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JUNE 16, 1834]


Cumberland Road.

[H. OF R.

We have just passed, almost without objection, the harbor bill, granting to the Atlantic and the lakes,

The fortification bill, granting

$652,000 887,000

The annual light-house bill, for oil and salaries, 251,000 For new light-houses, &c. 395,000


lions of dollars. And yet, in the face of this statement, the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means is found opposing his own bills, and withholding from the Government the sums required for the public service, lest there should be a deficit in the treasury. He was at a loss to conceive why this large surplus was to be retained. What benefit was it to the people to have their money idle, when it could be put into profitable circulation' To retain it could profit no one except the stockholders besides some three or four millions more, for the support of the deposite banks; but would the people be satisfied of the navy and its appendages, dock-yards, &c. Thus, to see four millions of their money in the hands of rich while we are granting, annually, some six or eight mil bankers and stockjobbers to speculate on, without paving lions to be expended on the seaboard, without objection, one cent for the use of it? Yet such would be the effect is it reasonable or just for gentlemen from that quarter to of the gentleman's course. It was to give this money to refuse this pittance to preserve a great public road, the deposite banks, instead of giving it to the people, by necessary to enable us to come here, and mingle our expending it for their benefit on this great road, on which voices with theirs in favor of these liberal, not to say the mails and travel from this city and the seaboard to lavish, expenditures on the seaboard, every one of which nine western States were daily in motion. could be defeated by the votes of the friends of this road? Much had been said about the enormous cost of this Under these circumstances, he submitted whether opporoad; it was always selected as the theme for economical sition from the seaboard to this appropriation could be speeches. Why were gentlemen silent when other ap-justified or defended?

propriations, much more useless and extravagant, were He regretted to find some of his own colleagues opconsidered? If gentlemen would look to the facts, they posed to this appropriation, but trusted their opposition would find that this road, from its commencement, twen-would be withdrawn when they reflected that many of ty-eight years ago, had cost less, repairs and all, than the the honest citizens of Pennsylvania, who had taken conHouse in which we are now sitting; less than a single for-tracts on this road, and to whom large sums were due, tification now erecting a few miles below this city, still would be ruined by the failure of this bill; and the more unfinished, and to which annual appropriations are grant-especially when they reflected that this money went, not ed without objection. Compare these objects in point of from Pennsylvania, but from the nation, to relieve a porutility, and how do they stand? The road, even in time tion of the people of that State, who, while they sustain of war, for the transportation of troops, was more impor- their full share of the burden, had no share in the benetant than those forts; and in time of peace, the road is in- fits of an expenditure of more than twenty millions of valuable; while the forts are not only useless, but a con-dollars for improvements in that State. He expressed stant burden on the treasury. Why did not the honora-his astonishment that western gentlemen who travelled able chairman think of economy and the condition of the on this road should be opposed to it. The destruction of treasury when the fortification and other appropriation this road would be a non-intercourse between this city bills were under consideration? Why is the interior and and the West; or, if gentlemen ventured upon it at all, it the West to be forever excluded from all participation in would be at the hazard of their limbs and lives. If this the benefits of public expenditure? It was a fact worthy portion of the road is to become impassable, why contiof special notice, and he called the attention of the nue it further west? Why continue to appropriate money House to it, that in the whole volume of annual estimates to extend the road through Obio, Indiana, and Illinois? of appropriations for the public service, amounting to This road was made under a compact with the new upwards of twenty-three millions of dollars, there were States. It was made in consideration that they should but two objects embraced in all the interior and western exempt the public lands from taxation. They had comStates; the one was the Cumberland road, the other the plied; they had paid the consideration, and fulfilled the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Not another object could compact. But these States had no power to legislate be found. He stated it as a fact, and he challenged con- for the preservation of this road. It was not within their tradiction; and it was a fact to which he wished to call the jurisdiction; and it would be a violation of good faith and attention of the American people, that the whole annual the spirit of the compact for this Government now to expenditures of this Government, in all the interior por- suffer this road, made for the benefit of the new States, tion of the Union, did not amount, annually, to half the an for an adequate consideration, to go to destruction. sum expended on a single fortification! Yes, sir, draw a Gentlemen had seized on this as a suitable occasion to fine one mile from the flow of the tides, one mile from the raise the constitutional question, and denounce the geneexternal boundary of the whole Union, and he affirmed ral policy of internal improvement as unwise, as leading that the whole expenditures within this circle, on public to extravagant and unequai expenditures, and to unjust works of every description, did not amount, annually, to and oppressive taxation. one million of dollars; not one million out of twenty-four; The constitutional power of Congress over the general not one-third part of the cost of this splendid edifice went subject, he said, was not involved in this question. This to all the interior and the West. The whole revenue (of was not a proposition to construct an original work, but which they paid their full proportion) was disbursed on merely to preserve a work already constructed, and that, the seaboard and the lakes, in the erection of forts and too, under a compact with the States. As to extravagant fortifications, harbors, light-houses, buoys and beacons, expenditures for internal improvements, about which so sea-walls, breakwaters; custom-houses, navy yards, dock-much had been said, he utterly denied it. Where or yards, and a thousand such objects; while the whole inte- when had such expenditures occurred? Let gentlemen rior and West are put off with a reluctant appropriation of point our a case of useless or wasteful expenditure. This a few thousand dollars for the Cumberland road and the had not-it could not be done. Congress had legislated Ohio and Mississippi. Are we to be doomed forever to for internal improvements for forty years, and the whole be mere tax-payers, "hewers of wood and drawers of expenditure for roads and canals throughout the Union Bater" for the seaboard? Is our money, like our rivers, did not amount to more than half as much as had been to flow in perpetual streams to the ocean, no portion of it expended by the single State of Pennsylvania! It did not returning? He hoped not; he hoped a sense of justice average half a million a year. Yet, to hear gentlemen and liberality would prevail; if not, a spirit of retaliation declaim upon this subject, a stranger would suppose that might be engendered, productive of the most injurious this was almost the only source of public expenditure, elects.

H. OF R.]

Cumberland Road.

[JUNE 16, 1834.

ever relieved from this perplexing subject? This was the true state of the question. He repeated, lie felt no great solicitude as to the decision, whether the whole or a part should be now appropriated; he thought, however, the object would be sooner and better accomplished, and at less expense, by appropriating the whole sum to complete the work. If so, he would pledge himself never again to ask for another cent; and all the gentlemen immediately interested were, he believed, prepared to concur in this pledge. But if only a part of the sum required by the Department to complete the work and erect the gates was now granted, no such pledge could or would be given.

Mr. CHILTON proposed that the further considera. tion of the bill be postponed to Thursday next. On this motion Mr. VANCE demanded the yeas and nays; but the House refused to order them.

Mr. MERCER opposed the postponement.

Mr. VANCE said that no bill had suffered so much by frequent postponement as this had. Let the House decide as it pleased; all the friends of the bill asked was a vote.

threatening the subversion of the Government. Who now proposed by the amendment is obviously insufficient ever thought of incurring a debt or borrowing money to for this purpose; and, consequently, the gates cannot be promote internal improvements? No one; the idea was legally erected. Hence, the question at the next session never suggested. Its most ardent friends never claimed will be presented, whether the road shall fall back on the more than the mere surplus, after satisfying all the other Treasury, to be kept free, as heretofore, or whether the wants of Government; and what injury or danger could compact with the States to "complete the repairs," shall result from this? None. He declared it to be his opinion be fulfilled, the gates erected, and this Government for that, if the tariff of 1824 had not been sacrificed to the spirit of party, the surplus revenue would now amount to at least twelve millions a year. It had averaged this sum for the last eight years. In 1832, more than eighteen millions had been applied to the public debt; and, had this tariff been continued, instead of fears of a deficiency in the treasury, we would now have at least twelve millions to distribute among the States for internal improvement. In ten years, this would amount to one hundred and twenty millions. And what would be the effect of such an expenditure? Would not this soon become one of the most beautiful and prosperous countries under heaven? united and bound together by indissoluble bonds; new sources of national wealth every where opened; new activity and life imparted to every department of industry; agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, all prosperous; in short, making our country what it ought to be, and what it would be, the wonder and admiration of the world. And all this accomplished, too, without imposing one cent of internal taxation. This immense revenue would be paid by foreigners, levied on foreign goods, and paid by the foreigner, or his agent, for the privilege of importing and selling them bere. And, whether the duties were on or off, all experience proved that the price to the American consumer was the same. When we reduce the duty, the foreigner adds it to the price. He puts the duty into his own pocket, instead of our trea- Mr. EWING replied that, if the House must wait till sury. He appealed to experience for the truth of this there should be no difference of opinion on such a measposition. Last year we repealed the duty on some hun- ure as this, it must wait till this Government should crumdred articles, amounting, in many cases, to fifty or sixty ble into ruins. And, should that event happen, this road per cent.; the duty on tea, coffee, spices of all kinds, fine would remain a surviving monument of the wisdom it linens, silks, &c. They now come in free of duty; and once possessed. To postpone the bill would be to lose it. are they any cheaper? Not a cent. On the contrary, some of them have risen in price. Thus our treasury to postpone. and our people lose fifteen millions of dollars, heretofore Mr. CHAMBERS read an amendment, which, he said, paid annually by foreigners into our treasury; lost, too, without advantage to any portion of the American people; but, on the contrary, with positive injury, by destroying domestic industry, and facilitating the introduction of millions of foreign goods, which ought to be manufactured at home. He declared it to be his honest and firm conviction that the late repeal of the tariff, to appease nullification, would, if not soon corrected, destroy our manufactures, agriculture, revenue, and internal improve- Mr. MERCER observed, in reply, that the two cheaper ments, without benefiting, in the slightest degree, any plans had been tried and rejected. He had personally individual in the United States. It would throw back examined the state of this road, and observation had satthis nation more than half a century in its late rapid and isfied him that neither of the other plans was of any onward march to a condition of unrivalled prosperity and value. Mr. M. here described the manner in which the power. road had been heretofore constructed, and the evils of

Mr. SELDEN advocated the postponement, on the ground of the difference of opinion which seemed to prevail among the friends of the bill. If they could agree, he was ready to vote for the bill.

Mr. CHILTON now consented to withdraw his motion

he would offer at a proper time. [The amendment requires the States to whom the road shall be ceded, to erect gates upon it before any part of the appropriation shall be expended.]

Mr. POLK reminded the House that this appropriation of $600,000 was not the plan recommended by the Department. He again referred to the several plans submitted, of which this was the most expensive.

He would pursue this subject no further, but return to the plan. He advocated the propriety of Macadamizing the immediate question before the House; and, in con- the whole anew with limestone, some of which must be clusion, would state, in a few words, what he conceived brought as much as twenty miles, other portions fourteen to be the true and only question presented by the motion miles, &c. The errors heretofore had arisen from no deof the gentleman from Tennessee, [Mr. POLK.] It was sigu to deceive or impose upon the House, but simply simply whether the House would concur with the Senate from want of knowledge. in granting the whole sum at once to complete the re- Mr. THOMAS insisted that the report of the Departpairs, or whether they would appropriate a part now, ment did virtually, though not expressly, recommend the and the balance hereafter. Let the gentleman restrict it plan contemplated by the bill; for, after stating the three as he pleased, it would come to this in the end: the whole modes of construction, it condemned the first two, leav sum would be granted. The States have agreed to erect ing the third as the only proper mode to be adopted. gates; but when? Not till the road was put in "complete [Mr. T. read from the report.] He argued to show that repair." To this Congress has assented. A plan has the plan of taking up the large stones at the foundation been adopted and partly completed; it cannot be changed; of the old road, and Macadamizing with limestone, was $652,130 is required to complete it. The commissioners the only effectual mode of repairing the road, and putappointed by the States are not authorized, by law, to ting it into a fit state to be surrendered to the States. erect the gates till the repairs are completed. The sum

Mr. CHAMBERS considered the appropriation in the

JUNE 16, 1834.]

Cumberland Road.

[H. of R.

bill as extravagant in the extreme. It was sufficient, of heard in this debate, it would seem that this road was an itself, to construct an entirely new road. The road pass-old acquaintance in the House, and, indeed, he believed ed through a country where the materials for a good that there were few persons in the Union who read the road were abundant, and the bridges were already made. newspapers, but must be aware that such was the case. All the States asked was, that the road should be put in For himself, he could not vote for any of these appropria reasonable state of repair, such as was the usual condi-ations. What was it? Here had the Government expendtion of their own turnpike roads. He contended there ed four millions of dollars to make a road, and now they was no need of hauling limestone such a great distance, could neither give it, sell it, or lose it, unless they would (which formed the chief item of expense,) as the material consent to lose with it $1,120,000. As to the $652,000 on the spot was sufficient. No doubt the workmen, if which was asked for repairing the road on this side of the left to themselves, would choose the softest and most fri-Ohio, he would agree to give the money if he could be able stone, as that was the most easily broken; but there certain that there would be an end of it, and that the were various kinds of stone in the mountains, and much friends of the project would not come back to Congress of it was very fit and sufficient. In illustration of which and ask for four millions more. If any body would bring position he referred to the road from Cumberland to Ha- in a proposition, to give that money to the States concerngerstown. The Pennsylvania turnpikes were usually ed, on condition they would take the road and keep it, made in this manner. He considered $300,000 as not he would go for the measure. At present he should vote only sufficient, but more than was required. The States first to reduce the amount to 300,000 dollars, and then had long since passed their acts, accepting the cession of he should vote to strike out the enacting clause of the the road, and yet not a gate was yet erected. His amend-bill, and so he should proceed resisting every plan in its ment went to require the erection of gates before this favor, till the Government finally got rid of the encummoney should be expended. brance.

Mr. BEARDSLEY considered it desirable that Con- Mr. VANCE said, he had been anxious that the quesgress should get rid of this road, if possible. But, from tion should be taken; but since gentlemen seemed to the manner in which Congress had given its assent to the want a discussion, they should have it. And, in the first acts of Pennsylvania and Maryland, those States were not place, he would suggest to the gentlemen the importance bound at all. Congress, instead of making its assent ab- of retaining this road, because, if they should get rid of it solute and final, had inserted a reservation, which left it at by passing such a bill as was now proposed, they would liberty to withdraw its assent at pleasure. This bound have nothing left to quarrel about; they would lose a fine nothing and pledged nothing. He wished an amendment topic on which to declaim and show their patriotism, and introduced, declaring the assent of Congress to be given boast of the care they were taking of the public money. fully and finally, and without qualification. Let, then, the If this road should be out of the way, what would gentlewhole sum of $600,000 be appropriated, on condition men do to show their constituents how they were here on that only $200,000 should be expended in a year; and their posts watching the treasury day and night? He that the States should bind themselves to take the road knew that much money had been spent, but this measure as soon as the whole sum should have been expended. In stood at the head of the system of internal improvements. this way, Congress might finally rid itself of the charge Out of it had sprung almost all the works which had since of the road, which had been the source of so much dis- been constructed. But for the construction of this road pute and expense. over the Alleghany, the design of the great Erie canal Mr. DAVIS, of South Carolina, said that any one, to would have slumbered to this day. It was the construcListen to the language and tone of this debate, would re- tion of this road which had first roused the attention of ceive from it a wrong impression. He heard much about the country, and had directed it to the importance of seceding this road to the States. He asked what right the curing an avenue to the great valley of the Mississippi. General Government had to this road? How came it Hence all the roads and the different canals which were theirs? Had Pennsylvania ceded one foot of her soil to at this day crossing the whole Union, that they might obthe Government? Not an atom of it. Whence did Gov-tain a portion of the trade and travel of the great West. ernment derive its claim? The Government could not take They had all been brought into existence by the impulse it, even if the States had ceded it. The constitution would which this first parent measure had given to the public not admit of it. Yet it was said that we must purchase mind. Yet it was a good thing that gentlemen should the consent of the States to receive the road from the have this road as a subject upon which to make speeches. General Government. Now, were it not that he did not Were it not for their zeal in resisting appropriations for desire to use language that might be deemed offensive, he this Cumberland road, their constituents might, perhaps, should say that this was sheer impudence. To talk about look at the $600,000 for a custom-house in New York, spending money to coax the States to take their own road! and the more than a million of dollars for the repair of It was monstrous; it was preposterous. The cool indif- navy yards, and for the wear and tear of the navy. Yet, ference with which gentlemen brought forward such a when a measure was brought forward in which every man proposition was not exceeded by the Kentucky farmer, and woman throughout the whole valley of the Mississippi who, when his neighbor offered him his corn for nothing, had a direct concern, gentlemen from New York must replied, "I cannot take your corn unless you consent to rise and talk about extravagance. Mr. V. said he had haul it." One gentleman had said that this road had re-examined this whole subject with care, and though it was ceived the assent of all our Presidents, beginning with Mr. Jefferson. This was true, and he believed that Mr. Jefferson had been, to the very day of his death, sorry for the assent he had given. It had even been proposed to establish gates upon the road. What power had this Go- He well remembered the time when, as a western mervernment to establish turnpike gates on any road in the chant, he had paid $13 per hundred for the transportation States? What right had it to interfere with their domes- of goods from Philadelphia to Pittsburg. And what was tic concerns? If such a thing should be attempted, he it now? The whole amount which had been spent upon should consider it the duty of the Legislature of Pennsyl-this object, if compared with what must have otherwise vania to abate the nuisance. As he wished to test the been paid by the people of the West, was but as a drop matter at once, he would now move to strike out the enacting clause of the bill.

Mr. MANN, of New York, said that, from what he had
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true that this great national road had cost the country nearly three millions of dollars, yet its expense would not average three cents a pound on the merchandise which had been transported over it.

in the bucket. This expenditure was all which they had been able to obtain for the nine or ten Western States, and were they to stand there and hear themselves charged

H. of R.]

Cumberland Road.

[JUNE 16, 1834.

with wasting and squandering the public money? Look at subject, and recollecting that, in the opinion of many, it what had been done on the seaboard? Look at the $40,000 was construed to foreclose her constitutional objections, expended on the navy yard at this place. Look at the embraced that opportunity to declare and reassert them. $180,000 in Newport. Look at the coast, from one end Hence, all requirement on the General Government to reto the other, and at the sums which were every year voted pair the road was carefully avoided, and the fourth secfor navy yards, and dock yards, and harbors, and custom-tion of the act expressly provided that the General Ashouses. But, as soon as it was proposed to penetrate the sembly reserved to itself, at any future session thereof, interior, and open a market for the great valley of the without the consent of Congress, to change, alter, or West, then it was a most profligate expenditure. Iamend the act."

Mr. V. remembered exceedingly well when they used It is in this provision of the Virginia law that the gento carry all their iron and salt upon packhorses from Ha- tleman from New York [Mr. BEARDSLEY] may find a solu gerstown to Winchester. If gentlemen wished to fasten tion of his difficulty in understanding the motive of the down on the people of the Western country a state of act of Congress approved March 2, 1833. The two acts perpetual privation, and to keep them for ever hewers of are irreconcilable; and it was designed by Congress that wood and drawers of water, let them speak out and say it should be so: she was very willing that Virginia should so. Then the West would know how to understand them. take the road, provided it was taken as by a tenant at will If they were not to receive a pittance from the treasury, from his landlord. The United States gave assent to the to keep up an avenue to unite the East with the West, act of Virginia: "but such assent is to remain in force let it be understood; but let not gentlemen profess that during the pleasure of Congress," and "provided the act the people of this country stood upon one level before shall not be construed as preventing the United States the Government, and then keep eternally harping on this from resuming whatever jurisdiction it may now have over Cumberland road, and pouring out invectives about ex- the said road, whenever, in its discretion, it shall deem it travagance. This road had remained from 1818 to 1826 proper so to do." Mr. G. would conclude by submitting without the expenditure of one dollar upon it for repairs, an inquiry. He was curious to know on what principle and this was the true and main reason of all the expense gentlemen, who maintained that the act of March, 1833, which it had occasioned since. Had gates been put upon closed a compact with Virginia, were now proposing to it at that time, Congress would never have heard of it intermeddle with and repair a road within her limits, and again; but every man of common sense must know that that, too, surrendered to her by law? Of those who conany great public highway, especially one so perpetually curred with him in opinion that the acts referred to contravelled, if left for eight years without lifting a tool upon it flicted with each other, he would ask how they could susfor repairs, (and some portions of the road had been left fiftain a proposition to put this road upon Virginia with a reteen years in that condition,) it must go to ruin. The served jurisdiction and control which she has expressly large sums, of which gentlemen had made so much in their repudiated? Sir, she will not touch this road with such speeches, had been appropriated towards the repair conditions; and the States which do, are but strengthenof the road; but it had already been suffered to go so far ing the unconstitutional assumptions of this Government, that these sums, instead of putting it in thorough repair, and providing the probable means for future collision. were barely sufficient to keep it in a state capable of use from year to year.

Mr. WILSON, of Virginia, said that the act of Virginia could not be rightly understood, unless it was considered Gentlemen had said that this road had been thirty years as referring to a proposal, which had first been made to in constructing. Divide the total sum expended by that her by the General Government, to take this road when length of time, and the annual average would not be more completed and put in good repair. His colleague bad than had been expended by this Government for the re- said that a clause in the act to this effect had been stricken pair of navy yards: $449,000 had been applied for the out. What, then, was the purport of the act? Simply, repair of navy yards, and $590,000 for the repair of ves- that Virginia would take the road whenever the United sels in ordinary. All these sums were expended east of States should agree to surrender it. She had assented to the mountains, while the people of the West had received, the construction of the road through her territory; and in all, a sum not greater than was thus spent in keeping now she simply said she would take it back. Mr. W. conour ships from rotting to pieces at the wharves, and pre-tended that the act had some meaning. The reservation serving the navy yards from dilapidation. The State of by Congress had arisen, not out of the act of Virginia, as Ohio, now represented by nineteen members on that his colleague seemed to suppose, but from the fact that floor, had received, in the last thirteen years, but about the road ran along the borders of States which, having $600,000 or $700,000. little or no interest in its preservation, might neglect it. And the intent of the reservation was that, if the States should neglect to put up gates, collect tolls, and keep the road in repair, Congress might resume it into its own hands.

Mr. BEARDSLEY said that, in his last remarks, he had not professed to speak from knowledge, and he was glad now to learn that his impressions had been, in part,


Mr. GHOLSON inquired whether his colleague could believe that Virginia would ever accept the road on any such terms?

Mr. WILSON replied that he could not say. He, as one of her delegates, should have no hesitation either in making the appropriation now asked for, or in surrendering the road.

Mr. GHOLSON rose mainly for the purpose of relieving Virginia from the censure of the gentleman from South Carolina [Mr. DAVIS]-a censure which, in his (Mr. G.'s) judgment, the legislation of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in relation to this road, justly merited. It cannot be denied but that those States have shown a willing disposition to receive this improvement as the mere tenants at will of the General Government, if not its agents: but a reference to Mr. GILLET said that he could not consent to give a the act of Virginia, passed the 7th day of February, 1832, silent vote, after listening to the remarks of the gentleman concerning the Cumberland road," will vindicate her from Ohio [Mr. VANCE.] He had not learned the constitufrom such a charge. He was a member of the Virginia tion as that gentleman seemed to have done; and he should Legislature at the time, and, if his memory was correct, vote against the sum originally reported. He thought, nevthe bill originally proposed was similar to the acts passed ertheless, that there was good ground to vote in favor of by Maryland and Pennsylvania, and proposed that Virginia would take charge of the road whenever it was delivered by the General Government, in good repair; but the Legislature, not unmindful of the early history of the

the bill. That ground was to be found in the contract made by the United States with the new States, to the North and West, to furnish them with a road to their respective boundary lines, as far as to Missouri. So far as

JUNE 16, 1834.]

Cumberland Road.

[H. OF R.

east of the Ohio river, provided the mode in which the Department prefers these repairs should be made meets the approbation of Congress.

the provision of the bill came within the scope of that the annual report from the Engineer department, n It law, he should go in favor of it, and no farther. He hoped was to be found in the estimates of the War Departm t that there would now be a final end to applications in fa- for the expenditures of the year 1834. In that paper the vor of this road. He had ever been opposed to the carrying Secretary of War requires an appropriation of $300,000 on of works of internal improvement by the General Gov-for the continuation of the repairs of the Cumberland road ernment. He thought the constitution contained no authority for it, and the same latitude of construction which had been held to authorize such works had given to the country the Bank of the United States, and the alien and Now, the House will perceive that this estimate for the sedition laws. The people had interfered at the great civil year 1834 must not be its guide in deciding on the prorevolution, in the time of Mr. Jefferson, to put down such priety of passing the bill from the Senate under consideran interpretation. Things had then gone on quietly till the ation. That bill proposes an appropriation of $652,000, year 1824, when this new scheme was devised. But the not to be expended in 1834, but to complete the repairs people, in 1828, had again interfered, and condemned it in of the Cumberland road now in progress. It is well the most emphatic manner. The issue had been made known that the Senate refused to make an appropriation more distinctly on the question of the Maysville road and for prosecuting these repairs until an estimate had been the Bank of the United States; and the people had, in both furnished from the Engineer department, showing the cases, sustained the views of the Executive. Mr. G. should whole sum which would be required to complete them. vote for the limited appropriation on the ground of con-In so doing, Mr. T. thought the Senate had acted wisely. tract, and not on the general principles of internal im- The experience of the past ought to satisfy every member provements. that these partial appropriations were inexpedient.

At the first session of the last Congress, the laws of Maryland and Pennsylvania, relating to this road, had been assented to by the United States. They proposed that this Government should repair the Cumberland road within the limits of those States, and then surrender all claim to jurisdiction over it to them: in which event, they agreed to appoint superintendents to collect a sum sufficient in toll, from travellers thereon, to keep that road ever thereafter in good repair.

Mr. VINTON had not intended to enter into this debate, but as a claim had been set up to the property of this road, and as the silence of the western delegation might be construed into an acquiescence in such a claim, it was his duty to reply to the positions taken by the honorable gentleman from Virginia, [Mr. GHOLSON.] Mr. V. then went on to contend that the United States could not, without the express assent of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, cede away this road to any body. Mr. V. here went into a detailed history of the origin and progress of In pursuance of this compact between the United the road, and the stipulations of the General Government States and the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania, to to construct, out of the proceeds of the public lands, a which Virginia subsequently assented in part, two other road to those States, and the covenant of those States to appropriations were made by the last Congress at its sevhave the public lands free from taxation for a limited time.eral sittings to prosecute this improvement. In NovemHe insisted that the road was a mutual benefit, as much ber last, those appropriations were exhausted; and, from to the Atlantic as to the Western States; although, to that time to the present, the officers of this Government obtain it, the States of the West had been obliged to employed to superintend these repairs, had been idle, althrow the whole burden of their taxation on but a small though they had a right to expect their salaries would be portion of their territory. They had been desirous of continued. The road, too, had been left in such a condihaving gates erected on the road, and were willing to pay tion that it would now cost several thousand dollars more the tulls to keep it in order. If this was refused by the to repair it than would have been necessary if the work States through which the road passed, the contract still had progressed without interruption. These facts were remained, and bound the United States to keep up the made known to the Senate; and, to avoid such a state of road as they had covenanted to do. The road never things hereafter, that body had rightly determined to apcould be abandoned by the people of the West. They propriate a sum sufficient to exempt this Government looked to the General Government to see that it was kept from all further demands for this object. up, and, whoever obtained possession of the road, they should continue to do so.

The sum proposed to be given is that which is demanded by the War Department, if the first of these sev. Mr. POLK, after expressing his regret that the present eral plans of repair mentioned in the annual report of the doctrine of internal improvements should have been in-chief of the Engineer department meets our approbatroduced into debate, requested Mr. DAVIS to withdraw his motion to strike out the enacting clause. Mr. DAVIS assented, and withdrew his motion accordingly.

Mr. POLK then again insisted on the expediency of leaving the foundation of the old road untouched, and covering it with a coating of stone, such as was found in the immediate vicinity. He referred to a report of the War Department in support of this view.

Mr. MCKENNAN asked what was the date of the report?

Mr. POLK replied that it was made in 1827. Mr. THOMAS, of Maryland, said the interests of his immediate constituents forbid he should remain silent and permit the House to decide on the pending amendment, under the erroneous impression which the remarks of the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means were well calculated to produce. That gentleman had read an extract from the documents on our file from the War Department. The House ought to know that this extract did not appear in the report of the Secretary of War made to this House at the commencement of the session; nor in

tion. Mr. T. here read extracts from the report, in confirmation of bis views. He then invited the House to turn its attention to the only question which ought to be agitated in connexion with this bill: Are the estimates of the War Department unreasonable? Is the mode of improvement on which those estimates are predicated, the one which Congress ought to sanction? Mr. T. said, from his personal knowledge of the country, he had no difficulty in answering both these questions in the affirmative. It would, he thought, be useless, worse than useless, to make a defective or partial repair of this great highway. If it is to be done, let it be well done, and in a manner creditable to the United States, and beneficial to the people of the great valley of the Mississippi, for whose particular accommodation it was originally designed.

Mr. T. made some statements concerning the nature of the chief material which had been used in the original construction of the road, to show that we ought to profit by experience, and now use, the limestone, which alone was calculated to make the road permanent. He also explained the defective manner in which the road had been originally constructed, and insisted that the Macadam

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