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brains are often much larger, and always of a form different from real brains, and that they are merely bony excrescences formed in the skull. This discovery is important to the Professor's physiognomical system, as he makes the brain not only the seat of mind, but of all the moral sentiments and affections, It is not the viscera, but the brain, in which feeling exists; and, although all languages have the expression" a good heart," feeling is in the head. Shame manifests itself by the skin of the face, yet we never say that shame exists in the skin; sorrow, by tears, yet we never suppose its seat to be in the lachrymal glands; and so of all the other affectious, the effects of which are produced by sympathy; consequently the brain is the seat of both intellect and moral feelings. Dr. S. then refuted the common errors of artists, respecting the proportions of the head; proved that size furnishes no rule, as ele phants have larger brains than men; that Camper's facial angle is erroneous; and that women, having generally less powers of reason and more feeling, have also less brain in front and more behind than men. Dr. S. then explained the phenomena of Sleep when all the organs are at perfect rest, then is complete sleep; when only a part, then dreaming takes place; somnambulism occurs when more of the organs are awake, but not sufficient to give a will to the person, who sometimes can see and hear as well as walk. Dreams are most common in the morning when all the organs have had some repose. Visions are occasioned by transferring internal sensations to external objects; this practice, if permanent, becomes actual disease, real insanity. This diseased state, when the patient is rational on every subject but one, proves the plurality of the organs, and at the same time the necessity of them all to make a perfectly rational being. Here Dr. S. related a number of cases illustrative of his general principle.

Lect. II. This lecture was chiefly anatomical, and the lecturer demonstrated, even to those but little versed in such researches, the errors of nearly all preceding anatomists, wheu dissecting the brain. The professional gentlemen present (being all

the best anatomists and most distinguished physicians in the metropolis) admitted the justness and originality of the Professor's observations. The error of dissectors, who have hitherto made sections of the brain, instead of tracing every organ through all its ramifications, the same as in other parts of the body, appears extraordinary. No inferences, said Dr. S. can be drawn from partial sections of the living brain, as the animal is thereby injured and cannot evince its natural functions. No general organs of feeling and sensation can be indicated; yet the functions of the brain and the signs of the disposition of the mind are the same. Every thing in nature is powerful in proportion to its mass; the more considerable the nerve, the more energetic the function. But we must distinguish between functions and their condi tions, as they may be active or passive; temperament adds to energy, exercise improves the faculties, consequently the general principles of judging are very compound and com plex. We must always observe individuals of the same species, and also the same individual. All the organs may be discovered by the functions, and pointed out by the external characters. Skulls too large or too small, indicate disease or idiotism. The size of the antique not found in nature. The configurations of the skull are solely to be relied on; but bony projections, such as those at the back of the head, are not to be confounded with organic developements, which consist of little elevations on the different parts of the cranium. Every man has all the organs, but some with one more developed than another, according to the peculiar bias of mind. amining a skull, notice the most prominent parts, if there be only one prominence or roundish elevation, it is easily discovered; if many, greater attention is necessary; according as the convolutions of the brain are transverse or lateral, so are the elevations on the skull; and its most elevated point, when placed in different positions, is always the centre of the organ. Great elevations on the skull always indicate some great bias of the mind.

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Lect. III. Dr. S. observed, that there are three states to which this physio

physiognomical system cannot be rigorously applied: infancy, disease, and old age; in children, the brain grows like the other parts of the body; in disease, such as in chronic insanity or in hydrocephalus, its form is changed by the water interposing in the ventricles; and in old age the brain is partially absorbed. He exhibited a variety of skulls to prove that insane persons have the skull generally thicker and denser than sane people; suicides have often the same character; the latter is sometimes a disease, and occasionally an epidemic. In Austria last year only 33 suicides existed, in Paris there were more every month. The Lecturer then proceeded to detail the process by which the bone of the skul is formed, its radiations from a centre, &c. With respect to the cause of cranial configurations, it was foreign to his inquiry: it is immaterial to the physiognomist whether these forms be produced by the muscles, brain, &c. it is enough that he knows such and such appearances are always accompanied by such and such characters of mind. It is, however, certain that the muscles cannot produce these configurations of the skull, as they are found in children before birth, and consequently before the muscles come into action. Nor can mechanical pressure produce the peculiar configuration in the skulls of Caribs, as reported by travellers; the figure of the skull is admirably contrived to resist all external inju. ries, and it would require a very great force to modulate into any other form than that of nature. The Lecturer here related the circumstances which led to the discovery of this new system. Dr. Gall, while he followed the opinions of the schools, laboured in vain to acquire any positive knowledge; there is no organ of instinct, and the language of philosophers respecting memory, judgment, imagination, passions, and affections, is very erroneous. His greatest difficulty was to ascertain the real faculties of the human mind: he began by studying man, as a botanist does a new plant, or a naturalist a new animal; he observed men's actions, and compared them with their cerebral organization; he examined an individual who excelled in some one thing only, and endeavoured to trace

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the relation between his peculiar character and some prominent part of his head. Having continued his observations on an immense number of heads, he ascertained that the same external configuration of the head is uniformly accompanied by sameness of character. He next directed his attention to negative characters, and by multiplying his observations on the developed organ and the intellectual faculties, he succeeded in forming his physiognomical system, which may be learned and improved by every succeeding student of human nature, who should always begin with the most simple and pro ceed to the more complex, from a head which has only one highly developed organ, to that which has many, and finally to those whose organs are all equally developed. Experience and incessant observation, assisted by numerous collections of skulls and busts, are necessary to make an expert physiognomist. This science is also improved by a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the brain, by comparative anatomy, by partial insanities, and by mimickry, or those insensible motions of the body whenever experiencing any lively emotion. Hence this system has assumed all the characters of a regular science, and rests on the basis of experience and observation, the foundation of nearly all our knowledge. If such an energy or faculty of mind be always attended, as it unquestionably is, by certain organs or configurations of the skull, then we must draw the same conclusion, by induction, as in every other branch of natural science, that the characters of the mind are deducible from the organization of the head. These principles are equally applicable to men and to animals, according to their respective faculties, It is not, however, expected that the physiognomist should be a prophet, or that he should tell by the skull whether a man may ever become mad; madness is merely a disease, which may and does occur without any change of configuration, the same as the eye, the thorax, or any part of the body may be inflamed without necessarily changing its form. But, if one faculty, such as self-love or pride, be indulged more than all the others, and the person


become diseased, insanity may be the consequence.

Lect. IV. After observing that the brain is an aggregation of organs which grow from birth to the age of puberty, and decline in old age, he proceeded to detail his new divisions of the intellectual faculties. Gall denominated the organs according as they indicated men's characters; thus, in a mathematician, he called the prominent part of the skull, the organ of mathematics, and hence his nomenclature is defective. Dr. Spurzheim proceeds differently; he considers the buman mind, like naturalists, as a class, which he divides into two or ders, or faculties; the first, intellect or understanding; the second, moral feelings. These orders he subdivides into four genera, which have each their respective species or organs.

1st. Propensities, of which there are nine species, or organs.

2d. Sentiments, the like number. 3d. Knowing or perceiving facul ties, eleven species.

4th. Reflecting faculties, only four species.

This classification consists of 33 organs, all of which manifest themselves by little eminences on the outside of the skull from the ears up wards. Every faculty has a propen sity, but not vice versa, nor has every sentiment a propensity. Organic life is one, but composed of many parts; hence very few actions are the result of one faculty alone. By the laws of reason and observation we may confirm the fact, that every faculty has its corresponding organ; that all the faculties are necessary to the perfectly organized being; and that in every faculty, its aim, abuses, and effects of its activity or inactivity are to be considered, with respect to the discovery of the name and place of its organ. When one propensity predominates, its organ becomes more conspicuous. This led to the discovery that the cerebellum or little brain is the seat of sexual appetite. Dr. S. detailed a great variety of observations and circumstances interesting to the anatomist and physician respecting the cerebellum and spinal marrow; related the effects of wounds received in the neck of a young French soldier, whose beard never grew, nor voice became masculine, in consequence; stated that the an

tients were acquainted with this fact; that they cured erotic madness by bleeding behind the ear; and that the cerebellum in all males is larger than in females, demonstrating that this propensity, from the mouse to the elephant and man, is much greater in the male than the female sex. The dimensions of the cerebellum are ascertained by the distance between the ears, and the breadth of the back part of the head and neck. Dr. S. an swered the objections made to this opinion, that animals have fixed periods of rutting, by observing that the same argument applies to the whole faculty, and consequently cannot overturn facts, however inex plicable in themselves. This propensity to propagate the species, he de signates by the organ of Amativeness or physical love; he was obliged to make a new word to express his idea, and therefore proposed a Latin of Greek root, amativeness or erotiveness, formed from amo, and the par ticle if, and substantive termination mess, agreeable to the genius of the English language.

Lect. V. The skulls of males and females are very different in Germany, much more so than in Eng land, and still more than in France; in the latter country the heads of men and women are almost similar. The Second propensity is denominated the organ of Philoprogenitiveness, or love of offspring. (English pathologists have naturalized the Greek term storgé for this feeling.) The func◄ tion of this organ was discovered in monkies, which are excessively fond of their young; it is situated at the centre of the hinder part of the head, and appears much more conspicuous in females than males; even in little. girls it is apparent. Dr. S. traced its existence through a vast variety of animals and birds; noticed those which neglect their offspring, like the cuckow, and mothers who kill their children, in all of which it was not developed and shewed that by the wise provisions of nature infanticide is very rare in consequence of this feeling, which is also so much stronger in females than males. He observed that some men love children, others are annoyed by them; a fact which is inexplicable without admitting a peculiar and innate propensity. Boys like whips, dogs, &c.s

girls prefer babies, dresses, &c. This organ is very conspicuous in negroes, who are greatly attached to their children. The Third propensity is a discovery of Dr. S. which he calls the organ of Inhabiliveness, or a propensity to live in certain places; it appears chiefly in animals: the chamois goat, eagle, lark, &c. delight to roam in high regions far beyond the sphere of their food; there are also two varieties of rats, one inhabits cellars, the other garrets; the garreteer has an elevated ridge on the back of the skull which does not appear in the cellarer, Gall confounded this organ with self-love, and supposed that physical propensities in brutes might become moral ones in man. But the faculties never

change; and there is a peculiar propensity for certain situations, which is indicated by this organ. Fourth, organ of Adhesiveness, or attachment. Of animals that live in society some are married, as canary birds, and others are not; this is not owing to the activity of any faculty, but to a peculiar propensity, adhesiveness. Frienship is a modification of this faculty, which is more extensive, and includes patriotism, national and local attachment, &c. Nostalgia is an abuse of this feeling, a caricature of patriotism. Fifth. Orgau of Combativeness. Some children are quarrelsome, others pacific; even deli

evinced in various manners; some robbers always murder as well as rob; some soldiers in the field put all to death indiscriminately, others preserve the lives of all they can. This disposition, therefore, is not owing to the particular aliment, as men eat both animal and vegetable food. Nor is it to be ascribed to the having hands or claws, as these serve only as instruments to the destructive propensity. Instances of an apothecary who became an executioner merely to gratify his desire of destroying animal life; merchants who paid butchers for permission to kill cattle. Tygers do not, like men, prey on each other; yet they and all other animals know to attack their prey at the neck, where life is easiest to be extinguished. Men evince this propensity in the pleasure which they derive from torturing animals, breaking lamps, tables, chairs, &c. Hence it is very happily designated the organ of destructiveness, and is situated above the ear in a line with the temples and occiput. Dr. S. exhibited busts or casts of Mitchell and Hollings, the murderers of their sweethearts; of M. Ampere, a Frenchwoman, who murdered her mother and two sisters, and of Bellingham the murderer of Perceval.

(To be continued.)

Mr. URBAN, Manchester, Nov.19. R. Dibdin, in his very excel

cale women sometimes fight with MR.

great obstinacy; rabbits fight with and defeat hares, which are generally larger animals; little dogs often chase large ones. These facts evince a peculiar and distinct propensity to combat, the organ of which is situated in the posterior angle of the parietal bone, nearly parallel with the ear; it is generally large in proportion to the backward space between the ears, and in those with thick necks and broad heads behind, it is very conspicuous. Animals having the ears wide are quarrelsome; if narrow or short, they are timid. The ancients knew these distinctions, as they are marked on the heads of their gladitors. Dr. S. opposes the notion of Gall, that a positive sentiment or feeling can result from the want or absence of another; fear, he contends, is not the want of courage, but a real sentiment. Sixth. Organ of Destructiveness: this propensity is

lent edition of "More's Utopia," professes to give a list of all the previous ones; and, in such account, mentions two as having appeared in the French language. From a passage, however, in "Memoires pour la Vie de Messieurs Samuel Sorbiere, et Jean Baptiste Cotelier," prefixed to "Sorberiana," à Paris, 1694, 12mo. it is evident there are two other translations into French of this "most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work”— a circumstance which Mr. Dibdin could not have been aware of.

The following is the passage alluded to:

François peu de tems après l'Utopie de "Il (Sorbiere) traduisit aussi en Thomas Morus, à la priere de Monsieur le Comte de Rhingrave, Gouverneur de la Ville de l'Ecluse, qui ne pouvoit sans cela la lire en cette langue que dans des traductions surannées, faites bien avant dans l'autre siecle par Barthelemi


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