Page images

trated, cxix. 318; laments his
want of humour, 319
Scott (Sir Walter), his prefaces to
his novels, cxx. 54 note; anecdote
of his dog Diamond rejected by Sir
D. Brewster, 210

M. Taine's unjust estimate
of, cxxi. 322, 323

sepulchral vase sent to him
by Byron, cxxiv. 345

his obligations to Miss Edge-
worth's writings, cxxvi. 458

his battle-pieces, cxxix. 501;
his conscious pathos, ib.

Landor's estimate of, cxxx.
247, 531; his habitual overwork,
546; anecdote of, by Lockhart, ib.

his Life of Napoleon' criti-
cised by J. S. Mill, cxxxix. 110;
Dumont's epigram on his History,
ib.; fertility of his literary genius,
384; deterioration of his latest
works, ib.

his Tales of a Grandfather,'
cxl. 223; his character and ap-
pearance, by Lord Cockburn, 269
Scott (Capt. R.N.), his criticism of
the coil-system of constructing
guns, cxix. 516

Scottish monasteries abroad, cxix.
168; their perfection in the
twelfth century, 174; subsequent
decline, 175; Irish claims to their
foundation, ib.; disputed meaning
of the word 'Scoti,' 176; vacancies
filled by Irishmen, 178; seminaries
for instruction of Scottish mission-
ary priests, 192; the Collegio
Scozzese at Rome, ib.; establish-
ments of the Jesuits in Spain, 194;

and in France, 197
Screech-owl, early spelling of, as
scritch-owl, cxl. 157, 159
Scriptures, various theories of inspi-
ration historically discussed, exix.
147; enlightened spirit of recent
criticism in England, 150
Scullabogue Barn, burning of, by
the Irish rebels, cxxxix. 504

Sculpture, use of, in Christian art,
cxx. 104; its historical precedence
to painting, 105

study of the antique in,

exxii. 84

different theories of expres
sion in, cxl. 171; canon of sym-
metry, 175; proportions of the
head, 187
Sculpture (Christian), the study long
neglected, cxxi. 520; richness of,
in the middle ages, 521; heath-
enisms of Ghiberti, 538; vicious
compromise with paganism,


old Italian monuments of,
cxxii. 83

Sea, currents and temperature of,
CXXXV. 435, 471. See Oceanic

Sea-coal, early mention of, in London,
cixxx. 173

Sea Island Cotton, varieties of,
cxviii. 338

'Seam,' sporting-term used by Shak-
speare, cxxxvi. 357
Sebastopol, siege of, Jomini's remarks
on, cxxiii. 115, 116
Seker (Thomas, Archbishop of CHD-
terbury, 1693 1768), advocates
Colonial bishoprics for the pur-
poses of confirmation, exviii. 556,
557; his argument with Dr. May-
hew thereon, ib. note
Secondary punishments, the question
re-opened, cxxi. 110; old system
of transportation now impossible,
117, 119

Secret Societies, sketch of, in Russia,
cxxxii. 364

Sedan, French capitulation at (1870),

cxxxii. 517, 518
Seeley (Professor), his views on Uni-

versity reform, cxxvii. 154, 162
Segovia (Spain), its picturesque situ-
ation, cxxii. 161; Gothic architec-
ture at, ib.

Séguin (M.), on the mechanical the-
ory of heat, cxix. 17

Séguin (M. Edouard), on the Treat-
ment of Idiots,' cxxii. 39; his
institution at Bicêtre, 40; defini-
tion of a typical idiot, 45
'Seibo,' a tree common in the Argen-
tine Republic, cxxxix. 451
Selden (John, 1584-1654), anecdote

of his knowledge of legal prece-
dents, cxx. 23; committed to the
Tower, 35

on the authorised version of
the Bible, cxxii. 120

enters Oxford' at fourteen,
cxxv. 59; matrimonial precedent
in his Uxor Ebraica,' 89 and note

his comparison of spiritual
authority to prerogative, cxxviii.


his hostility to Scotland,
cxxxvii. 192
Selkirk, early history of, exii. 509
Sellar (Professor), his remarks on
Lucretius, cxxii. 246, 252
Selwyn (Mr.), his Report on the gold
deposits of Victoria, cxii. 8
Semiramis, conflicting mentions of,
in ancient history, cxi. 60, 61
Semitic races, their early adoption

of monotheism, cxxiv. 11; sim-
plicity of their mind, ib.; their
use of prophecy, ib.

Semmering Railway, the, cxxii. 125
Sempill (Col. W.), founds the Scots

College at Madrid, cxix. 195
Semple (James, d. about 1840), his
literary works, cxxxi. 206
Seneca (Lucius Annæus, 1-65), his
praise of poverty, cxxiv. 343;
cxxxii. 151

Seneca (Lucius Annæus, 1-65),
compared with Plutarch, cxxix. 77
Senior (Nassau W.), his 'Sugges-

tions on Popular Education,' cxiv.
1; his objections to local school-
rates, 33

his early love of Poor Law
Reform, cxx. 392; his capacity
for the task, 393

his Journals, Conversations,

and Essays relating to Ireland,
cxxviii. 324; his Irish articles in
the Edinburgh Review, ib. ; his per-
sonal knowledge of Ireland, 325;
period comprised in his work, 326;
on the vices of the former landed
system, ib.; advocated emigration,
327; his hostility to class clamour,
his defence of the land-own-
ing class, 329; on the difficulties
of managing lauded property, 332;
his proposed tribunal for compen-
sation of evicted tenants, 333;
his sketch of Ireland in 1858,
334; on the evils of the Estab-
lished Church, 336; on the Irish
priesthood, 339; his scheme of
religious equality, 340; on the
claims of Church property, 343;
opposed to the Lord-Lieutenancy,
344; and to local unpaid magis-
trates, 345; his conversation with
Whately on a Roman Catholic
University at Dublin, 346; im-
pressions of Ireland derived from
his writings, 349

Sensation, definitions of the term,
cxxiv. 122; not the object of con-
sciousness, 126; viewed as a form
of consciousness, 127; a mental
act, 131; its relation to the ob-
ject, 132, 137; mental process of,


propagation of, through the
nerves, cxxvii. 108
Sensational Philosophy, recent de-
velopment of, cxxvi. 92
'Sensational' school of modern
writers, cxxxiv. 93, 95

Separate System Act, the, cxvii.


Sepoys, mutinous risings confined to,
cxxiv. 320, 321. See Indian
Septennial Act (1714), duration of
Parliaments since, cxxii. 291 note;
objection to, 293

Septinzonium of Severus at Rome,
cxviii. 344; its condition in the

ninth century, 361; besieged by
Henry IV., 374
Septuagint, Roman edition of, in
1586, cxii. 260

original copy of, cxxiv. 346
Sepulture, ancient mode of, cxvi.
165; burning coincident with the
age of iron, 166
Serpents, problem of the early wor-
ship of, cxxx. 488; Turanian
theory of Mr. Fergusson, 489;
association with human sacrifice,
ib.; worship of, in Greece, 492;
and Italy, 492; in Scandinavia,
etc., 493; in India, 494
Servants, modern domestic, cxv.
409; complaints of their employ-
ers, 410; chiefly labourers' daugh-
ters, 412; desire of independence
a cause of discontent, 414; female
pupil-teachers, 415; neglect of
training, 417; requisites to ensure
a better class, 419; injudicious
treatment of, 421; scale of board-
wages, 423; evils of short ser-
vice, 428; decline of providence,
429; enforced society of the kit-
chen, 431; provident societies,

Servetus (Michael, 1509-1553), his
early career, cxxxi. 146 ; his
'Restitutio Christianismi,' ib.;
his arrest and burning, 147
Sesostris, different monarchs of that
name, cxi. 53, 54

Sessa (Duke de), his negotiations

with Sixtus V., cxxxii. 324
Seton (George, Advocate), his 'Law
and Practice of Heraldry in Scot-
land,' cxxi. 336

Settignano (Desiderio da, Tuscan
sculptor), exxi. 541
Settlement, Law of, origin of, cxxviii.

505; its evil effects on the labour-
ing classes, ib.; final blow to, 506;
defective dwellings due to, 518
'Seven,' mystical reverence for the
number, cxiv. 547

Severn, the, Dr. Hassall's analysis of

the water of, cxxiii. 402; district
drained by, 408

Severus (Lucius Septimius, Roman
Emperor, 146-211), his Septin-
zonium at Rome, cxviii. 344
Severus (Sulpicius, 363-410), his
plagiarism from Tacitus, cxxiv.

Sevigné (Madame de, 1626-1696),
her pretended letter to Fouquet,
cxxiv. 375

Seville, Moorish ajimez windows at,
cxxii. 172

Sèvres, porcelain manufactory at,
CXXV. 509

Seward (Miss), on Dr. Johnson's
friendship with Mrs. Thrale, cxiii.

Sewell (Mr.), Minister in New Zea-
land, on Lord Granville's despatch
of 1869, cxxxi. 119
Sex, comparatively small effect of, on
character, cxxx. 573

Sexes, the, relative influence of, on
the character of children, cxxxii.
121, 122

canons of beauty in Art
applied to, cxl. 200
Sexual selection, Mr. Darwin's theory
of, cxxxiv. 229, 234
Seymour (Admiral Sir Michael), his
delay in bringing up gunboats to
the Peiho, cxi. 102

Sforza (Francesco, Duke of Milan),
his alliance with Louis XI. of
France, cxix. 543
Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper,
Earl of, 1621-1683), his city resi-
dence, cxxxi. 181
Shaftesbury (Earl, the present, b.
1801), his denunciation of Ecce
Homo,' cxxiv. 475
Shakspeare (William, 1564-1616),
alleged forgeries of, cxi. 452 (see
Collier, J. Payne); folly of deci-
ding genuineness on 'resthetic'
grounds, 456; need of peculiar
criticism of, founded on the ab-
sence of a real text, 450; harsh

and far-fetched words probably
corrupt, ib.; obvious corruptions in
the text, ib.; three quartos of
"Hamlet,' 465; his signature in
the Players' Petition,' 482
Shakspeare (William), his version of
the death of Henry VI., cxv. 299;
Cibber's edition of, 313; his tame
account of the battle of Bosworth-
field, 317

his power of developing
character, cxviii. 104

-- M. Taine's theory of his 'in-
stinct,' cxxi. 308, 309; owed little
to education, 309; his sympathetic
genius, ib.; his alleged self-por-
trayal, 310


treatment of, cxxii. 31, 33

was he a Roman Catholic?
cxxiii. 146; the question one of
pure evidence, 147; status of the
Church in his time, 148; his
familiarity with the Bible, 149;
supposititious will ascribed to his
father, 151 note; his father re-
turned as a recusant, ib.; that re-
cusancy due to debt not religion,
b.; charges against Sir Thomas
Lucy, 154; sponsorship of Shak-
speare to Jonson's child, 156; fic-
titious anecdote thereon, ib. 157;
origin of his sons' names, 158, 159;
epitaph on Mrs. Hall, 160; state-
ment of Mr. Davies, 161; Mr.
Ward's MSS., 162; his acting be-
fore the Court, 168; his 'Richard
II.,' 169-170; supposed ascetic
ideal in 'Romeo and Juliet,' 171;
absurd theory of his 'King John,'
ib. 172; his introduction of Sir
John Oldcastle, 174; his 'Henry
VIII.,' 176; hypothesis of Flet-
cher's collaboration therein, 177;
his Catholicism refuted by his
writings, 181; his strong spirit of
patriotism, 183; even tenour of
his religious views, 184

recent glossaries of, cxxx. 85;

Mr. Dyce's the best text of, 86;
the Cambridge edition criticised,
ib.; his use of the word dont in
'Hamlet,' '88; defects of glossa-
rists, 89; his wealth of phraseo-
logy, ib.; words and passages ex-
plained, 92, 117; his profound
knowledge of human nature, cxxx.

Shakspeare (William), absurdities
of Aryan mythologists, illustrated
by their application to 'Othello,'
cxxxii. 347

-passages borrowed by Shelley,
cxxxiii. 445, 448

his Platonic inspirations,
cxxxiv. 303

first collected edition of,
photo-lithographed under the care
of Mr. Staunton, cxxxvi. 335; de-
fects of old editions of, ib.; early
schools of critics, 336; dangers of
conjectural emendation, 337; wide
scope left for illustration, ib.; his
universality of genius, 338; ob-
scure allusions explained, 339;
words relating to field-sports, ib.
346; terms of coursing, ib.; his
description of hounds, 349; refer-
ences to falconry, 351; to natural
history, 360; the peacock in 'Ham-
let,' 361; his love of wild flowers,
362; allusions to provincial fauna,
363; to social usages, 366

corruptions in the first edi

tion, cxxxvii. 68

his imperfect appreciation of
natural scenery, cxxxviii. 487
Sharp (James, Archbishop of St.
Andrews, 1618-1679), his cruelty
and craft, cxiv. 413

his murder, cxviii. 9

Principal Tulloch's defence
of, cxxxiv. 120, 121; his views
opposed by Mr. Burton, ib.; his
mischievous influence, ib.
Shaw (R. B.), his High Tartary,
Yarkund, and Kashghur,' cxxxix.
280; his journey described, 313

Shee (Sir Martin Arthur, d. 1850),
his evidence on modern frescoes,
cxxiii. 4

President of the Royal Aca-
demy, cxxxi. 413; an indifferent
portrait-painter, ib.
Sheehy (Nicholas, Father), his trial

and execution, cxxxix. 482
Sheep-farms, substitution of, for ara-
ble in England, cxix. 246
Sheep-farming in Australia, cxviii.

321-324. See Squatters, Austra-

Shelley (Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822),
his type of intellectual greatness,
cxxx. 165

Poetical works of, edited by
Mr. Rossetti, cxxxiii. 426; diffi-
culties of the text, ib.; neglect of
minute verbal accuracy, 427; his
mind reflected in his composition,
428; his power of passionate ab-
sorption, 429; waking dreams in
youth, ib.; seasons of poetic vision,
430; his critical faculty, 431; ra-
pid composition of the 'Revolt of
Islam,' ib.; want of finish ex-
plained, 432; verbal obscurities,
ib.; repetition of favourite epi-
thets, ib.; coinage of the word
marmoreal, 433; images repeated,
436; unusual terms, 437; fond-
ness for serpent metaphors, 438;
constant references to weaving, ib. ;
habit of unconscious plagiarism,
440; use of Elizabethan words,
441; his account of his poetical
studies, 444; his strong individu-
ality, ib.; plagiarisms from Shak-
speare, 445; defects of punctuation,
448. See Rossetti, W. M.

his translation of Plato's
'Symposium,' cxxxiv. 305, 308
6 Sheppard v. Bennett,' case of, be-
fore the Privy Council, cxxxvi.

Shere Ali (Ameer of Afghanistan),
his birth, cxxv. 17; personal quali-
ties, 18; named by Dost Mahomed

as his successor, 19; disaffection of
his brothers, ib.; defeat of Azim
Khan, 20; contest with Ufzul
Khan, ib. 21; his coup d'état, ib.;
enters Cabul in triumph, ib.; ex-
communicated at Bokhara, 22; de-
feats Ameen Khan at Kujhbaz in
1865, 23; entry into Candahar,
24; subsequent reverses, ib. 25;
opposed to Azim Khen and Ma-
homed Rufeek, 26; his seclusion
at Candahar, 27; recovers from his
lethargy after the fall of Cabul, ih.;
defeated before Ghuznee, 29; his
flight, ib.; retreat to Candahar,
30; his claims supported by Sir
John Lawrence, 33

Shere Ali (Ameer of Afghanistan),
his contests with Azim, cxxxviii.
253; he recovers his capital, 267;
supported by the British, ib. 271.
See Afghanistan
Sheridan (Richard Brinsley, 1751-
1816), on Catholic Emancipation,
cxii. 56

his boast of dilatoriness,

cxxvi. 493

anecdotes of, at Holland
House, cxxxiii. 292
Sheridan (American Federal Gene-
ral), made commander of Grant's
cavalry, cxxi. 271

his distinguished conduct at
Chattanooga, cxxix. 265; promoted
by Grant, ib.

Sherman (American Federal Gene-
ral), excellence of his military cor-
respondence, cxxi. 253; his criti-
cism of McClellan's strategy, 254;
his first failure at Vicksburg, ib.:
superseded,255; commands Grant's
former army, 257; his junction
with Grant at the Clouds,' ib.;
relieves Burnside at Knoxvilie,
258; his military genius, ib.; his
expedition to the Alabama fron-
tier, 263; promoted to command
of South-western States, 265; his
point of invasion, 266; capture of

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