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'Christ hath set one man over the world; him whom he hath appointed his vicar on earth and as to Christ is bent every knee in heaven, in earth, and under the earth, so shall obedience and service be paid to his vicar by all, that there may be one fold and one shepherd.' 'The Roman pontiff,' says Gregory VII., in his Epistle, 'is by right universal. In him alone is the right of making laws. Let all kings kiss the feet of the pope. His name alone shall be heard in all the churches: it is the only name in the world. It is his right to depose kings. His sentence is not to be repealed by any one: it is to be repealed by himself alone. He is to be judged by none.'

"Various instances are adduced by writers on the subject of the blasphemous flattery and adulation which has been addressed to the popes, and which flatteries have been approved, encouraged, and rewarded in the writers of the church of Rome, and the style of which is even adopted in the language of public decretals and acts of council. The Rev. R. Rabett has a pithy collection of then in his work upon the number of the beast, as. The countenance of thy divine Majesty'—'All power is delivered by the Lord to THEE ALONE, both in heaven and upon earth;'-another God upon earth! 'O pope, thou art not God, nor man-but betwixt them both thou art.' Mr. Keith has a similar collection, from which the following may be added: 'Our Lord God the Pope, (which is the common style of his 'holiness' in Italy); -the power of the pope is greater than all created power, and extends to things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal ;—the pope doth whatsoever he listeth, even things unlawful, and is more than God! Mr. Rabett refers for authorities for the titles he cites. And in regard to the sitting as God in the temple of God, Mr. Wright, confirms, as an eye-witness, what has been often before declared by other writers, that at the inauguration of a new pope, at which he was present, the pope sate on the grand altar, and received the adoration of the cardinals, who kissed his foot, hand, and cheek.

"One of the most disgusting instances of the pride of the popes is mentioned by Mr. Edward Wright, in the narrative of his travels in Italy, and of which he was an eye-witness, viz., ' that at the ceremony of the coronation of the pope, he sucks the sacramental wine through a tube, not deigning to touch with his lips the chalice out of which the other priests and bishops have to drink.Vol 1, p. 191 : London, 1730.

"Mr. Rabett mentions also having himself seen a beautifully enamelled tablet, apparently executed when popery was in its zenith, which represented a trinity of persons-consisting of the Holy Ghost, in the likeness of a dove; -our Lord Jesus Christ, in the likeness of a man ;-and the Pope, with his triple crown and the keys of St. Peter; and then the following words in Latin underneath - Holy Trinity, One God, whether we invoke thee, whether we adore thee, we praise thee, O Blessed Trinity, under the name of the One God.' ”

No. VII.-Pages 65, 79.


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"Irenæus says, respecting the number 666, Oportet... tales dicere, et ad VERUM recurrere NOMINIS NUMERUM ut non in PSEUDO-PROPHETARUM loco deputentur. Sed SCIENTES FIRMUM NUMERUM qui à SCRIPTURA (from SCRIPTURE) annunciatus est, id est, SEXCENTORUM SEXAGINTA SEX,' &c.; and in the same chapter he sets forth the name Aareivos, as containing the number 666, Sed et LATEINOS nomen habet SEXCENTORUM SEXAGINTA SEX numerum : et valde verisimile est, quoniam NovISSIMUM REGNUM Hoc habet VOCABULUM, Latini enim sunt qui nunc Regnant,' &c. And having summed up, in chapter XXIX., the iniquity and apostacy of the numbered Beast (deduced from the opinions of the ancients concerning the number Xs or 666), in whom would concentre ALL unrighteousness, Irenæus exclaims,- Et propter hoc in BESTIA veniente Recapitulatio sit universa Iniquitatis et omnis doli, ut in Ea (scil. BESTIA) confluens et conclusa omnis virtus Apostolica, in caminum mittatur ignis. Congruenter autem et NOMEN EJUS habebit NUMERUM, Sexcentorum Sexaginta Sex, recapitulans in semetipso omnem quæ fuit antediluvium, malitiæ commixtionem; quæ facta est ex Angelica Apostasia.

"Dr. Tulke, in his Annotations on Rev. XIII. 18, says, the pope hath caused all private men to PRAY IN LATINE.' That he alloweth no TRANSLATION of the SCRIPTURE, as AUTHENTICAL, BUT HIS LATINE, NO NOT the ORIGINALL Of Hebrue and GreEKE, which he blasphemeth to be corrupted, and therefore MUST GIVE PLACE TO HIS LATINE. Insomuch that THE SETTER FORTH OF THE COMPLUTENSE EDITION, in his PREFACE to him, saith, He placed the LATINE NEXT BETWEEN the HEBREW and the GREEK, as CHRIST between Two thieves.'


"The following is the Court account of it, as set forth by the Sieur Motraye, page 30:

'La plus prétieuse des Tiares fait par l'ordre de JULES II., Genois de Nation, l'an 7me de son Pontificat, est representée à la Planche IV., dont le fond est tout convert de belles perles. Les cercles sont d'or battu: sur celui du bas sont le Nom, la Dignite, et la Patrie de ce Pape en Lettres des Diamans, en ces

termes :




'Les autres sont admirablement bien émaillées et garnies de quantité de diamans, de rubis, d'emerauds, d'hyacintes, de saphirs et de topases, et toutes en un ordre qui plaît beaucoup. Dans l'espace qui regne au dessus du cercle d'en bas, sont trois escarboucles admirable pour leur grandeur et leur éclat, avec un gros saphir très parfait, et un autre de même grandeur. Sur la partie opposée, il y a aussi çà et là diverses perles d'une grosseur extraordinaire, et de très belle eau, qui sont disposées avec une admirable simetrie, entre de gros dia

mans.Toutes les plus grosses pierreries sont d'ailleurs attachées en pendeloques, ce qui leur donne un jeu qui augmente beaucoup leur éclat,

'Sur le haut de cette Tiare, où étoit auparavant une simple CROIX, règne une EMERAUDE d'une couleur parfaitement nette et vive, supportée par deux DRAGONS d'or que Gregoire XIII., y fit mettre avec ses armes et son nom autour, en cette maniere :


"Such a temporal and spiritual kingdom as the popedom, such an Imperium in Imperio, is in open hostility to the public peace and happiness of Europe; even as King Louis XII. (surnamed Le Père du Peuple), had formerly evinced to Pope Julius II., who when he was thundered at by this pope, overthrew him and his adherents in a battle at Ravenna; and at Pisa assembled a Council against the pope, causing CERTAIN CROWNS OF GOLD to be stamped with this superscription- PERDAM NOMEN Babylonis ''I will destroy the name of Babylon' thereby testifying to the whole world his firm belief that Rome Papal is the mystic Babylon of the Revelation. Here then is King Louis XII., ONE of THE 'TEN HORNS' or KINGS of the PAPAL ROMAN EARTH, purposing to destroy the name of Babylon; first, by a defeat of the pope and his adherents, in battle; then, by calling a council of the nation to witness his royal intentions against the pope and popery; and then, finishing the whole matter, by causing the impress of his intentions to be put on the gold coin of the realm; and Buonaparte was evidently possessed of the same belief when he compelled Pope Pius VI. to sign the renunciation of his TEMPORAL POWER, which he did, beginning with these words :—

In sequito degli ordini superiori si denuncia a tutte le personi dello stato Ecclesiastico di qualunque grado, e condizione, &c.

'G. Della Porta, Tresoriere Generale.'* 'Yielding to the orders of our superiors, we denounce all persons of the Ecclesiastical State, of whatever rank or condition, &c.

'G. Della Porta, Treasurer General.' "And when this deed of renunciation and denunciation was signed, it was said the pope undersigned these words, Noi cediamo l'autorita nostra agl'ordini superiori.-Pio Sesto.'—'We cede our authority to force.-Pius the Sixth.' Buonaparte then expelled Pius Sextus from Rome, and sent him to Tuscany, Sienna, and Florence, and ransacked the Vatican, with every other palace and church in Rome, &c.; and on another occasion, the Emperor brought Pope Pius VII. a state prisoner to Fontainbleau, and asked him how he reconciled his temporal kingdom with the words of Christ, Mon regne n'est pas de ce monde.' But there is only one answer to this inquiry, which may be summed up in the words of Christ to his servant St. Peter, whose Successors the popes pretend to be, in reference to the ecclesiastical office and dignity. "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

"But the Popes of Rome 'take the sword;'


"Therefore the Popes of Rome' shall perish with the sword.'"

* See Peter du Moulin's Buckler of the Faith. Second edition, p. 543.

No. VIII.-Page 79.


"Where was the Romish religion before the Council of Trent? which legitimated all the innovations of popery, and was concluded only about the year 1563, long after Luther began to preach against the profligate sale of indulgences.

"The Romish religion comes into the world fifteen hundred and sixty-four years too late to be the religion of the true church of Christ, because all the dogmas peculiar to the Romish church were never collected together in one formulary until Pius IV. reduced them into the form of a creed, by annexing twelve additional articles to the Nicene or Constantinople Creed, and publishing the whole in a bull, as a creed (which is now commonly called by his name) in the year 1564. Most of the articles superadded to the Christian faith of the universal church, contained in the Nicene Creed, are of known and modern date. The pretended supremacy of the popes or bishops of Rome commenced only with Boniface III., about 600 years after the birth of Christ. The invocation of saints and of the virgin Mary was first introduced by Petrus Gnapheus, a presbyter of Antioch, about A. D. 470, and it was not received into the public litanies until about 150 years later. Temples were erected to the honour of supposed saints only in the 6th century, and it was not till the latter part of the 9th century that the Roman pontiffs impiously arrogated to themselves the power of raising dead sinful mortals to the dignity of immortal saints, and constituting them objects of worship, whose prayers and merits procure blessings, and by whose hands they are imagined to be conveyed. The two Sacraments, instituted by Jesus Christ, were not multiplied into seven until the twelfth century. Peter Lombard being the first writer who enumerates seven, and seven being the number decreed by the assembly of Romanists at Trent, in the 16th century, to be received on pain of an anathema. Transubstantiation, or the conversion of the whole substance of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, was not imposed as a doctrine (though the term had been invented some time before) until the fourth Lateran Council, held in 1215, when an auricular confession was first enjoined. The cup in the communion was not totally taken away from the laity until the Council of Constance, in 1416. Purgatory was not positively affirmed until about the year 1140; nor was it made an article of faith until it was decreed so to be in the 25th session of the Assembly at Trent, in December 1563. The practice of praying for the dead was established in the third century. Now what pretence can Romanists make to antiquity, when we not only see the novelty of their innovations, but can also ascertain the precise time when most of their doctrines were invented or introduced?-a plain answer to the question, 'Where was your religion before Luther?' and also to the false assertion that the Protestant religion is a new religion which had no being in the world 1500 years after Christ.'"

Assertions of the Romish church contradicted by the holy Scriptures :Psalm XIX. 7; Deut. IV. 2; Prov. xxx. 5, 6; Rev. xXIL 8, 9; Isai. VIII. 16, 20; Luke xvI. 29; Matt. XVII. 5; 2 Tim. 111. 15-17; Matt. XIII. 1-9. Against transubstantiation :—Acts 111. 21; 1 Cor. xi. 26; Matt. xxvi. 29; 1 Cor. xI. 24, 25; Exod. XII. 11; John vi. 23, 53, 54, 58, 60-63; Heb. x. 10-14.

No. IX.-Page 79.


In the year 1750, Dr. Gill writes as follows. There is a "very great increase of popery in our own land, and in other countries; for though the Pope of Rome, as a secular prince, and with respect to the exercise of his power and authority as such, is not what he was, and is much declining, and has not that regard paid him by the kings of the earth as formerly; yet popery itself is far from being on the decline, or losing ground: as also the great departure of the reformed churches, so called from the doctrines and principles of the reformation; and even of Protestant Dissenters, who are gone, and are going more and more into doctrines and practices which naturally verge and lead to popery to which may be added, the various sects which within a few years have sprung up among us: the doctrines and practices of some of them being similar to those of the church of Rome: I will not say that in general they have it in view, and design to encourage and increase the Romish religion; yet I am very jealous that this is the view of some; but be this as it will, I am very much of opinion, that these things will at last issue in popery; and that some of those persons will be suffered, as instruments, to spread it, both here, and in all our colonies and plantations abroad."

No. X.-Page 88.


"Daniel VIII. 13. 'How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation,' (or, making desolate,) 'to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?' May be thus rendered,' observes Mr. Habershon: How long shall the vision concerning the Christian worship, and the desolation of Judea, to give both the sanctuary of the one, and the churches of the other, to be trodden under foot?' The answer to which question was the chronological period of this prophecy: 'Unto two thousand three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.'

"The great difficulty which has ever been experienced in regard to the chronology of two thousand three hundred years is, when to fix its commencement; and many have been the conjectures on the subject."

"There were four decrees or edicts of the kings of Persia. .. As they settled them and left them so they continued, without any material alteration, as a state and people, until the time of Christ, and the destruction of the king

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