Page images

Livy, by B. O. Foster.

Martial, by W. C. Ker.

Ovid, Amores, by Grant Showerman.

Ovid, Metamorphoses, by F. J. Miller.

Persius, by G. G. Ramsay.

Petronius, by M. Haseltine.

Pliny, Epistles, by William Melmoth (revised by W. M. L.

Plutarch, Lives, by Bernadotte Perrin.

Procopius, History of the Wars, by H. B. Dewing.

Propertius, by H. E. Butler.

Sallust, Catiline, by J. C. Rolfe.

Seneca, Epistles, by R. M. Gummere.

Suetonius, by J. C. Rolfe.

Tibullus, by J. P. Postgate.

Virgil, Aeneid, by H. R. Fairclough.

Cassiodorus (as found in Glover's Life and Letters in the Fourth


Scott, Foresman, and Co., Chicago:

Virgil, Aeneid, by John Conington (revised by Francis and Anne

In conclusion, the author wishes to extend her thanks to Professor H. C. Nutting of the University of California, Professor A. W. Hodgman of Ohio State University, Professor Grant Showerman of the University of Wisconsin, and Dr. Walter Bryan for assistance in regard to certain translations. She is also under great obligations to Professor Arthur Van Buren of the American Academy at Rome for help in checking up the list of places; to Professor M. Rostovtzeff of the University of Wisconsin for suggestions regarding the notes; to Miss Marie McClernan of Madison for correcting the proof of the Greek text; and to Professor David M. Robinson of Johns Hopkins University and Professor Frank Gardner Moore of Columbia University for suggestions and a reading of the entire proof.

Madison, Wis.


ITALIA (Italy)

Sed neque Medorum, silvae ditissima, terra, nec pulcher Ganges atque auro turbidus Hermus laudibus Italiae certent, non Bactra, neque Indi, totaque turiferis Panchaia pinguis harenis. haec loca non tauri spirantes naribus ignem invertere satis immanis dentibus hydri, nec galeis densisque virum seges horruit hastis; sed gravidae fruges et Bacchi Massicus umor implevere; tenent oleae armentaque laeta. hinc bellator equus campo sese arduus infert; hinc albi, Clitumne, greges et maxima taurus victima, saepe tuo perfusi flumine sacro, Romanos ad templa deum duxere triumphos. hic ver adsiduum atque alienis mensibus aestas; bis gravidae pecudes, bis pomis utilis arbos. at rabidae tigres absunt et saeva leonum semina; nec miseros fallunt aconita legentis, nec rapit immensos orbis per humum, neque tanto squameus in spiram tractu se colligit anguis. adde tot egregias urbes operumque laborem, tot congesta manu praeruptis oppida saxis, fluminaque antiquos supter labentia muros.

an mare, quod supra, memorem, quodque adluit infra? anne lacus tantos? te, Lari maxime, teque, fluctibus et fremitu adsurgens Benace marino? an memorem portus Lucrinoque addita claustra atque indignatum magnis stridoribus aequor, Iulia qua ponto longe sonat unda refuso

Tyrrhenusque fretis immittitur aestus Avernis?

A Poet's Eulogy of Italy

But neither flowering groves

Of Media's rich realm, nor Ganges proud,
Nor Lydian fountains flowing thick with gold,
Can match their glories with Italia;

Nor Bactris nor Ind, nor all the wealth
Of wide Arabia's incense-bearing sands.

This land by Jason's bulls with breath of flame
Never was ploughed, nor planted with the teeth
Of monstrous dragon, nor that harvest grew
Of helmed warrior-heads and myriad spears.
But full-eared corn and goodly Massic wine
Inhabit here, with olives and fat herds.

The war-horse here with forehead high in air
Strides o'er the plain; here roam thy spotless flocks,
Clitumnus; and for noblest sacrifice,

The snow-white bull, bathed oft in sacred stream,
Leads Roman triumphs to the house of Jove.
Here Spring is endless and the Summer glows
In months not half her own. Twice in the year
The herds drop young, and twice the orchard bears
The labor of its fruit. But tigers fell

And the fierce lion's brood are absent here.

No deadly aconite deceives the hand
That gathers herbs; nor in enormous folds
Of lengthened twine the scaly snake upcoils.
Behold the famous cities-what vast toil
Upreared them!-and the host of strongholds piled
By hand of man on out-hewn precipice,

While swift streams under ancient bulwarks flow.
Why tell of two salt seas that wash her shore
Above, below; her multitude of lakes,—
Thee, Larius, chiefest, and Benacus, where
Are swelling floods and billows like the sea?
Why name that haven where the lofty mole
Locks in the Lucrine lake, while with loud
The baffled waters roar, and Julian waves
Echo from far the sea's retreating tide,
And through the channels of Avernus pours
Th' invading Tuscan main? In this rich land

haec eadem argenti rivos aerisque metalla ostendit venis, atque auro plurima fluxit.

haec genus acre virum, Marsos, pubemque Sabellam, adsuetumque malo Ligurem, Volscosque verutos extulit, haec Decios, Marios, magnosque Camillos, Scipiadas duros bello, et te, maxime Caesar, qui nunc extremis Asiae iam victor in oris imbellem avertis Romanis arcibus Indum. salve, magna parens frugum, Saturnia tellus, magna virum: tibi res antiquae laudis et artis ingredior, sanctos ausus recludere fontis, Ascraeumque cano Romana per oppida carmen. Vir. Georg. ii. 136-176.

Terra omnium terrarum alumna eadem et parens, numine deum electa quae caelum ipsum clarius faceret, sparsa congregaret imperia ritusque molliret et tot populorum discordes ferasque linguas sermonis commercio contraheret ad colloquia et humanitatem homini daret, breviterque una cunctarum gentium in tota urbe patria fieret. Sed quid agam? tanta nobilitas omnium locorum (quos quis attigerit?), tanta rerum singularum populorumque claritas tenet. Urbs Roma vel sola n eai et digna tam iam festa cervice facies quo tandem narrari debet opere? Qualiter Campaniae ora per se felixque illa ac beata amoenitas, ut palam sit uno in loco gaudentis opus esse naturae? Iam vero tota ea vitalis ac perennis salubritas, talis caeli temperies, tam fertiles campi, tam aprici colles, tam innoxii saltus, tam opaca nemora, tam 1 Through the deification of the good emperors.

Deep veins of silver show, and ores for brass,
With lavish gold. Hence sprang the war-like breed
Of Marsi, hence the proud Sabellian clans,

Ligurians to hardship seasoned well,
And Volscian spearmen; hence the Decii,
Camilli, Marii, immortal names,

The Scipios, in war implacable,

And Caesar, thou, the last, the prince of all,
Who now victorious on far Asia's end,
Art holding back from Roman citadels
The Indian weakling. Hail, O Saturn's land,
Mother of all good fruits and harvests fair,
Mother of men! I for thy noble sake
Attempt these old and famous themes and dare
Unseal an age-long venerated spring

And uplift Hesiod's song o'er Roman towers.


The Charms of Italy as Pliny Sees Them

The land which is at the same time the nursling and the mother of all lands, chosen by the counsel of the gods to make heaven itself more glorious,' to gather together the scattered empires and humanize their customs, to draw many peoples of wild and discordant language into contact through the medium of speech, to bestow civilization upon mankind, and in a word to become the one mother-country of all nations throughout the world. But what am I to do? Such celebrity of places in general (and who could even touch upon them?), such distinction in particular facts and peoples, embarrass me. Merely to mention in that land the city of Rome alone fit head now for those splendid shoulders,what a book would be required for its description! And how describe the coast of Campania itself, that favored, blessed land of the picturesque, declaring itself the work of Nature in love with a single spot? And then all that life-giving, perennial healthfulness, so mild a climate, such fertile plains and sunny hills, such wholesome pas

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