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" Sleep, O gentle Sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down. And steep my senses in forgetfulness... "
Glasgow University Calendar - Page 282
by University of Glasgow - 1883
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A Course of Lectures on Oratory and Criticism

Joseph Priestley - Criticism - 1777 - 348 pages
...many thoufands of my pooreft fubjecls Are at this hour afleep ! Oh gentle Sleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ! Why rather, Sleep, lieft thou in fmoaky huts, Upon uneafy pallets...
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A View of Society and Manners in Italy: With Anecdotes Relating to ..., Volume 2

John Moore - Character sketches - 1781 - 542 pages
...Sleep, into the mouth of this monarch : . O Sleep ! O gentle Sleep! Nature's foft nurfe, how have 1 frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ? Why rather, Sleep, lieft thou in fmoky cribs, Upon uneafy pallets...
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Stockdale's edition of Shakespeare, with explanatory notes

William Shakespeare - 1784 - 1118 pages
...of my pooreft fubjecls Are at this hourafleep !— О deep, О gentle fleep. Nature's foft nurt'e, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down; And fteep my fenfes in forgelfulnefs .' < Meaning, thou ¡nexhauftible magazioc of ullowt I « 4 Why Why...
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Select lessons in prose and verse, from various authors, to which are added ...

Select lessons - 1785 - 156 pages
...many Thoufands of my pooreft Subje&s Are at this Hour afleep ! O gentle Sleep ! Nature's loft Nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my Eye-lids down. And fteep my Senfes in forg.-tfulnels ? Why rather, Sieep, lyefl thou in finoaky Huts, Upon uneaiy Pallets...
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The Speaker: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, Selected from the Best English ...

William Enfield - Elocution - 1785 - 460 pages
...many thoufands of my pooreft fubjefts Are at this hour afleep ! O gentle Sleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ! Why rather, Sleep, lay'ft thou in fmoaky cribs, Upon uneafy pallets...
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The Dramatic Works: Of Shakespeare, in Six Volumes; with Notes by Joseph ...

William Shakespeare - 1789 - 712 pages
...thoufand of my pooreft fubje&s Are at this hour aflcep ! — O fleep, O gentle fleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down, And deep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ? Why rather, fleep, ly'ft thou in fmoky cribs, Upon uneafy pallets...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 pages
...lies the head that wears a crown. Henry IV. P. 2, A. 3, S. i. O gentle fleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ? Henry IV. P. 2, A. 3, S. i. Why rather, fleep, ly'ft thou in fmoky...
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Prolusiones poeticæ; or, A selection of poetical exercises, in Greek, Latin ...

Prolusiones - 1788 - 210 pages
...many thoufands of my pooreft fubjefts Are at this hour afleep ! O gentle Sleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ! Why rather, Sleep, ly'ft thou in fmoaky cribs, Upon uneafy pallets...
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A View of Society and Manners in Italy: With Anecdotes Relating to ..., Volume 2

John Moore - Italy - 1790 - 536 pages
...Addrefs to Sleep, into the mouth of this monarch : . O Sleep ! O gentle Sleep ! Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down, * And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ? Why rather, Sleep, Heft thou in fmoky cribs, Upon uneafy pallats...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 626 pages
...thoufand of my pooreft fnbjefts Are at this hour afleep ! — O deep, O gentle fleep, Nature's foft nurfe, how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eye-lids down, And fteep my fenfes in forgetfulnefs ? Why rather, fleep, ly'ft thou in fmoky cribs, Upon uneafy pallets...
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