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Second Class.-Thomson and Tait's Elementary Treatise on
Natural Philosophy; Maxwell or Balfour Stewart on Heat;
Donkin on Sound; Central Forces.

The subject of special course on Mathematical Physics for
session of attendance.

Portions of Tait's Thermo-dynamics, or of Thomson's Elec-
trical Papers to be professed.

First Class-In addition, Portions of Thomson and Tait's
Natural Philosophy (large work) to be professed; also, either
Fourier's Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur, or the Mathematical
theory of one of the following subjects, Electricity, Magnetism,
Light, Sound, Elasticity of Solids.

For undulatory Theory of Light, Jamin, Cours de Phys.,
Vol. III, Part II, and Airy recommended.

Morphology, Physiology, and Taxonomy.

General Principles. Physical Chemistry.

Text-Books recommended-Miller's Elements, 3 vols.; Roscoe
and Schorlemmer's Treatise; Schorlemmer's Carbon Compounds;
Armstrong's Organic Chemistry.

Green's Geology, vol. I., with Lyell's Student's Manual; Dana's
Manual of Geology; Young's Physical Geography.

Huxley's Manuals of the Invertebrata and Vertebrata.
Macalister's Animal Morphology.

Mivart's Comparative Anatomy.

N.B.-Candidates may be examined in the last four subjects by the aid of Specimens.


In 1880 the University Court, after communication with the Senate and the General Council, and with the sanction of the Chancellor, instituted a certificate conferring the title of “Literate in Arts."

The following are the Regulations for granting this certificate :— 1. The Certificate of Literate in Arts is open to all persons who have been public students in the Faculty of Arts for not less than two Sessions, and who during that time have given attendance at not less than five of the classes included in the course of study for the M.A. Degree.

2. No student is permitted, with a view to the Certificate of Literate in Arts, to reckon attendance on more than two of the classes included in any one of the three departments of the Arts course, i.e., Classical Literature, Mental Philosophy, and Mathematics.

3. The examination for the Certificate may be taken at one, two, or three periods, at the option of the candidate, and either in April or in October; but in no case can the examinations included in any one department be separated from each other. Candidates presenting more than one subject included in one department must pass in both at the same time.

4. The examinations and standard of proficiency required for the said certificate are, in respect of the classes attended, the same as those demanded in the subjects belonging to the same classes for the M.A. Degree; and the examination papers will be the same as those set in the corresponding subjects for that Degree.

5. When all the subjects are taken at one examination the fee is £2 2s.; when the examination is divided, the fee is £1 1s. for the examination in the department first taken, and £1 1s. for that taken next; but no fee paid with a view to the said Certificate shall be accepted as pro tanto payment towards the fee exigible for the M.A. Degree.

6. Not less than three of the five classes constituting the attendance required for the Certificate, and in all cases the last year of the course must have been taken in the University of Glasgow. All the examinations must be passed in this University.

7. The Certificate of Literate in Arts is not open to students whose qualifications for the Certificate are entirely of a date anterior to April, 1880.

Subjects of Examination for the Certificate of Literate in Arts.

IN LATIN.-For November, 1883, and April, 1884. Virgil, Eneid, Book XII. Horace, Odes, Book III (Nov. 1883), Book

IV (April, 1884); Epistles, Book I. Tacitus, Annals, Book I. Cicero, any oration or orations of not less than 40 chapters in all. With translation from English into Latin, and questions on Grammar, History, and Antiquities.* Moderate proficiency in Latin Prose Composition is required. For November, 1884, and April, 1885.-Virgil, Eneid, Book IX. Horace, Odes, Book III.; Satires, Book II. Tacitus, Annals, Book III., and either of the two following (a) Cicero, any oration or orations of not less than 40 chapters in all; or (b), Livy, any Book. With Composition and questions as above. A piece of unseen translation will be added.

IN GREEK.-For November, 1883, and April, 1884. Homer, Iliad or Odyssey; any continuous portion of not less than 750 lines. Sophocles, Ajax. Herodotus, Book VIII., from chapter 74 to end. Plato, Crito. Questions on Greek Grammar, Literature, History, and Antiquities. For November, 1884 and April, 1885.—Homer, as above. Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus. Herodotus, Book IX. to chap. 65. Plato, Euthyphro. Questions as above. A simple passage of unseen translation may be set.

IN LOGIC.-The Professor's Lectures, and Whately's Logic, Books II. and III.

IN MORAL PHILOSOPHY.-The subjects discussed in the Professor's Lectures; see page 49.

IN ENGLISH LITERATURE.-Lectures of the Professor.

IN MATHEMATICS.-Euclid, First Six Books. Algebra, including Quadratic Equations, Progressions, and Binominal Theorem for Positive Integers. Plane Trigonometry, as far as the Solution of Triangles by the aid of Logarithmic tables. Questions will be set in the more elementary parts of the work of the Senior Class (Trigonometry and Conic Sections), which may be taken instead of an equal number of questions on the subjects specified above.

IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.-Examination on the subjects explained in the class. On the Elements of Statics and Dynamics, with the solution of problems not requiring the Differential or Integral Calculus; Experimental Science, including Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism.

Names of Candidates to be given in to the Assistant Clerk of Senate on 1st October, 1883, or 10th March, 1884.


The subjects of the Preliminary Examinations in the different departments are as follows:

*Notice. A knowledge of the matter of the Books read is required as well as a knowledge of the text

Latin and Greek.

Easy passages to translate from Latin and Greek Authors.

Translation from English into Latin.

Simple questions in Grammar and History.


First Six Books of Euclid.

Plane Trigonometry.

Algebra, including Quadratic Equations.

[The Preliminary Examination in Latin, Greek, and Mathematics will be combined with the Examination for the Competition Bursaries.]

The attention of students is called specially to the following points :

1. The Preliminary Examinations are in every case voluntary. 2. No student can offer himself for a Preliminary Examination except when entering the University for the first time.

3. A student who passes the Preliminary Examination, in Greek and Latin, may complete the course of study required for the Degree of Master of Arts in three sessions.

4. A student who passes the Preliminary Examination in one or more departments, is entitled to enter the senior class or classes in the department or departments in which he passes, and may qualify himself for Graduation in Arts by attending such senior class or classes for one session, without attending the junior class or classes in the department or departments in which he passes.

Names of candidates to be given in to the Assistant Clerk of Senate not later than October 23rd.

At the Preliminary Examination held at the beginning of Session 1882-83, the following candidates passed :

IN LATIN.-Robert Bain, Hutchesons' Grammar School; Henry Barr, Trinity College, Glenalmond; William Brown, Burgh Academy, Dumbarton; William H. Carslaw, Glasgow Academy; Joseph L. Craig, Burgh Academy, Dumbarton; Robt. Cunningham, Glebeside School, Galston; Jas. Finlayson, Shawlands Academy; Robert Fullarton, Kilblain Academy, Greenock; Jas. Gilfillan, Glasgow Academy; Charles J. Gordon, Glasgow Academy; Charles S. Horne, Newport Grammar School, Salop; Daniel L. Hutchison, Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; William Hutchison, Greenock Academy; John Johnston, High School, Glasgow; Colin M. Macaulay, Perth Academy; Robert L. M'Kirdy, Kothesay Academy; Andrew M'Lean, Paisley Grammar School; Jas. Macmillan, High School, Glasgow; Jas. E. M'Ouat, Glasgow Academy; Peter K. Millar, South Public School, Paisley; James Muir, Darvel Public School; Robert O. Pagan, Fettes College; Alexander Paterson, High School, Glasgow; Robert T. Paterson, High School, Glasgow; John Robertson, Loretto, Musselburgh; Robert C. Robertson, Kilmarnock Academy; Gavin Russell, Hamilton Academy; Robert Scrymgeour, High School, Glasgow;

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