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Whenever the circulating medium of a country is sufficient to answer all demands, for the commercial and ordinary transactions of its inhabitants, a further increase is not only unnecessary but injurious. Money was invented rather as a substitute for credit, than as a subject of trade, and whenever it shall not supply the common purposes of domestick use, the money price of all articles, and land, will be lessened. When the circulating medium is multiplied, the consequence is reversed, and the nominal value of things seldom bought, will be increased. This is the only difference, But our author would increase it by foreign loans, that we may enhance the value of publick lands, and introduce a multitude of foreigners, to cultivate and improve them. If such an absurd theory can be sustained, the practice is impossible.

Many other erroneous principles will be discovered on perusing the 'Manual,' which we shall not particularise. His ideas of a publick debt, and the process of paying it by an advantageous change of publick stock, are very questionable, and result from a false notion of the value of the vital fluid' of the state. Many of his tables are trifling, and claim little credit; and his full and perfect inventory' of all the real and personal estate of the union, is rather a whimsical Peverie, than an accurate and'use

ful statistical document. This inventory amounts, in round numbers, to $2,505,000,000; but as articles of so great value seldom appear at market, we shall omit examining it.

Much credit, however, is due to the author for his labour in collect

ing materials and forming tables,
relative to receipts and expendi-
tures,' imports and exports, and
various other subjects, which come
naturally within the course of sta-
tistical inquiries, and political econ-
omy. In the table, containing the
list of banks in the United States,
we noticed a difference we little
expected. In Massachusetts alone
there were twenty-two banks in
1805, while all the other states af-
The same
forded but forty-six.
disproportion in publick schools
exists, much to its honour.

The style, in which the manual is written,will not bear a close examination. Like some pieces of painting, examine it closely, and its roughness offends; viewed at a distance, its disproportions are monstrous. There are too many repetitions, and weak and trifling expressions, which are altogether unfit for a work of this kind, where clearness and simplicity are peculiarly requisite.

Although the Manual of Mr. Blodget cannot with impunity pass the ordeal of just criticism, his work will certainly claim attention for its novelty and importance. The inquiry into the causes of national prosperity, wealth, and happiness, can be looked upon with indifference only by those, in whom pecuniary or political aggrandizement has stified all feelings of humanity.

Statistical inquiries originated and were first adopted in Germany, the publication of which gave rise to Sir John Sinclair's very

valuable and extensive statistical account of Scotland. The object of these was to acquire a knowledge of the strength of government on such subjects, as particularly relate to Matters of State.' But Sir John Sinclair extended the sphere, and affixed to the term 'Statisticks' the idea of "an inquiry into the state of a country, for the purpose of ascertaining the quantum of happiness, enjoyed by its inhabitants, and the means of its futur improvement." Thus defined, this science is certainly comprehensive enough for all purposes of political economy and statistical philosophy. It has hitherto been little considered; nor can very extensive investigations be made, without prompt and efficient aid from government. The want of scientifick men, capable of conducting such inquiries; the great responsibility, to which any individual must subject himself; the difficulty of persuading others to co-operate, and of establishing a regular and enlightened correspondence; and the immense labour of collecting, arranging, and condensing the information, when obtained, relative to so extended and diversified a territory as the United States of America, are obstacles, which nothing but a liberal assistance from adıministration can remove.

It is certainly the duty of government to watch over the domes tick economy of the state with the same care and solicitude, that it protects and fixes its foreign relations. In order to improve the commercial resources of the Union, it should make critical inquiries into the present state of manufactures, ship-building, and all the branches of manual labour, connected with them, and introduce such regulations and improve

ments, as will most promote their usefulness. To extend the system of agriculture, it should ascertain the amount of produce annually. raised, the number of labourers employed in the various departments of husbandry, and collect information relative to the soils best adapted to different vegetables. To lessen the quantum of unproductive labour, inquiries concerning the present state of inland navigation and turnpikes should be instituted, and the utility and practicability of any proposed additions or alterations designated. This is peculiarly important to a country, where so much land remains unoccupied, and where new settlements are continually forming, the prosperity of which must depend upon easy and convenient communications with distant and older settlements. In the banking system, inquiries should be made relative to the number, capitals, operation, and effect of banks, and the influence they have upon the internal traffick of the country. Under this head, the subject of money, in all its relations, will naturally be investigated. The subject of education also merits great attention. The number of universities, colleges, academies, and other seminaries of learning,should be obtained, and the modes of instruction, and the nature of the establishments, examined. These are subjects, upon which the beneficent and philosophick mind dwells with delight; but from which it turns with disappointment and regret, if those, who have the means, or who, urged by duty to the pursuit, view them with coldness and indifference.

If to combine science with the useful arts; if to convert idleness to industry, and beggary & wretchedness to competence and enjoy

ment; if to substitute learning and morals for ignorance and corruption; if to introduce improvements in agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, and explode the present slovenly, unproductive, and awkward practices; if, in short, to exert ourselves in the cause of promoting the strength and happiness of the nation, are objects worthy the attention of enlightened statesmen, an establishment, under the aid and patronage of government, must produce the most salutary and beneficial effects. As such a design would raise the moral and physical character of man, and as its foundations are laid deep in the interest and welfare of the community, it would certainly succeed, and it success would be attended with publick confidence and gratitude.

ART. 13.

The Stranger in Ireland; or a tour in the southern and western parts of that country, in the year 1805.

By John Carr, Esq. of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, author of a Northern Summer, the Stranger in France, c.

Animæ quales neque candidiores Terra tulit, neque queis me sit devinctior alter.' Hor. Lib. I. Sat. 5. Third American edition. To which is now first added, an Appendix, containing an account of Thomas Dermody, the Irish poet, a wonderful instance of prematurity of genius. N. York, printed' by I. Riley & Co. 1807.

How Carr's Stranger in Ireland and Dermody's life have been brought together, in the volume under review, is a thing which cannot be accounted for, on any principle of attraction in nature. The reason assigned for this curious arrangement is, that Dermody is

mentioned incidentally in Mr. Carr's publication; this is too ridiculous to need any comment in proof of its absurdity: the booksellers can reason more pertinently on this matter.

What may be said of Mr. Carr's book, must either be confined to general opinions, or extended to a particular review, which, from the great variety of subjects, enumer ated in this volume, cannot be done, consistently, with the space allotted to this department.

Prefaces, in general, are replete with vain ostentation or frivolous excuse, and we have seldom seen any, so widely different from the common herd, as that of the volume before us. After a summary of the author's design, and an acknowiedgment of the assistance he has received, he concludes by a declaration, that if he has failed in the execution, the fault must be altogether attributed to himself. The design of the work is to illustrate the Irish character, and to give a descriptive narrative of a tour into the south and south-west parts of Ireland, and also some account of the state of society, in 1805; also the political economy, national manners, publick buildings, &c., of that country.

The design is calculated to produce important effects, since it proposes to develope the real character of a nation, which has been hitherto very little known, or merely as the land of whiskey and po


The author has illustrated this character in a manner which does him very considerable honour; and although his descriptions of Irish beneficence, &c. are sometimes overloaded, yet a pretty correct idea of Ireland's national character may be obtained from perusing this publication. The other

parts of his design are executed with ability, and prove the depth and extent of Mr. Carr's investigation.

To such, as read for their improvement, he has rendered his book highly profitable, by an abundance of useful matter; and those, who take up a volume, and put it down again, merely to fill up an interstice between their other amusements, will be tickled with many parts of the Stranger in Ireland. On the other hand, the dignity of this work is considerably lessened by too great quantity of anecdote. "Salt (says Kaime) in certain quantities is seasonable at meals, but he must have a rare palate, who can make a dinner on salt." The numerous extracts from Curran,Grattan, Kirwan, &c. however profitable to the readers of this publication, are altogether extraneous from the author's design. We have no objection to an author's performing more than he promises, in the line of his subject, but when he would illustrate a national character by extracts from sermons and orations, as the method is somewhat singular, we should be glad to have a hint of it before hand.

The style of this volume is generally well adapted to answer the design, although in some parts crowded with superfluous epithets.

On the whole; Carr's Stranger in Ireland is the most correct and useful publication, giving an account of the Irish nation, that has ever appeared.

We shall now dispatch the 'Appendix, (so called) or some account of that surprising young genius, Dermody; extracted from the life of Dermody by J. G. Raymond, Esq.'

Dermody has been named the unfortunate poet of Ireland,' and Vol. IV. No. 3.


he undoubtedly was so, if to be unfortunate is to be surrounded with friends and patrons, and to rush headlong into almost every species of vice, notwithstanding the repeated admonitions of the one and the assistance of the other..

We attribute the high reputation, in which Dermody has hitherto appeared, not to his real abstract merit, but to his miseries; and this is more singular, since the miseries of Dermody were the effects of his own brutish propensities. When we mourn over the follies or vices of any one, we are inclined by pity and not by justice. Pity begets partiality for the object of our commisseration and partiality endeavours to palliate every fault, while it exalts every thing in the shape of merit far above its real desert.

While we suppose Mr. Raymond very partial to young Dermody, we trace a cause, although we find nothing like an excuse for the many improbable stories in these interesting' memoirs.Did we believe in the Metempsychosis, we should at once conclude the soul of some ancient mythologist had revived in Mr. Raymond. It is stated, that Dermody,

when most children are scarcely instructed in the rudiments of their mother tongue, was perfectly familiar with the Latin and Greek languages, and could with facility read and comprehend the most difficult authors in those languages.'

What shall we say to this? that we do not believe the story, or that it is impossible? A child, perfectly acquainted with the Greek and Latin languages! Mr. Raymond is evidently distracted. We shall not therefore, remark any farther on these memoirs.

To such, as are desirous of

purchasing a correct edition of the Stranger in Ireland, handsomely printed, and on very tolerable paper, we would recommend that of I. Riley & Co. New-York: 1807.

ART. 14.

The Miseries of Human Life; or the groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy, with a few supplementary sighs from Mrs. Testy. In twelve dialogues. Boston: Greenough, Stebbins, & Hunt, and Belcher & Armstrong. 12mo. pp. 220.

THIS is perhaps the best satire, that ever appeared, on the folly of such as nagnify petty accidents and trifling vexations into irresistible misfortunes and intolerable grievances. To grumble, is one of the most observable characteristicks of Englishmen, and we,their descendants,enjoy their vices, not less than their virtues, by hereditary succession.

hostilities of the skies? What is the country, but a sandy desert at one season, or a swallowing quagmire at another? What the town, but an upper Tartarus of smoke and din? What are carriages, but cages upon wheels? What are riding-horses, but purchased enemies, whom you pamper into strength, as well as inclination, to kick your brains out?' &c. &c.

It is not worth our time to mention the divisions and subdivisions of misery; but we can assure the fidgety, that every topick of complaint is here largely discussed for their use. The moral, with which it concludes, is excellent, and might be recommended from the pulpit,as well as the novels of Richardson. All nervous criminals will be laughed into amendment, The author, who, we are informed by a letter from London, is the Rev. Mr. Beresford, an Oxford scholar, eminently deserves the praise, which Persius gives to his great master in satire.

Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amice

In this work, which may be read by many with profit, and by all with pleasure, two persons meet to complain of every thing around, This book is worthy of univerabove, and within them; 'Twixt sal perusal, and may be read in upper, nether, and surrounding momentary snatches on the sofa. fires.' At the first conference, The puns of Dean Swift are rivalafter a warm, but amicable contest led here, so that no cynick is toe ' on the irritability of each, which is hard to be melted by them to laughclosed by a mutual concession, ter. The best are from the Latin, that the mind of one party and the which the author seems more conbody of the other is more exposed versant with, than our English by susceptibility of misery, Sen- poets. Groan No. 12, of the Missitive opens, What, my poor sir,eries of London, is a fine instance. are the senses, but five yawning iniets to hourly and momentary - molestations? What is your house, while you are in it, but a prison, filled with nests of little reptiles, of insect annoyances, which torment you the more, because they cannot kill you? And what is the same house, when you are out of it, but a shelter, out of reach, from the

late, your carriage delayed by a jam of In going out to dinner, already too coaches.

Ned Testy. Jam, jamque magis cunctantein.'

A better example is Groan No. 34, in the chapter of the Miseries of the table, &c.

As for myself between the mis

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