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Township 25 N., range 2 W., Willamette meridian-Continued.

A white oak, 12 in. dia., bears S. 15 E., 21 links dist.

From the meander post I run around the island as follows:

S. 16 W. 9.00 chains; thence

S. 45 W. 10.00 chains; thence

S. 10 W. 2.00 chains; thence

South 1.50 chains, to the lower end of island; thence


East 1.50 chains; thence

N. 75 E. 4.00 chains; thence

N. 50 E. 5.00 chains; thence

Ν. 30 Ε. 6.00 chains; thence

N. 10 E. 6.00 chains; thence

N. 10 W. 3.00 chains; thence

N. 73 W. 296 chains, to the meander post and place of beginning.
This island is well timbered; white and black cak and hickory;

ry; not subject

to inundation; undergrowth, same, spice, and vines.

From the corner to sections 7, 18, 12, and 13, on the range line, I run
East, on a true line between sections 7 and 18,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

7.93 Intersected the western line of Samuel Williams's survey of 640 acres, and at said intersection set a post for corner to fractional sections 7 and 18, from which

A white oak, 15 in. dia., bears N. 25 W., 15 links dist.;
A black oak, 20 in. dia., bears S. 34 W., 19 links dist.

From this corner I run

N. 12 W., with the western line of said Williams's claim, 23.23 chains, to the

N. W. corner thereof.

Land gently rolling.

Timber, oak and hickory.

From the corner to fractional sections 17 and 18, in the southern line of Samuel Williams's survey, and 36.45 chains north of the corner to sections 17, 18, 19, 20, I run

North, on a blank line passing through Samuel Williams's survey, counting the distance from the corner to said sections 17, 18, 19, 20,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

40.00 Point for quarter-section corner in Samuel Williams's survey; corner not


52.50 The road leading into Williamsburg.

80.00 Set a temporary corner to sections 7, 8, 17, 18, in said Williams's claim.

This line passes through the back part of the town of Williamsburg, but I make no connection with the lines of said town.

North, on a blank line between sections 7 and 8,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

12.50 To creek, 30 links wide; runs east; comes from N. W.

38.10 Intersected the north boundary of Samuel Williams's survey, where set a post

for corner to fractional sections 7 and 8, from which

A black oak, 10 in. dia., bears N. 10 E., 15 links dist.;

A bur oak, 15 in. dia., bears N. 16 W., 17 links dist.

From this corner I run N. 78 E., on the north line of said claim, 440 links, to
the N. E. corner thereof, on the right bank of Chickeeles River.

From the corner of fractional sections 7 and 8, in the north line of Samuel
Williams's survey,

North, on a true line between sections 7 and 8, counting the distance from the
temporary corner to sections 7, 8, 17, 18, within said Williams's survey,

40.00 Set a post for quarter-section corner, from which

A black oak, 15 in. dia., bears N. 25 E., 16 links dist.;

A white oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 73 W., 1.2 links dist.

45.17 A white oak, 18 in. dia.

63.71 A bur oak, 15 in. dia.

80.00 Set a post for corner to sections 5, 6, 7, 8, from which

Township 25 N., range 2 W., Willamette meridian-Continued.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Variation 18° 00′ east,

A bur oak, 12 in. dia.

Set a post on the right bank of Chickeeles River for corner to fractional sec-

tions 5 and 8, west of river, from which

A red oak, 30 in. dia., bears N. 58 W., 5 links dist.;

A hickory, 12 in. dia., bears S. 42 W., 5 links dist.

From this corner the post corner to fractional sections 5 and 8, on the left bank of the river, bears S. 89 E.

From a point 16 links south of this corner, and west of the corner to fractional sections 5 and 8, on the left and east bank of the river, I run north 454 links, to a point from which the corner post on the left bank of the river bears S. 63 E., which gives for the distance across the river 8.91 chains. The length of the line between sections 5 and 8, including the distance across the river,. is, therefore, 80.06 chains, viz:

East of river

Across river.



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

West, on a random line between sections 6 and 7,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

25.10 A stream, 25 links wide, gentle current, runs south.

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter-section corner.

56.00 A stream, 15 links wide, runs S. E.

76.26 Intersected the west boundary 21 links north of the corner to sections 6 and

7, from which corner I run

East, on a true line between sections 6 and 7,

Variation 18°09′ east,

36.26 Set a post for quarter-section corner, from which

A black oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 15 W., 21 links dist.;

A white oak, 40 in. dia., bears S. 21 W., 33 links dist.

76.26 The corner to sections 5, 6, 7, 8.

Land hilly; 2d rate.

Timber, oak, sugar tree, and hickory; undergrowth, same and hazel.

North, on a random line between section 5 and 6,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

20.00 Enter windfall, bearing N. 60 W. and S. 60 E.

35.00 Leave windfall, having same bearings.

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter-section corner.

20.06 Intersected the north boundary of the township 24 links east of the corner to

sections 5 and 6, from which corner I run

South, on a true line between said sections 5 and 6,

Variation 18° 10' east,

40.06 Set a post for quarter-section corner, from which

A hickory, 20 in. dia., bears N. 18 E., 27 links dist.;

A white oak, 24 in. dia., bears S. 31 W., 18 links dist.

80.06 The corner to sections 5, 6, 7, 8.

Land rolling, and 2d rate.

Timber, oak, hickory, sugar tree, and ash; undergrowth, same and hazel.


Township 25 N., range 2 W., Willamette meridian-Continued.

Chains. From the corner to sections 4, 5, 32, and 33, on the north boundary of the

township, I run

South, on a true line between sections 4 and 5,

Variation 18° 00′ east,

2.10 A white oak, 15 in. dia.

4.00 Set a post on the right bank of Chickeeles River for corner to fractional sec

tions 4 and 5, from which

A bur oak, 16 in dia., bears N. 25 E., 34 links dist.;

A black oak, 20 in. dia., bears N. 33 W., 21 links dist.

From this corner the post corner to fractional sections 4 and 5, on the left
bank of the river, bears S. + W. To obtain the distance across the river I
run (from the corner on the right bank) N. 89° 30′ W. 326 links, to a point
from which the post corner to fractional sections 4 and 5, on the left bank,
bears S. 18° 30′ E., which gives for the distance 9.46 chains. The length
of the line between sections 4 and 5 will, therefore, be as follows, viz:
Part south of the river

[blocks in formation]

66.50 chains.




From the corner to fractional sections 4 and 33, on the right bank of Chickeeles River, I run down stream with the meanders of the right and N. W. bank of said river as follows, viz:

In section 4

S. 40° 45′ W. 5.35 chains, to the corner to fractional sections 4 and 5; thence, in section 5,

S. 72 W. 11.00 chains; thence

S. 55 W. 20.00 chains; thence

S. 40 W. 20.00 chains, (at this point the bluff comes to the river;) thence

S. 42 W. 18.00 chains; thence

S. 40 W. 18.00 chains; thence

S. 184 W. 19.75 chains, to the corner to fractional sections 5 and 8.

Land rolling along the last three courses, which are under a bluff bank from 20 to 30 feet high; the bottom, along the first three courses of meanders, good, rich land.

Timber, oak, hickory, ash, elm, and buckeye; undergrowth, same and vines in the bottom.

From the corner to fractional sections 5 and 8, on the right bank of the river, I continue the meanders down stream, along fractional section 8, as follows, under a bluff bank from 20 to 30 feet high:

S. 26 W. 9.70 chains; thence

S. 10 W. 15.00 chains; thence

South 15.00 chains, to the head of rapids; thence

S. 12 E. 2.55 chains, to the corner to fractional section 8 and N. E. corner of
Samuel Williams's claim. Mark the black oak witness tree to this corner,

bearing N. 75 W., 33 links distant, "Section 8."

Land rolling, and rather broken along the river.

Timber, principally oak.

Private claim surveyed after public survey.

February 17, 1854.

Survey of a claim of 640 acres, confirmed by law to Daniel Reed.

Begin at the corner to fractional sections 5 and 8, on the left bank of Chick

eeles River.

The corner post standing, and witness trees agree with the description furnished me, viz:

A blue ash, 24 in. dia., bears N. 66 E., 4 links dist.;

An elm, 24 in. dia., bears S. 56 E., 20 links dist.

From this corner I run down stream with the meanders of the left and east bank of said river S. 21 W. 16.00 chains, to a point where set a post on the

Township 25 N., range 2 W., Willamette meridian-Continued.


left and east bank of Chickeeles River for the S. W. corner of the said Reed's claim, from which

A black oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 44 E., 37 links dist.

This tree marked with a blaze, 15 inches long, 6 inches wide, facing the corner post, with two notches-one at the upper end and the other at the lower end of the blaze; also marked with a marking iron on the face of the blaze the letters D. R., (Daniel Reed,) W. P. C., (witness private claim.)

A bur oak, 20 in. dia., bears S. 47 E., 45 links dist.

Marked with a blaze and notch at the lower end of the blaze facing the cor

ner post, with the letters R. 2 W., T. 25 N., sec. 8.

From the corner post I run

S. 54 E. along the S. W. boundary line of said claim,

[blocks in formation]

31.00 Leave river bottom and enter upland, bearing N. and S.

44.73 A white oak, 24 in. dia.

57.34 A white oak, 20 in. dia.

77.90 Set a post for corner of this claim and fractional section 8, from which

A white oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 40 W., 31 links dist.

This tree marked with a blaze and two notches facing the corner post-one

notch above and the other below the blaze. Mark the letters W. P. С. (witness private claim) on the face of the blaze.

A black oak, 20 in. dia., bears S. 10 W., 21 links dist.;

A bur oak, 15 in. dia., bears S. 45 E., 13 links dist.

Both trees marked with a blaze and notch facing the post, and S. 8 with a marking iron.

From this corner I run

N. 36 E. along the southeastern line of this claim,

Variation 17° 40′ east,

3.41 A white oak, 15 in. dia.

5.45 Intersected the line between sections 8 and 9, where set a post for corner to

fractional sections 8 and 9, from which

A white oak, 16 in. dia., bears S. 25 W., 22 links dist.;

A bur oak, 20 in. dia., bears S. 37 E., 18 links dist.

From this corner I run south with the line between said sections 23.70 chains,

to the corner to sections 8, 9, 16, 17.

33.73 A white oak, 15 in. dia.

41.17 A bur oak, 16 in. dia.

57.31 A white oak, 20 in. dia.

60.57 A black oak, 30 in. dia.

64.00 Leave timber and enter prairie, bearing N. and S.

75.17 Intersected the line between sections 4 and 9, where set a post with mound

and trench for corner to fractional sections 4 and 9.

Plant N. E. a hickory nut, S. E. 4 apple seeds.

To obtain the distance on the line between sections 4 and 9, from the fractional-section corner just established to the corner to sections 3, 4, 9, 10, I run as follows:

North 4.00 chains (to avoid the pond) to a point; thence east on an offset line 12.00 chains to a point; thence south 4.00 chains, to the line between said sections 4 and 9; thence east with said line, and at 39.33 chains, the corner to sections 3, 4, 9, 10, the distance being counted from the corner to fractional sections 4 and 9, in the S. E. line of Daniel Reed's claim.

80.00 To a point for the east corner of the claim. Set a lime stone, 10 inches square and 6 inches thick, and post with mound and trench, as per instructions, for corner to said claim and to fractional section 4. From the corner a white oak, 16 in. dia., standing in the edge of the timber, bears N. 65 W., 555 links distant. Mark said tree with a blaze and two notches-one above and the other below the blaze-facing the corner. With a marking iron cut the letters W. P. C. (witness private claim) on the face of the blaze. This corner about 3.00 chains N. W. of a small pond. Thence I run

N. 54 W. along the N. E. boundary line of this claim,

Variation 17° 40′ east,

5.50 Leave prairie and enter timber, bearing N. E. and S. W. 10.53 A bur oak, 15 in. dia.

25.34 A black oak, 16 in. 'dia. 54.07

Intersected the line between sections 4 and 5.

Township 25 N., range 2 W., Willamette meridian-Continued.

Chains. Here set a post for corner to fractional sections 4 and 5, from which
A black oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 43 E., 22 links dist.;

A white oak, 20 in. dia., bears N. 37 W., 17 links dist.

From this corner I run north with the line between said sections 4 and 5, and at 30.81 chains, the corner to fractional sections 4 and 5, on the left and south bank of Chickeeles River.

64.00 Leave upland, and enter river bottom, bearing N. E. and S. W.

65.50 A bur oak, 20 in. dia.

71.53 A bur oak, 16 in. dia.

75.36 A walnut, 36 in. dia.

77.90 Set a post on the left and S. E. bank of Chickeeles River, for corner of this

claim and fractional section 5, from which

A white oak, 16 in. dia., bears N. 60 E., 31 links dist.

Marked with a blaze and notch facing the post, and section 5 on the face of the blaze.

A bur oak, 15 in. dia., bears S. 40 E., 37 links dist.

Marked with a blaze and two notches facing the post. The letters W. P. C. (witness private claim) cut with a marking iron on the face of the blaze. From this corner I run up stream with the meanders of the left and S. E. bank of the river in fractional section 5.

Ν. 37 Ε., 1.00 chains, thence

N. 50 Е., 8.50 chains, thence

N. 40 Е., 5.60 chains, thence

N. 54 Е., 10.70 chains, to the corner to fractional sections 4 and 5, on the left bank of the river.

upper corner to the claim on

From the corner to fractional section 5, and the upp

the left bank of Chickeeles River, I run down stream with the meanders of the left bank of said river, within the claim, as follows:

S. 37 W., 16.00 chains, thence

S. 44 W., 22.00 chains, thence

S. 38 W., 26.72 chains, to the original corner to fractional sections 5 and 8,
on the left and east bank of Chickeeles River, and place of beginning.
Land, much the largest portion of this claim gently rolling upland; good,
2d rate timber, oak, walnut, hickory, and sugar tree. The bottom land
along the river is dry, rich land, not subject to inundation.
Timber, walnut, oak, hickory, and hackberry; undergrowth same, briers
and vines.


February 18, 1854.

The quality of the land in this township is considerably above the common average. There is a very fair proportion of rich bottom land, chiefly situated on both sides of Chickeeles River, which is navigable through the township for steamboats of light draught, except over the rapids in section 8. These rapids are 37 chains long; estimated fall, about 10 feet.

The uplands are generally rolling, good 1st and 2d rate land, and well adapted for cultivation. Elk River is a beautiful stream of clear water, running through the southern part of the township, and emptying into Chickeeles River, in section 31. There is a fine mill-seat on this stream in section 22.

Timber, chiefly oak, beech, hickory, hackberry, and sugar tree, and is very equally distributed over the township, except in the prairie embracing parts of sections 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, and 16.

The town of Williamsburg was laid out by Samuel Williams, some two years since, on the right bank of Chickeeles River, a little below the foot of the rapids. It now contains sixteen houses, and others are being built; has a good landing in front, with a ferry, and has the appearance of thrift and prosperity.

There are several good quarries of stone (principally lime) along the Chickeeles and Elk Rivers, which will afford inexhaustible quantities of excellent building materials. On the line between sections 1 and 12 I discovered gold dust and auriferous quartz, and in section 17, on the left bank of Chickeeles River, opposite Williamsburg, a valuable coal bank. There are three settlements-one on the N. W. quarter of section 10, one on the N. W. quarter of section 15 and N. E. quarter of section 16, and the other on the N. E. quarter of section 23 and N. W. quarter of section 24.

A valuable salt spring was discovered crossing the south boundary of section 31, run

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