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Arma virumque ferens; tum summa ipsius ab hasta
Defringit ferrum, et partis rimatur apertas,
Qua volnus letale ferat; contra ille repugnans
Sustinet a iugulo dextram, et vim viribus exit.
Utque volans alte raptum cum fulva draconem
Fert aquila, inplicuitque pedes, atque unguibus haesit;
Saucius at serpens sinuosa volumina versat,
Arrectisque horret squamis, et sibilat ore,
Arduus insurgens; illa haud minus urguet obunco
Luctantem rostro; simul aethera verberat alis:
Haud aliter praedam Tiburtum ex agmine Tarchon
Portat ovans.
Ducis exemplum eventumque secuti
Maeonidae incurrunt. Tum fatis debitus Arruns
Velocem iaculo et multa prior arte Camillam
Circuit, et, quae sit fortuna facillima, temptat.

747.] Arma virumque,' Virg.'s favourite combination. Ipsius' is doubtless Venulus's spear, which agrees with 'arma,' and makes the triumph more complete.

748.] Partis rimatur apertas,' looks, or feels, for an exposed place. Comp. Il. 22. 321, εἰσορόων χρόα καλόν, ὅπη είξειε μάθ ALOTα, where, as here, the throat is the part fixed on.

749.] 'Volnus ferat' like "plagam ferenti" 12. 299.

750.] Sustinet a iugulo dextram,' holds his enemy's hand off from his throat. Comp. the use of 'sustineo' in such passages as Cic. Acad. Prior. 15 "sustinere se ab assensu," and in such phrases as "sustinere remos." "Exit' with acc. 5. 438 note: see also Munro on Lucr. 5. 1330. Vim' and 'viribus' are distinguished as violence and strength.

751.] Here and in 10. 454 Wagn. makesque' part of the form of comparison, like "ac;" but this seems unnecessary. Serv. inquired with what alte' is constructed: Heyne replies rightly, that 'volans alte' is a translation of vérns, which occurs in Il. 12. 201, a description which Virg. has imitated, though he does not follow Hom. in making the eagle let the snake go. Hom.'s description had already been imitated by Cic. in his poem on Marius, quoted by himself Div. 1. 47. "Fulvus Iovis ales" 12. 247.

752.] Inplicuit' perf., not aor. 'Unguibus abl., the case for 'haesit' being understood. Comp. such expressions as



"discludere Nerea ponto " E. 6. 35.

753.] With sinuosa volumina' comp. 2. 208 "sinuat volumine terga," G. 3. 192"sinuet volumina." "Volumina versat" in a different sense 5. 408.

754.] "Squamis adstantibus hydri" G. 3. 545. "Sibila colla Arduus attollens" 5. 277. 755.] Adunco' Rom., the reading before Heins.

756.] Αὐτὸς δὲ κλάγξας πέτετο πνοιῇς àvéuoto II. 1. c.

757.] 'Tiburtum:' we learn from vv. 465, 604, 640, that these were engaged. From this line to v. 793 Rom. is wanting.

758.] "Exemplum, quod coepit, eventum, quod prospere" Serv. They imitate, not necessarily his action, but his boldness, and have like success. 'Maeonidae' 8. 479, 499.

759-798.] Arruns watches his opportunity to throw a spear at Camilla, and prays to Apollo for success.'

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759.] Arruns is 'fatis debitus,' both as the destined slayer of Camilla, and as destined himself to be slain. Fatis' is here dat., not, as in 7. 120, abl. The name is doubtless taken from the son of Tarquin, the man here being an Etruscan.

760.] Iaculo' coupled with 'multa arte.' Prior,' pláσas, anticipating all her movements, not, as Forb., before he strikes her, nor, as Gossrau and Peerlkamp, 'prior iaculo et arte,' like "pietate prior" above, v. 292.

761.] Ribbeck's cursives give 'circumit:' see Forc. s. v. Fortuna' of a favourable chance 7. 559, G. 3. 452.


Qua se cumque furens medio tulit agmine virgo,
Hac Arruns subit, et tacitus vestigia lustrat;
Qua victrix redit illa pedemque ex hoste reportat,
Hac iuvenis furtim celeris detorquet habenas.
Hos aditus, iamque hos aditus, omnemque pererrat
Undique circuitum, et certam quatit inprobus hastam.
Forte sacer Cybelae Chloreus olimque sacerdos
Insignis longe Phrygiis fulgebat in armis,
Spumantemque agitabat equum, quem pellis aenis 770
In plumam squamis auro conserta tegebat.
Ipse, peregrina ferrugine clarus et ostro,
Spicula torquebat Lycio Gortynia cornu;
Aureus ex humeris erat arcus, et aurea vati

762.]Furens' 1. 491 of Penthesilea. 763.] Vestigia lustrat' 2. 754, E. 2. 12. "Tacitus' i.q. 'furtim 'v. 765. Comp. 4. 306. 764.] "Inde pedem sospes multa cum lande reflexit" Catull. 62 (64). 112.

765.] Detorquet' 5. 165.

766.] "Nunc hos, nunc illos aditus, omnemque pererrat Arte locum' 5. 441. For the rhythm comp. 9. 550, "hinc acies atque hinc acies." Some copies, including one of Ribbeck's cursives, have iamque hos abitus,' which Donatus preferred: but hos-hos' are used like "hic -hic" 12. 479, "hunc-hunc-hunc" 7. 473, 474.

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767.] It is difficult to say whether 'circuitum' is the ordinary acc. of the object, or a kind of cognate. Inprobus,' unwearied, with a notion of blame. See on G. 1. 119. 'Certam' seems rather to express that Arruns had a definite object, than that the spear was inevitable; but it may well include both.

768.] Ribbeck's MSS. give 'Cybelo,' except Gud., which has Cybele' (Pal. and Rom., we must remember, are wanting); and Cybelo' appears to have been read by Serv. and Donatus. Yet it is not easy to see how Chloreus could be called sacred to Mount Cybelus, whereas Sacer Cybelae' answers to "Cereri sacrum Polyphoeten 6. 484. Pier. mentions another reading 'satus Cybelo,' which would leave 'sacerdos ' rather bare. 'Olim' at Troy, as Heyne rightly explains it. For priests in battle see on 6. 484.

769.] 'Longe' may go either with insignis or with 'fulgebat.' "Patriis in armis" 3. 595.

770.] Virg. doubtless was thinking, as Serv. says, of the "cataphracti,"


"equites loricati" (Livy, 37. 40), who had their horses cased in armour as well as themselves. Serv. quotes a description from Sallust Hist., fr. inc.: "Equis paria operimenta erant, quae lintea ferreis laminis in modum plumae adnexuerant." Lersch cites from Justin, 41. 2, "Munimentum ipsis (the Parthians) equisque loricae plumatae sunt, quae utrumque toto corpore tegunt." Comp. also Val. Fl. 6. 233, quoted in Dict. A. Lorica.' Virg. apparently constructs this with the pellis,' or horsecloth (8. 552), perhaps, as Heyne suggests, that the metal might not be supposed to come into contact with the skin.

771.] A comparison of 3. 467, "Loricam consertam hamis auroque trilicem," would tend to show that 'auro conserta here refers to the joining of the scales or chain-work; but it is difficult to see how this could be reconciled with aenis,' so that Heyne is probably right in supposing the reference to be to the golden buckles which fastened the cloth to the horse.

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Cassida; tum croceam chlamydemque sinusque crepantis

Carbaseos fulvo in nodum collegerat auro,

Pictus acu tunicas et barbara tegmina crurum.
Hunc virgo, sive ut templis praefigeret arma
Troia, captivo sive ut se ferret in auro,
Venatrix unum ex omni certamine pugnae
Caeca sequebatur, totumque incauta per agmen
Femineo praedae et spoliorum ardebat amore:
Telum ex insidiis cum tandem tempore capto

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Pal. and Rom. are deficient). 'Sonat' would naturally be introduced from v. 652, just as Gud. and some inferior MSS. (followed by Wagn.) have introduced humero,' while erat' is recommended, not only by Virgil's love of variety in the midst of repetition, but by the tenses fulgebat,' &c. and "collegerat." Forb. reasonably enough asks how we are to reconcile the 'Lycio cornu' with the 'aureus arcus.' Unless we suppose Virg. not to have put the finishing touch to the passage, it seems best to say that 'arcus' is to be understood of the quiver, awkward as it is so to interpret it when the bow has just been mentioned. The Balliol MS. omits v. 773, which also had occurred to me; but it is recognized by both Serv. and Donatus.

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775, 776.] Cassida,' a form of "cassis," occurs also Prop. 4. 11. 15, "Aurea cui postquam nudavit cassida frontem." So "compeda" for " compes " Varro fr. Parmeno ap. Non. p. 28, "chlamyda" for chlamys" Appul. M. 10, p. 353, &c. Comp. also "crater," "cratera." 'Crepantis,' rustling, a natural epithet of 'sinus carbaseos.' Gossrau comp. Lucr. 6. 109, which, however, is not quite parallel. Heyne supposed the 'carbasa to be quilted with gold-leaf or embroidered with gold thread (see on 3. 483), in which case crepantis' would be tinkling, like "leni crepitabat brattea vento" 6. 209; but the earlier interpretation, understand ing 'fulvo auro' of the 'fibula,' is more natural. Comp. Stat. Theb. 7. 658, "Carbaseique sinus et fibula rasilis auro Taenaricum fulva mordebat iaspide pallam," and see on 10. 134., 1. 320. With 'sinus crepantis carbaseos' comp. corpus exsangue Hectoreum" 2. 543, note. For instances of this use of a double epithet, where one adjective may be resolved into the genitive of a substantive, from Lucretius and Virgil, see Munro on Lucr. 1. 258. For the position of 'que' after 'chlamy. dem' see G. 2. 119, note.

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777.] Pictus acu,' perhaps with gold thread, as in 10. 818. "Pictus acu chlamydem" 9. 582. Barbara tegmina crurum,' Oriental trousers (Dict. A. Braccae'), 'barbara' being used like barbarico' 2. 504, note. "Picto subtemine braccae," Val. F. 6. 227, a passage more or less taken from this of Virg.; see above on v. 770. On the whole description Serv. remarks, "Sane armorum longa descriptio illuc spectat, ut in eorum cupiditatem merito Camilla videatur esse succensa." We may add, that the very length of the description expresses the place which the spoils fill in Camilla's thoughts, and the length of time she spends in trying to obtain them.

778.] For hanging up spoils in temples, comp. 3. 286, &c. Arma Troia' 1. 248., 3. 596. Praefigere puppibus arma

10. 80.

779.] vestis" 2. &c. In 12. 169.

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Captivo auro' like " captiva 765, note. Se ferre' 1. 503, ' like "in veste " 4. 518.,


780.] Venatrix' is coupled by Ribbeck, after H. Stephens, with what goes before; but such an accoutrement would seem to be more natural in the case of Dido, with whom hunting is a holiday pastime (4. 138), than in that of Camilla, with whom it is a serious business. It is better, with Peerlkamp, to suppose that it indicates the spirit with which she pursues Chloreus, than, with Wagn., to connect it with virgo,' as part of the definition of Camilla. Ex omni certamine' for "ex omnibus certantibus," like “pugnae in certamine” 12. 598, perhaps, as Cerda suggests, from Lucr. 4. 843.

781.] Incensa,' the reading of one or two of Ribbeck's cursives, is found in some early editions. Per agmen' constructed with ardebat,' the notion of movement being implied in the context, as in G. 4. 82, 83, which Wagn. comp.

783.] Ex insidiis concitat,' rouses from

Concitat et superos Arruns sic voce precatur
Summe deum, sancti custos Soractis Apollo,
Quem primi colimus, cui pineus ardor acervo
Pascitur, et medium freti pietate per ignem
Cultores multa premimus vestigia pruna,
Da, Pater, hoc nostris aboleri dedecus armis,
Omnipotens. Non exuvias pulsaeve tropaeum

its ambush, like "ex insidiis consurgere," "invadere," &c., quoted by Forc. Tempore capto' like "arrepto tempore "above, v. 459.

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784.] Coniicit,' the reading before Heins., is found in two of Ribbeck's cursives; but we are not to suppose the weapon actually thrown till after the prayer. Superos' used generally, only Apollo being meant. Wagn. comp. 1. 4: see also on 6. 322. Gossrau prefers sup. posing that the other gods are really included in the invocation, for which comp. 3. 19, G. 1. 21. Voce precatur' 9. 403, where, as here, we should rather have expected the prayer to be a silent one.

785.] "Summe deum' ex affectu colentis dicitur: nam Iuppiter summus est," Serv. So apparently 'omnipotens' v. 790. The address seems to represent the fact that Apollo was the peculiar god of Arruns' countrymen. Wagn. comp. Ciris v. 245, where Dictynna is called "prima deum." He cites also a remark of Herm. on Soph. Ant. 338, Beŵv тàv úñeρtátav râv, "istae appellationes deum designant eo de quo sermo est in negotio prae ceteris colendum:" but the statement, whether true or no, is not borne out by the passage on which it is grounded, the title being doubtless given to Earth on account of her antiquity as a goddess (see on 7. 136). Apollo had a temple on the top of Soracte: Dict. G. Soracte.'

786.] Quem primi colimus' seems to mean whose chief worshippers are we.' 'Pineus ardor' like "stuppea flamma" 8. 694 (note), the epithet really belonging to ' acervo.' 'Acervo' prob. instrum. abl.

787, 788.] "Haud procul urbe Roma in Faliscorum agro familiae sunt paucae quae vocantur Hirpiae, quae sacrificio annuo quod fit ad montem Soractem Apollini super ambustam ligni struem ambulantes non aduruntur" Pliny 7. 2. Comp. Sil. 5. 175 foll., from which it appears that the worshippers walked through the fire three times carrying entrails to the god, so that cultores' here is not to be ex




plained by freti pietate,' but means ‘in the exercise of our worship.' Serv. quotes from Varro "Ut solent Hirpini, qui ambulaturi per ignis medicamento plantas tinguunt.' 'Premimus' set down; not, as in 6. 197, 331, check. Multa' denotes the thoroughness of the ordeal.

789.] Pater' see on G. 2. 4. 'Dedecus' is Camilla herself: comp. "exstinxisse nefas" 2. 585, a passage generally similar. It would be possible however to understand the words to mean 'grant that this disgrace may be wiped off from our arms.'

790.] Omnipotens :' see on v. 785. The passages where the epithet is used of Juno are not parallel, she being supposed to share Jove's omnipotence. It is difficult to say whether pulsae' here and 'pulsa' v. 793 mean beaten off or wounded. The first would on the whole be the more natural meaning here, as answering to the etymological sense of tropacum' (comp. "pulsi Turni gloria" 10. 143), and being undoubtedly the more usual meaning of the word. The second would suit v. 793 better, and is supported by Prop. 5. 9. 15, "Maenalio iacuit pulsus tria tempora ramo Cacus." Perhaps it is safest to say that Virg. was glad to avail himself of the various associations of the word, beating off, putting to flight, and striking. Arruns might naturally regard himself as repelling an enemy, and he would characteristically express himself as if he were conquering her in fair fight and even making her fly, at the same time that the poet might be determined in his choice of the word by its further and more primitive meaning. So just below, v. 796, Gossrau, after Peerlkamp, finds a difficulty in turbatam,' as implying that Camilla did not die with fortitude. Virg. probably chose the word partly from the association of 'proturbo' and exturbo,' partly as suggesting the notion of routing an army, partly again as expressing the suddenness and surprise of the event. There is a somewhat similar fluctuation in the meaning of the words 'victus' and 'fusus' in such passages as 10. 842, vv. 102, 366 above.

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Virginis, aut spolia ulla peto; mihi cetera laudem
Facta ferent; haec dira meo dum volnere pestis
Pulsa cadat, patrias remeabo inglorius urbes.
Audiit et voti Phoebus succedere partem
Mente dedit, partem volucris dispersit in auras :
Sterneret ut subita turbatam morte Camillam,
Adnuit oranti; reducem ut patria alta videret,
Non dedit, inque notos vocem vertere procellae.
Ergo, ut missa manu sonitum dedit hasta per auras,
Convertere animos acris oculosque tulere
Cuncti ad reginam Volsci. Nihil ipsa nec aurae

792.] Ferant,' the reading before Heins., is found in none of Ribbeck's MSS. Pestis' 7. 505., 12. 845. So "dedecus" v. 789.

793.] Heyne supposes the sense to be, that Arruns knew that no fame was to be obtained by killing a woman, like Aeneas 2. 583 foll., Peerlkamp, that though he thought the deed a glorious one, he did not ask to be known as having done it. The two views may be reconciled if we attend to the character of Arruns. He is represented as afraid of the deed he is nevertheless longing to do: he resolves to do it by stealth, at the least risk to himself: and characteristically, in praying to Apollo, he veils his cowardice under an appearance of magnanimity. He professes to wish to kill Camilla in the interest of his countrymen, who are being destroyed by a female fury, disgrace being added to injury he extenuates the glory of the deed; after all, it is merely killing a woman, and he can afford to rest on his other exploits, so he will not claim this: and what is really an important part of his prayer, his safe return home, he affects to treat not as a matter of prayer at all, but as a sort of concession which he is willing to make. Apollo understands him, and treats the request as involving two prayers, of which he grants one and refuses the other. When the deed is done, his first impulse is to hide himself from the possible consequences: afterwards, finding himself unmolested, he is proud of it (v. 854): and his punishment is, that he is killed in the moment of his triumph, while his comrades treat his fall as a thing of no consequence. With inglorius' we may comp. 12. 322, "pressa est insignis gloria facti, Nec sese Aeneae iactavit volnere quisquam." Patriam urbem' was the reading before Heins., but none of

Ribbeck's MSS. have it.



794.] One of Ribbeck's cursives gives 'partem succedere Phoebus.'

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795.] Mente dedit' 10. 629, where it is explained by what precedes. Apollo silently grants part of the request, without making any sign of assent, as in such cases as 9. 630. The partial granting of the prayer is from II. 16. 250 foll. With volucris dispersit in auras' comp. 9. 313


796.] Turbatam :' see on v. 790. Stat. Theb. 9. 745, has "Prima Tanagraeum turbavit arundo Coroebum," probably an imitation of this passage. Adnuit ut sterneret, dedit ut videret,' comp. v. 152 above. 797.] "Patria alta " 10. 374.

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799-835.] The spear pierces Camilla, who sinks and dies. The Trojans are inspirited, and redouble their efforts.'

799.] Per auras' seems to go both with 'missa' and with 'dedit.' Med. has 'ergo ubi.'

800.] Acres' was the reading of some of the earliest editions, but no MS. seems to support it. 'Acris' seems best taken with animos,' though 'acres' might go with 'Volsci.' In either case it appears to be i. q. "acriter." 'Convertere,' like 'tulere,' with 'ad reginam,' so that it is not like "conversi animi" 2. 73.

801.] Neque,' which Heins. restored for nec,' is found only in one of Ribbeck's cursives. One or two of Ribbeck's cursives give auras,' which Serv. positively asserts to be the antiqua lectio.' The termination however is so entirely unknown to literary Latin, except in the instance of 'familias," that it is not easy to conceive that Virg. can have used it, especially with auras' concluding vv. 795, 799. 'Aurae,' the wind of the weapon, like " "turbine 1. 45.

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