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Verhandeling over den beefvisch, eene weinig bekende soort van electrieken visch [Malopterurus]. Algem. Geneeskund. Jaarboek., 1787, 4, 24-30. Add. 1787.1

Brown, Albert W. Recent researches in the life-history of eels. Proc. Holmesdale Nat. Hist. Club, 1896-98, 54-55. Add. 1896.1 Brown, George. Melanesians and Polynesians; their life histories described and compared. London, 1910. 451 p. illust. Add. 1910.1

Poisonous fish, 134. Fishing customs, 249250. Fishing with hooks, spears, nets, traps, kites, etc., 322-338. Fishing with poisons (Tephrosia and Barringtonia), 337.

Brown, John J. The American angler's guide; or, complete fisher's manual for the United States; containing the opinions and practice of the experienced anglers of both hemispheres; with the various modes adopted in ocean, river, lake and pond fishing, etc. New York, 1876. 8°. Add. 1876.1

John Brown's name appears for the first time on the title-page of this edition. Previous editions appearing anonymously are: New York, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1850, 1857 (4th ed. with the addition of a second part).

Brown, (Capt.) Thomas. Anecdotes of the animal kingdom, etc. 2 vols. Edinburgh & London, c. 1869.

Add. 1869.1

Fishes, vol. 2, p. 705–793. Illustrative anecdotes of birds, fishes and insects. London, [1869] 8°. Add. 1869.2

Bruce, W. S. Zoological results of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (1902-1904) [With discussion] 9. Congrès Internat. Zool., Monaco, 1913 (1914), 130–134. Add. 1914.1

Bruch, C. Ueber eigenthümliche Anhänge der Fischwirbel. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1861-62 (1862), 11, 179– 191. pl. Add. 1862.1

Ueber eigenthümliche Fortsätze der Fischwirbel welche von den Wirbelfortsätzen der höheren Thiere verschieden sind. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1861-62 (1862), 11, 170–178.

Add. 1862.2

Brücke, Ernst. Anatomische Untersuchungen über die sogenannten leuchtenden Augen bei den Wirbeltieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Wiss. Med., 1845, 387-405. pl. Add. 1845.1

Tapetum of fishes, p. 402-404.

Brückner, Walter. Haltung und Zucht des Scheibenbarsches (Mesogonistius chatodon) Wochenschr. Aquar.Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 746747. Add. 1914.1

Bruehl, C. Bernhard. Zur Kenntnis des Wirbelthier-Skelettes, &c. Wien, 1845. xvii, xix, 227 p. 3 pls. 12 tab. 4°. Add. 1845.1 "There is a second title which reads: - 'Die Methode des osteologischen Details, dargestellt am Karpfen-Skelette.'" B. M.

Anfangsgründe der vergleichenden Anatomie aller Thierklassen. Erster Abschnitt, Die Skeletlehre der Fische, Lief. 1-3. Wien, 1847. iv, 254 p. 19 pls. 4°. & obl. fol.

Add. 1847.1

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"Riduzione della mottilità e di consequenza delle pinne, della musculatura, dello scheletro, delle otoliti. Decorso rettilineo dell' intestino.

Bruner, Gheorghit. Bluzhdayushchif nerv ruib i amfibil. [On the vagus nerve in fish & amphibia] Varshava, 1893. 50 p. pl. 8°. Add. 1893.1

Brunton, J. Of the special senses of fishes, in relation to the art of angling. No. 1, vision. (In Gresham Angling Society. Papers, session 1882-83. London, 1882.) Add. 1882.1

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Bryce, John J. Report on the fish and fisheries of the coastal waters of Florida. U. S. Senate Miscell. Doc. no. 100, 54. Congr., 2. sess., 1-80. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1897), 263-342. Add. 1897.1 Brydone, Patrick. A tour through Sicily, Malta, etc. London, 1806.

Add. 1806.1 Tunny and swordfish fishing, p. 344-348.

Buch, S. A. Spawning of spring herring near Norway. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 297–300. Add. 1885.1 von. Regesten aus den Fischereiurkunden der Mark Brandenburg 1150-1710. Berlin, 1903. Add. 1903.1


Buck, W. O. Pike-perch notes and suggestions. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1910 (1911), 283–288. Add. 1911.1

Catch-basin ponds. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1914, 67-70.

Add. 1914.1

Buckland, F. Bestandtheile des Fleisches von Lachsen und Heringen im Vergleich zu dem von Rindfleisch. Arch. Pharmac., 1878, 3. ser. 54, 178. Add. 1878.1

Buckland, F., & Walpole, S. Report on the fisheries of the English lake district. London, 1878. x, 15 p. Appendix. 8°. Add. 1878.1

Buckland, William [1784-1856] Geologie und Mineralogie in Beziehung zur natürlichen Theologie. Aus dem Englischen, nach der 2. Ausgabe des Originals, übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen versehen von L. Agassiz. 2 vols. Neuchatel, 1838. 8°. Add. 1838.1

See also Buckland, W., 1837.1

Buckley, Arabella B. Winners in life's race or the great backboned family. New York, 1891. Add. 1891.1 Much about fishes.

Buckley, Thomas E., & HarvieBrown, J. A. A vertebrate fauna of the

Orkney Islands. Edinburgh, 1891. 314 p. illust.

Fishes, p. 266–296.

Budge, J.

Add. 1891.1

Quergestreifte Muskelfasern im Magen von Cobitis fossilis. Med. Zeit. Ver. Heilk. Preussen, 1847, 16. 4 p. Add. 1847.1

Buffon, G. L. L. [1707-1788] For biographies see Lebasteur, H. 1889.1; Vicq-d'Azyr, F. 1842.1.

Buglia, G., & Costantino, A. Beiträge zur Muskelchemie. Supplement zur IV. Mitteilung. Beobachtungen über die Wärmetrocknung des Muskelgewebes einiger Seetiere. Zeitschr. Physiol., Chem., 1913, 86, 137–140. Add. 1913.1

Beobachtungen an Scyllium.

Bullen, G. E., & Swithinbank, Harold. See Swithinbank & Bullen.

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Der Bauplan des Wirbeltiergehirns. Morph. Arb., 1895, 4, Hft. 2, 131-150. Add. 1895.1

[On some causes of brain-configuration in selachians] Nature, 1900, 62, 589. Add. 1900.1

Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Verknöcherungen des Integuments und der Mundhöhle der Wirbelthiere. (In Hertwig, O., Handbuch Entwickelungslehre der Wirbelthiere. Jena, 1906, vol. ii, pt. 1, p. 349–456. 56 figs.) Add. 1902.1

Fishes, p. 360-391. 21 figs. This part appeared in 1902. Burdon-Sanderson, J. See Sanderson, J. Burdon.

Burlend, T. H. The pronephros of Scyllium canicula. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.) 1914, 37, 223-266. 8 pls.

Add. 1914.1

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Researches on the development and intimate structure of the renal organs of the four classes of vertebrates. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1854, 2. ser. 17, 374–386. Add. 1854.2

Burns, Frank. Rockfish Striped bass] in South Carolina. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 124-125. Add. 1887.1

Burroughs, John. The halcyon in Canada (In Mayer, A. M. Sport with New gun and rod, etc., p. 541-572. York, 1883)

Add. 1883.1

Sport fishing in Canadian waters.

Burrows, Guy. [African] pigmies. 299 p. illust.

The land of the

New York [1898] Add. 1898.1

Fishing with float [illust. p. 187]; with snare [illust.] p. 251; with arrows, p. 251; with poisons, p. 252.

Buschkiel, Alfred L. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet. Arch. Protistenk., München, 1910, 21. Bd., 61-102. 2 pls. & textfig. Add. 1910.1

List of fishes on which it is parasitic. Buschman, C. H. Hatcheries and the disposition of the salmon packers. Pacific Fisherman, Seattle, 1914, 12, no. 11, 17-18; 99–102. Add. 1914.1

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C., N. Haringvisscherij van de Scheveningsche vloot in 1904. Tijdschr. Vereen. Nederl. Zeewesen, 1905, jaarg. 4, 287. Add. 1905.1

Calderon y Arana, Laureano. Peces de las pesquerias andaluzas existentes en el gabinete de la Universidad de Sevilla. Ann. Soc. Nat. Hist., Madrid, 1889, 18, 124-126. Add. 1889.1

Calderwood, W. L. Grayling and Loch Leven trout in salt water. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 76-77. Add. 1891.1

Notes on Raia alba (Lacép.) Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 396. Add. 1892.1

Polyprion cernium Val. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1891-92, n. s. 2, 396. Add. 1892.2

British sea fisheries and fishing areas, in view of recent national adScott. Geog. Mag., 1894, 10, Add. 1894.1

vance. 69-81.

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Salmon research in 1913. I. Sea netting results. II. Results of salmon marking in rivers. 9th paper. III. The spawning mark on salmon scales. A review. Rept. Fisheries Board Scotland, Salmon Fisheries, 1913 (1914), no. 1-3, 1-26. Add. 1914.2

Call, R. Ellsworth. Fishes and shells of the falls of the Ohio (In Johnston, J. Stoddard (editor) Memorial History of Louisville. [1896], 1, 9-20).

Add. 1896.1 Camera, Notice sur l'ichthyocolle fournie par différentes espèces de Gadus que l'on pêche au Brésil. Ann. Chim. (Journ. Fourcroy), 1789, 1, 364.

Camerarius, Joannes Rudolph [16651721] De respiratione piscium. Oekon. Phys. Abhandl., 1760, 17, 43.

Add. 1760.1

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