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Thursday, June 21, 1906

11.15-11.50 a. m.

Do not translate the following passage, but answer in order the questions.

I Ab his castris oppidum Remorum, nomine Bibrax, aberat milia 2 passuum octo. Id ex itinere magno impetu Belgae oppugnare coe3 perunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est . . . Cum finem oppugnandi 4 nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, summa nobilitate et gratia inter suos, qui 5 tum oppido praefuerat, unus ex eis qui legati de pace ad Caesarem 6 venerant, nuntium ad eum mittit: nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, 7 sese diutius sustinere non posse. Eo de media nocte Caesar, isdem 8 ducibus usus qui nuntii ab Iccio venerant, Numidas et Cretas sagit9 tarios et funditores Baleares subsidio oppidanis mittit.

-Caesar, De Bello Gallico, II, 6-7

I Write the accusative singular of nomine (line 1), pace (line 5), isdem (line 7); the genitive plural of nox (line 4), sibi (line 6), oppidanis (line 9). Compare magno (line 2), aegre (line 3), summa (line 4). Decline itinere (line 2). Give the principal parts of sustinere (line 7). What is the force of the suffix in nobilitate (line 4), sagittarios (lines 8-9)? Form from oppugnare (line 2) a noun expressing action. To what class of verbs does sustentatum est (line 3) belong? Conjugate the imperfect subjunctive of usus (line 8).

2 Explain the construction of milia (line 1), nobilitate (line 4), ducibus (line 8), subsidio (line 9). Write nisi. . . posse (lines 6-7) in the direct form. Account for the mood of fecisset (line 4).



11.15-11.50 a. m.

Do not translate the following passage, but answer in order the questions.

I Ubi vineis actis, aggere exstructo, turrim procul constitui viderunt, 2 primum irridere ex muro atque increpitare vocibus, quod tanta machi3 natio ab tanto spatio instrueretur: quibusnam manibus aut quibus 4 viribus praesertim homines tantulae staturae (nam plerumque omnibus 5 Gallis prae magnitudine corporum suorum brevitas nostra contemptui est) 6 tanti oneris turrim in muro posse se collocare confiderent? 7 Ubi vero moveri et appropinquare moenibus viderunt, nova atque 8 inusitata specie commoti legatos ad Caesarem de pace miserunt, qui . . . 9 se suaque omnia eius potestati permittere dixerunt.

-Caesar, De Bello Gallico, II, 30-31.

I Write the accusative singular of aggere (line 1), viribus (line 4), corporum (line 5); the ablative singular of manibus (line 3), omnibus (line 4); the genitive plural of moenibus (line 7), qui (line 8). Form and compare an adverb from the stem of brevitas (line 5). Conjugate in the singular the future indicative active of actis (line 1), the pluperfect subjunctive active of moveri (line 7); in the plural the present subjunctive passive of viderunt (line 1), the pluperfect indicative passive of instrueretur (line 3). Name and define the class of verbs to which confiderent (line 6) belongs.

2 Explain the construction of vocibus (line 2), contemptui (line 5), oneris (line 6). Write se . . . permittere (line 9) in the direct form. Account for the mood of irridere (line 2), instrueretur (line 3).



11.15-11.50 a. m.

Do not translate the following passage, but answer the questions in order.

I T. Labienum legatum cum legionibus tribus subsequi jussit. Hi 2 novissimos adorti et multa milia passuum prosecuti magnam multitudi3 nem eorum fugientium conciderunt, cum ab extremo agmine, ad quos ven4 tum erat, consisterent, fortiterque impetum nostrorum militum sustine5 rent, priores, quod abesse a periculo viderentur neque ulla necessitate 6 neque imperio continerentur, exaudito clamore, perturbatis ordinibus, 7 omnes in fuga sibi praesidium ponerent.

-Cæsar, De Bello Gallico, II, 11.

I Write the genitive singular of passuum (line 2), ulla (line 5), imperio (line 6); the ablative singular in all genders of Hi (line 1), fugientium (line 3); the nominative plural of agmine (line 3); the accusative plural in all genders of tribus (line 1). Why is the second syllable of conciderunt (line 3) long? Compare extremo (line 3), fortiter (line 4). Write the first person singular of the future perfect indicative active of consisterent (line 4), viderentur (line 5), ponerent (line 7); the first person plural of the present subjunctive passive of sustinerent (lines 4 and 5), exaudito (line 6), perturbatis (line 6).

2 What idea is expressed by the case in periculo (line 5), imperio (line 6), fuga (line 7)? Write perturbatis ordinibus (line 6) in the form of a clause introduced by postquam. Why did Cæsar write viderentur (line 5) and not videbantur?

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