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Palantesque vident socios, hostemque receptum.


Et Mnestheus: Quo deinde fugam? quo tenditis?' inquit.

Quos alios muros, quae jam ultra moenia habetis?

Unus homo, et vestris, O cives, undique septus
Aggeribus, tantas strages impune per urbem
Ediderit? juvenum primos tot miserit Orco?
Non infelicis patriae, veterumque Deorum,
Et magni Aeneae segnes miseretque pudetque?'
Talibus accensi firmantur, et agmine denso
Consistunt. Turnus paulatim excedere pugna,
Et fluvium petere ac partem, quae cingitur unda.
Acrius hoc Teucri clamore incumbere magno,
Et glomerare manum. Ceu saevum turba leonem
Cum telis premit infensis; at territus ille



Asper, acerba tuens, retro, redit, et neque terga

Ira dare aut virtus patitur; nec tendere contra,


Ille quidem hoc cupiens, potis est per tela virosque.

Haud aliter retro dubius vestigia Turnus

Improperata refert, et mens exaestuat ira.

Quin etiam bis tum medios invaserat hostes,

Bis confusa fuga per muros agmina vertit;


Sed manus e castris propere coït omnis in unum;
Nec contra vires audet Saturnia Juno

Sufficere; aëriam coelo nam Jupiter Irim

Demisit, germanae haud mollia jussa ferentem;
Ni Turnus cedat Teucrorum moenibus altis.
Ergo nec clipeo juvenis subsistere tantum,
Nec dextra valet: injectis sic undique telis
Obruitur. Strepit assiduo cava tempora circum
Tinnitu galea, et saxis solida aera fatiscunt;
Discussaeque jubae capiti, nec sufficit umbo
Ictibus; ingeminant hastis et Troës, et ipse
Fulmineus Mnestheus. Tum toto corpore sudor
Liquitur, et piceum-nec respirare potestas-
Flumen agit; fessos quatit aeger anhelitus artus.
Tum demum praeceps saltu sese omnibus armis




794. Acerba. See Ecl. 3, 8. Et, &c. He will not flee, and he cannot resist.-804. Germanae, Junoni.-806. Clipeo, defensively; dextra, offensively. -811. Et with ipse has the force of, and above all, Mnestheus with his thundering might.'

In fluvium dedit: ille suo cum gurgite flavo
Accepit venientem, ac mollibus extulit undis,
Et laetum sociis abluta caede remisit.

818. It will be observed that Aeneas has no share in the events of this Book.


AN assembly of the gods, and address of Jupiter, deprecating the war between the Latins and Trojans, 1-15. Address of Venus, recapitulating the past misfortunes of the Trojans, and scornfully asking for the safety at least of Ascanius elsewhere, if Juno is determined to prevent the rise of the power of Aeneas in Italy, 16-62. Indignant reply of Juno, who imputes the whole blame to the Trojans themselves, 63-95. Jupiter, amidst various opinions, declares that the Fates shall decide the fortune of the day, without divine interference, 96-117. The Latins still beleaguer the Trojan camp, which is strenuously defended by Ascanius and others, 118-145. Aeneas, who had formed a league with the revolted subjects of Mezentius, the Etrurian king, is descending the river, 146-162. Address to the Muses, 163-165. Account of the Tuscan allies, who followed Aeneas in thirty ships, arranged in four troops. The first is led by Massicus, at the head of the warriors from Clusium, the city of Porsenna, south-west of the Trasimene lake, and Cosae on the coast, 166-169. The second is headed by Abas, with those of Populonium, on the coast, off which lies Ilva (the island of Elba), which also sends its contingents, 170-174. The third, by Asilas, with the men of Pisae, founded by a colony from Pisa, in Elis, watered by the Alpheus (see vol. i. p. 142, line 5), 175-180. The fourth, by Astur, with those from Caere (see p. 2, line 33), Minio, a rivulet of Etruria, to the north of Caere; Pyrgi, the seaport of Caere; and Graviscae on the coast, north of the Minio, 180-184. There also follow auxiliaries from Liguria, headed by Cinyras and Cupavo, the sons of Cycnus, 185-197. Mantua, head of twelve confederate states-four (populi) to each of the three (gentes) nations, probably of Etrurians, Umbrians, and Greeks, with a preponderance of Etrurian blood-sent troops under the command of Ocnus, 198-206; and probably of Aulestes, 207-214. Sailing by the light of the moon, Aeneas is met by his ships, now nymphs, and warned of the danger of his camp by Cymodoce, one of them, who pushes on his ship, 215-249. Aeneas, amazed, prays to Cybele, and prepares his companions for the contest, 249-259. The Trojans in the camp seeing his approach, shout and shoot, 260-266. The Rutulians discover the cause; but Turnus, nothing daunted, encourages them, 267-286. Landing of the troops, and

misfortune of Tarchon, 287-307. Various combats, 308-361. Pallas rallies the fleeing Arcadians, 362-379. Feats of Pallas, 380-425. Feats of Lausus, 426-430. Pallas and Lausus are about to meet, 431-438. Warned by his sister, Turnus engages Pallas, whom he slays, ignorant that this deed shall seal his own doom, 439-505. His friends bear off the dead body of Pallas, and the tidings rouse Aeneas to terrible havoc, 505-604. Ascanius and his party sally forth, 604-605. Jupiter taunts Juno with the unaided prowess of the Trojans, but at her request, permits her to postpone the death of Turnus, 606-632. She sends a phantom-cloud in the guise of Aeneas, who, seeming to flee before Turnus, lures him into a ship, and then, after it has carried him far away, leaves him to despair; but, protected by Juno, he is borne to his native Ardea, 633-688. Feats of Mezentius, and wrath of the Etrurians, 689-746. Other combats witnessed by the gods, 747-761. Mezentius encounters Aeneas, who accidentally kills Antor, and then wounds Mezentius, 762-788. Lausus, the gallant son of Mezentius, assisted by his followers, covers his father's retreat from the sword of Aeneas, 789-809. Aeneas in vain warns Lausus of his danger, slays, and bewails him, 809-832. Mezentius, while dressing his wounds at the river's brink, hears of his son's death, and unable to fight on foot, mounts his favourite steed, 833-872. He attacks Aeneas, who slays his horse, and then himself, willing to die, 873-908.

PANDITUR interea domus omnipotentis Olympi,
Conciliumque vocat Divûm pater atque hominum rex
Sideream in sedem: terras unde arduus omnes,
Castraque Dardanidûm aspectat, populosque Latinos.
Considunt tectis bipatentibus, incipit ipse:

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Coelicolae magni, quianam sententia vobis

Versa retro? tantumque animis certatis iniquis?
Abnueram bello Italiam concurrere Teucris.

Aut hos arma sequi ferrumque lacessere suasit?
Adveniet justum pugnae, ne arcessite, tempus,
Cum fera Carthago Romanis arcibus olim
Exitium magnum atque Alpes immittet apertas:
Tum certare odiis, tum res rapuisse licebit:
Nunc sinite, et placitum laeti componite foedus.'

Quae contra vetitum discordia? quis metus, aut hos,


Jupiter haec paucis: at non Venus aurea contra


1. Olympi. See Ecl. 5, 56.-4. Dardanidûm, Trojanorum. See A. 6, 648.-5. Bipatentibus, with double folding-doors.-13. Alluding to the passage of Hannibal over the Alps, and Juno's partiality for Carthage. See A. 1, 12, &c., and a similar allusion, A. 4, 622, &c.— 15. Sinere, to leave matters alone.

Pauca refert:




'O Pater, O hominum rerumque aeterna potestas!-
Namque aliud quid sit, quod jam implorare queamus?——
Cernis, ut insultent Rutuli, Turnusque feratur
Per medios insignis equis, tumidusque secundo
Marte ruat? Non clausa tegunt jam moenia Teucros :
Quin intra portas atque ipsis proelia miscent
Aggeribus moerorum, et inundant sanguine fossae.
Aeneas ignarus abest. Nunquamne levari
Obsidione sines? Muris iterum imminet hostis
Nascentis Trojae, nec non exercitus alter,
Atque iterum in Teucros Aetolis surgit ab Arpis
Tydides. Equidem credo, mea vulnera restant,
Et tua progenies mortalia demoror arma!
Si sine pace tua atque invito numine Troës
Italiam petiere: luant peccata, neque illos
Juveris auxilio: sin tot responsa secuti,


Quae superi manesque dabant: cur nunc tua quisquam

Vertere jussa potest? aut cur nova condere fata ?


Quid repetam exustas Erycino in litore classes?

Quid tempestatum regem, ventosque furentes
Aeolia excitos? aut actam nubibus Irim?
Nunc etiam Manes-haec intentata manebat
Sors rerum-movet, et superis immissa repente
Allecto, medias Italûm bacchata per urbes.
Nil super imperio moveor: speravimus ista,
Dum fortuna fuit: vincant, quos vincere mavis.
Si nulla est regio, Teucris quam det tua conjux
Dura; per eversae, genitor, fumantia Trojae
Excidia obtestor; liceat dimittere ab armis
Incolumem Ascanium, liceat superesse nepotem.
Aeneas sane ignotis jactetur in undis;

Et, quamcunque viam dederit Fortuna, sequatur:



18. O never suffers elision.-19. Venus has no other refuge than Jupiter.-22. Marte. See A. 2, 311.-24. Moerorum, an old form of murorum.--28. Surgit. See A. 11, 225, &c. Arpi, or Argyripa, the city of Diomede (Tydides), called Aetoli, because he was of Aetolian descent, though an Argive king.-29. Venus indignantly anticipates a second time encountering Diomede, and being again wounded, as she was on the occasion mentioned A. 1, 97. See also A. 11, 276.-36. See A. 5, 641, &c. Erycino. See vol. i. p. 142, line 17.-37. Tempestatum, &c. See A. 1, 50, &c.-38. Irim. See A. 4, 694; and 9, 1, &c.— 41. Allecto. See A. 7, 323, &c.

Hunc tegere, et dirae valeam subducere pugnae.
Est Amathus, est celsa Paphus atque alta Cythera,
Idaliaeque domus: positis inglorius armis
Exigat hic aevum. Magna ditione jubeto
Carthago premat Ausoniam: nihil urbibus inde
Obstabit Tyriis. Quid pestem evadere belli
Juvit, et Argolicos medium fugisse per ignes?
Totque maris vastaeque exhausta pericula terrae,
Dum Latium Teucri recidivaque Pergama quaerunt?
Non satius, cineres patriae insedisse supremos





Atque solum quo Troja fuit? Xanthum et Simoënta 60
Redde, oro, miseris: iterumque revolvere casus
Da, pater, Iliacos Teucris.' Tum regia Juno
Acta furore gravi: 'Quid me alta silentia cogis
Rumpere, et obductum verbis vulgare dolorem?
Aenean hominum quisquam Divûmque subegit
Bella sequi, aut hostem regi se inferre Latino?
Italiam petiit fatis auctoribus, esto,
Cassandrae impulsus furiis. Num linquere castra
Hortati sumus, aut vitam committere ventis?
Num puero summam belli, num credere muros?
Tyrrhenamque fidem, aut gentes agitare quietas?
Quis Deus in fraudem, quae dura potentia nostra
Egit? ubi hic Juno, demissave nubibus Iris?
Indignum est, Italos Trojam circumdare flammis
Nascentem, et patria Turnum consistere terra;
Cui Pilumnus avus, cui diva Venilia mater.
Quid, face Trojanos atra vim ferre Latinis?
Arva aliena jugo premere, atque avertere praedas?
Quid, soceros legere, et gremiis abducere pactas?
Pacem orare manu, praefigere puppibus arma?
Tu potes Aenean manibus subducere Graiûm,
Proque viro nebulam et ventos obtendere inanes;



51. Amathus. In the south of Cyprus. Paphus. See A. 1, 415; ūs long by the arsis. Cythera. See A. 1, 257.-52. Idaliaeque. See A. 1, 681. -54. Ut premat. Ausoniam. See vol. i. p. 142, line 17.-55. Tyriis. See A. 4, 75.-56. Argolicos. See A. 2, 55.-58. Pergama. See A. 2, 177. -60. Xanthus, &c. Rivers of Troy.-64. Construe: vulgare verbis.— 67. Petit, long by the arsis.-68. Cassandrae. See A. 3, 183. Linquere, &c. Alluding to the events mentioned in the Eighth Book.-79. Soceros, &c. Alluding to Lavinia. See p. 1, line 26.-81. Alluding to events connected with those referred to at A. 1, 97. See also A. 5, 809, &c.


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