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forth in a Return subsequently ordered by the ing that the port of departure should be Committee, whereby it appears that the number changed from Weymouth to Southampton: of registered letters to be dealt with in the trav- but the Post-Office hesitated to accept the elling-office, during its whole journey from London to Preston, averages as high as six each offer, on the ground that the change of port trip! It is curious that a Return, fraught with would inflict a serious inconvenience on the evidence so convincing on a point so important, foreign correspondence of the kingdom. Mr. should have been so little cared for that, though Hill was directed to investigate the case, certainly laid on the table of the Committee, it he distinctly proved, that the change of port was omitted in the printed Report. would, on the whole, benefit the foreign cor"And such being the facts of the case, Colo- respondence rather than otherwise. The nel Maberly gravely anticipates an increase of registered letters so enormous and so vast that mails on land are no less the subject of costhe does not believe that three travelling post-ly blundering. On the Birmingham and Glouoffices could do the duty.' Thus assuming an cester line, two special trains are hired at increase of, at the very least, a thousand-fold; an annual cost of 10,5007. per annum, whereas which would give a net revenue from this source one would suffice, and 50007. a year be saved. alone of two millions per annum."

We have an amusing instance of Post-Office fears on this subject :

tention of the Committee, was one for regulating "Another measure, to which I will call the atthe space occupied in railway trains by the "Groundless, however, as the alarm of an Post-Office, for conveyance of the mails and the overwhelming number of registered letters may guards. When I went to the Treasury, the reseem to the uninitiated, it is by no means with- ports from the Post-Office gave no information out a parallel in Post-Office proceedings. Thus, which could enable the Treasury to form a judg for instance, while I was at the Treasury, addi- ment as to whether this very large item of expense tional allowances to two postmasters (at Swin- was adjusted with due regard to economy; I ford and Ballaghaderin in Ireland) were pro-therefore prepared a form to be followed on posed, on the ground that the money-order busi- every such occasion, which provided for giving ness had become so heavy that each postmaster the necessary particulars. Having investigated was obliged to engage a clerk to attend to that the returns so framed as they came in, I soon duty alone. The accounts in the Post-Office found in a majority of instances that the space would of course have supplied a check to this in the carriages set apart for the mails was unstatement; but it came to the treasury vouched, necessarily great; in one instance, a day-mail first by the surveyor of the district, second by between York and Normanton, though the the Dublin office, and third by the London office. maximum weight of the mail-bags was only 80 lbs. The Treasury, at my suggestion, however, call- (about equal to that of a passenger's luggage), ed for information as to the actual number of the Post-Office occupied the space inside the money-orders paid and issued by each office in carriage of sixteen passengers, at a cost of 1s. a given time; and, after the lapse of a year, the 4d. per mile, whereas under proper arrangements information was supplied, when it appeared that the expense would probably have been about the average number of money-orders paid and 2d. a mile, the charge by the ordinary trains issued, when taken together, was in one office being usually in direct proportion to the space only two, and in the other only three, per day. occupied. In consequence of this very startling I advised the rejection of the proposed allowan- discovery, the Post-Office was directed to report ces; but this question, with many others of a upon the state of all the railway lines in this resimilar character, remained undecided when my spect, with a view to preparing some very strinduties were interrupted '-Evid., p. 92. gent regulations for putting a stop to the waste of public money which was then going on, and which may be proceeding at this moment for aught I know to the contrary; the report however was not received when my services came to an end. In the absence of the required information, it is impossible to offer more than a rude estimate of the loss resulting from this mismanagement; but, forming the best judgment I can on the facts which came before me, I cannot put it at a less sum than 10,000l. a year."*

From what has already been exhibited in this paper, no one can be surprised to find numerous examples exposed to the Committee, manifesting great extravagance in the management of the Post-Office. Thus Mr. Hill recommended certain changes in the conveyance of the Dublin mail, tending to a saving of about 50,0007. per annum, whilst they would have accelerated the conveyance between London and Dublin, but he was not listened to. Again, with the packets to the ject with one instance, which it is peculiarly

We shall conclude this branch of the subthe business of this Review to notice.

"The next and last case under this head

Channel Islands :-in 1841, the cost of two packets carrying the mails was about 70007. per annum, and a third was to be appointed, [Economy] is the new postal treaty with France, which would increase the expense to 90007. * Large as this amount is, it will scarcely appear per annum. Certain persons in Jersey offered excessive, when it is considered that the waste of to contract for the conveyance of the mail money thus going on in this single case was at the thrice a week, for 30007. per annum, stipulat-rate of about 500l. per annum.

Mr. Hill

"I have given my best attention to all that you have stated, but I still retain the opinion which I have before expressed, that it would not be expedient to retain your services for a longer period than that to which they are at present limited. I can assure you that, in coming to this conclusion, it is very far from my intention to imply that there has been on your part any neglect of the duties confided to you, or any deficiency of zeal or ability in the discharge of them, I readily acknowledge also the honorable motives which originally prompted and which have now induced you to repeat your offer of gratuitous service. But I am influenced solely by the consideration that it is not advisable to give a character of permanence to an appointment which, originally created for a temporary purpose, has now, as it appears to me, fulfilled its object. The penny postage has been above two years established, and the principle of it is now thoroughly understood."

which, however excellent in its general objects gentleman declined to exercise. and effects, is, in consequence of important appealed to Mr. Goulburn, who thus answererrors in the details, operating very unfavorably ed:on our portion of the revenue derived from the united postage, French and English, on letters between the two countries. Our scale of postage, as the Committee will bear in mind, ascends by half-ounces up to one ounce, and then by ounces. The French scale, on the other hand, ascends by quarter-ounces. Several important results flow from this distinction, as every letter, in regard to a portion of its postage, is under the quarter-ounce scale; the great majority of letters will be just within the quarter-ounce: such letters, therefore, though liable to a French rate of 20d. per ounce, and a British rate of only 10d. per ounce, would be charged 10d. each, viz. 5d. British and 5d. French, the whole being collected sometimes by the one Post-Office, sometimes by the other." Under the old system each Government would retain its own 5d., and hand over the second 5d. to the other Government. The English Post-Office, however, in order to relieve itself of the trouble of accounting for the letters numeratim, proposed a clause by which each Government would have accounted to the other for the whole mail at once, according to its weight in bulk. I pointed out to the Treasury how unfairly towards our own Government the proposed stipulation would operate, and the proposal of the Post-Office was consequently rejected. It appears, however, by the treaty, that it was subsequently revived, with a slight modification, which no doubt was thought would obviate the evil, but which only slightly mitigates it. Under the treaty, we are to pay in respect of a mail, the postage of which is collected in England, 20d. an ounce to the French for their share of the postage; whereas on a mail, the postage of which is to be collected in France, we are only to receive 12d. per ounce. Applying this rule to the great majority, which, as before said, are just under the quarter-ounce, the ultimate effect is, that of our 5d., when the postage is collected in France, the French hand over to us only 3d., retaining 2d. of our 5d., in addition to their own 5d.; whereas, when we collect the postage, we hand over to the French the whole of their 5d., retaining our own 5d. without any addition."

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Mr. Hill then tried Sir Robert Peel, who gave a similar answer. The following most unusual statement was made in the Treasury minute containing his dismissal:-The Lords of the Treasury "consider it due to him, on the termination of his engagement with this Government, to express to him the approbation with which they have regarded his zealous exertions in the execution of the duties which have been intrusted to him, and how materially the efficiency of the Post Office arrangements has been promoted by the care sideration of the various important questions and intelligence evinced by him in the conwhich have been referred to him." Sir Thomas Wilde said :

"If Mr. Hill had been continued in his appointment, he would have been in precisely the same situation which he had occupied for three years, and no consequences could be anticipated from the retention of his services other than those which had resulted from his previous emforded, during his three years' services, of judgployment. Ample opportunity had been af ing what inconvenience might be expected to result from the continuance of his appointment. It was only proposed that Mr. Hill's services should be retained, until he had an opportunity of bringing into operation those portions of his plan which had not been carried into effect, or, at least, till they should be in such a state of forwardness, that the public might have some security that a trial of their efficiency would ultimately be made. So far from Mr. Hill's appointment having produced any inconvenience to the public service, the Lords of the which he (Sir T. Wilde) had read, that the Treasury were pleased to report, in the minute efficiency of the Post Office arrangements had been materially promoted by the care and intelligence evinced by him in the consideration of

Mr. Baring, who made the original agreement with Mr. Hill, said :

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the various important questions which had been | conduct of the Post-Office towards Mr. Dockreferred to him." wra and Mr. Palmer. Palmer's plan, which raised the revenue in thirty years from 150,0007. per annum to 1,500,0007., was called visionary and absurd," and was pronounced a total failure within a year or two after its introduction, even as Mr. Hill's has been decried. Mr. Hill gives us a summary of PostOffice conduct since the restoration, which our readers will do well to bear in mind :—

than one year.

"The right honorable gentleman (Mr. Goulburn) referred to the Treasury minute under which Mr. Hill was appointed, and seemed to rely upon the words 'penny postage,' which he found in that minute. Now it was well known at the time of the adoption of the plan, that it involved not merely the reduction-of the rate of postage, but other most extensive alterations. "It is a curious fact that, from the institution That was only a part of the general plan, and, of the Post-Office to the present time, no imporafter its adoption, it was well known that there tant improvement has had its origin in that estabstill remained considerable additional labor to lishment. The establishment of a General-post be got through. He thought the right honora- never seems to have suggested to the office itself ble gentleman placed too much stress on the the propriety of a Town-post, even in London; gaged Mr. Rowland Hill for a year. In doing established a penny-post in London as a specucircumstance that he (Mr. Baring) only en- that was left to a private individual of the name of Dockwra, who, shortly before the restoration, this, however, he had never anticipated that lation of his own. that gentleman's services would not be required The next improvement was for more than a year; but as he knew that he the establishment of the cross-posts by Mr. Allen was going out of office within a short time, he (the Allworthy of Fielding's "Tom Jones”) about did not think that it would be courteous to his the middle of the last century. All persons consuccessor to appoint for a longer period than versant with the various published collections of that. He had, however, been all along of opin-ience which was sustained for want of crossletters before that date will know the inconvenion that the services of Mr. Hill at the Treasury would be required for a much longer period posts; yet the suggestion of this important acHe also thought it was only commodation was left, as before, for a private incommon justice to say, that at the period when dividual. Then come the improvements of Mr. it was determined to carry out this plan he had Palmer; I say improvements in the plural, for not the slightest personal knowledge of Mr. it is most unjust to the memory of that distinRowland Hill. As for the intelligence and in-guished person to limit his merit to the suggesdustry of that gentleman, of course he had suffi- tion of substituting mail-coaches for horse and cient evidence of this in the evidence which he foot-posts. This, no doubt, was the most strikhad repeatedly given before Committees of the ing feature of his plan, and it has therefore been House of Commons and by his pamphlet. He mistaken for the plan itself; but he suggested, and was fortunate enough to accomplish, an almust say that, on becoming acquainted with Mr. Hill, he found him to possess other qualities most total revolution in Post-Office arrangewhich he did not expect to find in him. He The utter hopelessness of improvehad expected that a person who had been long ments originating in the Post-Office has been engaged in the preparation of an extensive sys-ernments which have been in office for the last practically acknowledged by the different Govtem of this kind would not carry out the change fifteen years. For nearly the whole of that time with that coolness and judgment that was requi- Commissions have been in action, who, after risite, and he had expected that he should have great difficulties to contend with in inducing gid and extensive inquiries, in the course of which Mr. Hill to adopt any alteration in his plan that a vast mass of facts has been elicited, have from might appear requisite. time to time proposed many improvements of He found quite the contrary of this, and that Mr. Hill, with the great value, some of which their influence, backgreatest readiness, adopted any suggestions ed by the government, has been able to carry inthat were made to him; so that, instead of diffi- to effect; others, without any satisfactory reaculties, he found every facility in carrying the son, have met with rejection and neglect. But plan into effect." as Lord Lowther justly stated in 1835, 'He knew from experience that a Commission was ineffiSuch were the opinions expressed in Par-Post-Office department. When he had the honcient to grapple with so strong a body as the liament by men of character and experience. or to belong to a Commission of that nature, It now only remains to see what are the fu- the Post-Office almost set them at defiance; ture prospects of the Penny Postage. That it was found by the Commission to be a matter it will ever be completed by the Post-Office, of the greatest difficulty to extract from the Postmero motu, it were idle to believe. Office any information necessary for the eluciLord Lowther spoke truly, before he was dation of the inquiry." " Postmaster-General, when he said that there had been no alterations in the Post-Office except what had actually been forced upon it by the public. The treatment of Mr. Hill and his plan is the mere repetition of the



What then is to be done? The Post-Office is as obstinately set against all improvement now as it was before Mr. Hill's plan was begun. But the friends of cheap and efficient postage need not despair,-one more vigor


ous effort will succeed; but it must be to re- Postscript to the Article on the " Penny form the root of the evil,-to remodel the constitution of the Post-Office, and give effect to the good counsel of Lord Lowther, uttered in the days of his wisdom. Being asked his opinion on this point in 1836, Lord Lowther said,—

"I think the present system has proved that it is not at all adapted to the active circumstances of the times, and I should feel disposed to new-model and re-construct the Post-Office department altogether. I think one sees, in the present state of the Post-Office, that it remains just what it was ever since the improvement it underwent in 1797, and 1798; there has hardly been any alteration since in its details except what has actually been forced upon it by the public."

Since our article on this subject was printed, two circumstances have occurred which will tend to realize a reform in the constitution of the Post-Office.

An association of the chief merchants of the city of London, including the Barings, Mastermans, Pattisons, Prescotts, Lyalls, Larpents, Ricardos, etc., has been formed to make a public acknowledgment of Mr. Rowland Hill's merits. At the first mention of the proposal, conservative and whig banded together, and before any public announcement was made more than a thousand pounds were subscribed. Branch associations are in formation throughout the country, and probably such a sum will be raised as will

This remark remains perfectly applicable enable Mr. Hill to enter the House of Comto the year 1843 :

mons as the people's advocate for accomplishing the entire scheme of Penny Postage. A triumphant atonement would this be to Mr

thy reward to a great public benefactor. Such a demonstration of public gratitude, too, would remind the Government in a salutary way of its neglect of duty in this matter.

"The duties of the Post-Office (the noble Lord continued) are becoming now so great notwith-Hill for his dismissal from office, and a worstanding its inconvenient and almost prohibitory arrangements, and so general, and from the present state of the world, and our constant communication with the East and with America, I should look to England as being in a great degree the Post-Office of the world if facilities were offered; and however capable or industrious one man might be, I should conceive he could hardly be qualified to look into the number of details

that that office would embrace in all its ramifica

Concurrent with this event is the death of the Earl of Lonsdale, which is likely to lead to Lord Lowther's resignation of the office of Postmaster-General. This then is the time tions. I should think the better way would be for a deputation of merchants to wait on to have a Board, as in France (there it is called Sir Robert Peel and urge upon him the adopa Council), with a head and two assistants, one tion of a Commission. The difficulties attendto superintend the home department of the Post-ing such a step will be diminished by Lord office, and the other the foreign department and Lowther's retirement. Even if it be necessary colonies; and the head would have a general to appoint a new Postmaster-General, the apview over the arrangements of the whole office."

pointment may be conferred temporarily, subject to its conversion into a board of Commissioners. If this appeal be made to the Premier, he is too wise not to interpret correctly the signs of public feeling, and to take a course which will not only save him from the difficulties his submission to Lord Lowther drew him into, but confer honor and popularity on his administration, whilst it would benefit the revenue and gratify the public.

Until, therefore, the present constitution of the Post-Office is changed, -until the real management is enlarged and made directly responsible, and not screened behind a ministerial Postmaster-General,-there will be no chance for the completion of the Penny Postage plan. To accomplish this we would suggest that the London Mercantile Committee on Postage seek interviews from time to time with the Premier, urging the substitution of a Board for the present system of management, that Mr. Warburton, or Mr. BRITISH GUIANA.-From a prospectus published Wallace bring forward a resolution to the at the Royal Gazette office, Demarara, and forwardsame effect, year after year, until the objected to us, we learn that a society for the promotion is effected, that Mr. Hill himself enter parof agriculture and commerce in that ignorant cololiament, if possible, and plead his own cause, established in Georgetown, with library, museum, ny is now being formed. Public rooms are to be -and that the favorers of cheap postage aid and models; and premiums and grants of money all these efforts by constant petitions, the are to be awarded for the advancement of every prayer of which should be, that the Govern-branch of agriculture, manufactures, and trade. So ment should follow the advice of the Duke of excellent an institution cannot fail to produce great benefits, and the wealth of the colony will enable Wellington, to adopt Mr. Hill's plan, ex-its members to carry it on with liberality and actly as it was proposed." spirit.-Lit. Gaz.

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MEMOIRS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF MRS. | fore us is of a different character; and



From Tait's Magazine.

chiefly, or alone, interesting from what it tells of the farther personal history of the writer of the works of which we have spokALTHOUGH Mrs. Grant of Laggan lived to en, and of a few distinguished literary perextreme old age, and has been dead for a few sons, and other notabilities with whom she years, her name, we are persuaded, must came into contact, during her long resistill be familiar and welcome to Scottish dence in Edinburgh. There are in it no Nor can she be altogether forgotten loyal and pious clansmen, rich in manners, in England, where her early letters made a and in ancestral, homely wisdom, though lively impression; and certainly not in the poor in science and learning; no primitive United States of America. At all events, Dutch and English settlers living, on the her fresh, healthful, and delightful works banks of the Hudson and the Mohawk, the must be remembered, as they represent some- rural life in all its joys and ease, if not what thing which many of us would not willingly is now called elegance, or cottage-orné relet go; and that because they paint a condi- finement. Nearly the whole interest of the tion of society, a primitive state of manners, new series of letters devolves, therefore, which become the more fascinating in the upon the author; the anecdotes she relates retrospect, the farther that luxury and pseu- of distinguished literary characters; and her do-refinement bears us away from the home- opinions on the various topics which she inly, but pure and heartfelt social enjoyments cidentally touches in the course of a private which they promoted. Distance may, no correspondence of above thirty years, and doubt, interpose its magic veil, softening as- consisting of four hundred selected letters. perities and external rudenesses; but the substantial plenty, the leisure, and freedom of mind of these bygone times, with their simplicity and ease of manners,-all, in brief, that is comprehended in Wordsworth's emphatic

The great blemish of this correspondence, is that attributable, more or less, to the greater part of all female correspondence that is not between the most intimate and confidential friends-namely, a candied complex


honeyed exuberance-a reflected egotism; and that, having often very little "Plain living and high thinking,"to say, far too much is sometimes made of were solid and enduring social blessings. that little merely to fill the sheet. Very Nor is it wonderful, that, from the barren many letters of the entire series are either heights which every class of society, above congratulatory, complimentary, or of condothe lowest, has attained, if not in physical lence. There is a consequent want of the comfort, yet in external accommodation, ease and spontaneous impulse of the early many a longing, lingering look should be letters; for it is somehow felt that much is cast back upon the rude and simple times said, not to give utterance to the affectionate which are vividly and picturesquely reflected feelings and recollections of an overflowing in Mrs. Grant's pages. Her "Letters from and warm heart, but to perform a duty, and the Mountains" are the genuine picture of perhaps to make a figure as a letter-writer. a life spent in seclusion in the very heart of And though letters of duty and ceremony the Highlands; and a life, how full of ener- must, we suppose, be written, they excite litgy, affection, and healthful enjoyment! Im- tle sympathy in those who do not share in agination and taste may, in her instance, the feeling or obligation which draws them have imparted a glow to the local coloring; forth. On the other hand, the entire series but some measure of these faculties were no does infinite credit to the writer's talents, mean constituents in the happiness of the good sound common sense, and admirable tact. common life lived and described-part of her Without losing her own identity, and without chartered possessions, but also, to some ex- forfeiting our respect, or condescending to tent, possessed by every Highlander. Mrs. flatter in any glaring way, she adapts herself Grant's representation of domestic and social with exquisite felicity to the varying tastes manners in the State of New York, in her and circumstances of her correspondents. own childhood and girlhood, or before the revolutionary war, are equally faithful and delightful as her delineations of the peaceful life of the Highland glens.The book be

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-The best of the series, or those letters that we like the best, are the few addressed to her eldest son in India, and to her daughters; and those in which she fully commands our sympathies, while we see her struggling to form the virtues and raise the fortunes of her numerous family; or heart-stricken with the successive bereavements with which it pleas

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