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atmosphere; and, in dry weather, the beds fhould be kept constantly watered. The awnings are equally fafeguards against spring frofts, than which nothing is more injurious to feedling plants. In refpect to WEEDS, there is a general rule, which ought not to be departed from; that is, not to fuffer them to get too ftrong, before they be drawn ; for, if they be permitted to form large roots, they not only encumber and rob the ground, but, in drawing them, many feeds, or tender feedlings, will be drawn out with them. To prevent the young plants from being DRAWN OUT OF THE GROUND BY WINTER FROSTS, which they are very liable to, efpecially by a continuance of froft and thaw, alternately, coal afhes may be fifted over them. If this evil has already taken place, and the roots appear expofed above ground, fome fine mold fhould firft be fifted on, to cover the roots, and then the afhes fifted over the mold. If the plants be BEATEN OUT OF THE GROUND BY HEAVY RAINS, the remedy is fimilar.

THE length of time between the fowing of the feed and the appearance of the plant, is very uncertain much depends upon the feafon, and ftill more upon the nature of the plant itself. Some feeds lie in the ground a whole year before they vegetate, and some two or three years,—as will be mentioned under their refpective Species. Dur.


ing this time the beds fhould be kept free from weeds and mofs; and, in case of a long continuance of dry weather, fhould be well watered, After very heavy rains, which are liable to run the furface to a batter, and wash away part of the foil, it is well to rake the beds flightly, and fift over them a little fresh mold: this prevents the furface from baking, and at once gives a fupply of air, and nourishment, to the embryo plants.

BEDS OF COMPOST are made by mixing drift fand, or other materials, with the natural foil of the feminary; or with virgin mold, taken from a rich meadow, or old pafture ground. But the particular ingredients of a compoft depend upon the nature of the plant to be raised; and the reader is referred to the refpective Species, in the ALPHABET OF PLANTS, for further information on this head.

THE mode of raifing plants, in POTS and BOXES, alfo depends greatly upon the particular plant to be raifed. The chief intent of this method is to guard the embryo and feedling plants from the extremes of heat and cold. The pots are filled with compoft, fuited to the plant. For examples, fee the articles ANNONA, ARALIA, AZALIA, MELIA, PISTACIA, &c. &c.


II. PROPAGATING FROM CUTTINGS. It is not from feeds, alone, that plants may be increased; fo great a fimplicity prevails in the fyftem of vegetation, that numerous tribes may be propagated from twigs or truncheons, cut out of the woody parts of the plants themselves, and ftuck naked into the ground, without either root or branch upon them: the part placed in contact with the foil fends forth roots, while' that which is exposed to the open air, throws out branches!

BUT altho' most of the aquatics, and many other genera of trees and fhrubs, may be raised from CUTTINGS, planted in common earth and in the open air, there are others which require more care and greater helps. Some require a warm, others a cool border: fome must be rooted in pots, others in ftoves, or in the greenhouse. Again, fome fhould be taken from the older branches, others from younger fhoots: fome require to be planted in autumn, others in the fpring. These and other peculiarities of treatment will be specified, when we come to treat, feparately, of each individual.

III. PROPAGATING FROM SUCKERS. There is a great fimilarity between the branches and the roots of plants. If the fibres of fome




fpecies become expofed to the air, they quit their function of fupplying the parent plant with nourishment, and, taking upon them the nature of feedlings, put forth leaves and branches. Thefe rootling plants are called SUCKERS; and if they be flipt off from the parent root, and planted in a foil and fituation fuited to their refpective natures, they will grow up, in the manner of feedling plants.

VARIOUS opinions are held, refpecting the propriety of raifing trees and fhrubs from fuckers: EVELYN and MILLER are againft the practice; faying, that plants raised from fuckers are more apt to fend up fuckers (which are trouble fome intruders, efpecially in ornamental grounds) than thofe of the fame fpecies which have been raised from feeds. HANBURY, however, is of a contrary opinion: he fays, "What might incline people to this notion was, that they have obferved trees raifed from feeds very long before they produced fuckers: but they should confider, that no tree or plant will produce fuckers, till it is of a fuitable fize or strength for the purpofe, any more than animals can produce young before they are of proper age; and let them plant a feedling that is grown ftrong, a layer of the fame ftrength, and one which has been raised from a fucker, exactly of the fame. fize, and with the fame number of fibres to the


root, and they will find that the feedling, or the layer, will not be behind-hand with the other in producing fuckers, if they have all a like foil and fituation; for it is peculiar to them to sport under the foil, in this manner; and Nature will ever act agreeably to herself, if not stopped in her progrefs by art." Nevertheless, in fpeaking of particular plants, we find him holding forth a different language.

IV. PROPAGATING BY LAYERING.As the roots of fome plants, when expofed to the air, fend forth fhoots and branches, fo the branches of others, when placed in contact with the earth, fend out fibres and roots, which being fevered from the parent plant, a feparate tree is produced.

LAYERING being an operation by which a great majority of trees and fhrubs may be propagated, and by which the many beautiful variegations are principally preferved, we fhall here give fome general directions for performing it; referving, however, the minutia, peculiar to each fpecies, until we come to treat of the individual fpecies, separately.

LAYERS are bent, either from the tools of trees and fhrubs, headed down to a few inches above C 2


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