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descend to mere verbal criticism where they find themselves deficient; and it is our fear that books of the kind before us are answerable for such temptation.

For the general reader of the New Testament, such a book will prove very useful. We think for ministers it will be less valuable from the reason stated above; but we wish all our pastors were themselves as skilled in the noble language of Paul and the Evangelists as is the accomplished author of "Hidden Lessons."

THE GIFT OF GOD. A Series of Addresses. By Theodore Monod. London: Morgan & Scott, 12, Paternoster Buildings, E.C.

THESE addresses were delivered at the "Conference for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness," held some months ago in London. There are features of that movement which do not strike us as peculiarly and exceptionally scriptural, or as calculated to advance the end in view. We cannot, however, discuss its merits here, nor do more than indicate the fact that Mr. Monod's addresses have been published in a separate form. While there are points in his teaching to which we take exception, we gladly recognise the preponderance of truths which are beyond dispute, and which, moreover, are heartily recognised by all believers in Christ. writer can present the Gospel in a simple and striking form.


GOD'S TRAINING SCHOOL. Words of Cheer for Christian Workers. By the Author of "What is it today?" Edinburgh W. Oli

phant & Co. 1877.

THE character of this tiny volume is fairly described by the title page. It contains half-a-dozen addresses delivered to a gathering of Christian lady workers, and is well adapted to cheer and strengthen such as are labouring in the service of Christ in this world of sin and sorrow.

THE DIARY OF MARY TYNDALL. One of the Early Quakers. London: Hall & Co., 8, Amen Corner. 1876.

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A WORK of a similar kind to the Schonberg Cotta Family," very beautifully written and pervaded by a healthy moral tone. The writer has admirably caught the spirit of the earlier part of the seventeenth century, and with great dexterity thrown her narrative into its quaint and archaic forms. The principles of the early Quakers are vividly portrayed, their character is presented in a true light, and our sympathy is won for them in the persecutions to which they were so unjustly subjected both in England and in America, and at the hands of men from whom, on every ground, better things might have been expected. The book from beginning to end is delightful reading, and many of the young people of our own day may gather from it many invaluable lessons.

OLD JONATHAN: The District and Parish Helper. Vol. I. Third Series. London: W. H. and L. Collingridge, Aldersgate Street. 1876.

A VERY instructive and interesting volume, thoroughly evangelical in tone, and conducted with great spirit and discretion. It is full of short, pretty articles on religious subjects, of capital stories and pieces of poetry, and is at the same time effectively illustrated.

CHINA'S MILLIONS. Edited by J. Hudson Taylor, 1875-6. London: Morgan and Scott, 12, Paternoster Buildings.

THIS elegant volume contains the history of a year's labours in connecnection with the China Inland Mission, and affords pleasing illustrations of the fact that missionary intelligence can be communicated in lively writing and preserved in attractive garb. The maps alone are worth more than the cost of the whole book,

THE BIBLICAL MUSEUM. By James Comper Gray. Old Testament Vol. I. Genesis and Exodus. London: Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row.

MR. COMPER GRAY is a prodigy of learning, industry, order, and several virtues besides. His volumes, illustrative and expository of the New Testament, have rendered invaluable as-istance to Sunday-school teachers and village preachers, while the most erudite always find something useful in his great trawling net. May he be spared to be classed among the few men who have edited a commentary of the whole Bible!

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THIS short treatise consists of a series of sermons, whose aim is sufficiently explained by the title page. They are extremely clear and simple, and for the most part well adapted to the end they have in view. We do not always agree with Dr. Morison's theology, which is simply a modified form of Arminianism, but even with that drawback we find much in his little book of which we heartily approve, and which cannot fail to be extensively useful. Young Christians especially may obtain from its pages wise and loving guidance.

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SHORT DISCOURSES TO BE READ IN FAMILIES. By William Jay. London Hodder and Stoughton, 27, Paternoster-row.

SEVENTY years have rolled away since the first publication of these invaluable volumes of the divine our grandfathers called "The Prince of Preachers." Their simplicity, strong common sense, and evangelical unction will preserve them from ever becoming obsolete. For the purpose originally intended by their publication-the benefit of the family circle-for Sunday evening use in middle-class schools, and for cottage services, they will be found invaluable; while to many a young preacher they will be as good, or better, than another year at college if he can only get into the winning way of Mr. Jay.

ADVICE TO A YOUNG CHRISTIAN. By John Stock, LL.D., Huddersfield. London Baptist Tract Depository, 3, Bolt-court. Price 6d.

THIS most valuable little treatise on Christian life should be in the hands of all the younger members of our churches. We have often heard the want expressed of a manual to give to young people at the time of their making a profession of faith. Dr.

Stock has most admirably provided for this want. The counsels he gives are judicious, and the manner in which they are imparted is kind and genial. Retaining all the seriousness the subject demands, there is no dullness in the book. It would be a great blessing to our churches if all of them were provided with copies for the purpose we have indicated.


The Necessity of Self-Help. By Lizze Glover. London: Elliot Stock.

A CHILDREN'S story, tolerably well written, and enforcing in a pleasing manner lessons which our young people can never learn too thoroughly, and which may be effectively imparted by means of such a narrative as this.

THE ACT OF BAPTISM. A Critical and Historical Inquiry concerning the proper administration of the Rite. By Rev. Hugh Jones, D.D., President of Llangollen College. London: Elliot Stock.

DR. JONES deserves our warmest thanks for this admirable dissertation on the act (or, as we generally misterm it, the mode) of baptism. He has adduced no really new argument in favour of immersion, but he has presented the old and unanswerable ones in a pithy and forcible form. Every important point in the controversy is touched upon, and no candid reader will refuse to endorse the opinion of the Nonconformist that the treatise displays "both learning and skill." Were we requested to reply to this book we should be compelled to decline the task, and that for the simple reason, Non possumus.

MESSIAH'S KINGDOM, in its Origin, Development, and Triumph. By Rev. Benjamin Martin, A.M., Leslie. Edinburgh: William Oliphant & Co. 1876.

THE aim of this work is to establish the authority of the Church as a divine institution to show that it is something more than "a blessed accident," as Coleridge called it, even the realization of a Divine plan for the restoration of a ruined world. We cannot endorse all Mr. Martin's views as to the composition of the Church, and the manner in which members should be admitted into it, neither can we allow the greater scripturalness and efficiency of the Presbyterian as opposed to the Congregational form of Church government. But with one section of the work-that which discusses the relations of the Church and the State-we are in entire agreement, and have sincere pleasure in directing attention to the masterly arguments, the strong common sense and the copious learning with which our Nonconformist position is vindicated. The discussion is not, of course, exhaustive, but it touches on all the salient points of the case, and brings into special prominence its most recent phases.

The common objection that separation between Church and State will involve the State in godlessness, and that it will be detrimental to the best interests of the nation, and utterly destructive of religion can never be repeated by those who candidly read this work, and on this ground we trust it will secure a wide circulation. It is, moreover, an admirable antidote to the errors of Plymouth Brethrenism, and as such deserves notice. Mr. Martin is a man of solid intellectual power, devout mind, and anxious to uphold the truth of the Gospel of Christ against the Romanism and the Rationalism which in so many forms are rampant among

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THE WRONG TURNING, and other Tales. By G. E. Sargent. gious Tract Society.

All these may be heartily recommended as sound and interesting stories. David the Scholar treats of the days of Beaton and Knox, the early Scotch Reformation. A shorter Reformation story is bound up in the same volume, and entitled "Dirk Willemzoon; "but as it refers neither to the same period nor the same country as David," we fail to see the propriety of the addition. "Lily's Cross" is a story for young children, and by such will be appreciated.






Mrs. Bosworth, widow of Newton Bosworth, formerly of Cambridge, died January 3rd at Paris, Dominion of Canada, aged ninety-six. She was baptized at sixteen by Robert Hall, and was consequently a professed follower of Jesus eighty years. Though often during her long life troubled with the fear of death, her end was one of undisturbed peace and joy. For some considerable time before her death she sang almost every day, and often several times a day

"Then shall I see and hear and know,

All I desired or wished below,
And every power find sweet employ,
In that eternal world of joy."

Several times before her death she stretched forth her arms and looked upward as a child longing to be lifted up to its parent's face, and so at last she died, the upraised arms only falling in death. "Oh death where is thy sting ?"


On the 26th of January, Hannah Horsey, at the ripe age of 85 years, departed to be with Christ. She was for twenty-two years matron of the Baptist College, Stokes Croft, Bristol. For many years she was a member of the church at Broadmead, and enjoyed the ministry of Dr. Ryland, Robert Hall, and their successors. On retiring from her duties at the college, she was transferred to the Baptist Church at Keynsham, now under the pastoral care of the Rev. William Owens, by whom, at her desire, her earthly remains were buried at Arno's Vale Cemetery, Bristol, on Tuesday, January 30th, 1877.




DEAR SIR,-Having just received some interesting intelligence from Spezia I hasten to forward it to you, knowing that many of your readers are warm friends of the mission there.

In all five stations now occupied there is a most distinct movement for good. At Trebbiano, where the help of the civic power was needed against the violence of the people headed by the priest, all is changed, and our brother is left in quiet possession of the village. The village itself is situated on a spur of the Apennines, and commands one of the most beautiful views even Italy can present. An evangelist supported by the mission labours there and at another station.

At Arcola, the place of worship is sometimes quite full. The priests have lately tried to destroy the work at Arcola by opening a room underneath the mission room for a theatre. Lately, a stranger came to the service, and hear

ing the preacher speak of God as willing to save all classes, even the vilest, through Jesus Christ, his attention was arrested, and he stayed until the service was concluded. He then came to one of the friends and said, "I did not know God was so good," and added, "I will not leave the room until I have the book containing the words I have heard."

At Marola, a suburb of Spezia, the place of worship is far too small. It is to be hoped that means may soon be taken to have it enlarged.

In all these stations there is a good opening for school operations, but Mr. Clarke does not as yet see his way clear to begin them.

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'In Spezia," to use our Brother Clarke's words, "we have a wonderful increase of attention at the stated times of preaching, and a most remarkable increase of hearers, and, notwithstanding all the obstacles thrown in our way, our school keeps up in numbers. We have between 120 and 130, but, with God's blessing by vigorous efforts, attention and much prayer, we hope to go beyond that number this year. We have a great desire to open a school in another part now that we have the opportunity. I know a good woman and her husband who are quite ready to help us. We are daily praying that God would put it into the hearts of some of His people who have the means to contribute to the opening of this new station. Oh! the joy I think it would be to you to hear our dear children sing so sweetly a hymn of Moody and Sankey. We look in answer to prayer for a glorious harvest on the seed sown." When at Spezia at the opening services, Dr. Stewart, of Leghorn, spoke to me very warmly in commendation of Mr. Clarke's efforts in educating the young. He seemed to think this branch of labour one of special importance. And so it is. Those who have seen, as I have, the bright, happy, intelligent, and very often beautiful faces of the children in the schools at Spezia will be very anxious to see similar work going on elsewhere, in all the stations, all along that glorious coast line from the Gulf of Spezia to Genoa.-Yours, &c., Exeter, 10th February. F. BOSWORTH.

News of the Churches.


Small Heath, Birmingham, January 16th.

Highgate-road, London, February 1st.


Cumming, Rev. M. (Metropolitan Tabernacle College), New Barnet.
Hailstone, Rev. W. G. (Brixham), Birmingham.

Hitchon, Rev. G. (Langham, Essex), Heywood, Lancashire.

Jennings, Rev. D. (Evesham), Long Crendon.

Watts, Rev. J. (Louth), Abergavenny.

Wilshere, D. (Prickwillow, Ely), Fakenham.


Glasgow, Rev. W. H. Elliott, January 23rd.
Stanningley, Rev. E. Dyson, January 16th.


Bigwood, Rev. J., Roehampton.

Cox, Rev. G. D., Market Harborough.

Davies, Rev. E., Grove-street, South Hackney.
Hobling, Rev. W. B., Gold Hill, Bucks.

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