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finite confequence to families who refide in the maratime parts of Holland, and to many inland towns * in France, where the water is frequently very bad. I most cordially hope that the inventor will meet with the remuneration which is due to his humane philofophy.


After having experienced a moft cordial difplay of kindneffes and hofpitalities, I prepared to return to

my own country," that precious ftone fet in the fil*ver fea." I had to part with thofe who, in the fhort

fpace of one fleeting month, had by their endearing and flattering attentions, rivetted themselves to my 5 affections, with the force of a long, and frequent, and. cherished intercourse, who, in a country where I expected to feel the comfortlefs fenfations of a foreigner, made me forget that I was even a ftranger. Amongit those who excited a confiderable fhare of my regret upon parting, were the elegant and charming family of the Ss. As I was preparing to take my leave,, Madame Sfaid, "you must not forget us be"caufe a few waves divide our countries.'

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If he will lend me his pocket-book," faid one of ... her lovely daughters, "I will try and fee if my pencil will not preferve us in his memory, at leaft for as a little time."

I prefented it to her, and in a few minutes fhe made an elegant little sketch, which the called, "The af-Lfectionate Mother." Amiable young artift! may Time, propitious to the happiness of fome generouss

being, who is worthy of fuch an affociate, hail thee with the blissful appellation! and may the graceful discharge of those refined and affecting duties which flow from connubial love, entitle thee, too much ef teemed to be envied, to the name of the modern Cor nelia! 1 bodo ob 99*

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Several Englishmen, whilft I was at Paris, met with very vexatious delays in procuring their paffports to enable them to leave it, from a mistaken courfe of application. Inftead of applying to M. Fauche, or any other municipal officer, I would recommend them to procure their paffport from their own ambaffador, and fend it to the office of Mons. Talleyrand for his endorsement; by which means they will be enabled to q ft the republic in two or three days after their application.

Having previously determined to return by the way of Lower Normandy, upon the beauty and luxuriance of which I had heard much eulogy, about half past five o'clock in the morning of the 21st of Prairial, I left my hotel, and proceeded to the Meffagerie, from which the diligences, all of which are under the con trol of the nation, fet out. The morning was very beautiful. I was much entertained before I mounted that cumbrous vehicle, which was to roll me a little nearer to my own coaft, by viewing the numerous groups of travellers and their friends, who furrounded the different carriages as the horfes were tackling to. them. In different directions of my eye, I faw about

thirty men killing each other. The women in France never think their prerogatives infringed by this antianglo mode of falutation. Some fhed tears at parts ing; but the cheek down which they trickled never loft its color or vivacity. All were animated; every eye looked bright; there was a gaiety in their very grief. Bon voyage, bon voyage-Dieu vous be


niffe, Dieu vous beniffe," reiterated on all fides from fprightly faces ftretched out of the window frames of the maffy machine, as it rattled through the gates of the yard, to the inceffant crackings of the poftilion's long lash. I foon afterwards found myfelf feated in the diligence for Cherbourg, in company with two ladies, and three gentlemen, who were all polite and pleafing. In the cabriole, forward, was a French captain in the army, who had been in Tippoo's fervice at the time of the furrender of Seringapatam. looked abominably dirty in his travelling habiliments ; but that, in France, is now no juft indication of inferiority or vulgarity.


We paffed by the Place de la Concorde, upon the ftatues and buildings of which, and the gardens of the Thuilleries, the fresh and early fun fhone mof] beautifully. My merry, but feeling fellow travellers, waving their hands, addreffed a short apoftrophe to thefe fuburbs, and exclaimed, "adieu ma tres jolie "ville ah ! tres jolie ville adieu. TI IS

For near three miles after leaving the barrier, we paffed through plantations of rofes, which fupply the

¿markets of Paris, with that beautiful flower, which, transferred thence, adorn the toilets, the vafes, and the bofors of the fair Prifians, and form the favorite bouquets of the petite maitres; on each fide of the road were cherry trees, in full bearing, which prefented a very charming appearance. We foon reachfed the water works of Marli, which fupply the jets.

d'eau of Verfailles. They are upon a vast scale, and [ appear to be very curious. A little further on we paffed Mal Maifon, the country and chief refidence of the first conful and his family. It is an ancien house, embosomed in beautiful woods and gardens. At the entrance are large military lodges, for the accommodation of a fquadron of the confular cavalry, who mount guard when their general is here.

At St. Germain's we breakfafted, upon pork cut lets, excellent bread, wine, and cherries, for twenty fols, or ten pence Englifh. At Mante we had an excellent dinner, of feveral difhes, for thirty fols, or one fhilling and three pence English. Soon after we had paffed Mante, we left the higher Norman road, and entered a country extremely picturefque and rich. We were conducted through the forest of Evreux, by an efcort of chaffeurs. This vaft tract of land is infefted by an immense banditti, who live in large excavations in the earth, fimilar to the fubterranean apartments of the celebrated robbers, in whofe fervice. Gil Blas was rather reluctantly enrolled, and generally affail the traveller, with a force which would render.

common refiftance perilous, and unavailing. This foreft, in the courfe of the year, furnishes confiderable employ for the guillotine of Caen, when the tribunal of justice is feated. The appearance of our guards. was terrific enough to appal fuch valiant fouls, as once animated the frames of Prince Hal, and his merry friend Ned Poins. They wore Roman helmets, from which defcended, to the bottom of their backs, an immenfe tail, of thick black horfe hair, their uniform was light green, and looked rather shabby.

We paffed the foreft without any moleftation, and fupped at the town of Evreux, which is very pleasant, where we halted for about four hours. As we were afterwards proceeding, I prepared myself to enjoy a little fleep, and as I reclined for this purpose with my hat over my face, in a corner of the carriage, I overheard one of my fellow travellers obferve to the other, "the Englishman is fleeping," to which he replied, "no, he is not fleeping, he is only thinking, it is the "character of his nation."

The French cannot bear the leaft appearance of thought; they have a faying, "un homme qui rit ne lera jamais dangereux.

The next morning we breakfasted at Lifieux, an ancient town, in which are the remains of a fine convent which formerly belonged to the Order of the Capuchins. For four or five miles before we approached the town, the laughing and animated faces of groups of peafantry, all in their jubilee dreffes, the old mount

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