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through the whole course, on a graduated and methodical system, will have no difficulty in satisfying the Examiners.

We now make a few remarks on


This is a system carried out by us to a very great extent, and hitherto with excellent results. The system is as follows :—

Every week a batch of questions on a certain portion of the work taken in hand is sent to the Candidate, who answers the questions given, and returns them in the course of the week to be corrected and have hints and explanations filled in. The papers when thus revised are returned to the Postal Pupil, with a fresh batch of questions, to be treated in a similar manner to the first.

These questions and answers should be kept by the Pupil, and after revision they should be entered by him into his note-book, so that he may have them ready to read over just before the Examination. This system of correspondence has been proved by experience to be most effective, if the course given by the Tutor is faithfully followed out by the Pupil, and the work done and returned regularly every week.

It has the following advantages:

(i.) It keeps a Pupil to his work.

(ii.) It draws his attention to particular points, and prevents him from wasting time over matters that for Examination purposes might be absolutely useless.

(iii.) It gets him into a way of answering Test Questions on paper, a most important point, especially as these Test Papers cover nearly all the Questions likely to be asked in the Examination.

The conditions of success are threefold :

1. The correspondence must be of sufficiently long duration. We recommend a course of not less than three months.

2. The correspondence must be regular; the questions answered and papers returned punctually every week.

3. The work must be bond fide. By this we mean that the Correspondent must get up the particular subject or subjects set for the week before sitting down to do a paper; and whenever he has need to refer to the text-book to answer a question, he must make a note to this effect in the margin.

These conditions being observed, we have no hesitation in saying that any one who tries this system will make excellent progress, and find the plan most helpful and satisfactory.




1. Define the terms force, resultant, and show that all forces may be compared with weight.

2. Enuntiate the parallelogram of forces.

3. What is the moment of a force about a point?

4. The centre of gravity of a triangle is in the line joining the apex with the middle of the base, and at one-third of its length from the base. Prove this.

5. When there are four moveable pulleys in one block, how much string passes through the hands in raising a weight six inches?

6. State the third law of motion, and give a numerical calculation of it.

7. What is the average velocity of a body during the first second of its fall under gravity; also during the first two seconds? Show how, by knowing the average velocity, you can find the whole space fallen through.

8. Two bodies, x and y, of different bulks, weigh the same in water : which will weigh the most in mercury?

9. What is the cause of the deposition of dew? State the various circumstances which influence the deposition and show why they do so. 10. Describe some accurate method of determining the co-efficient of linear expansion of a steel bar.

11. If the expansion of steel is that of brass under the same change of temperature, what will be the best arrangement of rods of these metals to form a gridiron pendulum?

12. Find the power necessary to sustain a weight of 100 lbs., with three moveable pulleys arranged according to the third system, the weights of the pulleys being 8 oz., 6 oz., 4 oz. respectively.


1. Define the term orthography. Is the orthography of the English language perfect? If not, why not? Explain fully.

2. How many genders are there in English? Give instances of each. Mention, with examples, the different ways of forming feminines of


3. Give instances of nouns that have two plural forms.

4. What traces of case-forms may still be found in English?

5. What is the force of the following suffixes: let-ism-ace—cule— aster-ock? Illustrate.

6. Define the term "hybrid" noun, and give instances of such nouns. 7. Discuss the formation of the following comparatives and superlatives: Best, worse, rather, elder, first, last, most.

8. Classify pronouns, and give instances of each kind.

9. In how many different senses may the word "that" be used? Illustrate by sentences.

10. Define the terms mood and tense. What traces of the subjunctive mood are to be found in English?

11. Explain fully what is meant by strong and weak verbs, and give five instances of each.

12. Classify adverbs and conjunctions. What adverbs admit of degrees of comparison?

[Next Test Papers (in Guide No. 2) will be: Latin Grammar and Sentences-Chemistry.]



The following are the Latin and Greek subjects set for the Matriculation Examinations to be held in January and June, 1883 :


January.-Caesar, Gallic War, Books 1 and 2.

June. .—Ovid, Metamorphoses, Book 2, and Epistolae ex Ponto, Book 1.


January.-Xenophon, Anabasis, Book 4.

June. Homer, Iliad, Book 6.

Candidates will notice that particular stress is laid on the accuracy in the answers to the Latin and Greek Grammar Questions, and to the translation of sentences from English into Latin.





I. Translate into English:


His sicut acta erant nuntiatis incensus Tarquinius non dolore solum tantæ ad inritum cadentis spei sed etiam odio iraque, postquam dolo viam obsæptam vidit, bellum aperte moliendum ratus circumire supplex Etruriæ urbes, orare maxumæ Veientes Tarquiniensesque, ne se ortum, ejusdem sanguinis, extorrem egentem ex tanto modo regno cum liberis adulescentibus ante oculos suos perire sinerent, alios peregre in regnum Romam accitos; se regem, augentem bello Romanum imperium, a proximis scelerata conjuratione pulsum, eos inter se, quia nemo unus satis dignus

regno visus sit, partes regni rapuisse, bona sua diripienda populo dedisse, ne quis expers sceleris esset. Patriam se regnumque suum repetere et persequi ingratos cives velle. ferrent opem, adjuvarent; suas quoque veteres injurias ultum irent, totiens cæsas legiones, agrum ademptum, hæc moverunt Veientes, ac pro se quisque Romano saltem duce ignominias demendas belloque amissa repetenda minaciter fremunt. Tarquinienses nomen ac cognatio movet: pulchrum videbatur suos Romæ regnare, ita duo duarum civitatum exercitus ad repetendum regnum belloque persequendos Romanos secuti Tarquinium.


Fusis Auruncis victor tot intra paucos dies bellis Romanus promissa consulis fidemque senatus expectabat, cum Appius et insita superbia animo, et ut collega vanam faceret fidem, quam asperrime poterat jus de creditis pecuniis dicere. deinceps et qui ante nexi fuerant creditoribus tradebantur, et nectebantur alii. quod ubi cui militi inciderat, collegam appellabat. concursus ad Servilium fiebat; illius promissa jactabant, illi exprobrabant sua quisque belli merita cicatricesque acceptas postulabant, ut aut referret ad senatum, aut ut auxilio esset consul civibus suis, imperator militibus. movebant consulem hæc; sed tergiversari res cogebat: adeo in alteram causam non collega solum præceps erat, sed omnis factio nobilium, ita medium se gerendo nec plebis vitavit odium, nec apud patres gratiam iniit patres mollem consulem et ambitiosum rati, plebes fallacem, brevique apparuit adæquasse eum Appii odium. certamen consulibus inciderat, uter dedicaret Mercuri ædem.


Igitur non patrum magis quam plebis studiis K. Fabius cum Tito Verginio consul factus neque bella neque dilectus neque ullam aliam priorem curam agere, quam ut jam aliqua ex parte inchoata concordiæ spe primo quoque tempore cum patribus coalescerent animi plebis. itaque principio anni censuit priusquam quisquam agrariæ legis auctor tribunus existeret, occuparent patres ipsi suum munus facere, captivum agrum plebi quam maxime æqualiter darent: verum esse habere eos, quorum sanguine ac sudore partus sit.

II. History and Geography.

1. What period (mention the dates) of Roman History is contained in the second book of Livy?

2. What led to the appointment of the Tribunes of the Plebs? and to what were their original functions limited?

3. Explain what is meant by the terms nexus and nexum.

4. In what year was Spurius Cassius consul? and what are the great facts for which his name is famous in the early history of Rome?

5. Who was the reputed progenitor of the family of the Claudii ? and what character do its members bear in Roman History?

6. What led to the exile of Coriolanus?

7. Mention the sites of the towns of Clusium, Tarquinii, Veii, Cumæ, Circeii, Velitræ, Norba, Ostia; and the rivers that are tributaries to the Tiber.

8. Point out in a map the districts inhabited by the Æqui, Volsci, Hernici, and Sabini in the neighbourhood of Rome.

III. Passages for Translation from books not prescribed.

1. Carthagine capta uxor Hasdrubalis, exprobrata ei impietate, quod a Scipione sibi soli impetrare vitam contentus fuisset, dextera lævaque communes filios mortem non recusantes secum trahens incendio se flagrantis patriæ injecit.

2. Æmilius Paullus, cum Macedonicis opibus veterem urbis nostræ paupertatem eo usque satiasset, ut illo tempore primum populus Romanus tributi præstandi onere se liberaret, penates suos nulla ex parte locupletiores fecit, præclare secum actum existimans, quod ex illa victoria alii pecuniam, ipse gloriam occupasset.

3. Cervus equum pugna melior communibus herbis
Pellebat, donec minor in certamine longo
Imploravit opes hominis frenumque recepit;
Sed postquam victor violens discessit ab hoste
Non equitem dorso, non frenum depulit ore.


Examiners-JAMES S. REID, Esq., LL.M., M.A., and DR. LEONHARD SCHMITZ, F.R.S.E. 1. Decline both in the singular and in the plural edax imber, sollers senex, anceps certamen; and in all the three genders, singular and plural, neuter, mendax, and locuples.

2. Give the comparative and superlative of acer, miser, superus, inferus, humilis, parvus, maledicus, and locuples.

3. Give the etymology of possum, anceps, particeps, tibicen, tubicen, ibi, and ubi.

4. Give the third person plural of the perfect indicative, the supine and the infinitive, of surgo, veto, mordeo, lugeo, fero, orior, ordior, and veho.

5. Explain what is meant by the terms Calendæ, Nona, and Idus. 6. What do you understand by Oratio Obliqua, and what are the rules of its construction?

7. Mention some impersonal verbs which govern the accusative of the person, and some which govern the dative.

8. When is the English "that. . . . not" expressed in Latin by ne, and when by ut. . . . non?

9. Mention some verbs which govern two accusatives in the active, and show by examples their construction in the passive.

10. Translation into Latin.

[N.B.-Particular importance is attached to the correct rendering of these sentences.]

a. Would that he had been present at the discussion

b. Can anyone tell me whether the defendant has confessed the crime

or not?

c. The master declared the pupil worthy of receiving the highest prize. d. The general ordered (impero) the soldiers to collect wood, and to remain awake all night.

e. It is becoming to an honourable man not to do anything that can harm a fellow-man.

f. We need trustworthy guides to lead us through such desolate districts, in which so many murders have within the last few years been committed.

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