PREFACE. propriety of devoting some pages to the particular pursuits of a few, provided a much larger proportion be fuited to the whole. WE scarcely find it necessary to suggest to our Correspondents any peculiar topic, concerning which we are defirous of more copious aid than we already habitually receive, unless it be the present state of this and other countries, with respect to the population, manufactures, agriculture, and all the great objects of civil and domestic polity: information of this kind, from authentic sources, will always be fingularly acceptable to us. Nothing, in fact, can be more conducive towards the progress of universal improvement, than mutually making known to the different members of fociety, the advantages poffefsed by each, the defects they labour under, and the remedies by which they have been relieved. Solicitous as we are to procure entertainment for our Readers, we are still more anxious to contribute to their utility. Where we can unite both objects, our highest wishes are gratified. LONDON, JULY, : GENERAL N.B. The Plates are annexed to their respective Descriptions. A FRICAN's Complexion, Agriculture, account of new works on 44 Burns, Robert, Memoirs of 213, 216, 557 Buxton, Mr. Erskine's Description of 92 Buxton, Bath, Defects in 16 Cambridge, Wranglers and Optimis at 186 Cambridge, Studies at 265, 360 Angereau, General, anecdotes of 378 Carnot, of the French Directory, Memoirs of Ariftophanes, account of a French manufcript Chemical Opinion in Great Britain, State of Bank, public credit, &c. obfervations on *Chronological Remarks, Reply to 42 136 Coining Machine, Account of Mr. Boiton's 216, 217 179 355 Curculio, an Infeer, defcribed by Dr. Bed- Books, directions in the choice of elementary Botany, Agricultural 262 Bridge, Iron, Patent for Brigant, M. le, his Philological Researches 416 159,398, 476 445 98 Living Authors, &c. wboje Names occur in the following Volume: Adams 223 Floriant, M. 47 Lara 44 Smyth 44 48 Lauderdale 59 Smith, Mrs. 48 Aikin 47 Fotbrooke '46 Liverpool Tarl of 320 Somerville 44 44 Lloyd 47 Spencer 46 Andrews 223 Frend 146 Lumiden Barbauld, Mrs. 47 Fulhame 2 Macaulay 42 Stedman 48 Beddoes Bardfley Bingham Biflet 48 Garnett 48 Mackay 4, 43 Gillies 302 Marsh 95 Thompson 59 48 Gooch 48 Marshall 44 Thelwall 42 Green 45 Merry 40, 94, 385 Nicholson Moore 47 Thomson 46 223 Trusted 222 224 Nisbet 44 Toulmin 252 Cadogan 45 Gunning, Mifs 48 Paine 43 Waddington 4-3 Cartwright 43 Hamilton, Miss 47 Payne 45 Wainhouse 47 Cary 246 Hamley 46 Pegge 45. Wakefield 43,334 Caffal 224 Hays, Mifs Charnock 59 Herfchel, Miss 48 Pilkington, Mrs. 47 Watkins 44 Cooksey 47 Herfchel 48 Polwhele Cracknell 251 Humbold 224 Priestley 42, 50, 51 Wedgwood 302 D'Arblay, Mrs. 47 Hutton 40 Robinfon 46 Wilberforce 223 41 Robinson, Mrs. 146 Ruffel 143 Whitehead 45 384. Salmon 146 Sellon 44 Woodville 44 46 Shaw Erskine 92 Lalande 356 Sheldrake Small 429 Remarkable Perfons deceased, with Biographical Memoirs. Adams 405 Dillon, Mrs. 485 Hutchinfon 76 Pope, Mrs. 240 |