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From the Spectator.

done? Will magnetism afford you service?" "Yes: it cannot avert the attack, but it may do much good. It will be a spasmodic attack, and after a little while it will extend to the [Skeptical as we are on this subject, we have heart. The heart will not be originally affectno hesitation in printing, without comment, the ed; but the violence of the suffering will cause following case; which proceeds from a gentle-it to be affected sympathetically, and there will man well known to us for habits of careful observation and for scrupulous veracity. We admit it as a record of a singular fact, whatever may be the explanation of which it is susceptible.]


Clapham New Park, 18th January, 1844. DEAR SIR: Puzzled by the conflicting statements put forward on all sides regarding Animal Magnetism, I resolved a year or two back, to seek by personal experiment a solution which I had in vain endeavored to arrive at from the opinions of others. The result convinced me, not only that Animal Magnetism is a truth, but that it is one which, although productive of danger in the hands of inexperienced persons, may be turned to the happiest account as a remedy for many human ills.

Have you courage to give insertion to the following case? It is so singular that I can hardly expect any one to receive it without considerable hesitation; and yet, as I am able to pledge myself to the strict accuracy of its details, and to the respectability of station and high moral worth of the parties to whom it refers, I feel desirous that it should be widely known.


On Monday the 25th December, I magnetized Mrs. H- a married lady, twenty-eight years of age. She had been magnetized at intervals during the preceding year, altogether about six times. Upon each occasion she had manifested some degree of lucidity; and in the only instance when the experiment was tried, she had answered readily to the action of hand upon the various phrenological organs. On the present occasion I magnetized her solely for the improvement of her health, as she was suffering from weakness and a pain in the breast, the result of a confinement eight weeks back. In other respects her health was good. In less than two minutes from the commencement of the magnetizing process, she passed into a state of somnambulism. I then addressed her-"How do you feel?" She made no answer. I repeated the question two or three times, without success; but in a few moments she exclaimed, with an expression of great anguish—“Oh, pretty well: but I shall soon be dreadfully ill.”

"When shall you be ill? now, while you are being magnetized?"-" No, in two days time." "At what hour?"-"Three in the afternoon."

"Can nothing be done to avert it ?"-" Nothing."

"What will it result from? an accident, or natural causes ?"-"Natural causes."

Can you tell me any thing that should be

then be danger. Magnetism may remove


"And will it not remove the other sufferings?"-"No." Then, after a pause, she added-" it cannot remove them entirely; but I think it may mitigate them."

"At what time after the attack should I commence the magnetic passes?"-"In about half an hour."

"How long will the attack last?"-"From an hour to an hour and a quarter. It will be dreadfully severe; but it will not prove fatal. I shall have more of them. I have much suffering to undergo."

"When will the next attack take place?"— "I cannot see."

"What description of passes should I make on Wednesday, in order to relieve the heart?" -"Commence just under the heart, and make long passes to the feet."

“During what time am I to continue them?" "About five minutes. You must also make passes across my back, if possible."

"How long will it be before you cease to suffer from these attacks ?"-"About eight months."

"Will magnetism benefit you during that time ?"-"Materially."

She still manifested much apprehension and anguish. "Come," I said, "you must not be sad. I am sure that you can bear pain with patience; and, as it will all end well, you must not give way to despondency."

"Ah!" she exclaimed, "I think of my children, and my husband-I know what he will feel."

I now ceased speaking to her for a minute or two: afterwards I said, "You must tell me if you desire to say any thing more, or if you would rather sleep?""I think you had better awaken me."

I demagnetized her accordingly. She awoke instantly, and (as on all former occasions) totally unconscious of having uttered a single word. She said, however, that she was not so much refreshed as usual, and that her head felt as if she had been engaged in the most intense thought. To relieve this, I magnetized her again for a few minutes; and when she was again awakened, she stated herself perfectly restored. I then took my leave; previously agreeing with Mr. H- that no intimation should be given to his wife of what had passed.

On the following day, I saw Mr. H—; when he stated, that during the preceding evening his wife had enjoyed excellent spirits, and that she still continued in a satisfactory state. On the Wednesday morning, he told me that he had left her in apparently good

health, excepting that she seemed in a state of circumstance of my having called; and I left depression which almost caused him to appre- her in the full belief that the visit had been an hend that her prediction would be verified. accidental one. She was herself, however, free from any anticipation of evil.

In the afternoon I proceeded to her house, intending to reach it about half-past three, which according to her prediction would be half an hour after the commencement of the attack, the time at which she had stated that magnetism should be resorted to. Having, however, little expectation that my services would be required, (since I was inclined to re-ised. gard her forebodings merely as the result of a momentary sadness,) I did not pay any particular attention to punctuality, and it was twenty-two minutes to four when I arrived.

I found her extended upon a sofa, in the severest agony. Her pain drew from her repeated cries, and I learned that she had been seized with a violent spasmodic affection.

I immediately commenced making the passes below the heart, which she had directed during her somnambulism on the preceding Monday.

"Does that give you relief?"—" Oh yes; it greatly relieves the heart."

I then raised her to a sitting posture, and commenced the passes across her back.

"Oh! that gives still more relief-it takes it entirely away from the left side; but the general pain remains the same."

She sank, apparently still suffering most severely from attacks of pain in the epigastric region, which seemed to threaten suffocation. She began, however, after I had made a few passes, to experience some short intervals of ease. During one of them I asked, "At what time were you attacked ?"-" Half an hour or three-quarters of an hour before you came; nearer three-quarters of an hour."

"Was it sudden ?"-"Quite. I was in the passage, and was obliged to call one of the servants to help me to this room. It seemed to suspend animation. In about twenty minutes, or more, it attacked my heart; the blood seemed to fill my head, and I was much alarmed. It continued till you came; my sufferings were dreadful: but now the pains seem no longer to affect the heart.”

She still continued to experience paroxysms, which I was only able partially to relieve. At intervals she exclaimed, "Oh, how fortunate you happened to call. I feel as if you had

saved me."

She complained of fulness of the head, and directed me to make two or three passes over her forehead; which gave her instant relief. At length, at about six or seven minutes past four, the pains seemed rapidly to subside. She fell into a calm sleep, her countenance as. suming an expression of perfect composure; and from this, at about twenty minutes past four, she awakened in good spirits, and, although greatly exhausted, perfectly free from pain.

She continued to dwell on the "fortunate"

Since the above occasion she has been magnetized several times; and she now predicts with rigid accuracy the state of her health for several consecutive days. On the 7th of this month, she announced a slight attack to occur at eleven o'clock in the morning of the 11th, which would not extend to the heart, and another severe attack at three P. M. on the 15th, in which that organ would again be compromOn both occasions the prediction was fulfilled even in its minutest particulars. I may mention, in conclusion, that until the attack above described, she had never experienced any indisposition in which the heart was supposed to be in the slightest degree affected. I am, dear Sir, very faithfully yours,


From the Dublin University Magazine.


ROLL on, roll on, thou "melancholy sea,"
That bearest on thy breast my love from me;
I stand beside thee, and I gaze upon
The fading vessel that will soon be gone.
Oh! bear him safely, though away from me;
Rage not in storms, but murmur tranquilly;
Make him remember her who thinks on him,
And weeps, and watches, till her eyes grow dim-
Thou melancholy sea!

Blue sea, I chide thee not, though I am sad,
And all in mournful hues thy waves seem clad;
But once I loved the surging billows' spray,
And thought their music ever blithe and gay;
Now I am sorrowful, and in thy moan
think I hear a drowning sailor's groan;
Thy waters leap on high, but seem to me
To sing of shipwrecks with a fiendish glee-
Thou melancholy sea!


Roll on, roll on, ye light and sportive waves,
Ye look not as ye roll'd o'er sailors' graves:-
And I do smile, and jest, and gayly sing,
To hide the deep-felt pang my heart doth wring.
Like thee, blue sea, beneath a smiling face,
I bear deep anguish none may haply trace;
Griefs, like sunk rocks beneath thy swelling tide—
A careless mien, and jesting tongue may hide

Thou melancholy sea!

Bear on that barque, and take her safe to port,
Change not to rudeness thy now graceful sport:
In fervent prayer I kneel upon thy shore,
For blessings on the form I see no more.
Blue ocean! parting those who love so well,
What wonder if thy roar should seem a knell?
Too oft thou rollest o'er a cherish'd head,
Too oft our lov'd ones find an ocean bed-
Thou melancholy sea!



J. FLAXMAN, R. A.-An advertisement in our usual columns intimates the contemplation of a somewhat tardy act of national justice and gratitude, by the erection of a portrait-statue to the memory of one of our greatest sculptors, John Flaxman. Like all the men of the highest genius, though to a certain degree appreciated in his lifetime, far inferior artists carried off the more stering proofs of public consideration, and he existed to produce works which give him immortality. His designs and relievos were too far above the bust or figure, or fanciful trifle, to meet with the applause of the million, and the few who could judge of their worth were too few to reward their creator as he deserved. At last, however, a mewill be sufficiently supported. It is true the fine, pale, intellectual-looking man did not want for bread, but wealth was not his, and it is full time that we offered him a stone, hallowed by our feelings and admiration.-Lit. Gaz.

ANCIENT MONEY. A treasure of old silver coinage of Edward I. of England, and Roberts and Davids of Scotland, has been found in a piece of ground near Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. It is reported to amount to 10,000 coins, and the cannie folks around to have made a pleasant harvest in collecting it.-Lit. Gaz.

STATES.-Maine was so called as early as 1638, from Maine in France, of which Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, was at that time proprietor. New Hampshire was the name given to the territory conveyed by the Plymouth Company to Capt. John Mason, by patent, November 7, 1639, with reference to the patentee, who was Governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire, England. Vermont was so called by the inhabitants in their declaration of independence, January 16, 1777, from the French cerd, green, and mont, mountain. Massachusetts from a tribe of Indians in the neighborhood of Boston. “I have learned," says Roger Wil-morial is proposed for him, and we cannot doubt liams, “that Massachusetts was so called from the Blue Hills." Rhode Island was named in 1644, in reference to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean. Connecticut was so called from the Indian name of its principal river; New York in reference to the Duke of York and Albany, to whom this territory was granted. Pennsylvania was named in 1681, after William Penn. Delaware, in 1703, from Delaware Bay, on which it lies, and which received its name from Lord De la War, who died in this bay. Maryland, in honor of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, in his patent to Lord Baltimore, June 30, 1632 Virginia was named in 1584, after Elizabeth, the virgin Queen of England. Carolina, by the French in 1564, in honor of King Charles IX. of France. Georgia, in 1772, in honor of King George III. Alabama, in 1817, from its principal river. Mississippi, in 1800, from its western boundary. Mississippi is said to denote Kie, whole river, that is, the river formed by the union of many. Louisiana, so called in honor of Louis XVI. of France. Tennesee, in 1796, from its principal river; the word Tennesee is said to signify a curved spoon. Kentucky, in 1782, from its principal river. Illinois, in 1809, from its principal river. The word is said to signify the river of men. Indiana, in 1802, from the American Indians. Ohio, in 1802, from its southern boundary. Missouri, in 1821, from its principal river. Michigan, named in 1805, from the lake on its borders. Arkansas, in 1819, from its principal river. Florida was so called by Juan Ponse le Leon, in 1572, because it was discovered on Easter Sunday; in Spanish, Pascus Florida.-Sim-idea but that her son will undergo the same fate. monds's Colonial Magazine.

M. GUIZOT.-M. Guizot's facility for going to sleep after extreme excitement and mental exertion is prodigious, and it is fortunate for him he is so constituted, otherwise his health would materially suffer. A minister in France ought not to be a nervous man; it is fatal to him if he is. After the most boisterous and tumultuous sittings at the Chamber, after being baited by the Opposition in the most savage manner-there is no milder expression for their excessive violencehe arrives home, throws himself upon a couch, and sinks immediately into a profound sleep, from which he is undisturbed till midnight, when proofs of the Moniteur are brought to him for inspection. Madame Guizot, who lives with her son, is upwards of 80 years of age; never was there a more vigilant, tender, nervous mother. Her husband lost his life upon the scaffold of the Revolution, and nothing can divest her of the

This keeps her in perpetual alarm, and whenever she hears there is to be one of those violent discussions which but too often disgrace the French Chambre des Deputés, she watches for the return of her son with the greatest anxiety and misgiving.-Court Journal.

AN EXPLOSION OF SUBTERRANEOUS WATER took place lately in the district of Vizeu, in Portugal, by which the soil was torn up, and earth and stones flung to a great height into the air, for the distance of more than a league, between the small river Oleiros and the Douro. All the culti- BRITISH GUIANA.-From a prospectus publishvated land over which the water flowed was de-ed at the Royal Gazette office, Denierara, and forstroyed, and in many places it created ravines forty feet in depth, and thirty fathoms wide. It carried away and shattered to fragments in its course, which was of extreme rapidity, no fewer than fifty wind and water mills, choked the Douro with rubbish, and caused the death of nine persons, including one entire family. On the same day a similar explosion took place in the mountain of Marcelim, in the same district, arising from the same source, but branching off in the direction of the river Bastanza.-Correspondent of the Times. 27*

warded to us, we learn that a society for the promotion of agriculture and commerce in that important colony is now being formed. Public rooms are to be established in Georgetown, with library, museun, and models; and premiums and grants of money are to be awarded for the advancement of every branch of agriculture, manufactures, and trade So excellent an institution cannot fail to produce great benefits, and the wealth of the colony will enable its members to carry it on with liberality and spirit.-Lit. Gaz.

ROYAL BIRTHDAYS IN APRIL.-It is remarka- boat reached the group of granite rocks near Asble how many Royal personages now living date souan, which form the cataract. The first gate their births in the month of April. The 25th was easily passed; but in the second, owing to ult., the day on which her Majesty celebrated the violence of the current, it hung for ten minher birthday, is the anniversary of the births of utes, vibrating, but almost stationary, and in dantheir Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Glouces-ger every moment of being dashed on the rocks, ter and the Princess Alice. In other Royal fam- only four paces distant. It was a fearful strug ilies of Europe, several birthdays occur during gle: but at last, by carrying out rope in a small the month of April-viz., her Majesty the Queen boat, the pasha himself and three sailors obtain of the French was born on the 26th of April, ed a purchase on an island, and succeeded in 1782; the Queen of the Belgians on the 3d of bringing the laboring vessel through. Three April, 1812; Queen Christina of Spain on the hundred Nubians witnessed, and some of them 27th of April, 1806; the Emperor of Austria on with poles assisted in this triumph. The third the 17th of April, 1793; the Queen of Portugal gate (as these narrow passes are called) was suron the 14th of April, 1819; and the Sultan on mounted, and the anchor dropped off the village the 19th of April, 1823.-Court Journal. of Messid, within sight of the famous island of Philo. The exploit was attempted in 1838 by SOMNAMBULIST. We give the following almost Mahomed Ali, but defeated at the second gate; incredible account of a somnambulic exhibition and now the passage is shown to be practicable from the Paris Globe. After noticing some pre-it will often be repeated, and produce important wvious exhibitions of the same nature by M. Mar-effects in this part of the world.-Lit. Gaz. cellet with the somnambulist, the "young Alexis," the Globe says:-"We will now speak of the exhibition at the hotel of the Viscountess de RAFFAELLE TAPESTRIES.-Of the two sets of Saint-Mars. M. Victor Hugo, who was present, tapestries from the Cartoons, wrought under the had prepared at home a sealed packet, in the cen inspection of the artist and his pupils Von Orlay tre of which he had placed a single word, print-and Coxis, one is in the Vatican; and that now ed in large characters. The somnambulist, after before the public is the second, sold from Engturning over the packet every way, spelled land into Spain after the martyrdom of Charles lowly-p-o-1-i, poli, and then exclaimed, 'II., and now happily restored to us, at least for a do not see the letter that immediately follows, but I perceive those which come afterwards, -q-u-e; eight letters;-no, I now see nine; it is at, politique, and the word is printed on light green paper. M. Hugo cut it out of a pamphlet, which I now see at his house.' Similar experiments were frequently repeated, and always with the same success, at the house of M. Charles Ledru, where they took place especially, in order that Lord Brougham might witness them. His Lordship was quite astounded at seeing Alexis playing at cards with his eyes bandaged, and reading through several sheets of paper. But the last experiment was of a nature to remove all doubt. What word have I written there?' said Lord Brougham, presenting his closed hand. Chester,' replied the somnambulist. The Hon. The Stoning of St. Stephen is the smallest of Mrs. Dawson Damar then said, 'Can you tell me these productions, being only 13 feet wide and what I placed on the guéridon of my salon before 12 feet 10 inches high. The martyr is on his I left home? Yes, madam, I see there a medal-knees, and his earthly suffering radiated with the lion. What does it contain?' Hair. Whose hope of immortal glory. One of his barbarous hair? That of three personages-the Emperor executioners stooping to lift a large stone is a Napoleon, Wellington-as to the third, I cannot grand piece of drawing; and another figure casttell his name, but he died before Napoleon, and ing a rock at his devoted head is equally a splenwas an Englishman-a sailor.' The Hon. Mrs. did anatomical and expressive study. Other Damar then named Lord Nelson. Some days parts are almost as remarkable for skill, beauty, afterwards, Viscount Jocelyn having presented a and contrast. box well wrapped up to the young Alexis, the The Conversion of St Paul ranks among the latter instantly said that it contained only one ob- six largest tapestries, being 18 feet 3 inches in ject, that it was red, and came from a distant width, by 13 feet in height. It is a glorious comcountry. He ended by saying that it was a piece position, full of stirring life, passion, and energy. of coral cut into a death's head.- -Court Jour-The supernatural light from heaven, the pros


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season. Mr. Tupper, the British consul, obtained the series from the Alva family twenty years ago, and from him they became the property of their present exhibiter.

They are in wonderfully fine preservation, faithful to the originals, fresh in color, and spirited in every thread and stitch. Of the nine in existence, there are here seven corresponding to the Cartoons at Hampton Court, and two others, viz. the Stoning of St. Stephen and the Conversion of St. Paul, of which the Cartoons are lost; but as the death of Ananias and Paul preaching at Athens could not find room, we have the former novelties in their stead, and to these we would direct the marked attention of visitors.

trate Roman leader, the amazement of his soldiery, the confusion of man and horse, the anSTEAM ASCENT OF THE FIRST CATARACT OF tique architectural forms of Damascus, the variety THE NILE. We have mentioned the accomplish- and richness of Oriental costume, and the angelic ment of this great feat, an epoch in science and group over all, render this representation admiraits African power. It seems to have been effeet-ble even among those wonderful works its comed principally through the energy and presence of panions, with whose astonishing mastery over mind of Achmet Menikli Pasha, the new gover-every difficulty and perfection of art we have benor of Soudan, who was ascending the river to come familiar. Of itself it would be a great exhi the seat of his rule. In six days from Cairo the bition for every lover of the fine arts.—Lit. Gaz.


with a request that those gentlemen would kindly undertake the necessary superintendence of the work; a request to which they acceded with alacrity; and the obelisk, in packing cases, arrived in Table Bay in the month of August, 1841, where it was safely landed under the guidance of Colonel Lewis.

HERSCHEL OBELISK AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE" An Account of the Erection of the Herschel Obelisk at the Cape of Good Hope, accompanied by the Report of Colonel Lewis, and a Plan of the same," by Thomas Maclear, Esq. The following is an abstract. Sir John Herschel, during his residence at the Cape, was President of the South African Literary and Scientific In- The following is the report of Colonel Lewis stitution. When he was about to leave the colo- on the erection:-"In excavating the foundation, ny, the members expressed a desire to present which was of black sand, it was found necessary him with some token of remembrance; and, at a to go down 4 feet 10 inches to arrive at the ironfull meeting, a few days before his departure, a stone gravelly bed, the substratum of the country gold medal was presented, with the impress of about Feldhausen. The masonry foundation was the institution on one side and a suitable inscrip- formed of concrete, built up in courses of 12 or tion on the reverse. The feelings excited on that 14 inches, and composed of iron-stone gravel, and interesting occasion strongly evinced how much lime-mortar, well grouted together. On this mathe members regretted the loss of their president sonry bed a granite platform 9 feet 6 inches square and their admiration of one whose talents place was laid, and the small column fixed by Sir John him so far above ordinary men, and whose private Herschel on the site of the 20-feet reflector. This life was a pattern of every domestic virtue. The mark was removed for a few days, in order to sum subscribed having exceeded the expense of bring the masonry foundation to a proper height, the medal, another subscription-list was opened but the mark was relaid with mathematical corwith the intention of raising a fund for the pur-rectness by Lieut. Laffau, Royal Engineers. Prepose of placing a substantial structure on the site of the 20-feet reflector in the garden of Sir John's late residence at Feldhausen. The proposal was accordingly laid before Sir George Napier, who entered warmly into the project, and placed his name at the head of the list annexed to a handsome subscription. In the course of a few days the sum subscribed amounted to £190. At a general meeting, held on the 28th of November, 1838, the erection of the obelisk was finally determined on; and a committee was appointed to carry its erection into effect. A fruitless attempt to procure a granite column at the cape, of proper workmanship and within the resources of the Committee, led to the adoption of a suggestion that one of Craigleith stone, from the quarry near Edinburgh, might be obtained without difficulty, and of superior finish. A resolution was accordingly passed by the Committee, which, together with a plan of the proposed obelisk, was forwarded to Professors Forbes and Henderson, of Edinburgh,

viously, however, to relaying the Herschel mark, the suggestion of the Committee of Construction was adopted of placing under it several silver and copper coins, a few inscription medals, and medals of the South African Institution, struck in silver for the occasion; and on the obverse were engraved some notices, statistical and geographical, of the colony; the discoveries of Capt. Ross in the South Polar Regions in 1841; and the operation of remeasuring the are of the meridian in 1842. These subjects were beautifully executed by Mr. Piazza Smyth, assistant-astronomer, and hermetically sealed in glass bottles. Also there were deposited a map of the colony and engravings of nebulæ observed at Slough from 1825 to 1833, by Sir John Herschel, and a plan of Mr. Maclear's triangulation connecting the site of Feldhausen with the Royal Observatory, and the site of La Caille's observatory, in Strand-street, Cape Town. The bottle was carefully fixed in a block of teak-wood, scooped out on purpose. When the

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