BRITISH DIVINES. VOL. VIII. Nos. XVIII. XIX. AND XX. CONTAINING FLAVEL'S SAINT INDEED, TOUCHSTONE OF SINCERITY, DIVINE CONDUCT, BALM OF THE COVENANT, TOKEN FOR MOURNERS. EDITED BY THE REV. C. BRADLEY F LONDON: Printed by A.J. Valpy, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. Sold by Longman and Co., Baldwin and Co., Rivington and Co., Hamilton, Whittaker and Co., Simpkin and Co., Hatchard and Son, Warren, G. Wilson, London; Parker, and Vincent, Oxford; Barret, Cambridge; Macredie and Co., Edinburgh; Cumming, Dublin; and all other Booksellers. TOUCHSTONE OF SINCERITY, DIVINE CONDUCT, BALM OF THE COVENANT, TOKEN FOR MOURNERS. NY THE REV. JOHN FLAVEL. ABRIDGED BY THE REV. C. BRADLEY. F LONDON: Printed by A. J. Valpy, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. fold by Longman and Co., Baldwin and Co., Rivington and Co., and all other Booksellers. A SAINT INDEED; OR, THE GREAT WORK OF A CHRISTIAN, OPENED AND PRESSED, IN A TREATISE ON KEEPING THE HEART. THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. To my dearly beloved and longed for, the Flock of Jesus Christ in Dartmouth, over whom the Holy Ghost hath made me an Overseer; sound judgment, true zeal, and unstained purity, are heartily wished, MY DEAR FRIENDS, THERE are three sad sights with which our eyes should continually affect our hearts. The first is, to behold in every place so many profane and dissolute ones, who bear the very image of Satan; the face of whose conversation plainly discovers what they are, and whither they are going; Philip. iii. 18. These look like themselves, the children of wrath. The second is, to see so many cursed hypocrites artificially disguising themselves, and with marvellous dexterity acting the parts of saints, so that even a judicious eye may sometimes mistake the workings of the Spirit on them, for his saving workings on others. To hear such a person conferring, praying, bewailing his corruptions, and talking of his experiences, would easily persuade a man to believe that he has the heart, as well as the face, of a sincere Christian; for "Sic oculos, sic ille manus, sic ora ferebat;" so the people of God Div. No. XVIII. A |