the Dominion was 188,000; their total earnings were more than eight millions sterling, or a weekly average of about 17s. 6d., a high rate, considering that a large number of females, and of persons under sixteen years, tend to lower the average. Few of us in this country appreciate the rapidly growing commercial value of Canada. In 1876 the total imports of the Dominion were rather less than twenty millions sterling, of which more than eight millions were from England; and of sixteen millions of exports, the mother country received more than eight and a half millions. tion sus wages at Hitherto we have been considering emigration as a Emigrameans of forming new nations in unpeopled regions, tains and as a means of creating an important outlet for home. external trade. But emigration tends to ameliorate the condition of the population at home by diminishing the competition for employment; in other words by increasing wages, or at least arresting the downward tendency consequent on an excessive growth of the population. It confers an equally essential benefit by the additional supplies it furnishes to a country depending largely on imported food. I have already alluded to the pastoral wealth of the Australian colonies. As their population increases they will doubtless become extensive growers of grain. The prospect of an increased supply of wheat from the colonies becomes especially valuable in view of the diminished growth of cereals at home. The acreage under wheat in the United Kingdom in 1867 was 3,367,876 acres. In 1877 it was reduced to 3,168,540 T Trade or Calling Bookbinders Compositors Lithographers. Carpenters. Stonemasons Bricklayers. The following Return shows the current Rate of Wages in country Blacksmiths' strikers Iron-moulders and Turners 1s. 1d. to 18. 5d. per hour (eight hours a day) 751. per annum, with board 8d. to 9 d. per hour 18. Od. to 18. 44d. per hour Boiler-makers. 1s. to 1s. 6d. per 108. to 128. per diem 40s. to 60s. per week 98. to 128. per diem 70l. to 80l. per an., with board and lodging 10s. to 11s. per diem 108. to 128. 558. to 65s. per week 98. to 128. per diem 13s. per 1,000, on the hack 548. to 70s. per week 8s. to 10s. per diem At pit, 138. per 100 feet 10d. to 18. per hour Piecework-Aver age earnings, 458. to 60s. per week 78. 6d. to 8s. 6d. per diem 9d. to 18. per hour |