Who deserves greatness Deserves your hate ; and your affections are A sick man's appetite, who desires most that Which would increase his evil. He that depends Upon your favours swims with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rushes. Hang ye ! Trust... The Plays of William Shakspeare ... - Page 348by William Shakespeare - 1785Full view - About this book
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 510 pages
...your hate ; and your affeftions are A fick man's appetite, who defires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He, that depends Upon your favours, fwims...truft ye! With every minute you do change a mind, printed in 1595, we find the word fpelt at it ought. And it wii * term familiar both with authors prior... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 440 pages
...your Hate; and your affeclions are A lick man's.appetite, who defires mofl That Which would encreafe his evil. He, that depends Upon your favours, fwims with fins of lead, With every minute you do change a mind, And call him noble, that was now your hate; Him vile, that... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1772 - 378 pages
...hate; and your affeilions are f_nefs, A fick man's appetite, who dcfires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He that depends Upon your favours, fwims...do change a mind, And call him noble that was now jour hate; Him vile that was your garland. What's the matter, That in the feveral places of the city... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 512 pages
...your hate ; and your affeftions are A fick man's appetite, who defires molt that Which would increafe his evil. He, that depends Upon your favours, fwims...And hews down oaks with rufhes. Hang ye— truft ye !' Withievery minute you do change a mind, printed in 1595, we find the word fpelt as it ought. And... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 482 pages
...your hate : and your affections are A fick man's appetite, who defires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He, that depends Upon your favours, fwims with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rulhes. Hang ye ! truft ye ? With every minute you do change a mind ; And call him noble, that was... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1780 - 288 pages
...your hate ; and your affections are A fick man's appetite, who defires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He that depends Upon your favours, fwims...minute you do change a mind, And call him noble, that wağ now your hate ; Him vile, that was your garland. . SCENE V. Aufidius'i Hatred to Coriolanus. Nor... | |
 | Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 pages
...your hate : and your affectious are A fick man's appetite, who defires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He that depends Upon your favours, fwims...with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rufhes. Coriolanus, A. i> S. i. Things fmall as nothing, for requefts fake only, He makes important : pofleft... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1790 - 694 pages
...coft R. Hi. — Whoever the king favours, the Cardinal inftantly will find employment Henry viii. — He that depends upon your favours, fwims with fins of lead, and hews down oaks with nifties ... Cerictanui. — Your favour is well appear'd by your tongue - - UiJ. — That by no means... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1790 - 614 pages
...affeftions are A fick. man's appetite, who defircs moft that Which would increafe his evil. He that depend* Upon your favours, fwims with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rufhcs. Hang ye ! Trnft ye ? With every minute you do change a mind ; And call him noble, that was... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1795 - 412 pages
...your hate ; and your affeftions are A lick man's appetite, who defires moft that Which would increafe his evil. He that depends Upon your favours, fwims...And hews down oaks with rufhes. Hang ye— truft ye 1 With every minute you do change a mind, And call him noble that was now your hate ; Him vile that... | |
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