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o be pronounced: ܚ

the degrees of it. dye gave me meat ave me drink-name-I was fick -in prifon and ye Not that we are to ce, as if any other ca hould then be overece All-feeing Judge, ale to us, that a chaevcicht pofition is fo g a part of a man's 1 couliderable test by cie Fame and temper of sect all other virtues voy nie and fall, and To be coccagcted.— 4 compafionate

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"mit adultery-that he will not kill"that he will not fteal-that he will "not bear falfe witnefs." That is, the forrows which are ftirred up in men's hearts by fuch trefpaffes, are fo tenderly felt by a compaffionate man, that it is not in his power or his nature to commit them.

So that well might he conclude, that charity, by which he means, the love to your neighbour, was the end of the commandment, and that whofoever fulfilled it, had fulfilled the law.

Now to God, &c. Amen.


Self - Knowledge.

2 SAMUEL XII. 7. Ift part.

And Nathan faid unto David, Thou art the man.

THERE is no hiftorical paffage in fcripture, which gives a more remarkable inftance of the deceitfulness of the heart of man to itself, and of how little we truly know of ourselves, than this, wherein David is convicted out of his own mouth, and is led by the prophet to condemn and pronounce a severe judgment upon another, for an act of injustice, which he had paffed over in himself, and poffibly reconciled to his own confcience. To know one's felf, one would think could be no very difficult leffon-for who you'll fay can well be truly ignorant of himself and the true disposition of his own heart? If a

thinks at all, he cannot be a ftranto what nates there-he must be his own thoughts and dem. remember his past purtrue prings and motives have directed the ac

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