1866 - 540 pages
...use.... You, that have so grac'd monsters, may like men. (Every man in his Itumour, Prologue.) 1 . When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw Ail his afîects, his spirits and his powers, In their conductions, ail to run one way, This may be... | |
 | Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - German literature - 1866 - 796 pages
...possess a Han, that it doth draw All his affects, his spiriU, and his powers, In their constructions, all to run one way, This may be truly said to be a humour. But that a rook by wearing a py'd feather, The cable hatband, or the three-pil'd ruff, A yard of shoe-tye,... | |
 | Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - German literature - 1867 - 1080 pages
...Ш11^Ьгаиф, al» ben еЦспШфеп Sinn beffelben, bcmertt er in folgenbec Stelle fclbft: JLS when some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a Man , that it doth draw All his alTects, his spirits, and his powers. In their construction», all to run one way. This may be truly... | |
 | Karl Julius Weber - German essays - 1868 - 1404 pages
...anljaltenbe, jur Sftatur geworbene (Sonberbarlett auftritt, ift ber »abre фшпог SBen ^obnfonê : As when some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw AH his affects, his spirits, and his powers In their constructions all to run one way, This may be... | |
 | Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1869 - 778 pages
...biefcn ïllifiliïrtu^ , aU ken eigentlt^en 6iim beffelten, betnerlt cr in fclgenber Stele fclbft: As when some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a Man, that it doth draw All his alfects, his spirits, and his powers, In their constructions, all to run ono war, This may be truly... | |
 | Hippolyte Taine - English literature - 1871 - 556 pages
...grac'd monsters, may like men.' * Men, as we see them in the streets, with their whims and humours — ' When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw All his affects, his spirits, and his powers • In their confluxions, all to run one way, This may be truly... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1890 - 478 pages
...define it; from 'humour "the meaning maybe presumably extended to ' humorous." Asper says to Mitis, ' When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw All his affects, his spirits, and his powers, In their conductions, all to run one way, This may be truly said... | |
 | Hippolyte Adolphe Taine - 1871 - 556 pages
...monsters, may like men. ' * Men, as we see them in the streets, with their whims and humours — ' When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw All his affects, his spirits, and his powers In their confluxions, all to run one way, This may be truly said... | |
 | 1871 - 884 pages
...thoughts and to which all else must yield ; we may call it a humor precisely in Ben Jonson's sense : " When some one peculiar quality Doth so possess a man that it doth draw AH his effects, his spirits, and his powers In their confluxions, all to run one way. This may be truly... | |
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