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Fidelity and Casualty Company,


214 and 216 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

Cash Capital, $250,000, invested in U.S. Gov't Bonds. $200,000 deposited with the N. Y. Ins. Dep't for the protection of Policy-holders, ASSETS, JANUARY 1st, 1885, $512,026.11.

Fidelity Guarantee and Accident Insurance.



Vol. XIV.


Portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

Washington in March and April 1861.

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ILLUSTRATIONS: The Charleston Mercury Proclaiming the Dissolution of the Union-Portrait of
William H. Seward-Portrait of Gideon Welles-The Virginia Ordinance of Secession-Portrait of
Simon Cameron-Portrait of Edwin M. Stanton.

Beginnings of the Civil War in America. GENERAL THOMAS JORDAN, C.S.A.
Military Affairs of New York State in 1861. Some Experiences and Impressions. I.
Seizure and Occupation of Fort Pulaski. COLONEL CHARLES C. JONES, Jr., LL.D.
March of the New York Seventh Regiment. The Great Uprising in New York City
in 1861. .
ILLUSTRATIONS: Burning of Fort Sumter, from a photograph at the time-Portrait of Colonel Mar-
shall Lefferts-March of the Seventh Regiment down Broadway, engraved for the Magazine from, the
original by Thomas Nast--Portrait of Colonel Emmons Clark.
The Seventh Regiment at the Capitol in 1861. "The Daylight Contingent."
ILLUSTRATIONS: Copy of Testimonial from the Union Defence Committee-Copy of Letter from
Prosper M. Wetmore-Scene in the Marble Room of the Capitol, from a photograph-The Seventh
Regiment camping in the Hall of Representatives, from a photograph.
Wall Street in the Civil War.

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Original Documents.-Interesting Unpublished Letters from Major-General Philipse to
Major-General Heath in 1777 and 1778.
Minor Topics.-Griffis' Commodore Perry, An Erroneous Idea Corrected, by P. S. P.
Conner-President Buchanan, a Bit of Secret History Unfolded, by Hon. Horatio King.
Notes.-An American Princess - Reinforcement of Fort Sumter in 1861-Continental
Uniforms-History-Dates of Secession of the Southern States-The Laws of Virginia-
A Dinner with President Buchanan.
Queries. Cool as a Cucumber-First American Edition of Burns-The Sword of Uncas.
Replies.-O. K.-Patrick Henry-First State Charter-Moon Curser-Match Coats.
Societies.-Catholic Historical Society-New York Genealogical and Biographical Society-
Nebraska University Historical Association-Rhode Island Historical Society-New
Jersey Historical Society.
Contributions to the Bibliography of Historical Societies in America. I
Book Notices.-The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky, by Webb-History of the
Manufacture of Iron in all Ages, by Swank-Letters from Hell, with Preface by
McDonald-Louis Pastern, translated by Lady Hamilton-The Russian Revolt, by
Noble-Paradise Found, by Dr. Warren-Voltaire's Romances-Bermuda, by Julia C.
Dorr-American Languages, by Dr. Brinton.

Advertisements-Books, Schools, etc., 1 to 8-Periodicals and Miscellaneous, 9 to 22.

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BINDING THE MAGAZINE of American HISTORY.-We can furnish Covers for Binding in dark green levant cloth, for 50 cents; sent by mail, post-paid. Back numbers exchanged, if in good condition, for bound volume in cloth (as above), $1.00; in half Turkey Morocco for $2.00-subscribers paying charges both ways. TERMS:- $5.00 a year, in advance; 50 cents a number.

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In accordance with its promise, the MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY presents to its readers in the current July issue-the initial number of the new volume XIV.— the introductory chapters to its series of


Consisting of seven brilliantly written, informing, and intensely interesting papers on the events beginning with the opening of hostilities and the first great uprising throughout the land in 1861.

Lieut.-General Charles P. Stone, late chief of the general staff of the Khedive in Egypt, who was Inspector-General of the District of Columbia at the time, writes a graphic and forcible sketch of the condition of "Washington in March and April, 1861," presenting many fresh facts and incidents of surpassing moment. His paper is illustrated with the portraits of President Lincoln and several members of his Cabinet, and with copies of the Charleston. Mercury proclaiming the DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION and the Virginia Ordinance of SECESSION.

General Thomas Jordan, C.S.A., the well-known Confederate General, writes a terse, readable, and critical paper on the "Beginnings of the Civil War in America" from the Southern standpoint, unfolding much that belongs to the truth of history, and, as he says, *much that will be found running counter to the present general opinion in the South as well as in the North and West." A second paper from the same distinguished pen will appear in the August number of this Magazine, with pertinent illustrations.

General Meredith Read, the Adjutant-General of the State of New York in 1861, contributes an exceptionally notable and stirring account of State military affairs at that period, with glimpses from behind the scenes, under the title of "Some Experiences and Impressions," which throw a flood of light upon many half-forgotten events of great importance to the country at large. He will also contribute a second valuable paper to the August Magazine touching upon the organization of the New York arm of the Union Army.

Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D., C.S.A., Chief of Artillery of the Confederate Department of Georgia and the Third Military District of South Carolina, the eminent Georgia scholar and historian, writes of the "Seizure and Reduction of Fort Pulaski," an admirably condensed and interesting chapter in the early history of the struggle. The reader may anticipate further contributions from this accomplished author.

"The March of the Seventh Regiment" and the “Great Uprising in New York City in 1861," forms, as told by the Editor, a vivid picture of sights, scenes and events, which to the present generation will hardly seem among the possibilities. Striking illustrations of Fort Sumter on fire, from a photograph made at the time, and of the march of the Seventh Regiment down Broadway, from the original painting by Thomast Nast, together with portraits of two of the commanders of the regiment, will attract wide attention.

Brig.-General Egbert L. Viele writes a spirited account of "The Seventh Regiment at the Capital," and " The Daylight Contingent." The Daylight was a small vessel chartered by friends of the Seventh Regiment in New York, and the "Contingent" was a detachment of two hundred members of the regiment led by General, then Captain, Vielé, of Col. Lefferts' staff, and was the first military body to open the passage and pass to the City of Washington by the Potomac River. The scene in the Hall of Representatives, while used by the Seventh Regiment as a temporary "camping ground," is cleverly represented in a picture made from a photograph-and the entertaining article is further illustrated.

George Rutledge Gibson, the great-grandson of Edward Rutledge one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, contributes a strong and substantial article, of some twelve or more pages, entitled "Wall Street in the Civil War," which is a carefully prepared and comprehensive study of the financial aspects of the conflict.

The future numbers of the Magazine will contain each month from two to four ably

written articles on the CIVIL WAR, tracing the civil and political incidents and influences, as well as the military operations that destroyed African slavery in America, and preserved the National Government of the foremost Republic, and one of the most prominent nations of the world. It would occupy too much space to furnish a complete list of the names of all the writers of prominence and distinguished participants in the exciting scenes of the war period who will contribute from time to time to these


It is enough to say that new sources of information will be opened to the reading public, fresh and unexpected material unfolded, and many movements and events explained which hitherto have been subjects of speculation only-buried, as it were, in sealed volumes. The MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY holds the key, and now that everybody is interested in learning the truth of history in relation to a contest so memorable for the magnitude of its issues and the sacrifices of blood and treasure involved, it cannot be recreant to its duty as the leading historical publication of America.

It will dwell upon the preliminaries of the strife and upon early events and incidents in every quarter of the country-Chicago, Cincinnati, Richmond, Charleston, Baltimore, and other centers of agitation-the chapters accurately portrayed by eye-witnesses forming important features of the thrilling story of the whole to be placed upon permanent record. To the larger half of the reading community, these graphic and instructive


will furnish a continuous narrative of fresh intelligence, more wonderful than was the Arabian Nights Entertainment to our revered ancestors, and of surpassing value hereafter as contemporaneous evidence for the future historian.

In this important work, however, the Magazine will not lose sight for an instant of its original purpose and general scope. The literature, antiquities and curiosities of history will continue to add to its storehouse of priceless material, and delight all readers of intelligence, whether old or young. Only a portion of the Magazine will be occupied in subsequent issues with the incomparable


which it is about to publish. Articles on other topics of exceptional interest will soon appear from such writers as Hon. James W. Gerard, George H. Moore, LL. D., of the Lenox Library, Mr. E. H. Goss, who writes eloquently of Paul Revere, etc., etc.; an illustrated paper on the "Van Cortlandt Manor of New York;" and a study of "John Breckinridge--a Democrat of the old regime"-are among the varied contributions that will add to the attractions of Volume XIV.

THE CHILLICOTHE LEADER says: "This Magazine will grace the table of any scholar in America. It has become one of the most valuable and attractive monthly publications now issued by the press of America."

THE BOSTON GLOBE comments upon the series of WAR STUDIES with which the Magazine of American History opens its Volume XIV., as "a work which belongs to the recognized position of this publication among students of history, and which, none need be promised, will be performed with the greatest accuracy and reliability. It will give a character to historical writings concerning the late war that such productions have not yet secured in any magazine. The War Studies begin in the next (July) number, and should be welcomed by thousands of readers."

THE BUFFALO COURIER says: "As the distinct purpose of the Magazine in existing is to preserve the memorials of American history, it is a more fitting medium for the publication of records of the civil war than any periodical treating of miscellaneous topics."

Subscriptions may begin at any time, and all booksellers and newsdealers receive them, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers. Price, 50 cents a copy; or $5.00 a year in advance.

There are two handsome volumes in each year, beginning with January and July. The price of the bound volume is $3.50 for each half year, in dark green levant cloth, and $4.50 if bound in half morocco.



30 Lafayette Place, New York City.

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