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Candidates must satisfy the Examiner in at least two parts of this paper.]

I. Translate into English:

Ein hungriger Wolf hatte ein Schaf gestohlen. Da er aber zu gierig fraß, blieb ihm ein Knochen im Halse stecken. Er bat daher den Kranich um Hilfe und versprach ihm dafür eine große Belohnung. Dieser kam, besah den Rachen und zog mit seinem langen Schnabel den Knochen heraus. Nach einiger Zeit kam der Kranich wieder und bat den Wolf um die Belohnung. Der aber schrie ihn zornig an: , Du bist ein unverschämter Gesell! Konnte ich dir nicht den Kopf abbeißen als er in meinem Schlunde steckte? Und nun verlangst du noch einen anderen Lohn?" Traurig ging der Kranich fort und dachte bei sich Selbst: Undank ist der Welt Lohn!"

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1. Render the following expressions of time into German:(i.) What o'clock is it? (ii.) It is six o'clock; (iii.) It is a quarter past seven; (iv.) It is half past eight; (v.) It is a quarter to nine; (vi.) It is five minutes to ten; (vii.) It is twelve minutes past one.

2. Write down examples with the following prepositions:an, in, vor, durch, bei, zu, wegen, ungeachtet, für, gegen.

3. Decline in full, singular and plural — solcher, folche, folches and derselbe, dieselbe, dasselbe.

4. Conjugate in full the perfect indicative of haben, sein, werden, können, mögen.

5. Write down the genitive singular and the nominative plural of the following nouns-Vogel, Adler, Graf, Mensch, Name, Meer, Student, Offizier, Palast, Haus, Land, Stadt, Schwester, Mutter, Freund, Vetter, Gebirge.

[See next page.

1. Arthur's friend is called William.


He is White's (Weiß)

2. Mary's sister is kind, but I like Olga's sister better.
3. The bravery of Alexander the Great is renowned.
4. They were not allowed to read this book.

5. May I ask you to call your father?

6. Will you tell me what time it is ?

7. Is he as old as you? No, he is not so old as I.

8. Is it warmer to-day? No, Sir, it is much colder than I expected.

9. Is the poor man weaker? No, he seems to be a little stronger.

10. Will you give me two pounds of sugar ?

11. I have seen her and you.

12. I tell you, you are wrong and he is right,

(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)


TUESDAY, September 5th-Afternoon, 5 to 6.30.


Examiner-Prof. C. F. CoSCIA.

I. Translate into English:

Mille pensieri sorgevano in tumulto nella sua mente, in tumulto si seguivano e si confondevano. Tutte le umane passioni, timore, ansietà, speranza, disperazione ed odio combattevano in lui. Mali indefiniti, incerti, ignoti parevano sospesi sul capo suo. L'uomo si sentiva perduto; non iscorgeva la via per uscir dal cattivo passo, e l'angoscia greve e costante che gli accasciava i sensi lo rendeva vieppiù incapace di prendere un ragionevole partito.

II. Grammatical Questions.

1. Quote six nouns ending in a which are masculine and are derived from the Greek.

2. Give the preterite past of uccidere, precedere, affliggere, prendere, ricorrere, giungere.

3. Form the plural of maestà, dramma, donna, arma, paracqua, analisi, specie.

4. Form the adverbs of the adjectives buono, molto, forte, fertile, cieco.

[merged small][ocr errors]

1. Honour is like the eye, which cannot endure the least impurity, without being injured (offeso); it is a precious stone, the price of which is lowered (abbassato) by the slightest flaw (dalla minima imperfezione).

2. Liberality consists less in giving much than in giving opportunely.


(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)


TUESDAY, September 5th-Evening, 5 to 6.30.


Examiner V. CARRIAS, Esq.

[Candidates must satisfy the Examiner in at least two parts of this paper.]

I. Translate into English :

Pero pasados los primeros momentos, no se puede evitar que el entendimiento se concentre, y los hombres observadores y prácticos conozcan que el espiritu de la nacion vuelve al punto de que partió despues de la grande sacudida que experimentára, por ser esta una ley del movimento de los cuerpos que tienen vida propia. Los hábitos, la historia y el caracter, formados durante sucesion de siglos, son fuerzas que gravitan; y el cuerpo social, aunque sea removido por un violento empuje hasta perder su antigua posicion, vuelve y tiende á recobrarla por la ley de gravedad, que en lo político es ley de vida, ley de conservacion. II. Grammatical Questions.

1. Give the plural of hombre alto, casa baja, empleo lucrativo, joven elegante.

2. Translate:—this man; that woman; those kings; in those days.


as ?

3. How do you express the following forms of the comparative - -more... than, less... than, as ... as, as many. 4. When is the definite article used in Spanish and not in English? Give some examp'es.

5. Write down the 2nd person singular of all the tenses of the indicative mood of the verb demostrar; and the 3rd person plural of all the tenses of the subjunctive mood of the verb herir.

III. Translate into Spanish.

Children of men, it is well known to you that you are a mortal race. Death is the law of your nature, the tribute of your being, the debt which all are bound to pay. On these terms you received life, that you should be ready to give it up when Providence calls you to make room for the others; who, in like manner, when their time is come, shall follow you. He who is unwilling to submit to death, when Heaven decrees, deserves not to have lived.


(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)


THURSDAY, September 7th-Morning, 9.30 to 11.


Examiner-Professor W. N. HARTLEY, F.R.S.E., F.C.S.

[N.B.-Equations should be employed to explain reactions.] 1. Describe the Oxides of Carbon; state how they are prepared, and give the equations representing their mode of preparation. 2. How would you distinguish between Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acid ? How may the one be converted into the other? 3. Describe the element Silicon, and its mode of preparation. 4. Describe any experiment by which Water may be prepared from its elements, and its composition accurately determined.

5. Which Salt would yield the larger quantity of Oxygen, Potassic Chlorate or Sodic Chlorate? Give reasons for your answer. (K 39, Na 23, 0=16, C1 = 35.5.)


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