ning N. W.; also the remains of an Indian village on the left bank of Chickeeles River, in section 30. Fossil remains on the west bank of a small lake in section 26, and ancient works on the left bank of Elk River, in the N. E. quarter of section 27. LIST OF NAMES. A list of the names of the individuals employed to assist in running, measuring, or marking the lines and corners described in the foregoing field notes of township No. 25, north of the base line of range No. 2, west of the Willamette meridian, showing the respective capacities in which they acted: Peter Long, chainman; John Short, chainman; George Sharp, axeman; Adam Dull, axeman; Henry Flagg, compassman. We hereby certify that we assisted Robert Acres, deputy surveyor, in surveying the exterior boundaries and subdividing township number twenty-five north of the base line of range number two west of the Willamette meridian, and that said township has been in all respects, to the best of our knowledge and belief, well and faithfully surveyed, and the boundary monuments planted according to the instructions furnished by the surveyor general. PETER LONG, Chainman. Subscribed and sworn to by the above-named persons, before me, a justice of the peace for the county of in the State (or Territory) of, this , 185 day of HENRY DOOLITTLE, I, Robert Acres, deputy surveyor, do solemnly swear that, in pursuance of a contract with , surveyor of the public lands of the United States in the State (or Territory) of , bearing date the - day of, 185, and in strict conformity to the laws of the United States and the instructions furnished by the said surveyor general, I have faithfully surveyed the exterior boundaries (or subdivision and meanders, as the case may be) of township number twenty-five north of the base line of range number two west of the Willamette meridian, in the - aforesaid, and do further solemnly swear that the foregoing are the true and original field notes of such survey. ROBERT ACRES, Deputy Surveyor. Subscribed by said Robert Acres, deputy surveyor, and sworn to before me, a justice of the peace for County, in the State (or Territory) of , 185 day of -, this HENRY DOOLITTLE, Justice of the Peace. To each of the original field books, the surveyor general will append his official approval, according to the following form, or so varied as to suit the facts in the case: The foregoing field notes of the survey of (here describe the survey) executed by Robert Acres, under his contract of the - day of ————————, 185, in the month of ——, 185, having been critically examined, the necessary corrections and explanations made, the said field notes, and the surveys they describe, are hereby approved. А. В., Surveyor General. To the copies of the field notes transmitted to the seat of Government, the surveyor general will append to each township the following certificate: I certify that the foregoing transcript of the field notes of the survey of the (here describe the character of the surveys, whether meridian, base line, standard parallel, exterior township lines, or subdivision lines, and meanders of a particular township) in the State (or Territory) of on file in this office. , has been correctly copied from the original notes А. В., Surveyor General. Table showing the difference of latitude and departure in running 80 chains 20...... 42 38.... 4439..... ... .... .... .... 88 91 23 8155 84 56.... 86+ 57 58 59... 46 40...... 93 60... 128 ... 130 .. 133 ... 135+ 137 ...... 140 Pit Trench Trench C. Diagram for the illustration of Mound, Stake, and Stone corner boundaries. 18 inches Quadrangular Trench Post Pit 2 feet above ground. 4 inches square. 24 inches above ground. 2 notches, if 2 miles from Township Linc. 4 notches, if 4 miles from Township Line. 24 inches above ground. به 18 inches Deposite Elevation. 18 inches 24 inches in ground. Township Corner Stone. Section Corner. Section Corner Stone. Flat Stone. Quarter Section Corner Stone. 5 inches through. 24 inches in ground. 4 inches through. 3 inches square. 24 inches in ground. 14 S S 3 inches wide and flattened. 18 inches Pit 18 inches Quadrangular Trench E Pit The upright figures (made thus 1.2.3) commencing near the Principal Meridian and Base line with No 1, indicate the perambulations of the Surveyor in running the Townships and Correction lines. The Correction or Standard lines North of the Base are every 4 townships, and South of the Base every 5 townships. The excess or deficiency of measurement on northern and southern boundaries is thrown on the westernmost half mile. The measurements between Meridian lines will. of course, always vary according to the latitude of the survey, besides being liable to be rendered inex act where the country is very hilly or broken. The convergency of the range lines as shown by the measurements on this diagram, is according to calculation, as it exists between the parallels of 46° and 47°N.L. |