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The following are the Works already published in the GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICAL SERIES. (The Volumes are bound in limp cloth, except where otherwise stated.)


(With Explanatory Notes in English.)

GREEK DELECTUS; containing Extracts from Classical Authors, with Genealogical Vocabularies and Explanatory Notes, by H. YOUNG. 18.

ESCHYLUS: Prometheus Vinctus. From the Text of Dindorf. Edited with English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. DAVIES, M.A. 18.

ÆSCHYLUS: Septem Contra Thebas. From the Text of Dindorf. Edited with English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. DAVIES, M.A. 16.

ARISTOPHANES: Acharnians. From the Text of C. H. Weise. With Notes, by C. S. D. TOWNSHEND, M.A. 18. 6d.

EURIPIDES: Alcestis. Chiefly from the Text of Dindorf. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. MILNER, B.A. 18.

EURIPIDES: Hecuba and Medea. Chiefly from the Text of Dindorf. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. BROWNRIGG SMITH, M.A., F.R.G.S. 1s. 6d.

HERODOTUS, the History of, chiefly after the Text of Gaisford, with Preliminary Observations and Appendices, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by T. H. L. LEARY, M.A., D.C.L.

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HOMER, the Works of, according to the Text of Baeumlein. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, drawn from the best and latest authorities, with Preliminary Observations and Appendices, by T. H. L. LEARY, M.A., D.C.L.


Part 1. Books i. to vi., 1s. 6d.

Part 2. Books vii. to xii., 1s. 6d. Part 3. Books xiii. to xviii., 1s. 6d. Part 4. Books xix. to xxiv., 1s. 6d. THE ODYSSEY: Part 1. Books i. to vi., ls. 6d.

Part 2. Books vii. to xii., 1s. 6d.

Part 3. Books xiii. to xviii., 18. 6d.

PLATO'S Dialogues.

Part 4. Books xix. to xxiv., and Hymns, 28. The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and the Phædo. From the Text of C. F. Hermann. Edited, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. DAVIES, M.A. 28.

SOPHOCLES: Edipus Tyrannus. Notes by H.

YOUNG. 18.

SOPHOCLES: Antigone. Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. MILNER, B.A. 28.

THUCYDIDES: History of the Peloponnesian War. Notes by H. YOUNG. Book i., 18.

XENOPHON'S Anabasis; or the Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Notes and a Geographical Register, by H. Young. Part 1. Books i., ii., iii., 18.

Part 2. Books iv., v., vi., vii., 1s.

XENOPHON'S Panegyric on Agesilaus. Notes and Introduction by LL. F. W. JEWITT. 18. 6d.


(With Explanatory Notes in English.)

LATIN DELECTUS: containing Extracts from Classical Authors, with Genealogical Vocabularies and Explanatory Notes, by H. YOUNG. 18.

CÆSARIS Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Notes, and a Geographical Register, by H. YOUNG. 28.

CICERONIS Cato Major, Lælius, Brutus, sive de Senectute, de Amicitia, de Claris Oratoribus Dialogi. With Notes, by W. BROWNRIGG SMITH, M.A., F.R.G.S. 28. CICERONIS Oratio pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. Edited, with an Introduction, Analysis, and Notes Explanatory and Critical, by J. DAVIES, M.A. 19.

CORNELIUS Nepos. With Notes. Intended for the use of Schools, by H. YOUNG. 18.

Other Volumes are in Preparation.




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