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turn with the certificate to Storrington (as above stated) until the time of the yearly hiring and service hereinafter stated, supported himself entirely by his daily labour, and lodged and boarded at his father's house in Storrington for which he paid his father 53. per week. About two years after the father's return to Storrington with the certificate, and while the fa ther continued to reside under it, the pauper being then about 16 years of age, hired himself for a year to Mr. Browne of Storrington, whom he had previously served for some time as a day labourer, and served the year out; after which he again worked for himself as a day-labourer, and lodged and boarded with his father on the same terms as before his service with Browne, until he married; and from the time of his marriage he continued to reside at Storrington, but not having done any act to gain a settlement, other than as aforesaid, until the 23d of January last, when he became actually chargeable, he was re moved by the present order with his wife and family, to Patch ing. The question was, Whether the pauper were resident in Storrington under the certificate granted to his father? for if the pauper were not included in the certificate, then his re sidence in Storrington was not protected by it, under the stat. 8 & 9 W. 3, c. 30*, and if not, he was not disqualified by the subsequent stat. 9 & 10 W. 3, c. 11 +, from gaining a settle ment there by hiring and service. And, by lord Kenyon, Ch. J. (after the case had been fully argued) This case proceeds on its own particular circumstances. Consider the situation of this family; the father, mother, and two of the younger children, who had been resident at Storrington, were removed by an order of justices to Patching: but to give them an opportunity of returning to Storrington, the parish-officers of Patching were applied to for a certificate, which was accordingly given. Now before, and at the timé when this certificate was obtained, the pauper had worked as a day labourer, received his wages for his own use, had lodged in his father's house, and paid a weekly sum for that accommodation. The form of the certificate too, is material; it was granted to the father, the mother, and the two younger children: but the pauper was not included, either in the order of removal or in the certificate, nor was it the meaning, of the parties to include him. If indeed he were under the disability of gaining a settlement by the 9 & 10 W. 3, to be sure this is not one of the modes allowed by that act. But the question is, Whether he is to be considered as a certificated person? Generally speaking, if a certificate be granted to


Which enacts, that the parish to which the certificate is granted, shall receive and provide for the person mentioned in the certificate, together with his or her family, until they become chargeable and then it shall be lawful for any such person, and his or her children,' &c. to be removed, &c. See p. 343 supra.

By this statute, a certificated person can only gain a settlement in the parish, by taking a lease of a tenement of the value of 101. or executing some annual office. See p. 344 supra,

the head of a family, it extends to all the members of that family but it is competent to the parties themselves to narrow the extent of a certificate; and the certificate in question seems to have been specially framed for the purpose of excluding the pauper from the operation of it. It is not conceived in general terms, but, after mentioning the father and mother, it goes on to specify the two younger children, omitting the pauper, who was the cldest; and it is a known maxim expressio unius est exclusio alterius. Therefore, on the particular circumstances of this case, I am of opinion, that the pauper was not resident at Storrington, under the certificate, and consequently was not disabled from gaining a settlement there by hiring and service. Grose J. A certificate only protects three classes of persons those who are named in it; those who are part of the family of the certificated person when it is granted; and his children born in the certificated parish after that time. Now the pauper certainly does not come within either the first or the third class. Nor was he part of his father's family, as far as respects the certificate; for the certificate does not mention his name, though it does mention the names of the younger chil dren; and the parish officers declared that he was not included in the former order of removal, which was the occasion of this certificate, because he was capable of gaining a livelihood for himself. All the parties interested considered the pauper to be sui juris when the certificate was granted, and therefore it was not meant to include him; he was not a part of his father's family for the purpose of this certificate.---Lawrence, J. The stat. 9 & 10 W. 3, c. 11, has restrained those persons who come into any parish by virtue of a certificate, from gaining a settlement, except in one of the two modes there pointed out; and it meant to restrain those persons whom they 'could not remove. Then the question is, Could the panper have been removed from Storrington, notwithstanding the certificate; and would the certificate have been conclusive on the parish of Patching as to him? It certainly would not have concluded them, because it appears that it was intended to exclude him from the certificate at the time when it was granted. Therefore, if it would not have been conclusive on the parish granting the certificate, it seems to follow that the pauper gained a settlement in Storrington, by hiring and service....Order of sessions confirmed. 7 Ter. Rep. 133.

A certificate, however, only includes the certificated mau, his wife, and those children who live with him, but does not extend to grandchildren.--Thus in the K. v. Darlington, Tr. 32 Lico. 3, two justices removed Sarah the widow of T. Milbyrsu and her seven children, from All Saints to Darlington: the sessions on appeal confirmed the order, and stated the following case:-John Milburn, the grandfather of the pauper's hitsband, being settled at Darlington, came into the parish of! Saints, under a certificate from Darlington. During his ressdence there (amongst other children) he had a son named Tho mas, who lived in All Saints, as part of his father's familje,

and without gaining any settlement there, until he married; af. ter his marriage, he had several children, and (amongst others) Thomas, the husband of the pauper Sarah Milburn; which Thomas lived in All Saints till the time of his death. The last mentioned Thomas, the grandson, when of the age of fourteen years, was hired and lived as a servant for three years in All Saints. The grandfather, some time before the grandson's service, returned with his wife to Darlington; leaving behind his son Thomas, with his family, and amongst them his grandson Thomas. The grandfather and his wife died in Darlington. Neither Sarah the pauper or either of her children has, since the death of Thomas her husband, done any act to gain a settle. Bent-By lord Kenyon Ch. J. In this case two questions have been made: 1st, Whether by the grandfather's return to Darlington there was an end to the certificate? I am strongly inclined to think that that was not an abandonment. If all the family had, indeed, removed back, that would have been an abandonment; but as his son was left behind, it was a sort of pledge that the certificate was not intended to be abandoned. It is not necessary however, to determine upon that point, be cause on the other question I am prepared to give a decis ve opinion. And my opinion is founded on the words and fair meaning of the statute 8 & 9 Will. 3. c. 30. By the words of that act, the parish to which the certificate is granted is obliged to receive the certificated person, together with his or her fa mily. Now what is the fair legal import of the word family? It is true, that in construing a will, and where it is the intention of the testator that it shall extend beyond the immediate children, it may have that operation: but that is not the senso in which it is used in this act. In common parlance, the family consists of those who live under the same roof with the pater familias; those who form (if I may use the expression) his fireside. But when they branch out, and become the heads of new establishments, they cease to be part of the father's family. I admit that a certificate extends to the son, on account of the 'positive words of the act of parliament, he being a part of the 'father's family: but when he himself becomes the head of a family, then the words of the statute, public policy, and the convenience of mankind, require that he should no longer be 'considered as part of his father's family, or be protected by 'the certificate granted to his father.' Giving, therefore; full effect to the certificate as far as the words of the act, and the intention of the legislature, go, I think it meets with its boundary line, when it has protected the family of the certificated person; that is, all those who lire with the pater familias : and consequently that this grandchild, who was the son of the head of a distinct family, was not prevented gaining a settlement in All Saints, by hiring and service.-Buller J. This case gives rise to two questions: 1st, Whether the certificate was at an end by the grandfather's returning to Darlington? 2dly, Whether grandchildren be within the meaning of the certificate at all On the first point, I think that the certificate was at an

end by the grandfather's return; it was originally granted him. The man to whom a certificate is granted, is the pers whom the legislature had in view; and being granted to him a cording to the statute, it rightly includes his family; but family are those only who live with him. And as it happens the course of time that some of the children separate from t father, if the father himself return to the parish granting certificate, I think that the certificate is at an end as to all them. On the second question, I perfectly agree with my lor -Grose J. gave no opinion on the first question; but on other question he declared himself to be clearly of the same o nion. Both orders quashed. 4 Term Rep. 797.

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And when the son of a certificated person becomes eman pated from his father's family, he ceases to be under the p tection of the certificate, and may gain a settlement in the ce ficated parish in like manner as any other uncertificated pers ...Thus in the K. v. Heath, Ea. 34 Geo. 3, the grandfathe the pauper being settled at Heath, came into the parish Mansfield Woodhouse, under a certificate: he resided under certificate at Mansfield Woodhouse for several years, and v the time of his death: about two years and an half after the tificate was granted, he had a son born, namely, the fathe the pauper this son continued to reside with his father Mansfield Woodhouse, until he attained the age of 21 ye when he married and constantly afterwards lived in a sepa house at Mansfield Woodhouse, and had a child, the pauper, there. He also occupied with his house, for three or four ye a close of land in Mansfield Woodhouse, both together being der the value of 10. for which he from the time of his marri except for the last three or four years, had been rated to, had paid, the poor assessments for Mansfield Woodhouse THE SESSIONS were of opinion, that the certificate was not charged as to this son, and confirmed the order whereby daughter, the pauper, had been removed from Mans Woodhouse to Heath.-But BY THE COURT. There canno the least doubt on this point, so recently after the decisio the case of the K. v. Darlington, within which determina this case falls. In this case it has been contended, that a who has left his father's house, is married, has a family of own, and is himself the head of a new family, nevertheless tinues to be part of his father's family; but according to the of the K. v. Darlington, he ceased to be part of his fat family when he married and lived separate from his fathe THE COURT were therefore clearly of opinion, that a settle was gained in Mansfield Woodhouse by the son, who no lo continued part of his father's family, but was then becom head of a new family; and consequently that the order of ons ought to be quashed. Both orders quashed. 5 Term Rep. But if a parish certificate be granted to a man and bis dren, naming such children particularly, the certificated pa is protected thereby, although one of the children after marries and lives separate from his father.-Thus in the

Testerton, Ea. 33 Geo. 3, Thomas Wood, the father of the pauper, being settled at Testerton, came by certificate from Testerton to Great Ryburgh: the certificate acknowledged, that the said Thomas Wood, with Hannah his wife, and their seven children by name, of whom the present pauper was one, were inhabitants legally settled in Testerton. The pauper lived with his father in Great Ryburgh, until he was of the age of 20, when he let himself to a farmer in Great Ryburgh, for a year, and served that year: the year after he lived as a labourer in Great Ryburgh, and resided with his father there: he then let himself again for a year, and the same in Great Ryburgh, as also the following year, when he again returned to his father in Great Ryburgh, and resided with him 12 months, and worked as a labourer, and then married, and lived in Great Ryburgh, but never with his father after such marriage. -The pauper and his wife and four children were removed from Great Ryburgh to Testerton, and the sessions on appeal confirmed the order.-BY THE COURT. The decisions of the justices at the sessions in this case is not contrary to that of the K. v. Darlington; there it was held, that the certificate which was granted to the certificated man, extended to his wife and family; to all those who formed a part of the family of the paler-familias; but that when his son became the head of a new family, and had children of his own, their residence in the certificated parish was not protected by it; but here the pauper is mentioned by name, in the certificate itself; and he has never gained any settlement or lived out of the certificated parish, since it was given.-Order of sessions confirmed. Term Rep. 258.


And the like was determined in the K. v. Bath Easton, Hil. Ter. 40 Geo. 3. which was as follows: "Edward Guy the grandfather of the pauper being settled at Bath Easton went to live in Box under a certificate from Bath Easton, dated October 21st, 1727, testifying the said Edward Gay, Deborah his wife and Edzard and Thomas, their children, to be parishioners of and legally settled in Bath Easton: Edward the sou now 80 years of age continued to live with his father in Box until his marriage. He was married there and had issue Henry Guy the pauper. The pauper at the age of 16 was hired to Mrs. Shepherd in Box as a yearly servant, and lived with her upwards of a twelve month. He then worked at day work in Box, then in Cersham parish, sleeping constantly at his father's in Box, and afterwards when of age he lived several years with a master in Bor under a yearly hiring at 5 guineas and victuals; after which service he married his present wife, by whom he had several children mentioned in the order of removal. THE QUESTION for the consideration of the court was, whether the pauper by such hiring and service gained a settlement in Box. BY THE COURT, the distinction was taken in K. v. Testerton, between those cases where the certificate is granted to a person and his family generally, and those where the son is mentioned by name in the certificate; that in the former a grandson is

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