POETARUM ROMANORUM: OR, THE Moft Beautiful and Inftructive PASSAGES OF THE ROMAN POETS. BEING A COLLECTION, (Disposed under proper HEADS,) Of fuch DESCRIPTIONS, ALLUSIONS, COMPARISONS, CHARACTERS, and WITH TRANSLATIONS of the fame in By Mr. HENRY BAK E R. VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for D. MIDWINTER, A. BETTESWORTH and C. HITCH, TO THE Right Honourable THOMAS Earl of HADINTON. My LORD, T HE Work I have now the Honour to present your Lordfhip, will, I hope, be of Service to you in the Progrefs of your Studies, and prove an agreeable Relaxation from the more laborious and less entertaining Parts of Learning, while at the fame Time it fupplies the Mind with Stores of useful Knowledge. The Romans excelled all Mankind in po lite Literature no less than they did in A 2 Arms, |