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-what sort of a person is such a one? he replies as if the man's genealogy had been required: Ah, I know him: his father's name was at first Sozias;

a name befitting his servile condition; it was while he served as a common soldier that he acquired the name of Sosistratus: some time afterwards be was

inscribed among the citizens of the lower order.

As to his mother, she was a noble Thracian, no doubt, for women of her sort are accounted noble in that country. The man himself is such as his origin would lead one to suppose-he is the veriest scoundrel alive.' Then he adds, in explanation of what he said of the man's mother, These Thracian women practise every sort of outrage on the high


"If he comes into company where a neighbour is defamed, he presently takes the lead in the conversation:- Yes,' he begins, there is not a being on earth I detest so much as the man you are speaking of his looks are enough to condemn him was there ever such a villain? you may take, as a specimen of his character, what I know to be a fact, that he ordinarily sends his wife to market with three half-pence to buy provisions for the whole family; and that be obliges her to bathe in cold water in the depth of winter.'

"The moment any one leaves the company, the detractor fails not to introduce some tale to his disadvantage; nor is there any one of his friends, or any member of his family, who escapes the scourge of his tongue: he will even speak ill of the dead."

REVIEW.-Family Classical Library. No.
XV. Tacitus, Vol. V. 12mo. pp. 352.
Colburn, London. 1831.

To the general Christian reader, this volume will be found more interesting than either of the preceding, which bears the name of Tacitus; because it treats of numerous events recorded in scripture, and furnishes an invaluable evidence on the fulfilment of prophecy. The siege of Jerusalem, its internal commotions, vicissitudes, and final overthrow, find also in these pages an ample, and deeply interesting detail. A few extracts will supersede the necessity of any further observations.

"Portents and prodigies announced the ruin of the city but a people, blinded by their own na tional superstition, and with rancour detesting the religion of other states, held it unlawful by vows and victims to deprecate impending danger. Swords were seen glittering in the air; embattled armies appeared, and the temple was illuminated by a stream of light that issued from the heavens. The portal flew open, and a voice more than human denounced the immediate departure of the gods. There was heard at the same time a tumultuous and terrific sound, as if superior beings were actually rushing forth. The impression made by these wonders fell on a few only the multitude relied on an ancient prophecy, contained, as they believed, in books kept by the priests, by which it was foretold, that, in this very juncture, the power of the East would prevail over the nations, and a race of men would go forth from Judea, to extend their dominion over the rest of the world." -p. 20.

It is an event which the world will never cease to deplore, that the remaining portion of Tacitus, describing this awful catastrophe, and its calamitous results, should be irrecoverably lost. He describes the city, the temple, the people, their courage, means

of defence, internal commotions, and the preparations made to subdue them, with all the perspicuity and dignity for which his writings have been so long and so justly distinguished; but having brought us to the commencement of the siege, the remaining portion of his narrative disappears; and, to supply the deficiency, we are obliged to have recourse to other authority, from which the following passages are selected.

"A dreadful famine laid waste the city. The streets were covered with the dead and the dying: old men, women, and children, stretched forth their hands for sustenance, and expired in the act: the wounded soldiers perished for want of relief; shrieks, and groans, and lamentations resounded in every quarter: the surviving wretches envied the fate of those who died first: they lived only to prolong their misery, fixing their eyes on the temple, and invoking death to end their woes. The rites of sepulture were neglected. It was necessary, however, to remove the dead bodies. Simon and John ordered them to be thrown down the steep into the lower city. Titus went to view the unhappy victims, as they lay in heaps under the walls. Shocked at a scene so melancholy and affecting, he lifted up his hands to heaven, and called the gods to witness, that he was not the cause of these dreadful calamities."—p. 51.

The destruction of the temple is thus described :

"The cries of the dying, and the shouts of the victors, reverberated by the surrounding walls, filled the place with dreadful uproar. The orders of Titus and his officers were no longer heard. The Jews in some parts fought with frantic obstinacy. Numbers in despair fled to the sanctuary, There the false prophets still assured them that the Lord of hosts was on their side. In that instant the besiegers forced the gates. The massy gold and glittering ornaments inspired them with new ardour. The love of plunder conspired with revenge, and Titus exerted himself in vain to restrain their fury. One of the soldiers mounted to the top of the portico, and threw a combustible weapon, which clung to the wood work, and set fire to the whole building. The Jews saw that all was lost, and, in their last agony, sent forth the groan of an expiring people. Titus withdrew from the scene of desolation, lamenting that his efforts to save the place were without effect. As he passed along, word was brought to him that a number of priests stood on the outside wall, imploring him to spare their lives. It is too late,' said Titus, the priests ought not to survive their temple.' He retired to Fort Antonia, and there beholding the conflagration, and lifting up his hands, exclaimed with a sigh, The God of the Jews has fought against them to him we owe our victory.'"-p. 58.


In addition to those portions of this volume which relate to the Jews, it contains the manners of the Germans, the life of Agricola, and a dialogue concerning oratory.

REVIEW.-The Sunday Library, &c. By
the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Vol II. 12mo.
pp. 330. Longman, London, 1831.
THIS volume is ornamented with a respect-
ably looking portrait of Bishop Porteus,
from whose pen the two leading articles
have been selected. The others which
follow, are from divines of no mean cele-

brity in the established church; and those which are intended to complete the series, will be drawn from the same common source. The selections do not appear altogether in the character of sermons, though they have avowedly been taken from compositions of this description. The truths which they contain are evidently of vast importance, being of a practical nature, and inculcating duties, the discharge of which, all must allow to be incumbent on such as deserve the Christian name.

We cannot, however, avoid observing, that the distinguishing doctrines inculcated in the gospel, do not sustain in them that prominent character, which might be both desired and expected. The fall of man, the necessity of an expiatory sacrifice, the reality of an atonement, and its influential efficacy on the souls of men, the operation of the Spirit of God, its transforming power, producing effects that can flow from no other source-are branches of evangelical religion, on which we could have wished that these worthy divines had more strenuously and unequivocally insisted. We do not mean to insinuate, that any of these gospel-truths are denied; they are rather omitted, than rejected; and the allusions to them seem to arise more from implication than from tacit recognition.

It cannot, however, be denied, that many theological writers inculcate what they call evangelical principles, at the expense of practical godliness. Dreading to be legal, they become antinomians; and having sunk into this destructive abyss, they stand fast in the liberty wherewith they fancy Christ has made them free. This diabolical heresy makes Christ the minister of sin, and wraps the unconverted sinner in the imaginary robe of his imputed righteousness. A more foul and loathsome pestilence never afflicted the Christian church.

Contrasted with this nuisance, we cannot but rejoice, that, in these volumes, the practical part of genuine religion is steadily and rationally enforced; and we entertain no doubt, that in the subsequent volumes evangelical truths will more than compensate for the partial deficiency of which we now complain. To the full development of the Christian system,' both branches are essentially necessary, and in proportion to the absence of either, the whole is mutilated, and its purposes are defeated. Faith and works are necessary to the utility of each other; and it is only when we behold them united on permanent principles, that the Sun of righteousness illuminates, warms, and fertilizes the moral world with his enlivening beams.

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To Jews and Christians there can be no doubt that Palestine, and its adjacent countries, contain the most interesting portions of the globe. In wandering through its forlorn and half-depopulated regions, surrounded by monuments rendered venerable by their antiquity, and sacred by innumer. able associations connected with memorable persons, transactions, and events, a thousand solemn reflections obtrude themselves on the mind, and in pleasing melancholy we recall departed days, and sigh over the instability of earthly grandeur.

Rising in elevation, we seem to behold the fiat of Omnipotence verifying the word of prophecy, and transmitting the memorials of his justice and power to each succeeding generation, warning the nations to take an example by the scenes of desolation which they are called to witness. What has already happened, may again occur. Similar causes may be expected to issue in similar effects; and those that are wise will learn a lesson by the painful contemplation.

It is scarcely possible for an infidel to visit Palestine without suspecting the validity of his speculations. The phenomena obvious to the evidence of his senses, are too powerful to be resisted; and, on comparing what he perceives, with the delineations and predictions of holy writ, he can. not but perceive the finger of God in all. The scenes which he beholds are too complicated and singular to be ascribed wholly to natural causes; and even should this be admitted, the predictions of prophecy, operating in strange concurrence with them, acquire strength by the means adopted to dispense with their interference.

Of those interesting regions, many accounts have been recently published in various forms, but every new survey develops something, which previous examinations had overlooked, and calls the fading glory fresh again to our remembrance. Acting on this principle, Mr. Morehead has compiled his present work from various sources which are allowed to be authentic, and, by the arrangement of his materials, and the dialogue form in which they are presented to the reader, has completed a pleasing and an interesting volume. One of its principal designs is, to establish facts, and then to bring them into contact with revelation, so that the truth of the latter being corroborated by the unquestionable existence of the

former, the workings of God may appear conspicuous in all.

With the dialogue style we are by no means fascinated. Much time is wasted in preliminary remarks and introductory observations. It also betrays something like contrivance, which, in a work of this description, never ought to be introduced. In solemn historical narrative, whatever is gained by art, is more than lost in the surmises of fiction to which it gives birth. To this we may apply the old proverb, “Good wine needs no bush."

The Appendix, occupying about forty pages in small type, is full of thrilling interest. The journalist evidently wrote from observation; and in plain but forcible language, he records what he felt, and what he saw. His descriptions, though short, are animated; and the life, which, without any effort, is diffused throughout the narrative, fully compensates for its brevity.

To the young classes of readers this book will he found very agreeable. It compresses much information within a narrow compass, and is calculated to awaken a desire for a more intimate acquaintance with the varied scenes which it describes.

REVIEW.-A Manual of Religious Instruction for the Young, &c. &c. By the Rev. Robert Simson, M.A. 12mo. pp. 384. Duncan. London. 1831. MR. SIMSON, in his preface, disclaims all pretensions to originality in this work. It is avowedly a compilation; and, for a considerable portion of its contents, he candidly acknowledges himself indebted to the labours of Dr. Alexander.

But from what source soever the materials may have been derived, most of them are of sterling character, and promise fair to be of great practical utility. The volume comprises the sacred history of the Old and New Testament dispensations; a brief outline of the evidences of the Christian religion, deduced from miracles, predictions, and their accomplishments; and an epitome of the internal evidence, that a system of such sublime moral purity must have come from God.

In what is denominated "An accurate statement of the doctrine of the gospel," the dogmas of Calvinism make their appearance, dressed up indeed in a new coat, the old one having become both shabby and unfashionable. The more offensive part is, however, rather concealed than removed; and he who peeps beneath the flowing garment by which it is hidden, will

soon discover that deformity is not to be removed by any attire.

For these peculiarities in Mr. Simson's views, we can, however, readily make all due allowance, and also for a certain phraseology, which appears to be inseparable from them. Yet we cannot avoid regretting, that they should have been introduced into a manual of religious instruction, and thus become blended with truths of the most unequivocal character.

The history of the sacred dispensations contains a beautiful analysis of revealed truth; and the evidence deduced in favour of the Christian religion, from miracles, predictions, and internal excellence, is both strong and convincing. "An address to the young," with which the volume concludes, imbodies much wholesome and affectionate advice, which the pupils would do well to follow, and reduce to practice.

REVIEW.-A Treatise on the Nature and Causes of Doubt in Religious Questions, &c. &c. &c. 12mo. pp. 194. Longman, London, 1831.

THIS work is entitled to more attention than we can devote to it; but let it once become known, and the extent of its circu

lation will furnish the best testimonial of its worth. To originality it neither does nor can make much pretension; yet the anonymous author has displayed an extensive acquaintance with the complicated subject to which he has turned his thoughts.

It is not from the apex of a pyramid, but from the summit of a mountain, that his surveys are taken; and the questions to be investigated are generally examined in this elevated region. Of the common mechanical methods of treating such subjects, we find scarcely any traces. On most occasions the author has an eye to their rationality, and his quotations are from some of the master spirits of the world.

The doubts examined are the doubts of scepticism, and the solutions are those which philosophy supplies. The vices which are generated in an unhallowed spirit, the author strips of their delusive varnish, and rationally states the pernicious consequences to which they lead. Of sterling works, written avowedly to combat the sceptical philosophy of Hume, Gibbon, and others of similar character, the list furnished will be of essential service to those who may have been tainted with the moral poison; and where that has not been the case, these publications may operate as preventives, when antidotes are not wanted.

REVIEW.-The Cabinet Cyclopedia. By Dr. Lardner, Vol. XVI. Maritime and Inland Discovery, Vol. III. 12mo. pp. 384. Longman, London, 1831.

THIS work is so well known, that little more need be said, than to announce the appearance of any new volume in the series. This is the third of Maritime and Inland Discovery, which will complete this department. It contains an epitome of voyages and travels, undertaken and accomplished by various adventurers of different nations, in comparatively modern times, without being confined to any particular portion of the globe. A selection is made of all that is interesting and important, excluding what might be deemed the tediousness of unnecessary details. The following brief extracts will place this volume in a favourable light.

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"Natives of Van Dieman's Land.-While the English remained here, they were agreeably surprised by a visit from some of the natives, who, in their abject misery, rooted indolence, and stupidity, appeared to be on an equality with the wretched inhabitants of Terra del Fuego. Their most comfortable dwellings were the trunks of large trees hollowed out by fire. They appeared to be ignorant of the art of fishing; not a single canoe was seen on their whole coast. Their chief subsistence was derived from small birds and shell. fish, which they collected along the shore "—p. 71. Shipwreck of La Perouse. -The natives denied that they had attacked and killed the crew of one of the ships; nor was Captain Dillon able to find any confirmation of the report, which he had heard from the Tucopians, that the skulls of the shipwrecked strangers were preserved in a public building called the spirit-house; he is of opinion that the hostility of the islanders to the French, who it appears were obliged, while they remained on the island, to entrench themselves with wooden palisades, arose not from wanton barbarity, but from the belief that the strangers were preternatural beings, or spirits of the sea. That their habitual ferocity was irritated by supertition, is rendered likely from the accounts which they give of the French, whom they describe as conversing with the sun and the stars by means of a long stick, thus obviously alluding to the business of the observatory. The cocked hats of the French, perhaps, misled them into the belief that their noses were a yard long. Their description of the sen tinels was not less ludicrous; for they represented them as men standing on one leg, and holding a bar of iron in their hands."

"Fate of La Perouse.-When Captain Dillon arrived in Paris, in February 1828, with the relics of the French expedition, he was graciously received by Charles X., who liberally recompensed his toils with a pension of 4000 franes. Count Lesseps, who had quitted the expedition of La Perouse at Kamtschatka, recognised the guns and the millstones as resembling those which were on board the French frigates; the carved backboard, also, he believed to belong to the Boussole; the armorial bearings, engraved on the bottom of a silver candlestick included among the relics, were at the same time recognized, by the expert genea. logist, Sir William Bentham, to be those of Colignon, who was botanist on board the same frigate. Thus it appears likely that the Boussole, with La Perouse himself, was thrown upon the ridge, while the Astrolabe and all her people sank in deep water. What became of the unfortunate commander, after he left Manicolo, it is impossible to conjecture."p. 111.


REVIEW.--Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia Vol. XVII. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 12mo. pp. 353. Longman. London. 1831.

Or this volume, our best recommendation will be a few extracts from its pages; but where every article is both entertaining and useful, it is not easy to make a selection. In the changes which take place in the weather, every reader is, however, so far interested, that the following observations on this important subject, can hardly fail to prove gratifying:

"The most immediate use of the barometer for scientific purposes is, to indicate the amount and variation of the atmospheric pressure. These variations being compared with other meteorological phenomena, form the scientific data from which various atmospheric appearances and effects are to be deduced.


"The fluctuation in the pressure of the atmos phere being observed, in connexion with changes in the state of the weather, a general correspondence is supposed to prevail between these effects. Hence the barometer has been called a weatherglass. Rules are attempted to be established, by which, from the height of the mercury, the coming state of the weather may be predicted, and we accordingly find the words "Rain," "Fair," "Changeable," "Frost," &c., engraved on scale attached to common domestic barometers, as if, when the mercury stands at the height marked by these words, the weather is always subject to the vicissitudes expressed by them. These marks are, however, entitled to no attention; and it is only surprising to find their use continued in the present times, when knowledge is so widely dif fused. They are, in fact, to be ranked scarcely above the vox stellarum, or astrological almanack.

"Two barometers, one near the level of the river Thames, and the other on the heights of Hampstead, will differ by half an inch; the latter being always half an inch lower than the former. If the words, therefore, engraved upon the plates are to be relied on, similar changes of weather could never happen at these two situations. But what is even more absurd, such a scale would inform us that the weather at the foot of a high building such as St. Paul's, must always be different from the weather at the top of it,

"It is observed, that the changes of weather are indicated, not by the actual height of the mercury, but by its change of height. One of the most general, though not absolutely invariable, rules is, that when the mercury is very low, and therefore the atmosphere very light, high winds and storms may be expected.

The following rules may be generally relied upon, at least to a certain extent :

"1. Generally, the rising of the mercury indicates the approach of fair weather; the falling of it shews the approach of foul weather,

"2. In sultry weather, the fall of the mercury indicates coming thunder. In winter, the rise of the mercury indicates frost. In frost, its fall indicates thaw; and its rise indicates snow.

"3. Whatever change of weather suddenly follows a change in the barometer, may be expected to last but a short time. Thus, if fair weather follow immediately the rise of the mercury, there will be very little of it; and in the same way, if foul weather follow the fall of the mercury, it will last but a short time.

"4. If fair weather continue for several days, during which the mercury continually falls, a long continuance of foul weather will probably ensue ; and again, if foul weather continue for several days, while the mercury continually rises, a long succession of fair weather will probably succeed. 5. A fluctuating and unsettled state in the mercurial column indicates changeable weather. 20 150.-VOL. XIII.

"The domestic barometer would become a much more useful instrument, if, instead of the words usually engraved on the plate, a short list of the best established rules, such as the above, accompanied it, which might be either engraved on the plate, or printed on a card. It would be right, however, to express the rules only with that degree of probability which observation of past phenomena has justified. There is no rule respecting these effects, which will hold good with perfect certainty in every case."


1. The Manners and Customs of the Jews, and other Nations mentioned in the Bible, (Religious Tract Society, London,) is a decent little work, which carries the reader over an extensive field, and introduces him to modes of life which Europe never saw. The information thus imbodied and communicated, is derived from the authority of scripture, and the testimony of modern travellers. It is a mark of divine providence, that eastern customs undergo scarcely any variation with the lapse of time. Hence, the statements of the Bible made three thousand years since, are exemplified by an appeal to fact in the present day. Many wood-cuts adorn this volume.

2. A School Treatise on Ancient Geography, upon a New Plan, by Joseph Gay, Junior, (Joy, London,) is adapted for the seminary, and it will be found serviceable in families. Of such works the principal utility is, to know the ancient names of people, and boundaries of places, now distinguished by modern appellations. From the volume before us this information may be satisfactorily obtained.

3. Sketches of Genius, and other Poems, by D. Corkindale, (Robins, London,) may amuse the author's friends, but beyond these, many readers, adopting one of his lines, will perhaps exclaim, "Tis sad to dine on chop-house miseries."

4. An Inquiry concerning Baptism, &c. by Sylvanus, (Palmer, London,) thus tells its own tale: "We may rest assured, from God's most holy word, that water baptism is by no means essential to salvation. Timothy was never baptized-John himself was never baptized-the thief on the cross was never baptized-thousands of converts under St. Paul's ministry were never baptized, and yet these have all joined the company of the spirits of the just made perfect." Such splashes as these will break the scum which is apt to gather over the baptismal pond.

5. Four Lectures on the Law of the Sabbath, &c. by Henry Forster Burder, D. D., (Westley, London,) embrace the institution of the Sabbath at the creation, what is contained in the decalogue, the

change of the day, and the due observance of it. Of the divine origin and continued obligation of this glorious institution, the proofs adduced by Mr. Burder never can be denied, while the authority of the sacred records is allowed. On the change from the Jewish to the Christian Sabbath, the common arguments are adduced; but all must allow that the evidence is only circumstantial and probable. The spirit, however, in which this portion of our time is kept holy, is of greater consequence than the day. In favour of this, the author appears triumphantly successful.

6. An Introduction to Medical Botany, &c. by Thomas Castle, F. L. S., (Cox, London,) now appears in an improved condition. In December last, the former impression passed under our review, and by the favourable recollection retained, we were disposed to hail this with pleasant feelings. Nor have we been disappointed. The attention paid by Mr. Castle to botany, in connexion with medicine, is creditable to his talents, and we hope it will be rewarded with its due meed of encouragement and praise.

7. Anti-Slavery Reporter, Nos. 77, 78, and 79, contains, as usual, some horrible details of brutal conduct exercised by the colonial tyrants over their defenceless and unhappy slaves. In England the laws protect horses and other beasts; but in the colonies, where the administration of justice is entrusted to wretches who are strangers to humanity, the negro lives and dies without a friend.

8. A Philosophical Estimate of the Controversy respecting the Divine Humanity, by John Abraham Heraud, (Fraser, London,) refers to the late ferment which the supposed heresy of Mr. Irving called into existence. During a few weeks it occasioned a considerable stir; but, like many other subjects, awakening fierce contention for a season, it appears to have lived its day and sought repose. That Mr. Irving is disposed to express himself in strong, and sometimes unguarded terms, no one acquainted with either his preaching or writings can doubt. This philosophical estimate of the controversy will, we suspect, be found too refined for common apprehension.

9. The Documents and Correspondence in the Christian Observer, on the alleged Miraculous Cure of Miss Fancourt, (Hatchard, London,) relate to the sudden and apparently miraculous cure of a young lady in the vicinity of London, who had for several years been a cripple. Her friends consider her recovery as an act of divine mercy in answer to prayer; but the author

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