AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF JAMES BEATTIE, LL.D. LATE PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC IN OF ABERdeen. INCLUDING MANY OF HIS ORIGINAL LETTERS. IN THREE VOLUMES. BY SIR WILLIAM FORBES OF PITSLIGO, BART. ONE OF THE EXECUTORS OF DR BEATTIE. SECOND EDITION. VOL. III. Mihi quidem quanquam est ereptus, vivit tamen, semperque vivet. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR ARCH. CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, 1807. THE LIFE OF JAMES BEATTIE, LL.D. SECTION III.-CONTINUED. THE following letter relates to a plan which had been formed by some of Dr Beattie's friends here, of publishing the prose-works of Addison in a separate collection. The admirers of that eminent moralist, and truly classical writer, had long lamented, that, in order to be gratified with a perusal of his excellent compositions, they were forced to look for them in scattered parts, and in separate volumes. There is, indeed, a magnificent edition, in quarto, by Baskerville, of the writings of Addison; but that book contains not only his prose but his poetical pieces, which are |