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FEB. 27, 1830.]

Ardent Spirits in the Navy.

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borhood on land, no such difficulty existed in the navy. ferociously virtuous. These "American system gentle-. A ship at sea was a little territory by itself. The com- men," both by precept and example, adopt, in my opinion, mander could do as he pleased; and Mr. E. said he did a doctrine wholly at war with the provisions of the present not believe that there would be much difficulty in inducing habits of temperance, if the Government would set. seriously and perseveringly about it.

proposition, and their former declarations. They have been clamorous for the "Tariff," the encouragement of "Domestic Industry," and an increase of the duties on the Mr. E. said, he had detained the House longer than he importation of articles manufactured abroad. One of the was aware of, and would resume his seat after reading an staples of the Western country is whiskey, into which, by extract or two from the letters of Doctors Heerman, Bar- distillation, the farmers convert their immense surplus ton, and Harris. At the last Congress, by a resolution of of corn, rye, fruit, &c. To have a market for this article, this House, the Secretary of the Navy was requested to we must have consumers: to prevent its consumption, no obtain the opinions, separately, of three medical officers legislative sanction can be adequate. Sir, I am no friend of the navy, whether it is necessary or expedient that dis- to intemperance, either on land or at sea; but I think it tilled spirits should constitute a part of the rations allowed infinitely better to abandon the votary of intemperance to to midshipmen, and also their opinion of the effect upon the his fate, than to abridge the natural liberties of man. morals and health of the individuals, and upon the charac- I make the remark, and I make it seriously, that legister and discipline of the navy. In submitting these opinions, lation upon this subject is as useless as was the attempt of the Secretary says that he deems it unnecessary to add any King Canute, who, flattered by his courtiers, commandremarks of his own, in illustration and enforcement of the ed the "tide to recede," and was well nigh overwhelmed views therein expressed, further than that they are ear-in its waves, before he discovered his presumption and nestly concurred in. Mr. E. said, he wished he could read the whole of those letters; but time would not admit of it. He would recommend them to the serious perusal of every one in this House.

Mr. BUCHANAN said that he had but one remark to make, and that was, that the practice of this House had of late wonderfully changed, and gentlemen discuss resolutions, proposing merely an inquiry, as if a bill on the subject, or the merits of the question, was before them. He presumed that there was no gentleman opposed to the inquiry which these resolutions proposed, and he hoped they would be permitted to pass without further debate. The debate was here arrested, the hour for considering resolutions having expired.


The House resumed the consideration of the resolutions moved by Mr. CONDICT on the 25th instant; when, A motion was made by Mr. CHILTON to amend the said resolutions, by striking out from the word "Resolved," in the first resolution, to the end of the last resolution, and inserting the following:


[Mr. DRAYTON, of South Carolina, here rose, and said that he had heard the amendment read, and it appeared the object of the gentleman was merely to indulge his humor. The SPEAKER, nevertheless, decided that Mr. CHILTON was in order. Whereupon, he proceeded as follows.]

Mr. Speaker: I must ask the gentleman's pardon for his polite interruption of me, while I was surely not interrupting him. I understood perfectly well what I had intended to say, and what it was in order for me to say; and if the gentleman will look more deeply into the question presented, and anticipate me with slower progress, he will perceive that I am in good earnest, and not playing with either the feelings or time of the House. But, sir, as I before remarked, while we are extending through so boundless a range the work of "Retrenchment," I should be gratified to despatch for its helpmate the fair nymph "Reform." Surely its way is lovely-its dimensions being small, and the company of a twin sister cannot be unacceptable.

Whether this "reform" in the navy is to be charged under the head of "cleansing the Augean stable," or whether it properly falls under some other head, I will "That the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to not pretend to say. But I will say that the legislation is inquire whether the public interest and the cause of moral- as partial in its effects and character, as was that which I ity would be most effectually promoted, by emphatically witnessed in this House a few days since; when gentlemen, prohibiting the use of ardent, vinous, and other fermented who even denied me the yeas and nays upon a proposition liquors in the navy of the United States, by the officers to "retrench" their own wages, voted to discontinue the and seamen belonging thereto, or by permitting a continu- humble draughtsman of this House. I am determined in ation of the practice of issuing them as rations in said


this case, as in that, to try the liberality of gentlemen, and to ascertain whether they are as willing to "retrench" "Resolved, further, That, in the event said committee their own allowances of intoxicating liquids, as they are shall be of opinion that it is expedient to continue the ra- to limit those of others. I venture to predict that in this, tion aforesaid, in the naval establishment, they be instruct- as in the instance alluded to, there will be opposition to ed to inquire into the expediency of providing some mode having the question taken by yeas and nays. It behoves for procuring the discontinuance of the use of ardent, me to show why my substitute should be adopted. It is vinous, and other fermented liquors in the various civil de- here attempted to bargain with men to become "virtuous." partments, and among the members of Congress, and I am reminded, sir, of a maxim which I learned at an others holding offices of either trust, honor, or profit, un-early age, and in which experience has confirmed me, to der the authority of the people of the United States." wit, that "virtue which required to be watched, is not Mr. CHILTON said that he was proud to hail the pre- worth watching." Vows to be temperate (where the resent day as a day of "Retrenchment and Reform;" and in-straints imposed by public sentiment-by the endearing and deed so many evidences had been given of a disposition heart rending tears which often flow around the domesto accomplish each, that it would now amount almost to tic fireside-aided by the claims of helpless innocence)moral treason to dispute the rapid and mystical progress are all insufficient. If the pride of character cannot avail, of either. So far as relates to "Retrenchment," upon a money cannot. mere guess, [said Mr. C.] I should suppose that not more

The question to agree to this amendment was decided than one hundred thousand dollars have been expended in the negative.

in arguing the question in its various ramifications, while Mr. PEARCE then said, he was prepared to express not one solitary dollar, so far as I am advised, or can un- his opinions on this subject; but as he presumed the House derstand, has been saved to the Government. I am much had heard enough on it, he moved that the resolutions surprised, sir, to discover gentlemen, as I humbly think, lie on the table; which motion was negatived: yeas, 57-so vastly inconsistent, and yet so externally sensitive, and nays, 108.

H. of R.]

MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1830.

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The previous question was called for by Mr. STERI-tee on Indian Affairs had reported, would it have been GERE; and, being demanded by a majority of the mem- printed? Would the House have ordered in the first instance bers present, the previous question was put and carried; and its publication? Certainly not. Such a course had been The main question was then put, viz. Will the House unusual. Such a course would not have been taken with agree to the resolutions as moved by Mr. CONDICT? this memorial. It would have been referred at once to And passed in the affirmative. the committee for their examination, for their consideration, and for them to have reported upon. This has been the course which similar memorials have taken during our present session. And it is the uniform course of proceeding in legislative assemblies. Why, then, I would ask, Mr. BURGES presented a memorial from the yearly will you order this single memorial, at this time, to be meeting of the Society of Friends in New England, and printed? The only reason which I have heard offered in moved to have it referred to the same Committee of the favor of such a course is, that in as much as the committee Whole to which was referred the report of the Committee have reported on the memorials which have been referon Indian Affairs, and to have it printed. The question red, and as this cannot therefore receive the consideration was divided; and on the motion to print, a very animated debate arose.

[Some remarks were made against the printing by two or three gentlemen, which our reporter did not catch; no debate being anticipated on petitions. When he came in, Mr. WHITTLESEY had the floor.]

of the committee, there would be a propriety and fitness in causing it to be printed for the use of the members of this House, who must soon be called upon to act on the subject matter of this memorial. And this of itself would be, in my opinion, a sufficient reason, if the memorial now before us contained any new views, or any different Mr. WHITTLESEY said, the objections urged by the considerations from those which have already been congentleman from Georgia, against printing the memorial, sidered. And I was, sir, much gratified when the gentlewere, that the expense would be onerous on the treasury; man from Georgia called for the reading of this paper. I that the report of the Committee on Indian Affairs had gave particular attention to it. I was anxious to ascertain been made, and therefore that the publication of the whether the memorialists had set forth any new views of memorial was unnecessary for the action of the committee this all-absorbing subject-whether they had urged any or of the House, and that the memorial might reflect on reasons different from those which had been inserted in the committee. Mr. W. said, in relation to the expense other memorials which had already received the attention of printing the memorial, he was an advocate for economy; of the committee, and upon which they had already actand if he considered the publication to be unnecessary or ed; and the views the committee entertained in relation to unusual, or if it could be demonstrated that the treasury them, were clearly and distinctly embraced in the report was not able to bear the expense, he would go with the which they had already presented, and which the House gentleman in the vote he was about to give; but he said he had already ordered to be printed, and which report much admired, in casting his eye over the House to see would soon be placed on our tables. But, sir, I take the who were opposed to the printing of this short memorial, liberty to inform the House that, as far as the reading of they were of the number who had voted for printing ten this memorial proceeded, not a single new view was taken, thousand copies of the report on Indian Affairs, without not a new argument was set forth, not an additional reahearing it read, or knowing the contents of it, and who son was urged, which have not already claimed the dehad forced the question on the House by calling the pre-liberate attention of the committee. I ask, then, sir, why vious question. He said it was a subject of much astonish-order this single memorial at this time to be printed? If ment with him, that gentlemen should be so profuse in it had contained views, if it had been replete with conexpending the public money on one day, and so remark-siderations not embraced in those which have already been ably economical on another. He said he thought it a little presented, referred, and acted upon, I would most clieerremarkable that it should be objected by any gentleman fully agree to the printing of it. I am entirely disposed from the State of Georgia, that the committee had report- to give to the people all the information on this subject ed, and therefore that the printing was unnecessary. He which can be obtained. But I am wholly unable to dissaid he had, since the question was under discussion, ex-cover any good and sufficient reason why this single meamined the executive documents, and he there found that morial, at this particular time, should be printed. there were many memorials printing on the application I most freely admit, sir, that it has emanated from a of the gentlemen from Georgia and South Carolina, re- highly respectable society in New England. I know that monstrating against imposing any additional duties on im- society well. Some of this family reside in my own neighports. Has the gentleman forgot the presentation of borhood; and there is not a man on the floor of this House these memorials, and the order of the House to print them? who entertains a higher respect for the Society of Friends Would the gentleman have been contented, and would he than myself. My opposition to the printing of this me. have remained silent, if there had been an objection by morial does not arise from any disrespect to the memo any supporter of the great protective system, against print-rialists.

ing those memorials which were sent here by agricultu- But, sir, it does appear to me (perhaps I may be wrong) ral societies and by individuals. By looking at the dates that, at this time, after the report of the Committee on when these memorials were presented, [said Mr. W.] it Indian Affairs has been presented, should the House order would be found that they were ordered to be printed both the memorial just offered to be printed, containing no new before and after the Committee on Manufactures had views from those which have already been considered by made their report. The application, then, [said Mr. W.] that committee, it would seem to declare, as the sentiment was not without precedent. As to there being any thing in of this House, that the reasoning of the committee on this the memorial that would reflect on the committee, he said he subject had not been satisfactory, and that the House thought that extremely improbable, from the highly re- would now order this memorial to be printed, to impugn spectable source from whence it emanated; and he believed the report of the committee, and this even before that report when it was inspected, he thought it would be as temperate had received the deliberate consideration of the House. at least as the memorials to which he had referred. He Regarding it in this light, I cannot but consider the said he thought the objections entitled to but little weight, printing of the memorial at this time, and under these and expressed a hope that the printing would be ordered. circumstances, as in some measure reflecting on the doMr. HUBBARD, of New Hampshire, said, if this memo- ings of the committee. I must therefore oppose the prorial had been presented to the House before the Commit-position.

MARCH 1, 1830.]

Indian Affairs.

[H. of R.

Mr. THOMPSON, of Georgia, asked if there was not will say that the gentleman must be mistaken as to his mosome difference between the claims of the present admin- tive. We have the charity to believe that he is mistaken. istration and those of the last. The President was elected The other objection which has been urged against the by a large majority; he was looked up to for a renovation, printing of this document, is more extraordinary still. It and such a one as should secure to the people their le- is not extraordinary that the House should shudder at ingitimate rights. The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. WHIT- curring an expense of five dollars in printing; but it was TLESEY] had said that the tariff memorials of South Caro- a little wonderful that a New England gentleman [Mr. lina and Georgia were printed at the expense of the HUBBARD] should get up in his place, and say the memorial Government, and the Southern gentlemen made no objec- should not be printed, lest it should reflect on the report tion to the expense. Had the gentleman forgotten that of the Committee on Indian Affairs; lest it should reflect memorials from the manufacturing districts were printed on a report which he had not read, and with the contents also? The gentleman should remember that the system of which he was not acquainted! Who ever said he rethere forced upon us took money from the pockets of the flected upon that report? In the name of all that is merSouthern people without their consent, and put it into ciful, pure, or intelligent, who ever dreamed of such a the pockets of the people of the Northeast, without re-thing--who ever thought of it, who suggested it? No one. turning to the Southern people an equivalent. He remem-It has not been mentioned. Our object is to obtain conbered the mammoth petition upon that subject, which was trary views, opinions, and arguments, to read, collate, and rolled into the House from Boston. He had been told by compare them. Who ever before deemed that receiving a respectable gentleman from New England, that one, or a memorial was reflecting upon the report of a committee? that some of the signers of that memorial had just im- But perhaps the gentleman from New Hampshire [Mr. ported one million seven hundred thousand pounds ster- HCBBARD] meant a sort of logical reflection; as if, because ling worth of foreign goods. With respect to the printing the committee has published a report, if we subsequently of the present memorial, he repeated now what he said receive a paper containing different views, it indicates that before, that it was unnecessary to print it, for the vanity the House thinks the committee has not gone exactly right. of the authors, if nothing else, would induce them to pub- We are told by the gentleman from Georgia, [Mr. lish it. He thought the printing would be a useless ex- THOMPSON] as if to sanctify the opposition to this motion, pense of public treasure. If there was more information that the things done under the last administration are not upon this subject before the people, it would appear that to be looked to as precedents for what we shall do under in some of these intermeddling memorials Georgia has this. He seems to say that, because General Jackson was been wantonly aspersed, and that the claims of Georgia elected by such an overwhelming majority, the people are founded in justice, and nothing but sheer justice. are not to expect to have their memorials printed! I am Mr. BATES made a few remarks in reply, in which he willing to admit that the President was elected not only said the time spent in the discussion of this motion was by a plurality, but by a majority, and that he had every worth twenty times told more than the printing. How vote if the gentleman pleases, but even then I do not see did the gentleman from Georgia know that the vanity of through the reasoning of the gentleman. I do not know the Quakers would induce them to publish this document? what he would say, unless he means to be understood that, He apprehended the meeting and the memorialists were in these days of reform and retrenchment, the President influenced by very different motives. Mr. B. referred to will propose, and this House will save all the money that the course which had been pursued during the session by was lost under the last prodigal administration! the gentleman from Georgia. Hardly a memorial had been Mr. HUBBARD said, the member from Rhode Island presented upon this subject, but it must lie one day upon has observed "it was a little wonderful that a New Engthe table--one day for those gentlemen to inspect it, land gentleman should get up in his place, and say that before it was referred to the committee. But when the the memorial should not be printed, lest it should reflect committee made their report, no delay was allowed. They on the report of the Committee on Indian Affairs; lest it called for the printing, and there must be no delay--not a should reflect on a report which he had not read, and with moment. The reading of it also was denied; and the print- the contents of which he was not acquainted." Now, sir, ing of ten thousand copies was ordered, without our know-I am the member to whom the gentleman has so courteing any thing about the contents. But now, when a me-ously alluded; and why and wherefore, he perhaps can morial came from the other side, and we asked for the tell, but I cannot. Sir, I am from New England; and I printing of it also, the gentlemen object to it. Oh! it is rejoice in that consideration. And when I shall misreprevery expensive! it is altogether useless! He hoped the me- sent the interests of my own State, or the interests of morial would be printed. New England, then let the gentleman express his astoMr. BURGES said, he was refreshed and invigorated nishment at my course. When that gentleman takes occawhen he found no arguments offered against the printing sion here to allege that I have not seen, examined, and but such as were offered. It would cost too much to print well considered the report of the Committee on Indian one and a half octavo pages for two hundred and sixteen Affairs; when he undertakes to say that I am not acquainted members to read, because, if the House did not print it, with the contents of that report; when he undertakes to the vanity of the New England Quakers would induce cast so severe a reflection upon my conduct, he states that them to publish it themselves! He did not wonder, after which he does not, and which he cannot, know. this declaration, that the gentleman from Georgia had sup-attack upon me, sir, is not only unkind in its character, posed the New York memorial emanated "from an acciden- but wholly unmerited as relates to myself. What right tal assemblage in a grog shop." The gentleman seemed has the gentleman from Rhode Island to make such an to suppose that no one would be induced to write such a allegation against any member of this House? What right thing unless he wished it printed. He could inform the does he possess to cast so foul an imputation upon me, sir, gentleman that it was not an extraordinary thing for a man when I have hardly the honor of a passing acquaintance in New England to know how to write. It would not be with him? Such insinuations and such reflections, when wonderful if a laboring man, after his week's work was made on this floor against me, coming even from the gendone, should write as good English on a Saturday after-tleman from Rhode Island, will not pass unheeded. noon, as a committee of the House. When the gentleman member of the Committee on Indian Affairs, I should feel, objects to the printing on account of the expense, I be- sir, as though I richly merited all the abuse which that lieve that to be his real motive, not because I am bound by gentleman seems disposed to cast upon me, if I had concourtesy to believe it, but because I know the gentleman. sented that the result of their doings, that the report But the people will believe no such thing. The people which had found its way into this House, had been pre


As a

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Indian Affairs.

[MARCH 1, 1830.

sented here without my examination. And I know not before that report had been considered, I felt myself by what authority the gentleman from Rhode Island has bound to oppose the printing of this memorial; and, sir, taken the liberty to assert here that I had not examined whether right or wrong, it was the honest impression made the report which proceeded from the committee of which on my mind at the time. Not that I am unwilling to give I am a member. Sir, I cannot fail to regard this charge this to the public; if it is the desire of the gentlemen, I as highly reproachful upon my character as a member of will go with them, and print all the memorials presented, this House; and I stand here to repel it, to declare that it some of which are now on the table, and some of which is without foundation. And no gentleman shall take the have been referred to the committee, and have been by liberty to utter such language in relation to myself, with- them considered. If such a proposition were made, I out at least receiving such an answer as the character of would not oppose it, but I would support it. But I stated, the allegation would seem to call for, and would seem to further, sir, that I was not in favor of giving this memojustify. Now, [said Mr. H.] what were the remarks which rial single handed to the public, and on this account I I took occasion to make (when up before) in relation to should vote against the motion to print. These were, the proposition of the gentleman from Rhode Island to substantially, the remarks, and all the remarks, I made; print this memorial, and which have (wholly unprovoked and I ask, was it possible for any gentleman, from my ob. on my part) called from that gentleman the most virulent servations, not to understand that I had been a member of strictures upon my conduct? Did I object to the printing the Committee on Indian Affairs, and, of course, presumon account of its being a tax upon our treasury? No, sir. ed to be somewhat acquainted with their doings? And I made no such objection. Did I object on the ground of yet the very honorable gentleman from Rhode Island rises withholding information from the people? No, sir. I in his place, and expresses his perfect astonishment at the made no such objection. Did I object on the ground that remarks which I, as a member from New England, had the memorialists were not respectable? No, sir. I am too seen fit to make, and the reason which I had suggested well acquainted with the character of the Friends in New against publishing the memorial--that "it reflected on the England, to be warranted in making any such suggestion. report of the Committee on Indian Affairs," and most unSir, I will endeavor to repeat, substantially, what I said. equivocally asserted that I had not read either the report I commenced my observations with the inquiry, if this or the memorial. Sir, as much disposed as I am, and as I memorial had been presented before the committee had ever shall be, to respect age, I never can, and I never reported, would the House have ordered it to be printed? will, suffer such a charge of dereliction of my duty to this I said, no; that such a course would be unusual; that it House, as is implied in the allegation of the venerable genwould have been referred to the Committee on Indian tleman, to pass unnoticed. Sir, this is the first time that I Affairs in the first instance, without being printed, as a have thrown myself upon the notice of the House, and I matter of course; and the committee would have consider- much regret that the debate has taken such a course as to ed it, and would have reported upon it: and that such bring me into personal collision with any gentleman. had been the invariable proceeding of the House in rela- Mr. REED observed that the gentleman [Mr. HUB. tion to similar memorials; (with, I believe, a single excep- BARD, of New Hampshire] was altogether mistaken in tion, the memorial from the ladies in Ohio;) and this, in point of fact, in relation to the mode of doing business in my opinion, was ordered to be printed more from a spirit the House, and this error had probably led him to an erroof commendable courtesy to the memorialists themselves, neous result. He asks, "would the House have ordered than from a sense of duty. I remarked, further, that I these memorials printed, before the committee had rewas rejoiced when the gentleman from Georgia called for ported?" Certainly; it has been the common course of the reading of this memorial, as I was anxious to hear it, business in this House, when a petition is presented, if reand that I did hear and did understand it as far as the read-quested and deemed of sufficient importance, to order it ing proceeded; and I most distinctly stated that this me- to be printed, and at the same time referred to a commorial presented no new views, urged no considerations, mittee. On the very subject now under consideration, not already embraced in other memorials, which had been two memorials or petitions have been printed. presented to the House, referred to the committee, and This memorial comes from a class of men whom I know which had received their consideration. The views of to be highly respectable, called Friends or Quakers. They the committee on these memorials had been clearly set are unobtrusive, and interfere very little with the Govern forth in the report which they had presented to the House, ment of their country. We see few of their petitions or I did not pretend, sir, that I had heard read the whole remonstrances; at the same time, they may justly be rankof this memorial. But I did state that I had attended to ed among our most valuable and useful citizens. If on the reading as far as it proceeded; and, that no views the present occasion they have thought proper to present were taken of the subject, which had not already claimed a memorial to this House, stating their views in relation the attention of the committee; and I would here suggest, to the Georgia Indians, why not publish it? Why not that if this paper had contained any different reasons treat it with the respect and consideration due to the subwhich had not been considered by the committee, sure Iject, and those who present it? Why not treat it like am that the gentleman from Rhode Island would (and pro- other memorials of the same character? On what occa perly, in my opinion) urge that circumstance upon the sion has this House refused to publish a memorial preHouse as a reason for printing this memorial. But, sir, no sented by so large and respectable a class of men as the such argument was offered, for no such fact existed; and yearly meeting of Quakers in New England? Let it be I stated, further, sir, as a reason why I opposed the pro-printed. Let it be read and examined! The Committee position of the gentleman to print, and which I felt myself on Indian Affairs have no just ground of apprehension on bound to state, that the presentation of this memorial, at account of their report upon the subject. If their report this particular time, after the report of the Committee on be correct, it will stand the test of argument. The me Indian Affairs had been made, should the House order it morial can do it no harm. On the other hand, if the reto be printed, in as much as new views were contained in port be erroneous, it should be the desire of all to know the memorial, that had not been before presented, would it. It should be our aim to seek light and truth wherever seem to declare, as the sentiment of the House, that the to be found, and finally judge with impartiality. reasoning of the Committee on Indian Affairs, that the Mr. DANIEL made a few remarks, the purport of conclusions deduced from their premises, as presented in which was, that there was an excitement in the country, their report, were not satisfactory to the House; and, re- owing to the want of proper knowledge upon the subject, garding the action of the House in this particular as pre-and that the extra number of the report was necessary to maturely impugning the report of the committee, even enlighten the people.

[merged small][ocr errors]

MARCH 1, 1830.]

Indian Affairs.

[H. of R.

Mr. THOMPSON, of Georgia, said, he did not doubt with him. He would vote for printing this memorial, and but that the memorials were signed by many honest gen- trusted that the time of the House would not longer be octlemen, who erred for want of knowledge upon the sub-cupied in discussing this very unimportant question. ject. He did not object, when up before, to the expense Mr. GOODENOW said, he rose principally for infor of printing, but to the uselessness of the expense. Mr. mation. There were in the House upwards of fifty meT. made some remarks in reply to Mr. BURGES, and con-morials.

cluded by saying he was not surprised at the course of the He understood that no part of these memorials would gentleman when he advocated remarks so indecorous, and constitute a part of that report. If a memorial was preso ungenerous to Georgia, as were contained in the me-sented, containing views different from any before advancmorial from the city of New York. ed, only the day before the final question was taken, and Mr. STERIGERE then moved to lay the motion to print if it was printed, he thought it was making an invidious upon the table. distinction between that one and those which were filed

Upon this motion, Mr. BATES called for the yeas and away. If this motion did not prevail, he should move to nays; which were ordered, and the motion was rejected: print a memorial which he had himself presented. yeas, 66-nays, 108.

The question then recurred upon the motion to print

the memorials.

Mr. HAYNES said, he was opposed to the printing, because it would have a tendency to keep up the delusion which existed in some parts of the country. A moment's Mr. BELL said, it was due to the House that he should consideration of the President's message would convince say a few words. He did not think the opposition to the the people that it was not intended to do any thing more printing arose from the supposition that it would throw than to induce them voluntarily to emigrate. He had exlight upon the general subject. He had stated before that amined with some attention the legislation of Georgia on he thought it ought not to be printed, unless all were print- this subject. There was nothing in the acts of Georgia, ed. He understood the gentleman from New Hampshire which assumed the right to coerce the Indians to remove. [Mr. HUBBARD] to place it upon the ground that, if all It was only because he thought it would keep up a deluwere printed, he did not object to the printing of this one. sion that now existed.

When the gentlemen examined the memorials, they would Mr. CRAIG, of Virginia, said, it was one of the things see that they were most of them before the public; some between the doing of which and the not doing of which was of them were in the papers before they reached the House. of so little consequence, that it was not worth speaking If any light was to be gained from them, the public was about. He had voted for laying it on the table, in the in possession. He alluded to the productions of "William hope to get rid of it. He hoped it would be disposed of Penn," upon which almost all the memorials were found-as courtesy should dictate, that the amendment would not ed; the facts were the same, and the general reasoning was prevail, and that the wishes of the gentleman who preHe stated this, to repel the insinuatious that the sented it should be acquiesced in.

the same.

printing was opposed in order to withhold light. He thought Mr. BELL replied, that he submitted his amendment the attention of the House should be drawn to this fact. His merely on the ground that it was said the opposition to the voice would not have been raised against this one, if he printing was to withhold information. If they were printhad known that a precedent had already been printed; and ed, the House would find them to contain very much the if such a motion had not been made, he now moved to print same matter. all the memorials at the same time this was printed. Mr. BATES said, he agreed, if the House should print one and refuse to print the others, it would be invidious. There was not a single application to print a memorial, which was refused. The printing had not been refused, because it had not been asked for.

man from Georgia, [Mr. THOMPSON] he believed he had not used precisely the gentleman's words, but he thought he had not misrepresented them. The gentleman did not object to it on the ground of the expense, but because it was useless expense. Now, the uselessness of the printing was according to the judgment of the gentleman who made the objection.

Mr. BURGES regretted extremely that he should have been misunderstood. He made a very ordinary motion to print a memorial from a respectable source. Gentlemen had accused him of making an insinuation. He did not know how to make an insinuation. He had all his life said, in as plain a manner as he could, the thing that he Mr. BUCHANAN hoped that his friend from Tennes- thought. With regard to previous remarks of the gentlesee [Mr. BELL] would withdraw his motion to amend. Whenever this Indian question came before the House, it produced a strong excitement. For his own part, he was determined to keep himself perfectly cool, and consider it as he would any other important subject. A long and an animated debate had arisen upon the simple question of printing a memorial from the Society of Friends in New England. For his own part, ever since he had held a seat As to his reverend appearance, it was not a matter of in that House, he had always voted for printing any me- his own choice; whether he should have a gray hair or not, morial which the member who had presented thought it was not a matter in which he had a volition. He would was proper to print, either for our own information or say to that gentleman. that he took no shelter behind his that of the public. He was anxious that all the light should be shed upon this subject, which we could obtain. But even if he were not so, he well knew that the attempt to prevent the printing of any memorial, served only the inore to attract public attention to it, and thus give it an importance which it might not deserve. Had this motion to print prevailed, as it usually has done, without an objection, the memorial would have been quietly laid upon our tables; and there the matter would have ended. He had not read it; but, from the source from which it proceeded, it ought to be treated with respectful attention.

gray hairs from any fair argument. He allowed the servant boy to consider himself as reverend as he pleases. Though that gentleman's hair was now black, it might happen that a time would come when allusions to his age would sound ungracious in his ear.

He did think the motion to print them, en masse, was very much like an attempt to overthrow the whole. The gentleman from New Hampshire [Mr. HUBBARD] did say that the printing of the memorial would impugn the report. This the gentleman could not know, because he had not read this memorial. If it impugned the report, Mr. B. said, he could not vote for the amendment to he would not ask for the printing of it. But if it impugnprint in mass all the memorials which had been presented ed the principles of the report, he should ask to have it to the House on the Indian question. It was wholly un- printed, for every one in the community had a right to necessary. If any gentleman, however, should ask for the impugn its premises and its conclusions. When he was printing of any of them, upon his own responsibility, after up before, he was not aware that the gentleman from New having examined its contents, he should cheerfully vote Hampshire was a member of the Committee on Indian Af

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