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magnificent cathedral at Red Bank, on the old Cheetham-hill road. The land is already purchased for that object.- -Popery in the City of London. -There is a most active priest, named Jauch, at the German Popish Chapel, in the City. On Thursday, Feb. 12, he got up a "banquet " at the London Tavern, for the purpose of raising money for his chapel and school. Mr. O'Connell presided. During a week previous to the "banquet," two large placards were hung on the rails of the Mansion-house (the most public part of the city), where they could be placed only by the permission of the Lord Mayor. The placards announced that his Lordship would receive subscriptions for the chapel. The "Morning Chronicle" stated that Dr. Oxley, who takes a leading part in Temperance Societies, a medical gentleman, and, we believe, professing himself to be a pious Protestant, was present at this Popish banquet.--Popish Schools.The "Catholic Institute has established a fund for erecting schools, and providing efficient schoolmasters throughout England. The "Institute” has provided funds for the re-opening of a school at Lea, near Preston, which had been closed for some time.Jesuitism. As it is proposed by a Bill now before Parliament to repeal the clauses of the Emancipation Act which affect the Jesuits, it may be well to draw attention to the following:-The province of England contained 146 Jesuits in 1841, and 164 in 1844. The Jesuits have 33 establishments, houses, colleges, residences, or simple houses. They show themselves more openly than in other countries; and the colleges and houses are generally called by the name of some saint. Thus they have the college of St. Ignatius, St. Michael, St. Stanislaus, St. John the Evangelist, St. Thomas of Canterbury, &c. Their principal establishment is the college of Stonyhurst, in Lancashire. It contains 20 priests, 26 novices, and 14 brothers. The province of England has 20 missionaries at Calcutta. The English Government protects them as much as the Protestant missionaries, and even assists them at the present moment to establish a new college specially devoted to China. The vice-province of Ireland contained 63

Jesuits in 1841, and 73 in 1844. They possess in Ireland the colleges of Clongowes, Tullabeg, and Dublin. In Dublin they have recently founded a second college. Roman Catholic

Relief.-A Bill has been brought into the House of Commons for the further repeal of enactments imposing pains and penalties upon Her Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects on account of their religion. Its details and operations are too long now to be pointed out. It repeals the whole and part of many Acts, and also several clauses of the Act of 1829, "An Act for Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects."nastic Institutions. A Bill is now before the House of Commons, brought in by Lord John Manners, called "Bequests for Pious and Charitable purposes," the professed object of which is to alter and amend the laws relating to the disposition of property for pious and charitable purposes.


SCOTLAND.-Edinburgh.-A correspondent of the "Tablet," Jan. 31, states that the recent lectures of Dr. Gillies, Popish Bishop in Edinburgh, on Newman's Work have been attended by a large number of Protestants.

IRELAND.-At Maynooth Quarter Sessions on Tuesday, February 3, the Duke of Leinster presiding, 131 students of the Royal College of Maynooth took the oath of allegiance to her Majesty.Dublin.-" Owing to the proselyting efforts of the Protestant guardians on several occasions, it is deemed the imperative duty of the Catholics of Dublin, to elect proper and efficient guardians at the ensuing election, to protect the faith and comparative comfort of the destitute young and old, of their common faith, in the several work-houses of the metropolis." -Tablet. Popish Outrage.— On Sunday night, February 3, a party of Roman Catholics, whilst passing through the townland of Dreenan, where several respectable Protestant families resided, commenced singing party songs of an irritating description, and gave other annoyance, which brought them into collision with the Protestant party. A scuffle ensued, * See tract of Protestant Association on "Popish Oaths of Allegiance."

in which two persons were killed.Coleraine Chronicle.

COLONIAL.-New South Wales. -According to the latest news, a meeting of the Romanists was held at St. Patrick's Hall, in the town of Sydney, at which a sum of money was collected towards the erection of another masshouse at Sydney. It was then stated that missionaries would shortly go forth to New Guinea, the New Hebrides, and New Ireland.- -South Australia. -A new mass-house was commenced lately at Morpeth Vale, Adelaide. FOREIGN. - Berlin. -The discovery of a Catholic Association, under the name of the Rose Order, furnishes matter of conversation in our circles, especially as it is at present the subject of legal investigation. This Society appears to be, like a number of similar ones which have long existed in Silesia, a sort of lodge, in which various gradations of initiated are members. Thus fifteen individual members compose a rose-wreath, fifteen wreaths a rosebranch, and fifteen branches a rosetree. A Romish ecclesiastic of this city stands at the head of this singular Association, and is the leader of the individual members as well as of the whole Society. Each member receives a sheet of paper adorned with a rose, and containing various verses, mostly of a religious nature, to learn or sing. The design of this Society is mentioned to be, and most probably is, of a purely religious nature; yet as its leading and aim are undeniably the spread of Romish doctrines, more especially among the people, it evidently falls within the examination at least of the police. Thus it has been found that a considerable number of Protestant maid-servants have been inveigled into the Society, through one of whom the discovery of its existence was attained, and by her master an intimation given to the authorities, who are engaged in investigating the matter.--Morning Herald. From recent intelligence we learn that the Abbé who was at the head of this order has fled. The other members belong, for the most part to the Popish clergy, but many among them are Protestants. Proselytism appears to be the object

of the Association, which has ramifications in all parts of the Prussian dodominions. The Government has given orders by telegraph that the most minute investigation shall be made everywhere. -Bavaria.-A report is current here that the extensive castle and grounds belonging to Deputy Keller, in Edisheim, has just been purchased by Government for the purpose of converting it into a monastery. For what order of monks the new monastery is destined has not yet transpired, but such establishments are multiplying with unwonted rapidity in Bavaria.

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-Ratisbon.-The following statement from Ratisbon affords no equivocal testimony to the asserted ultramontane efforts :-" Our papers announce that the Carmelites of this city have, with the King's (Bavaria) permission, re-purchased the monastery formerly possessed by that order, but which has long been used as a public gaol, for the sum of 30,000 florins." The monastery, which is situated in the handsomest portion of our city, was suppressed in 1810; the order, however, was restored in 1836, by express command of his Majesty, and consists at present of only twelve persons, seven priests, and five lay brethren. Morning Herald. Grand Duchy of Baden. Progress of Ultramontanism. Deputy Weliker recently in the Baden Chamber laid particular stress on the efforts lately made by the Jesuit party to re-establish the ancient hierarchical despotism. "An Ultra-Romish party," says he, "is daily fostered and favoured, while the Liberal Catholics are neglected, the freedom of the University annulled, those teachers of Catholic moral philosophy and canon law, whose Liberal principles raised a barrier against the encroachments of Ultra-Romanists, are removed, and the University so entirely ruined, that a professor lately declared, while standing by the grave of one of his colleagues, 'It was little wonder if Freiburg professors wasted away in body and mind.' The destructive effects of the system on Baden are doubly deplorable, paining, offending, and ultimately banishing the Liberal and enlightened Catholic clergy, it leaves the laity a prey to the intrigues

of the rankest Jesuitism; and mocking the advances in civilization and mental culture, undermines at once the best foundations of ecclesiastical and civil polity."- The Jesuits.-"La Gazette de Woss," contains the following letter from Rome, which deserves perusal:-"Amongst the cardinals are estimated as many enemies as ardent friends of the Jesuits, and as it is foreseen that the great age of the Pope will soon bring about a Conclave, the cardinals are desirous of currying favour with all parties, more especially as France exercises a pretty large share of influence upon the election of a Pope. The Pope at first refused to give way respecting the order to the Jesuits to the Jesuits to remove from France, in spite of the counsel of some of the cardinals. The latter made an urgent appeal to the General of the Jesuits, who declared that under existing circumstances, (to obtain the support of France at an election for Pope,) it was better to renounce the establishments in France. Several Jesuits blame their General, no very strict adherents apparently to the vow of 'implicit obedience;' others say that the General has acted prudently in sparing the Pope this decision, which would have dissatisfied one of the parties; in this way, nothing has been conceded, and it is possible to return to a purely economical and administrative measure."

-Rome.-A letter from this city, in the Constitutionnel, says :-"It is in contemplation to canonize the late Princess Borghese, who was the daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury."

United States.-Bishop Chase, the Protestant Bishop of Illinois, in a recent letter to the Rev. J. Allport, of Birmingham, says, "The Mississippi Valley, in the heart of which I now reside, is filling up with Romanists; and they boast of the prospects of the Church of Rome becoming the mistress of those fertile regions of incredible extent, and of maintaining their sway by controlling the education of the rising generation of Protestant

immigrants. Hitherto, they have wrought in secret, and been successful to an alarming degree. Roman Catholic churches and schools for the education of Protestant children, particularly females, have sprung up in every direction. Children of their own poor they entirely neglect; it is to Protestants they extend their favours." To stem this torrent of Popery, Bishop Chase has founded "Jubilee College," and a female school. "The Romanists regard this Institution with peculiar jealousy. They see in Jubilee College a novel and effective opponent." Bishop Chase says, he is endeavouring to save the Church in the Far West, in the widespread valley of the Mississippi, from perishing in the false embrace of Papal Rome, by educating faithful Evangelical ministers. Let Jubilee College be furnished with buildings, so as to accommodate students and send out teachers, who may compete in the sciences and fine arts with nuns and monks, now flocking from Europe in such numbers as they do, and all Christians may have reason to rejoice at the result." Mr. Allport is collecting a sum of money to send to Bishop Chase for this object.


"A PROTESTANT," who makes inquiries respecting the Institution of Nursing Sisters, Bishopsgate-street, is informed that the Society referred to was commenced in July, 1840, under the name of "Protestant Sisters of Charity." Amongst those patronising the Institution we find the names of Her Majesty the Queen-Dowager, the Lady Ashley. The President of the London Committee that year was Mrs. Fry; and amongst the Committee we find the names of Lady Inglis, Dowager Lady Buxton, Mrs. Gurney, &c.

The Committee of the Protestant Association have adopted a petition for the Repeal of the Act passed last session, for the Endowment of Maynooth College.

Stamped Copies of the Protestant Magazine, price 6d., may be had at any time by order to the Publisher, and may be forwarded to any part of the kingdom, postage free.

N.B. Every Subscriber of 10s. annually to the Protestant Association is entitled to a copy of the Magazine; to be had on application at the Office.

Macintosh, Printer, Great New Street, London.



APRIL, 1846.

ACT OF SUPREMACY-TEMPORAL AND SPIRITUAL POWER. WE must again draw the attention of our readers to measures before Parliament. We referred to them briefly in a former number, and their vast importance requires that we should again advert to them.

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Notwithstanding the notices of the Mortmain laws, Act of Supremacy, and Removal of Roman Catholic Disabilities, which have appeared recently, whether in periodicals of the day or in Parliamentary debates-we still find many who either are not aware that such matters have been lately, and now are under the consideration of Parliament, or ignorant of the real tendencies and effects of them. Nor can we much wonder at this.

Considering how intently the public mind has been occupied by matters of a different character, how much it has been engrossed with the discussions of free trade, protective duties, and railways-this is not, perhaps, a matter that should surprise, though deeply to be regretted. But the Church of Rome and her satellites take advantage of this state of public mind and feeling, and, whilst our senators are intently occupied in other matters, the advocates of Romish supremacy bring Bills into Parliament, which are passed almost before the public are aware of their existence, or in any degree acquainted with their details.

It seems, therefore, that much good may be done by devoting a portion of our pages to an exposé of the real nature and tendency of these Bills, and we would endeavour to urge the immediate adoption of all legal and constitutional measures to defeat them.

The present day is characterized by rapid and gigantic movements. During a peace of more than thirty years, intellectual progress has gone on at a rapidity heretofore unknown.

The events of a century, accumulate in an hour. Legislation, be it for good or for evil, partakes of the nature of the movement, and in turn imparts its own weight and impetus to it.

Things are estimated, not according to what is right, but what is expedient. A majority, though wrong, seem fondly to imagine that they have altered the nature of truth and error,—measures and VOL. VIII.-April, 1846. New Series, No. 4.


institutions, upon which the glory and the safety of the empire depends which our ancestors thought they had sealed with their blood for eternal duration, are, even while we admire them, fading from our sight, attacked by the foe-betrayed by the pretended friend-and undefended by ourselves.

There is far greater mischief embodied in these Bills than any might at first imagine.

To alter the laws affecting the oath and Act of supremacy, as proposed in the Bill introduced by the Lord Chancellor, and that also by Mr. Watson, will place a most dangerous power in the hands of Papal Rome-a power which our ancestors could scarcely withstand. Long and anxious was their struggle to throw off the yoke of Popery; long and loudly did they protest; and they succeeded at length, but not without many a painful sacrifice of property, liberty, and life.

To render lawful, public Romish processions, as Mr. Watson's Bill, if passed into a law, will do, by repealing the prohibitory clauses of the Act of 1829,-to legalize the establishment of Jesuits, and other monastic orders bound by religious vows; the assumption by Roman Catholics, of the titles of Protestant Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, &c., and the attendance at Romish chapels, by judicial and other officers in the robes and insignia of office, would be attended with the most serious evils; whilst the tendency of such a Bill as that introduced by Lord John Manners is to place the Roman Catholics more and more under the power of their priesthood,-a power beneath which they already groan, of which they complain as intolerable, and oppressive, and to give them a far greater influence than they now possess in this country.

This Bill, we are happy to say, has been since thrown out. On March 4, 1846, the House divided, and the measure was rejected by a majority of 60 to 24. The numbers being

For the second reading
Against it.


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But Lord John Manners has declared his intention to persist in bringing the question forward, again and again, so that we have need to be equally vigilant and persevering to defeat it.

The Bill professed to be based on the Report of a Committee of the House of Commons, and in the debates on it much was said of "the old hackneyed objections," &c. There were certain features about that Report and the evidence in the appendix, with which, from the knowledge we had of circumstances, we felt much dissatisfied; and we were glad, therefore, in the course of the debate to hear an honourable member (Sir G. Grey) observe, that though he had been a member of that Committee he had not given his sanction to the Report, having been called out of town when it was agreed to.

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