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spiritualities, guardian of, i. 380.
Spoliation, iii. 90.

Sponsio judicialis, iii. 452.

Springing uses, ii. 334.

Squibs, iv. 168.

Stabbing, iv. 193.
Stage-plays, iv. 167.

Stake driven through the body, iv. 190.
Stamp-duties, i. 324.

Stamping of deeds, ii. 297, app. 3, 12, 13.
Stamps, forging of, iv. 248.

Standard of coin, i. 278.

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Stultifying one's self, ii. 291.

Subjection, civil, iv. 28.
Subinfeudation, ii. 91.

Subornation of perjury, iv. 137.
Subpoena ad testificandum, iii. 369.
duces tecum, iii. 382.
in equity, iii. 445.

its original, iii. 52.
Subscription of witnesses, iii. 378.
Subscriptions, unlawful, iv. 117.
Subsequent conditions, ii. 154.
evidence, iii. 404, 454, 455.
Subsidies, ecclesiastical, i. 311.
lay, i. 308, 310, iv. 423.

on exports and imports, i. 315.
Subtraction of conjugal rights, iii. 94.
legacies, iii. 98.

rents and services, iii. 280.
tithes, iii. 88, 102.
Succession ab intestato, ii. 516.

to goods and chattels, ii. 430.
the crown, i. 197, iv. 440.
Suffrance, estate at, ii. 150.
Suffrage, who entitled to, i. 171.
Suggestion for prohibition, iii. 113.
prosecution by, iv. 309.
Suicide, iv. 189.

Suit and service, ii. 54.

at law, iii. 116.

in equity, iii. 442.

or witnesses, iii. 295, ii. app. 17.
Summary convictions, iv. 280.

Summoners, iii. 279, ii. app. 14, 17, iii. app. &


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recognizance in nature of, ii. 160, 342, iv. | Superseding commissions of bankrupt, ii. 488.

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restrained in London, i. 24.

why neglected in the universities, i. 16.

Superstitious uses, information of, iii. 428.

Supplemental bill in equity, iii. 448.

Suppletory oath, iii. 370.

Supplicavit, iv. 253.

Supplies, i. 308.

Supremacy, iv. 480.

oath of, i. 368.

refusing it, iv. 115.

Supreme magistrates, i. 146.

power, i. 49, 146.

Surcharge of common, iii. 237.

Surplus of intestates' effects, ii. 514.
Sur-rebutter, iii. 310.

Sur-rejoinder, ib.

Surrender, deed of, ii. 326.

of bankrupt, ii. 481.

copyholds, ii. 365, 368.
Surveyor of highways, i. 357.
Survivorship, ii. 183, app. 7.

of things personal, ii. 399.
Suspension of habeas corpus act, i. 186.
Sus per coll., iv. 403.

Swans, stealing of, ii. 394, iv. 236.
Swearing, profane, iv. 59.

the peace, iv. 255.
Sweinmote, court of, iii. 72.
Sycophants, iv. 236*.
Syngrapha, ii. 296
Synods, i. 279.

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Tippling, iv. 64.
Tithes, i. 388, ii. 24.

cognizable in equity, iii. 437.
of forest land, iii. 48.

original distribution of, i. 384.
subtraction of, iii. 88, 102.
Tithing, i. 115, iv. 411.
Tithingman, i. 115, 356.

Title of acts of parliament, i. 183.
to lands, ii. 195.

pretended, selling or buying, iv. 136.
the crown, i. 190.

things personal, ii. 400.

Toleration, iv. 52, 53, 440

Tolt, writ of, iii. 34, 195, app. 1.

Tongue, cutting out or disabling, iv. 206, 207
Tonnage, i. 316, iv. 437.

Tonsura clericalis, iv. 367.

Torts, actions on, iii. 117.

Tempcralities of bishops, their custody, i. 282, Torture, i. 133, iv. 325.

iv. 421.

restitution, i. 380, iv. 421.

Tenant, ii. 59.

to the præcipe, ii. 359, 362.

Tender of amends, iii. 16.

issue, iii. 313.

money, i. 277, iii. 303.
oaths, i. 368, iv. 124.

plea of, iii. 303.

Tenement, ii. 16, 59.

entailable, ii. 113.

Tenemental lands, ii. 90.

Tenendum of a deed, ii. 298, app. 1.
Tenths, ecclesiastical, i. 284, iv. 107.
temporal, i. 309.

Tenure, disturbance of, iii. 242.
Tenures, ancient, ii. 59.

modern, ii. 78.

Term in law, essoign-day of, iii. 278.

first day of, iii. 277.
original of, iii. 275.

returns of, iii. 277.

of years, ii. 143, app. 3, 6, iv. 430.

Terminum qui præterit, writ of entry ad, iii. 176,

Termor, ii. 142.

Terre-tenant, ii. 91, 328.

Test act, iv. 59, 439.

Tourn of the sheriff, iv. 273, 411, 424.
Tout temps prist, iii. 303.

Town, i. 115.

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Treason, appeal of, iv. 314.

high, iv. 75, 428.

misprision of, iv. 120.

petit, iv. 75, 203.

trials in, iv. 351, 440.

Treasurer, lord high, iii. 38, 45, 56.

killing him, iv. 84.

Treasure-trove, i. 295.

concealment of, i. 297, iv. 121.
Treaties, leagues, and alliances, i. 257.
Trebuchet, iv. 168.

Testament, ii. 11, 12, 373, 489, 499, .v. 424, 430. Trees, destroying, iv. 245, 246.

Testamentary causes, iii. 95.

guardian, i. 462, ii. 88.

jurisdiction in equity, iii. 437.

spiritual courts, iii. 97, iv. 421.

Testamento annexo, administration cum, ii. 504.
Testatum capias, iii. 283, app. 14.

Teste of writs, i. 179, iii. 274, append. passim.
Testes, proof of will per, ii. 508.
trial per, iii. 336.

Theft, iv. 229.

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stealing, iv. 233.

Tresayle, iii. 186.

Trespass, costs in, iii. 401.

or lands, iii. 208, 209.

these action of, iii. 52, 122.

vi et armis, action of, iii. 120, 121, 128.
Trespassers, ab initio, iii. 15.

Trial, iii. 330, iv. 342, 411.

new, iii. 387, iv. 361, 438.

Triennial elections, i. 189, iv. 440.

parliaments, i. 153, iv. 437, 440.

Trinity, denial of, iv. 49.

Trinoda necessitas, i. 263, 357. ii. 102.

Triors, lords, iv. 262, 263

of jurors, iii. 363.

Triplicatio, iii. 310.

Trithing, i. 117.

Triverbial days, iii. 425.

Trover and conversion, action of, iii. 152, v

Truce, breakers of, iv. 69.

conservators, ib.


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Tyranny, i. 126, 133.

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Two witnesses, when necessary, iii. 370, iv. Vicineto, jury de, iii. 359, 385.


Ubiquity of the king, i. 270.

Udal right, ii. 45.

Umpire, iii. 16.

Unanimity of juries, iii. 876, iv. 414.

Uncertainty of the law, iii. 325.
Uncore prist, iii. 303.
Undersheriff, i. 345.

Underwood, stealing, iv. 233.
Union, articles of, i. 96.

of Great Britain, i. 96, iv. 427, 440.

Unities of joint estates, ii. 180.
Universitates, i. 469.
University, i. 471.

burgesses of, i. 174.

chancellor of, his certificate, iii. 335.
courts of, iii. 83, iv. 277.

right of, to popish advowsons, iii. 251.
study of the law in, i. 26.

Unknown persons, larceny from, iv. 235*, 359.
Uses, ii. 187, 271, 327, iii. 52, iv. 426, 429, 430.
covenant to stand seised to, ii. 338.

deeds to lead or declare, ii. 339, 363, app. 9,


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Vicontiel writs, iii. 238.

Vidames, i. 403.

View by jurors, iii. 299, 358.

of frankpledge, iv. 273.

Vill, i. 115.

Villein, ii. 92, iv. 420.

in gross, ii. 93.
regardant, ib.
services, ii. 61.
socage, ii. 61, 98.
Villenage, ii. 89, 92.
privileged, ii. 98.
pure, ii. 61, 90.

Villenous judgment, iv. 186.

Vinculo matrimonii, divorce a, iii. 94.
Viner, Mr., his institution, i. 27.
Violating the queen, &c., i. 224, iv. 81.
Violent presumption, iii. 371.
Virge, tenant by, ii. 148.

Virgin Mary, a civilian and canonist, i. 21.
Viscount, i. 398.

Visitation-books of heralds iii. 105
Visitor, i. 480.

of civil corporations, ib.
colleges, i. 482.
hospitals, ib.

Visnè, iii. 294, iv. 350.

Vivo vadio, estate in, ii. 157.

Voir dire, oath of, iii. 332.

Voluntary escape, iii. 415, iv. 130

jurisdiction, iii. 66.

manslaughter, iv. 191.

oaths, iv. 137.

waste, ii. 281.

Vouchee, in recoveries, ii. 358, app. 18.

Voucher, iii. 300.

in recoveries, ii. 358, app. 18.

Vulgaris purgatio, iv. 342.

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Wapentakes, i. 116

Verdict, iii. 377, app. 6, 11, iv. 360, app. 3, 4, 5. War and peace, right of making, i. 257.

false, iii. 402, iv. 140.

Verge of the court, iii. 76, iv. 276.

articles of, i. 415.

levying against the king, iv. 81.

Ward by constables, &c., i. 356, iv. 292, 426.
Wards and liveries, court of, iii. 258.
Wardship in chivalry, ii. 67, iv. 418, 420, 421.
copyholds, ii. 97.

socage, ii. 87.
Warrant, i. 137, iv. 290.

of attorney, to confess judgment, iii. 397.
Warrantia chartæ, iii. 300.

Warranty of chattels personal, ii. 451.
goods sold, iii. 166.

lands, ii. 300, app. 1, 15, 18.

Warren, beasts and fowls of, ii. 38.
robbery of, iv. 236.

in disguise, iv. 144.

Waste, ii. 281, iii. 223.

how prevented in equity, iii. 438.
impeachment of, ii. 283.
lands, ii. 14, 90.

writ of, iii. 227.

Watch, i. 356, iv. 292, 426.
Water, ii. 14, 18.

Watermen overloading their boats, iv. 192.
Water-ordeal, iv. 342.
Ways, ii. 35.

and means, committee of, i. 308.
disturbance of, iii. 241.

Weights and measures, i. 274, iv. 275, 424.
false, iv. 159.

Weregild, iv. 188, 313, 413.
Wells, property in, ii. 5.
West-Saxon-lage, i. 65, iv. 412.
Whales, property of, i. 223.
Wharfs, i. 264.

Whipping, iv. 372, 377.

White rents, ii. 43.

Whole blood, ii. 227.

Widow's chamber, ii. 518.

Wife, i. 433.

battery of, iii. 140.

Will, defect of, iv. 20.

estates at, ii. 145.

of the lord, ii. 95, 147.

vicious, iv. 21.

Wills and testaments, ii. 11, 12, 873, 489, 499,

iv. 424, 430.

Winchester measure, i. 274.

Window-tax, i. 325.

Wine, adulteration of, iv. 162.

licenses, i. 299.

Witchcraft, iv. 60, 436.

Withdrawing from allegiance, iv. 87.
Withernam, ii 129, 149, 413.

Witnesses, iii. 369.

for prisoners, iv. 359, 441.
tampering with, iv. 126.

their expenses, iii. 369, iv. 362.
to deeds, ii. 307.

wills, ii. 501.

trial by, iii. 336.

two, where necessary, iii. 370, iv. 356.
Wittena-gemote, i. 148, iv. 412.

Women, appeals by, iv. 424.

children, stealing or seduction of, iv. 209.
guilty of clergyable felonies, iv. 369.
jury of, iii. 362, iv. 395.
Woodmote, court of, iii. 71.
Wood-stealing, iv. 233.

Wool, &c., transporting, iv. 154, 428.
Words, action for, iii. 123.

costs in actions for, iii. 401
treasonable, iv. 79.

Work-house, iv. 370.

Worthiest of blood, ii. 213.
Wounding, iii. 121, iv. 216.

Wreck, i. 291, ii. 14, iii. 106, iv. 235.
Writ, iii. 272.

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