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but, to patronize her more antient Votarys at this time, is not more honourable to our Nation, than neceffary for them: Since so much Prejudice has been ungratefully rais'd against them, by those, who have been most improv'd by their Writings.

When therefore I was moved by the BRITISH MUSE to recommend these Antients to a Patron moft eminent for Abilities and Inclination to protect them; one of sufficient Knowledge to plead their Merits, and Interest to promote their Cause; I was presently by her inspired, to make this Oblation to your LADY SHIP, fo nearly ally'd in Genius and Judgment to her, that I could not distinguish


your Name, but as another for her


Whatever Improprieties the Witty or the Wife may find in other Parts of my Choice throughout this Collection, I dare stand their Test in this. And I am perfuaded, the Authors themselves, could not be better fatiffied with all the Justice that might be paid them, in reviving their Performances; than with so much Credit as they may receive from your LADYSHIP'S Approbation. I am but their

Sollicitor, and could not have the Boldness to sue for your Favour, but under the Umbrage of their Deserts.

Alexander saved Part of



from Destruction, for the M


only of one Poet: Here the Merits of many Poets fue for the Protection only of one Book.

I am,

With the most profound Respect,

Your Ladyship's most obedient,


Humble Servant,




British Mufe.

225. PANDER.

*M kept for pleasure, though I never
taste it.

For 'tis the usher's office, still to cover
His lady's private meetings with her


Marston's Insatiate Countess.

1. At best 'tis but a goodly pandarifm.

2. Shrewd business.
Thou child in thrift, thou fool of honesty;
Is't a disparagement for a gentleman,
For friends of lower rank to do the offices
Of necessary kindness without fee

For one another; courtefies of course,.
Mirths of society; when petty mushrooms,
Transplanted from their dunghills, spread on mountains,
And pass for cedars, by their servile flatteries
On great mens vices? - pander-th'art deceiv'd,
The word includes preferment, 'tis a title
Of dignity, I could add somewhat more else.

Thy beauteous sister like a precious tissue,


[blocks in formation]

Not shap'd into a garment fit for wearing,
Wants the adornments of the workman's cunning

'To set the richness of the price at view;

Though in her felf all wonder.

John Ford's Fancy chaft and noble.

But you are

The squire of dames, devoted to the service
Of gamesome ladies; the hidden mystery
Discover'd, their close bawd: thy flavish breath
Fanning the fires of luft; the goe-between
This female, and that wanton fir: your art
Can blind a jealous husband, and disguis'd
Like a milliner, or shoemaker, convey
A letter in a pantoofle, or glove
Without fufpicion; nay, at his table,

In a case of pick-tooths: you instruct 'em how
To parley with their eyes, and make the temple.
A mart of looseness. To discover all

Thy fubtile brokages, were to teach in publick
Those private practices, which are in juttice
Severely to be punish'd.

Maffinger's Emperor of the East.

Pimps manage the great bus nefs o'the nation,

That is the heav'nly work of propagation!


Crown's Sir Courtly Nice.


Ah, when the means are gone, that buy this praise, The breath is gone whereof this praise is made! Feast-won, fast-loft: one cloud of winter-show'rs These flies are couch'd.

2. The fwallow follows not

Summer more willingly, than we your lordship. 1. Nor more willingly leaves winter: such summerBirds are men.

Shakespear's Timon.

May you a better feast never behold,
You knot of mouth-friends: smoke, and luke-warm water

Is your perfection, This is Timon's last;


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