PUBLISHED BY JOHN CAWTHORN, No. 5, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND, BOOKSELLER TO HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES. CAWTHORN's MINOR BRITISH THEATRE, Consisting of a COLLECTION of the most Esteemed FARCES AND OPERAS Now performing on the English Stage, complete in 30 Numbers, making Six Volumes, 18mo. Each Number is printed correctly from the Promp-Books, with Introductory Prefaces and Memoirs, on a Superfine Vellum Paper, and ornamented with a striking Resemblance of some principal Performer, actually Drawn from the Life by DE WILDE, and Engraved in a superior Style by SCHIAVONETTI, CARDON, COOPER, &c. price One Shilling. A common Edition is printed in a clear and perspicuous Manner, price Sixpence. -Also a beautiful Cabinet Edition, in 8vo. price Two Shillings and Sixpence each Number. The Drawings designed for the Work, and Specimens of the Engravings and Printing, may be seen at CAWTHORN'S, No. 5, Catherine Street, Strand. FOR PUBLISHING A NEW EDITION OF BELL'S SHAKSPERE, Printed from the Text of JOHNSON and STEEVENS, and illustrated with Portraits of the principal Performers and Commentators, together with VIGNETTE SCENE PRINTS, engraved in the first Style, after Loutherbourg, Burney, Moreau, and other eminent Artists. FROM the numerous demands for the above work, and its already unprecedented sale, the Proprietors are induced to submit a Nero Edition to the public, trusting as it will, in every respect, vie with the Subscribers copies of the former one, it will still retain that distinguished preference, it has always received, on account of its elegance of execution, as well as its moderate price. It is proposed to publish the whole in 40 numbers, including the Life by Rowe, with the Prefaces and Observations of Johnson, Steevens, Pope, Theobald, Malone, &c. printed on a superfine wove, hot-pressed paper, and ornamented with two or more Engravings in each, to be delivered to the subscribers every fortnight, price 1s. 6d. each number. A common Edition is also printed, with the Portrait Print only, price 6d. The following are already published: No. 11. No. 1. Much Ado about Nothing. - Mrs. || No. 10. No. 12. King Henry Vth. -Mrs. Siddons, Winter's Tale.-Mr. Edwin, as King Lear.-Miss Brunton, as Cor- No. 13. No. 2. Twelfth Night.-Miss Farren, as No. 3. King John.--Mr. Holman, as Fau- No. 14. Timon of Athens. -Mr. Kemble, conbridge, and a Vignette Print as Timon, and a Vignette, by engraved by Woodman. Woodman. No. 4. Measure for Measure. -Mrs. Sid- No. 15. The Tempest.-Miss Phillips, as dons, as Isabella, by Scriven, and Miranda, and a Vignette by Sher a Vignette by Scriven. win. No. 5. Merchant of Venice. - Mr. Mack- No. 16. Love's Labour's Lost. Mrs. lin, as Shylock, and a Vignette by Bulkeley, as Princess of Wales, and a Vignette by Woodman. No. 6. Midsummer Night's Dream. - Miss No. 17. Cymbeline. -Mr. Pope, as Post Farren, as Hermia, and a Vignette humous, and a Vignette by Bur ney. No. 7. Othello.-Mr. Henderson, as lago, No. 18. The Merry Wives of Windsor. |