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tion. The present bishop, Mar Dionysius, is a native of Malayala, but of Syrian extraction.-The Church of Malayala have till lately received their bishops from Antioch; but that patriarchate being now nearly extinct, they are inclined to look to Britain.

Syrian Christians are also connected with the Churches of Mesopotamia and Syria (two hundred and fifteen in number), which are at present in a declining state, and struggling with great difficulties.

The Syrian Christians in Malayala still use the Syrian language in their churches, although the Malavaline is the vernacular tongue. Efforts have been made to translate the Syriac and Scriptures into Malayaline, but it has not hitherto - been effected, for want of suitable means. On its being proposed to send a Malayaline translation to each of the fifty-five churches, on condition that they would transcribe it, and circulate the copies among the people, the elders replied, that so great was the desire of the people to have the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue, that it might be expected that every man who could write would make a copy on ollas (palm) leaves, for his own family.

On investigating the Syro-Chaldaic manuscripts, in Malayala, some of great antiquity were discovered. The Syriac version of the Scriptures was brought to India, according to the belief of the Syrians, before the year 636 (A.D. 325) and they allege their copies to have been exact transcripts, without any known error, down to the present day. Some of these are certainly of ancient date; one found in a remote church amongst the mountains contains the Old and New Testaments engrossed on strong vellum, in large folio, having three columns in each page, and is written with beautiful accuracy. The character is Estrangelo Syriac, and the words of every book are numbered. The volume is illuminated, though not after the European manner. It has suffered some injury from time or neglect,

some of the leaves being nearly decayed. The Syrian Church assigns to this manuscript very high antiquity. The order of the books of the Old and New Testament in it differs from that of the European copies, a chronological arrangement being more attended to in the former. The first emendation of the Hebrew text (Gen. iv. 8.) proposed by Dr. Kennicott, is found in this manuscript. The disputed passage in the 1 John v. 7. is not in it.

In some other copies that verse is interpolated in black ink, which was done by the Romish Church in 1599. Two different characters of writing appear to have been in use amongst the Syrian Christians, the common Syriac and the Estrangelo, the oldest manuscripts are in the latter.

There are other ancient documents highly interesting, amongst which are certain tablets of brass or mixed metal, which were supposed to have been lost, but have since been recovered, and which are stated to contain grants of certain privileges to the Christians of Malayala. The plates are six in number, closely engraved, four of them on both sides the plate. The oldest tablet is engraved in triangular headed letters resembling the Persepolitan or Babylonish. On the same plate there is writing which has no affinity to any existing character in Hindostan. The grant on this tablet appears to be witnessed by four Jews of rank, whose names are distincly written in an old Hebrew character resembling the alphabet called the Palmyrene, and to each name is prefixed the title of Majen,' that is, Chief. The Jews of Cochin also produce tablets, which they contend are of equal, if not greater antiquity. It is intended to print a copper-plate fac simile of the whole of these plates, making fourteen pages,and to transmit copies to the learned societies in Hindostan and in Europe.

Some ancient manuscripts have also been found among the Black

Jews in the interior of Malayala. An old copy of the Law was found written on a roll of leather about fifty teet in length, the skins being sown together.

It is intended to deposit such of the Syriac and Jewish manuscripts as are found to be valuable, in the publick libraries of the British universities.


The sale of books, although reduced very low in Germany, has no where suffered so much as in the Austrian States. In better times the commerce in books in Austria was never very flourishing, one reason was, that good articles were seldom offered to the booksellers, and another that they deterred many authors of reputation by their niggardly proposals. The name of Vienna on the title page was enough to impede the success of a work. Can any thing good come from Vienna ? was the question of many foreigners; and not altogether without reason. Among a Continual round of eating and drinking, restlessness and noise, the restraints of the censurate, and the manifest want of inclination for the nobler employments of the mind, evinced by the higher classes, how could any thing sublime or mental flourish? Very few of those to whose care is committed the reputation of the country appear to feel the importance of this object. The few noble minds which take a higher stand, are pretty much isolated, and are not understood. No attention is directed to improve the native dialect, and from ignorance of a better language, the Austrian patois is spoken in the best circles, wherein one might expect to find superiour information. It must indeed be acknowledged, that there is no province in Germany where the youth are more tormented with the etymological part of the German language; yet at the same time none where such bad German is spoken, and for the greater part written, as in Austria. Literary

excellence is no where so little valued as in Vienna. A delight in cavalcades and dogs, and an unreserved devotion to the spirit of commerce, in the eyes of most people, constitute a valuable man. How is it possible, under these circumstances, that any thing distinguished in the republick of literature, can appear in the imperial residence? It has often been observed that people of the greatest literary reputation, and the most extraordinary diligence while they remained abroad, immediately as they choose Vienna for their residence,have relinquished the path of literature. Notwithstanding these facts, the superiour booksellers here, have in general transacted business to advantage. People buy books, at least, if they do not read them. Several booksellers indeed, have kept large stocks on hand. Degen published superb works. The late Director of Camesina's concern, Beck, edited very important works in a truly elegant style: Geistinger did the same, and Schaumburg, who doubtless keeps the best assortment, and serves his customers with the greatest promptitude, has edited many valuable articles. But few publications meet the wished for sale; and, it was therefore natural that one bookseller after another, should either cease from keeping stock, or reduce it very low, and now, when there is little demand, the dealers are too fearful to undertake any thing considerable. Geistinger appears to risque the most, and to succeed with some articles from Hosor, Glatz, and Trattinik; but in his publications he reckons much on a fair exteriour. The mob of pirates, and dealers in piracies, find the most advantage.

This great monarchy does not produce one distinguished publick paper. Our political newspapers are sick some in a consumption, others in a dropsy. For some time there was talk of the speedy appearance of a journal, under the title of Austrian Leaves (Oesterreichische Blätten) which was to

embrace much, but at present nothing is said about it. There are some appearances as if the Censuraechere would unobservedly become milder; at least many free spoken words in the foreign newspapers, receive the toleratur,' if not the admittitur.' The more noble wish that those who sit at the helm may read and ponder these words; and, what might be of the best consequence, would lay them before the sovereign, who by the great candour of his mind, and the rare uprightness and goodness of his heart, might easily receive other and more correct views of many important subjects, whereby certainly various things assume a more friendly form, and the general welfare of the monarchy might be greatly promoted. For a truly noble mind to shew itself in the Empire of Austria, will be very difficult when the superiour characters in the state do not cherish a literary and scientifick education, nor excite emulation by honours and publick distinctions. A more free and liberal turn of mind is greatly wanted, a disposition fettered by no censurate unnecessarily rigid, and frustrated by no little pedagogick school plan, a spirit secure from the suspicion of mean hypochondriack minds, who view but one side of a question. Those who know our beloved emperour, and his enlightened ministry, assure us, londly, that a national turn of mind, of this nobler description, might easily be hoped for, if it attained publicity enough to engage the attention of a prince who judges so candidly, and intends so uprightly as Francis II. Of the literary journals, that of Halle is the most read; after this, that of Jena; of other periodical works, the Free Thinker (Das Freymuthige) is most in request, and after that the Gazette for the elegant world (Zeitung für du elegant wilt.) The Minerva of the lively and industrious Archenholtz, which since the breaking out of the last war, contains many pertinent remarks and sentiments of serious import, rela

tive to Austria, is here read with much approbation. Greatly is it wished, that many truths contained therein, might engage the attention of our monarch. The gazette of Neuwied retains its former estimation, and notwithstanding much distorted and superficial reasoning. enjoys a great reputation among the higher ranks.

The booksellers in the provinces, for the most part, do no business of consequence; but occupy themselves principally with pirated editions. In Hungary, especially, the trade in books is rendered difficult in many ways. In Presburg, Schwaiger does the most business; he also travels through the country with books. In Pest, Hartleben has attempted to become an editor, which is rather an unusual thing there but the attempt is not likely to boast of great success. These Hungarian towns have the most commerce in books; in most other towns of that country, the bookbinders are at the same time booksellers, or rather bookbrokers.

The Gazette of and for Hungary, edited by Schedius, appears, in the present state of the commerce in books, not likely to be soon resumed. Bredelyky's contributions to the topography of Hungary, which contain many good things, is not relinquished, but will be concluded with the fourth volume. The industriousKovachich continues very active in the history and literature of his country; he is now occupied with the idea of a new edition of the Corpus juris Hungarici, much augmented by many happily discovered old imperial statutes. The historian, Von Eugel, appears in his historical character to keep holiday. Schwartner is still; and if the times do not soon improve, by-and-by every thing will be still; but it will be the stillness of the tomb.

We shall add a succinct view of the

AUSTRIAN JOURNALS. It is well known, that the patriotick journal of M. André, counsellour of education, at Brunn, ceased

with the month of June, 1805, M. André having been invited into Bavaria; however he is not yet gone thither, on account of the war, and other circumstances. A competent successor to continue this useful and much read journal has not been found.

A journal which M. Von Hanke, in Olmutz, intended to have published, under the title of Slawenka, and of which one number appeared in 4to in 1804, from the university press, at Buda, is interrupted by his death. This number contained a critical account of a copy of an old Sclavonian Bible, in the possession of the editor's family, which is by no means a master-piece of criticism; and evinces no fundamental knowledge of the Sclavonian language. A journal is published at Prague, entitled Slawin, a mes

sage from Bohemia to all Sclavonian nations,' by Joseph Dobrowski, member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences at Prague, and of the learned Society at Warsaw. 8vo., 2 numbers cost 1 florin.

Another journal is likewise published at Prague, quarterly, under the title Hlasatel Cesky, The Bohemian Prophet,' by Mr. John Negedly, Doctor of Laws, and Professor of the Bohemian Language and Literature in the University there. The object of this publication is to combine entertainment with information, but especially the promoting and perfecting of the Bohemian language and literature. Two numbers have appeared, whose contents correspond with this object. They include translations of select pieces from Lucian, Cicero, Pope, and the Messiah of Klopstock. The editor is assisted by Witsch Negedly, J. Mysliwecki, Joseph Jungman, and others.

Mr. Stephen Kultsar has entitled his paper, published at Pest, in the Hungarian language, Hazai tudositasok, Advices of our native country.' He has already more than 200 subscribers; and the Comitates wish to remove the prohibition, by which he can insert nothing but domestick Hungarian

articles. A sheet is published twice a week, since July 2. Price for the half year, 4 florins. Mr. Kultsar, formerly Professor of Elocution, and tutor to the young Count Festerits, writes a pure Hungarian style.This journal finds its way into the neighbouring countries, as Servia, Bosnia, Moldavia, and Walachia. We flatter ourselves that it will furnish us with various articles which may increase our acquaintance with the state and productions of Hungary.


The high price of books is a subject of general observation, yet few persons take the trouble to ascertain the causes, or to make comparisons between their prices and those of other articles, or to examine into their prices in England and in other countries. The increase of price arises principally from the prevailing taste of the publick, which gives encouragement only to fine printing, superfine paper, and costly embellishments (or rather which discourages plain and simply useful printing), and partly from the advanced prices of printing, engraving, and all the materials of which a book is composed. Every person must be aware, that the price of a book must be governed in a certain degree by the number of copies printed, because the expence of setting up the types must be divided among the number of copies. The same principle holds in regard to the labour of authorship, the charges for engraving, and all the other preliminary expences which are necessary to the production of the first copy. It is another principle equally obvious, that the number of copies sold will, in a certain degree, be in the inverse ratio of the price, that is, if the book be cheap, more copies will be sold, and if dear, there will be a smaller number of persons who can afford to buy it. It follows therefore, that whatever tends to increase the first cost of a book to its publisher, tends in a still higher degree to

raise the price, because the necessary increase of price will occasion a diminution of purchasers; consequently all the preliminary expences must be borne by a smaller number of persons, or be laid on a smaller number of copies. The fault is obviously therefore in the luxurious taste of the times, which has forced the printers of books to enter into a competition to render all publications superb, and consequently costly, and every shilling in the intrinsick value of a copy of a book, adds three to its price, on account of the necessary reduction of the edition, and on account of the increase in the first cost, which adds proportionally to the hazard of success. Books, it will be apparent, are unlike most other articles; a weaver may make one, or one hundred yards of cloth at the simple cost per yard of the labour, and the material, whether for one yard, or for one hundred; but in the production of books, it costs nearly as much to produce one copy as one thousand, all the expences being the same for one copy as for one thousand, except the intrinsick value of the paper and a small expence for press work. It follows then as a practical and im'portant inference, that the lovers of literature ought to consider fine printing, superfine paper, maccaroni embellishments, and every thing that adds uselessly to the cost of books, as destructive of literature itself, and that the judicious part of the publick ought to give preference to that style of printing, which the more effectually answers the purposes of communicating knowledge, or they will in time be the means of raising printed books to the price of manuscripts. Enough has been said to inform the publick of its duties, and this paragraph has already exceeded its bounds, or the writer had intended to prove that books have not risen in price more than other articles, and that they are much cheaper, cateris paribus, than in any other country in Europe, and at half the

price at which they can be produced in America.

The valuable library of the late professor Hensler, of Kiel, in Holstein, has been purchased, and lately imported to Edinburgh, by Messrs. Constable and Company. It consists of upwards of one thousand five hundred volumes, of the most choice description; comprising the rarest and most valuable editions of all the best Greek and Roman classicks, and was considered to be one of the most select private classical collections in Germany.

Mr. Walter Scott has received a thousand guineas for his new poem, entitled, Marmien, or a Tale of Flodden Field.' It is in the press, and will speedily be published.

The late Rev. Dr. Symonds, professor of modern history, in the university of Cambridge, had devoted a considerable share of attention to the English languages, with a view of rectifying the mistakes and inelegancies observable in the composition of our best writers. His numerous avocations prevented him from completing the work, but he had at the time of his death made considerable progress in the preparation of it. The part which he had finished, and which contains his remarks on British writers, is intended to be shortly published, and from the ability of the author, the publick may anticipate its value.

A new edition of Langhorne's Plutarch, with a great number of corrections of the text, and considerable additions to the notes, by the Rev. Francis Wrangham, is nearly ready for publication.

Professor Porson is about to reprint, in one volume, the four plays of Euripides, before published separately. They have been for some time past remarkably scarce.

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