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some runic inscriptions recently brought to light, him by their spontaneous honors for twenty years' with the interpretation of them. The president laid trials and neglect. In 1841, the Royal Academicians before the Society a letter from Count Giuseppe de elected him an Associate," uncanvassed and unCigalla, giving an account of the most important solicited. The most recent event in his story is his hitherto unpublished inscriptions in the Isle of San-selection, last week, by Sir Robert Peel, to execute torino, one of the Cyclades, anciently called Thera, the national statue to the memory of Lord Exmouth. and in the earliest times Callista. Dr. Lund, in a When Mr. Mac Dowell was elected an Associate, letter from Lagoa Santa, communicated a curious he was not personally known to a single one of his circumstance, first mentioned in the Journal of the electors, and he applied to Mr. Tennent to introBrazilian Institute; namely, that there had been luce him to some one of the Royal Academicians found in St. Paulo the will of one João Ramalho who might present him to the others, on the occa signed on the 3rd of May. 1580, by the notary Lou-ion of his returning them his acknowledgments renço Vaz, in the presence of several witnesses, for the honors they had conferred upon him."whose signatures were also affixed, in which it was Athenæum. stated that the testator had lived ninety years in that place; he must accordingly have arrived in 1490, or two years before the discovery of America by Columbus. But this assertion is undoubtedly incorrect. as is proved, indeed, by the historian Fra Gaspar, who relates, that when Martin Alfonso de Sousa, the first discoverer of this part of Brazil, landed at St. Vincent, in 1532, he there received important services from Ramalho, who had married the daughter of an Indian chief.-Ibid.

We alluded last week to a literary and scientific mission under the distinguished linguist, Francis Bopp, which the Prussian king has sent to the East Indies; and may add, as another proof of the practical interest which all that relates to these vast countries is now inspiring, that the French government has sent out a young Orientalist, M. Ch. Ochoa, to explore the regions of Central Asia, situate between Cashmere and Cafiristan. His instructions are to collect information relating to the history and MR. MAC DOWELL, THE SCULPTOR.-There would geopraphy of those countries, to the affinity existing seem to be some doubt about the spelling of this between the different tribes, their languages, literagentleman's name, but it is thus engraved on a busture, and other analogous monuments. in our possession, of John Keats, the poet, modelled The King of Prussia has created a chair of Poliby the artist in 1829. It appears from a letter by Mr.tical economy in the University of Bonn; and has Emerson Tennent, that Mr. Mac Dowell is a native appointed as its first professor Herr Dahlmann, disof Belfast, and that he was bound apprentice to a missed, in 1837, from his situation of professor at coachmaker. His master subsequently became a the University of Göttingen, for his energetic protest bankrupt; and, whilst settling his affairs, took his against the tamperings of King Earnest with the conapprentice to lodge in the house of the late French stitution of Hanover-Ibid. sculptor, Chenu, where he amused himself by mod. elling in his clay, and for the first time discovered M. Minoïde-Mynas has forwarded to the Minister his own taste for sculpture." Mac Dowell now of Public Instruction a collection of Greek manu"abandoned his half-acquired handicraft, and, al- scripts, found in the convents of Mount Athos, which most without a shilling, and altogether without a includes a valuable one of the second part of the Asfriend, he boldly resolved to become an artist-and sizes of Jerusalem (" The Assize of the Commons") at once started on his new career as a sculptor. Tu-translated into the modern Greek. M. Giraud read to tors and teachers he had none, because he could not the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, at its command the means to avail himself of their in last meeting, a detailed notice of this MS.; from which it appears that it presents nearly the same text as the imperfect one already existing in the Royal library, and dates in the year 1512. The Royal library may thus be said to possess the best text known of the Greek translation of the Assise des Bourgeois.

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is made from a French text, more ancient than those of Munich and Venice. The order of the chapters is inverted; and this translation is the only one of all the texts hitherto known, which has a preamble, wherein mention is made of Godefroy of


struction; but, after years of self-taught study, the most laborious and persevering, he found himself at last qualified to earn a livelihood. ** For years he contrived to support himself by modelling for the figure-shops, by employment in the studios of his more fortunate rivals, and by occasional works in silver and or molu. His genius, was, however, of a loftier range, and by degrees study and matured skill qualified him to undertake works of the highest order. But he wanted a name to allure a purchaser. His designs, though praised when exhibited, were returned to him unproductive; and he failed to SHOOTING STARS,-At Parma, M. Cola saw, on procure a single considerable order either in bronze the 11th, and 12th, what he describes as a shower or marble. **His last effort was then in the exhi-of shooting stars, and on the 14th, M. Gaudin countbition (the statue of the "Girl Reading," which Mr.ed in Paris 20 per minute.-Ibid. Tennent had seen), and if that failed also he might ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.-The Earl of prepare to sink in despair. On hearing his Enniskillen, Sir M. A. Shee, Doctor Faraday, Prostory Mr. Tennent at once applied to some of those fessors Brande and Groves, with many other gentlegentlemen whose united taste and liberality are the men distinguished in the scientific and literary stay and the support of British art, and begged them world, attended at this institution on Saturday evento go and see the statue in the Royal Academy. ing, by invitation of the Directors, to witness some Lord Francis Egerton, after seeing it, at once gave novel experiments with the colossal electrical maa commission for it in marble. Mr. Wentworth chine. On this occasion the Leyden jars of the Beaumont, Lord Dungannon, Mr. M'Calmont, Mr. Royal and London Institutions were added to those Henry, Mr. Davison, and others followed his exam-of the Polytechnic, comprising in all 135, and preple in patronizing the sculptor, and in the course of senting a chargeable surface of 200 square feet. a few weeks, merely from having had his merits The great machine offers a surface of 60 square feet, pointed out to those who had the judgment and dis- and was acted on by double rubbers, at a rate of 100 crimination to appreciate them, the before-neglect-revolutions a minute, thus creating an electrical ed sculptor found himself with orders on his hands force of unequalled intensity. The chief experito the amount of some thousands of pounds. Year ments were those of demonstrating the deflagration after year his reputation has been advancing as his of the metals by electrical influence; and the approductions have been seen and admired; and not pearances presented after this process were of the only the public but the Royal Academy have repaid most unique and beautiful description.—Times.


PEKIN. A Russian officer. M. Kovenko, has pub. lished in the Annuaire des Mines de Russie, a sketch of environs of Pekin-some extracts from which may interest our readers at the present moment. For a century past, Russia, has maintained a convent and school at Pekin; where her interpreters receive their education in Chinese and Mantchou. Every ten years the members of these two establish ments are changed, and fresh monks and pupils are sent from St. Petersburg. During their stay at Pekin, the Russians are free to see all things, and visit all places, without awakening the restless jealousy of the government. Pekin, according to M Kovenko, is situated in a plain bounded to the northwest by a series of mountains which the Chinese divide into northern and western, according to their position with reference to the city. The northern mountains are a day's journey from Pekin -that being no great distance. For the Chinese never travel more than five and twenty of our miles in a day. This road in summer is very picturesque; and the country highly cultivated. The yellow millet is the Chinese peasant's plant, par excellence. Its grain is the basis of his nutriment; the stalk is food for his cattle, in the place of hay, which they have never thought of cutting. The straw of another species of millet, which attains a height of fifteen feet, is used to make the fences of gardens,

and serves also for fuel. Near these northern moun.

It freezes

heat all their drinks-even their wine.
and snows often, and, on the 31st of December, 1820,
M. Timkowski found the thermometer there down
to twelve degrees below zero.-Examiner.

INTERCOURSE WITH CHINA-The first attempt on the part of the English to establish an intercourse with China seems to have been as far back as 1596, when three vessels were fitted out in charge of Benjamin Wood, bearing letters from Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor. These ships, however, were lost on their way out, and no renewal of the project appears to have been attempted. The oldest record of the company at Canton is dated April 6, 1637. Five ships were then sent out under the command of Captain Weddel. They first arrived at Acheen, in Sumatra. This fleet arrived off Macao, May 28. These ships were, after some bloodshed, supplied with cargoes; but no further trade ensued for many years. Leave was some time after given to the English to trade, but they have never enjoyed any thing approaching the facilities and means of commerce that have been rendered all but certain by the recent treaty with the Celestials-Ibid.

noon five brass cannon, captured by the British durCHINESE GUNS AT THE TOWER.-Monday aftering the Chinese war, happily just terminated, arriv ed in a barge from the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, and were landed on the Tower wharf. Four of the guns are of large calibre, one of them being a 68are splendid specimens of workmanship, and do not pounder, and the bore about 20 inches. All of them appear to have seen much service.—Ibid.

GREEK POPULATION.-A Patras paper, the Echo, gives a deplorable exposition of the Greek population, and pronounces the poverty of the people greater than at any former period. The government taxes amount to 18 millions of drachmas, to which must be added six millions more local imports, making a total of 24 millions, or 833,000, sterling, levied from a population of less than 800,000 souls, or nearly 22s. per head.—Ibid.

SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.-An extract of a letter was read from Prof. Holst, of Christiania, stating that a Committee appointed by the Norwegian gov ernment had come to the determination of recommending the solitary system of confinement in the new prisons that are to be built in Norway, anp that 432,000l. will be required to erect seven penitentiaries, capable of containing 2,115 prisoners.

tains are some springs, having a temperature of forty-five degrees. The water is conducted, by pipes, into baths cut in the calcareous rock, and lined with sheets of lead. Early in the spring, crowds assemble at this spot, in search of health, or for the mere pleasures of the promenade. The Im perial family has a palace here, and there are several temples in the neighborhood. In these temples it is that the weary traveller may seek repose; but the hospitality of the priests belonging to them is by no means gratuitous. M. Kovenko asserts, that a few hours' rest will cost about 18 roubles (between 168. and 17s.), and upwards of 25 roubles are often paid for a day's. A multitude of fruit trees grow in the valleys of these mountains,-as well as willows, firs, juniper-trees, and cypresses; but these do not form forests of any considerable extent. The western mountains are remarkable for the coal which they enclose. So abundant is it, that a space of half a league cannot be traversed-Ibid. without meeting with rich strata. Yet, either beWe regret to gather, from the reports of travellers, cause of this very abundance or from the inveterate and from an energetic remonstrance addressed to habit which the Chinese have of leaving all things the Paris papers, that the great and useful work, the unperfected, the art of mining is yet in its infancy road over the Simplon, is in imminent danger of beamongst them. Machinery, to lighten labor, is there ing destroyed for want of needful repairs. Whilst unknown. They have not even an idea of the pumps the northern slope," says the writer," is in a state of indispensable to draw off the water. If local circum-perfect preservation, the southern slope, from the stances allow, they cut drainage-galleries; if not, they abandon the working, when the inundation has gained too far upon them. Their system of ventilation consists in making openings at certain distances, over which they place wheels turned by men. But these wheels, though incessantly in motion, introduce very little air into the mines. The mattock, pick-axe, and hammer are the mining instruments. A furrow is traced with the pick-axe, the mattock is inserted and driven in with the hammer; and, in this manner, lumps of coal are detached, weighing from sixty to eighty pounds. Coal is at a moderate price in the capital. It is burnt in bronze vases, -or its heat is distributed along the wall by means of pipes. These precautions against cold are very necessary at Pekin,-and not the mere consequences of that strange habit which makes the Chinese

point at which it enters the dominions of the King of Sardinia, is in such a ruinous condition, that unless a remedy be promply applied, it will be, ere long, utterly impassable for any sort of vehicle-dangerous even for beasts of burthen and foot passengers. It was only at the risk, a hundred times incurred, of breaking my carriage to pieces-for whose passage at all I had to make long and frequent circuits on the sides of the mountain, over fallen fragments of rock and blocks brought down by the waters-that I succeeded in reaching Domo d'Ossola."-"Just now," adds this remonstrant, "the needful reparations would be easy and unimportant; but it is to be apprehended that the rains of autumn, and the melting of the snows, will bring things into such a condition, that the Sardinian government will shrink from the expense, and this magnificent road be lost."—Ibid.


Great Britain.

1. The New Testament. A Fac-simile Reprint of the celebrated Genevan Testament, 1557, with the Marginal Annotations and References, the Initial and other Wood-cuts, Prefaces and Index. fcp. 8vo. pp. Xxx. 910.

WE are not aware of any collection of fac-simile reprints, and yet, although persons may affect to slight them singly, such an assemblage would be well worth possessing. Taken even singly, they have their use, not only as re-publications, but also as exercising the ingenuity of engravers and printers. In this respect, the volume now lying before us is entitled to the greatest praise, for, as a speci men of imitative cytography and typography, it is really beautiful. Nor can we better describe it than by copying the description which Dr. Cotton, in his List of English Translations of the Bible (Oxford, 1821), has given of the original edition.

• The

ROYAL MARRIAGE-A French paper says the marriage of the Princess Clementine of Orleans with Prince Augustus of Saxe-Coburg Cohari, brother of the Duchess of Nemours, and the husband of Donna Maria of Portugal, has been for some time decided on. Prince Augustus was born on June 13, 1818, and is a major, in the Austrian service, in the 10th Regiment of Hussars called the King of Prussia's The Prince is a few months younger than the Princess Clementine. The family arrangements on this subject are now terminated. A desire had been expressed on the part of the Orleans family that the newly-married couple should take up their residence in Austria, and an application was made to Prince Metternich, to know on what footing the husband of the Princess Clementine would be received at the Court of Vienna. The answer was, Princess Clementine would be received as Princess of the Royal Family of the Bourbons. As to Prince Augustus of Coburg, the Austrian Court did not recognise in him any right to assume the title of Royal Highness, for which the house of Coburg was at present making application to two great Cabinets of the Continent. These applications are supported by the Court of England. "NEW TESTAMENT. Geneva, 1557, 129. Prince Metternich also replied that Prince Augus- Newe Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, confer. tus of Coburg being, like his father, Prince Fer- red diligently with the Greke, and best approved dinand, a subject of Austria, and in the service of translations. With the arguments, aswel before the that power, no derogation from the customary chapters, as for every Boke and Epistle, also diveretiquette and precedence would be granted him.sities of readings, and moste profitable annotations In consequence of this declaration, it has been of all harde places: whereunto is added a copious decided that Prince Augustus will reside in France. table.' Below is a neat wood-cut representing Time and it has been even added that he will quit the drawing Truth from a cave. Below is, ' AT GENEAustrian service, and enter that of France. Some difficulties are offered on this head, in consequence verse of the title is, The order of the bookes of the VA, printed by Conrad Badius, M.DLVII.' On the reof his being an Austrian subject. The marriage is New Testament.' 'An Epistle declaring that Christ to take place next year, but the period is not as yet is the end of the Lawe, by John Calvin,' 8 leaves. decidedly fixed-Post. To the reader,' 2 leaves. The argument of the Gospel,' 1 leaf. St. Mathew, &c. fol. j-cccxxx. The table and supputation of the years from Adam to Christ, fol. ccccxxxi-ccccli. On the last is, 'PRINTED BY CONRAD BADIUS, M.D.LVII. THIS X OF JUNE.' On the reverse are the errata. The letter is a small beautiful Roman, the marginal notes in a smaller Roman; but the heads of chapters, and Scripture references, are in italics. The verses are divided by figures, as at present: and this is the first in which such a division occurs. A full page contains 37 lines." (P. 138, Appendix.)

MONUMENT TO BURN'S HIGHLAND MARY.-The monument, to which we have more than once alluded while in progress, has now been completed over the grave of Highland Mary, in the West Churchyard. Greenock. The erection is more of the Roman than the Grecian style of architecture, is pyrimidal in form, and may be said to be divided into three compartments, the cornice stones between which are beautifully and elaborately carved. The first, or lower, compartment contains the inscription tablet. The second bears a bas-relief of Burns and Mary Campbell, representing their parting scene, when they plighted troth and exchanged Bibles across" the stream around the Castle o' Montgomery." The third compartment contains a female figure, emblematical of grief, bending over an urn, which her arms encircle, and upon which is carved the word "Mary." Above her head, and almost at the apex of the pyramid, a star with rays is cut, in remembrance of the beautiful invocation to " Mary in Heaven." The inscription on the monument is simply couched as follows:-" Sacred to Genius and Love-to Burns and Highland Mary." The monument stands about 17 feet high, was erected at the cost of £100, and is by far the most imposing object in this old churchyard. It was designed by Mr. Mossman, of Glasgow; the figures were carved by the eldest of his three sons.-Glasgow Herald.

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As the production of the English refugees at Geneva, during the reign of Queen Mary, it is closely linked to the events of the Reformation.- Gentleman's Magazine.

2. Encyclopædia Egyptiaca; or, a Dictionary of
Egyptian Antiquities. No. I. By Thos. Jos. Pet-
tigrew, F. R. S., &c.

the suggestion and persuasion of some of the most
This work has been undertaken, we are told, at
eminent of our Egyptian scholars and antiquaries,
who have promised the author their aid in its prose-

The continuance of the undertaking will, however, it appears, depend entirely on such support as may be derived from a sufficient number of subscribers; we are therefore happy to observe some 150 names, of the most respectable and intelligent character, appended to the present experimental

Seven Egyptian workers in mosaic are to be the bearers of a new gift to the Sovereign Pontiff from Mehemet Ali, viz., four large granite columns recently found in the neighborhood of Thebes, cov-number. ered with hieroglyphics.-Athenæum.

A most extraordinary collection of Pagan dei ties, instruments of war, and vessels for domestic purposes, has lately arrived in this country from Mexico, as presents to Sir E. Antrobus, Bart.-Ibid.

The sum of 6401. has been lately given for the bulb of a new tulip, called the "Citadel of Antwerp."

The arrangement of the different matters explained is of course alphabetical, and the whole is preceded by a preliminary historical sketch of ancient Egypt, which tells us that Ham, the son of Noah, was, according to the Scripture account, the first colonist of Egypt; but at the same time adds, that it has been demonstrated by a late authority, that

Ham is the same appellation as Khemi or Khame, |sioners for the North American Boundary. the meaning of which is black, in allusion to the London. color of the soil; and the idea of an African origin for the Egyptians is now generally repudiated.

Letters on South America; comprising

Banks of the Paraná and
By J. P. & W. P. Robert-

The Russain Campaign of 1812. By Von Clawsewitz. Translated from the German. The Jewess; a True Story. By the author of "Letters from the Baltic." With a Portrait. London.

The Last Year in China, to the Peace of Nanking. As Sketched in Letters to his Friends, by a Field Officer actually employed in that country. London.

The Revelation of St. John, Literal and Future. By Rev. R. Govett, jun. London. The Advancement of Religion the Claim of the Times. By A. Reed, D. D. London.

Now, this statement, as it seems to be a devia-Travels on the tion from the authority of Scripture and former re- Rio de la Plata. ceived accounts, requires, we think, some observa son. London. tion. The assertion of the 10th chapter of Genesis is very simple and express as regards the personality of Ham, the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut. and Canaan. It is true, indeed, that Egypt was called by its ancient inhabitants Chemia, and by the Copts Chemi, but we apprehend that term to be altogether independent of any allusion to Ham. That the epithet was derived from the blackness of the Egyptian soil is an assertion as old as Plutarch, but by no means can we admit it to destroy, by any fanciful deductions, the personality of Ham as connected with the land of Egypt. The 78th Psalm. v. 51, says, that "God smote all the first born in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the Tabernacles of Ham." Again, in the 105th Psalm, v. 25. "Israel also came into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham." V. 27, "They showed signs among them and wonders in the land of Ham." And surely, after having seen that Ham was a real person, not a property of color, by his enumeration, among the descendants of Noah, it will be vain to contend that he is not designated in these passages, and that the term means nothing else but black How clear is the definition of the learned Bishop Newton, who says, following the sure authority of revealed history, that Egypt is called Mizraim in the Hebrew Scriptures, and the land of Ham, from having been first inhabited, after the deluge, by Noah's youngest son Ham or Hammon, and by his son Misraim. We admit that there is no necessity to go further than this statement, and to make the Nubians the more ancient and the parent nation.Gent. Mag.

3. Criticisms on Art, and Sketches of the PictureGalleries of England. By WILLIAM HAZLITT With Catalogues of the principal Galleries, now first collected. Edited by his Son.


Justini, S., Philosophi et Martyris Opera, Recens. prolegomenis, adnotatione ac versione instruxit indicesque adjecit Dr. J. C. T. Otto. Præfatus est L. F. O. BaumgartenCrusius. Tom. I. Jenœ.

Patrum Apostolicorum Opera. Text. ex edit. præstantiss. repetitum recog. annotat. illerstravit, proleg. et ind. addidit Prof. Dr. C. J. Hefele. Edit. II., Tubingen. Wiggers, Kirchliche Statistik. Hamburg.

Vol. I.

Princip und Methode der Philosophie,mit Rücksicht auf Hegel und Schleiermacher, Von Dr. L. George. Berlin.


Des colonies françaises. Abolition immédiate de l' esclavage: par V. Schoelcher. Paris.

Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanscrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, LitthauThis publication forms the first volume of Hazischen, Altslawischen, Gotischen und DeutsLITT's articles on the Fine Arts; which are among chen. 4te Abtheil. 4to. Berlin. the most racy writings of the striking and peculiar genius. The volume before us contains the criticisms on the Picture-Galleries of England, published originally, we think, in the London Magazine, the article on HOGARTH'S Marriage-a-la-mode, the essay on the Fine Arts from the Encyclopædia Britannica, and some other papers. One feature of the book is the appendix, which contains catalogues of the galleries criticised, as well as of the National, at the time of HAZLITT's writings, the Angerstein Gallery. The lists of the public collections can be bought, but the private ones are unattainable except in this publication.-Spectator.



The Wives of England; their Relative Duties, Domestic Influence, and Social Obligations. By Mrs. Ellis. London.

Observations upon the Treaty of Washington, signed 9th August, 1842. By Geo. William Featherstonaugh, Esq., F. R. S., F. G. S., late one of her Majesty's Commis

Histoire des traités de 1815 et de leur exécution, publiée sur les documens officials et inédits: par J. Cretineau-Joly. Nouveau projet du traité de paix perpetuelle: P. R. Marchand. Paris. Trois ans de promenade en Europe et en Asie: par Stanislas Bellagner. Paris.



Nachrichten der Russischen Akademie. Aus d. Russ. im Auszuge übersetzt. 3 vols. royal 8vo. Vols. 2 and 3, containing Untersuchungen über die Sprache. St. Petersburg.


Finnlands Gegenwart und Zukuuft. Eine Sammlung politischer Streitschriften von J. Hwasser, Pekka Kuoharinan, E. G. Geijer und Olli Kehäläinen. Stockholm.

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