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4. The fired wick of a candle remaining after the Rune.-A torch, snuff, and all, goes out in a mo. ment. Addison. 5. Kefentment expreffed by faifting; perverse refentment. Not used unless in low language.-

What hath been seen

cating a proper tone to the fibres of the ftomach, muft greatly ftrengthen them for the performance of their functions. In this climate a fcarcity of fnow is no iefs dreaded than a scarcity of corn, wine, or oil. We are informed by a gentleman who was at Syracufe in 1777, when there was a fcarcity of fnow, the people of the town learned that a small veffel loaded with that article was paffing the coaft; without a moment's deliberation they ran in a body to the fhore and demand. ed her cargo; which when the crew refufed to deliver up, the Syracufans attacked and took, though with the lofs of feveral men.

SNOWHILL, a post town and port of entry of Maryland, on the Eaftern Shore, capital of Worcefter county. It is feated on the SE. bank of the Pocomoke, 12 miles above its influx into Chefapeak Bay. It has a court-houfe, jari, &c. Its chief trade is in corn and lumber. It is 125 miles NE. of Norfolk, and 158 S. by W. of Philadelphia. Lon. 75. 30. W. Lat. 38. 10. N. '

SNOWTOWN, a town of the United States, in Lincoln county, Maine.

*SNOW-WHITE. adj. [fnow and white.] White as fnow.

A fnow-white bull fhall on your shore be flain. Dryden. * SNOWY. adj. [from fnow.] 1. White like fnow.

So fhews a fnowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows fhews. Shak. Snowy headed Winter leads. Rowe. The blushing ruby on her fnowy breast. Prior.

2. Abounding with fnow.→

Thence on the snowy top Of cold Olympus rul'd the middle air.


As when the Tartar from his Ruffian foe, By Aftracan, over the frowy plains. Milton. *SNUB. n. f. [from fnebbe, Dutch, a nofe, or knubel, a joint of the finger. A jag; a fnag; a knot in wood.

Lifting up his dreadful club on high,

All arm'd with ragged Snubs. Fairy Queen. (1.) To SNUB. V. a. * [Rather To fnib. Sce SNEAP, SNEB, SNIB.] 1. To check; to reprimand. 2. To nip.-Near the fea-fhores the heats and boughs of trees toward the fea are so fnubbed by the winds, as if their boughs had been pared. Ray.

(2.) To SNUE. v. n. [fnuffen, Dutch.] To fob with convulsion.

* To SNUDGE. v. n. [fniger, Danifh.] To lie idle, close, or fnug.

Now eat his bread in peace,

And fnudge in quiet.


(1.) SNUFF. n. f. fnuf, Dutch, fnot.] I. Snot. In this fenfe it is not used. 2. The ufelefs excrefcence of a candle: whence moucher la chandelle.

My Snuff and loathed part of nature should Burn itfeif out.

Either in fnuffs or packings of the duke's. Shak Jupiter took fouff at the contempt. L'Eftrange. 6. Powdered tobacco taken by the nofc.

A charge of fnu the wily virgin threw. Pope. (2.) SNUFF (1. def. 6.) is chiefly made of tobacco, other matters being only added to give it a more agreeable fcent. &c. The kinds of fnaff, and their feveral names, are innumerable, and new ones are daily invented; fo that it would be difficult to give a detail of them. We shall only fay, that there are three principal forts: the fuft granulated; the fecond an impalpable powder; and the third the bran, or coarfe part se maining after fifting the fecond fort. "Every profeffed, inveterate, and incurable fauff-taker (fays Lord Stanhope), at a moderate computation, takes one pinch in ten minutes. Every pinch, with the agreeable ceremony of blowing and wiping the nofe, &c. confumes a minute and a half. One minute and a half out of every ten, allowing 16 hours to a fnuff-taking day, amounts to two hours and 24 minutes a day, or one day out of every ten. This amounts to 364 days in a year. Hence if the practice be perfifted in 40 years, two entire years of the fnuff-taker's life will be dedicated to tickling his nofe, and two more to blowing it. On calculating the expence of fauff, fnuff boxes, and handkerchiefs, it will appear, that this luxury encroaches as much on the income of the fouff-taker as it does on his time; and that by a proper application of the time and money thus loft to the public, a fund might be conftituted for the discharge of the national debt." See NICOTIANA.

(1.) To SNUFF. v. a. [fnuffen, Dutch.] . To draw in with the breath.-A heifer will put up her nofe, and fnuff in the air against rain. Bacon. With delight he fanff'd the smell Of mortal change on earth. He fuffs the wind.

The youth




Already feems to snuff the vital air.
My troops are mounted; their Numidian
Snuff up the wind.


-My nag's greateft fault was snuffing up the air about Brackdenftown. Swift. z. To feent.

The cow looks up, and from afar can find The change of heav'n, and snuffs it in the wind. Dryden.

For thee the bulls rebellow through the groves,

And tempt the stream, and snuff their abfent loves. Dryden.

O'er all the blood-hounds boafts fuperior

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Even at firft life's taper is a fauff.

Shal, Donne.

-If the liquor be of a close and glutinous confiftency, it may burn without any fnff. Wilkins. 3. A candle almoft burnt out.

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To hide me from the radiant fun, and folace l' th' dungeon by a fnuff!


And out it goes.


This candle burns not clear: 'tis I muft fnuff



-Againft a communion-day our lamps fhould be dreffed, our lights fnuffed. Taylor.

To fruff the lights, and stir the fire, And get a dinner for your hire.

(2.) To SNUFF. v. . . To fnort; breath by the nofe.


to draw

The fury fires the pack, they fat. Dryden. Says Humpus, fr, my master bad me pray Your company to dine with kim tơ day: He faffs, then follows.

King To fmift in contempt.-Ye have fnuff at it. Mal. ii. 13.

*SNUFFBOX. ». S. [fnuff and box.} The box in which snuff is carried.-It a gentleman leaves a Jaafar on the table, and goeth away, lock it up as part of your vails. Sacift.

Sir Plume, of amber snuffbox justly vain. Pope. *SNUFFER. n. /. [from fnuff] He that fnuffs. * SNUFFERS. ». S. [from fauff. The inftrument with which the candle is clipped.-When you have fnuffed the candle, leave the fnuffers o pen. Swift.

*To SNUFFLE. v. n. [fnaffelen, Dutch.] To fpeak through the nofe; to breathe hard through the nose.-A water-fpaniel came down the river, and with a fnufting grace, waited with his eye to fee whether he could efpy the duck's getting up again. Sidney

Bagpipes of the loudeft drones,

With muffling broken-winded tones. Hudibras. It came to the ape'to deliver his opinion, who fmelt and fuffled, and confidered on't. L'Effr.Some fenfelefs Phillis in a broken note, Staffing at note, and croaking in his throat.


* SNUFFLER. ». S. [from fuffle.] He that peaks through the nose.

SNUFF MILL, n. f. [snuff and mill.] a mill for grinding fnuff. In Scotland, it is used for fnuffber; hence the well known song of Sawney's mill. SNUFF-TAKER, R. f. [Snuff and taker.] One who takes fnuff to excéfs,

SNUFF-TARING, 7. f. the act of taking fnuff, for it cannot be called an art. For thefe two words we are indebted to Earl Stanhope; but his Jordihip ufes this laft as an adjective. See SNUFF,

Te SNUG. v. n. [fniger, Dutch. To lie clofe.


There fnugging well, he well appear'd conSidney. -As the loving couple lay fnugging together, Ve, to try if the cat had changed her manners with her shape, turned a moufe loofe into the chamber. L'Erange.

(1) SNUG. adj. [from the verb.] . Clofe; free from any inconvenience, yet not splendid. They spy'd a country farm,

Where all was fnug, and clean, and warm.

2. Clofe; out of notice.


Lie frug, and hear what criticks fay. Swift. 3. Slily or infidiously close.—


Did I not fee you, rafcal, did I not! When you lay fnug to fnap young Damon's Dryden. (1.) SNUG BAY POINT, a cape in the Straits of Man; 8 miles WNW. of Cape Froward.

(3.) SNUG CORNER COVE, a bay of the N. Pa cific Ocean, on the E. fide of Prince William's Sound, and W. coaft of N. America. Lon. 146. 30. W. Lat. 60. 50. N.

* To SNUGGLE. . . [from fnug.] To lie clofe; to lie warm.

SNYDERS, Francis, a Flemish painter, born at Antwerp in 1579, and bred under his countryman Henry Van Balen. He firft painted fruits; afterwards animals, huntings, &c. in which he exceeded all his predeceffors. He also painted kitchens, &c. and gave dignity to fubjects that feemed incapable of it. He was appointed painter to Ferdinand and Ifabella, and the royal family of Spain. The king of Spain and the elector Palatine adorned their palaces with his huntings. Rubens, Jordaens, and Snyders, ufed to co-operate in the en riching of each other's pictures according to their feveral talents; and thus the pictures became more valuable than if finished by either of them fingly. Snyders died in 1657.

SNYTE, a river of England, which rifes in Leicesterfhire, and running through Nottingham, falls into the Dean at Sheiton.

(1.) SO, king of Egypt. See EGYPT, § 9; and SABACHUS

(z.) * So. adv. [fwa, Saxon; foo, Dutch; fo, German.] 1. In like manner. It anfwers to as either preceding or following. Noting comparifon.



As whom the fables feign of monftrous fize, So ftretch'd out huge in length the arch fiend lay. Milton

Thick as autumnal leaves that ftrew the brooks,

In Valombrofa, where th' Etrurian fhades High over-arch'd embow'r, so thick bestrewn Abject and loft lay these.


So pleas'd at firft the tow'ring Alps we try.

As into air the purer fpirits flow,

So flew her foul to its congenial place.



To fuch a degree.-Why is his chariot fo long. coming? Judg. v. 28.

Can nothing great, and at the height, Remain fo long, but its own weight Will ruin it?

Ben Jonfon.

Where the pow'r that charms us fo? Waller. -I viewed in my mind, fo far as I was able, the beginning and progrefs of a rifing world. Burnet. Why fhould we mourn that he fo foon is freed? Dryden -Upon our first going into a company of Arangers, our benevolence or averfion rifes towards feveral particular persons, before we have heard them fpeak, or much as know who they are. Addifon.

We think our fathers fools, fo wife we're grown:

Our wifer fons, no doubt, will think us fo.

3. In fuch a manner.


Certain colours, mingl'd se and fo. Suckling. -We feeing what he is, may certainly know that he is not fo or fo. Locke.- thail minutely tell him the freps by which I was brought into this way, if fo be any thing in my example is worth his no tice. Locke. This gentleman is very much in Sir


Roger's esteem, so that he lives in the family rather as a relation than dependent. Addifon. 4. It is regularly answered by as or that, but they are fometimes omitted.

So frown'd the mighty combatants, that hell Grew darker at their frown. Milton. -There is fomething equivalent in France and Scotland; Jo as 'tis a very hard calumny upon our foil to affirm that fo excellent a fruit will not grow here. Temple. 5. In the fame manner.

Me eatily indeed mine may neglect, But God's propos'd deliverance not fo. Milton. -To keep up the tutor's authority, use him with great respect yourself, and cause all your family to do fo too. Locke.-According to the multifarioufnefs of this immutability, fo are the poffibilities of being. Norris. 6. Thus, in this manner.

Not far from thence the mournful fields appear,

So call'd from lovers that inhabit there. Dryden.

Does this deferve to be rewarded fo? Dryd. -It concerns every man, to enquire into those matters, whether they be fo or not. Tillotson.-No nation ever complained they had too broad, too deep, or too many rivers; they understand better than fo. Bentley.

So when the first bold vessel dar'd the seas, High on the stern the Thracian rais'd his strain. Pope. -This is certain that fo it is. Locke. 7. Therefore; for this reason; in consequence of this.-The god, though loth, yet was conftrain'd t' obey :

So back again him brought to living light.

Fairy Queen. Trafficke, or rove ye, and like theeves oppreffe

Poor ftrange adventurers; exposing fo Your foules to danger? Chapman. -And so all that he hath to do is to endeavour by prayer and ufe of the means, to qualify himself for this bleffed condition. Hammond.-It leaves inftruction, and fo inftructers, to the fobriety of the fettled articles and rule of the church. Holyday.


Some are fall'n, to disobedience fall'n; And jo from heav'n to deepest hell. -God makes him in his own image an intelleâual creature, and so capable of dominion. Locké. 8. On these terms; noting a conditional petition: anfwered by as.

So grant my fuit, as I enforce my might, In love to be thy champion.


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So thou, my dearest, truest, best Álicia, Vouchfafe to lodge me in thy gentle hear


10. In like manner; noting conceffion of one pofition and affumption of another, answerin as. As a war should be undertaken upon a motive, fo a prince ought to confider the c tion he is in when he enters on it. Swift. fometimes returns the fenfe of a word or fem going before, and is used to avoid repetition the two brothers were valiant, but the eldest more fo; that is, more valiant. The French cle le is often used in the same manner. mode of expreffion is not to be used but in f liar language, nor even in that to be comm ed.


The fat with plenty fills my heart, The lean with love makes me too fo. Who thinks his wife is virtuous, though ne Is pleas'd and patient till the truth he know Den

Not to admire is all the art I know To make men happy, and to keep them s1⁄2 CA

-One may as well fay, that the conflagration i be only national, as to say that the deluge wa Burnet

For having once been guilty, well they ki To a revengeful prince they still are fo

He was great ere fortune made him fo. D -I laugh at every one, faid an old cynick, v laughs at me. Do you so? replied the phi pher; then you live the merriet life of any in Athens. Addison. They are beautiful in th felves, and much more fo in that noble langu peculiar to that great poet. Addison-Comm place books have been long ufed by indur young divines, and still continue jo. Seift.-A his ufing ludicrous, expressions, my opinion that they are not fo. Pope

The bleft to day is as completely fo,
As who began a thousand years ago.
12. Thus it is; this is the ftate.--
How forrow thakes him!


So, now the tempeft tears him up. 13. At this point; at this time.-I'll weep and figh;




And, leaving to his fervice, follow you. 14. It notes a kind of abrupt beginning. Well O, fo, and had you a council

Of ladies too? Who was your fpeaker? Ben For 15. It fometimes is little more than an expict though it implies fome latent or furd comparit In French, J.-An aftringent is not quite jo p per, where relaxing the urinary pallages is nec fary. Arbuthnot. 16. A word of affumpti thus be it.-There is Percy; if your father w do me any honour, fo; if not, let him kill t next Percy himfeif. Shak.-I will never bear a b mind if it be my deftiny, fo: if it be not, Shak. 17. A form of petition.

Ready are th' appellant and defendant, So pleate your highness to behold the fight.


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admire the beauty of his verfe, his profe is full as Rood. Pope. 19. So fo. An exclamation after fume thing done or known. Corrupted, I think, from ceffen.

I would not have thee linger in thy pain; Sa fa.


So fo; it works: now miftrefs, fit you faft.

Dryden. 20. So ft. [cofi, rofi, Italian.] Indifferently; not much amifs nor well.

His leg is but fo fo and yet 'tis well. Shak. -Deliver us from the naufeous repetition of As and So, which fome fo fo writers, I may call them A, are continually founding in our ears. Felton. 1. So then. Thus then it is that; therefore, So then the Volfcians ftand but as at first.

Shak. To a war are required a juft quarrel, fufficient forces, and a predent choice of the defigns: fo Len, I will firft juftify the quarrel, balance the for st, and propound defigns. Bacon.

(1) 604, a town of Cuba; 60 miles N. of St Tago.

(2) SOA, an inland of Scotland, one of the fmail HEBRIDES, Dear St Kilda.

(1) * 7% SOAK. v. n. [focian, Saxon.] 1. To teeped in moisture.


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For thy conceit in foaking will draw in More than the common blocks. To enter by degrees into pores.-Lay a heap carth in great frofts upon a hollow veffel, putLag a canvals between, and pour water upon it, fastofa through. Bacon.-Rain foaking into the trafa, which lie near the furface, bears with it ail fuch moveable matter as occurs. Woodward, 3. To drink gluttonously and intemperately. This is a low term.-The idle chat of a foaking

Lub Locke.

(1)T SOAK. v. a. 1. To macerate in any rature; to steep: to keep wet till moisture is bibed; to drench.

Many of our princes

Lie drown'd and fook'd in mercenary blood. Shak, -Their land shall be soaked with blood. a.

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Their deep Galefus foaks the yellow fands. Dryden. -Wormwood, put into the brine you soak your in, prevents the birds eating it. Mortimer, 2. To draw in through the pores.To fuck the moisture up, and soak it in. Dryden. To drain; to exhauft. This feems to be a term, perhaps ufed erroneously for fuck. Manta that draw much nourishment from the th, and foak and exhauft it, hurt all things that by them. Bacon. His forts, and his garri-, , and his feaftings, could not but foak his exCoquer. Wotton.

SOAKER. . . [from foak.] 1. He that marates in any moisture. 2. A great drinker. In

language. SOAL, or SOLE. See PLEURONECTES, N° 6. 1.) SOANA, in ancient geography, a river of

bania. Ptol.

(:) SOANA, or SUANE, in modern geography, f

an ancient town of Etruria, in the Siennefe, with a bishop's fee; feated on a high mountain, near the river Flora, 30 miles SE. of Sienna. It is faid to be almost deferted on account of the unwholefome air; but this is almoit incredible, as towns feated on mountains have generally the best of air. Lon. 11. 46. E. Lat. 42. 40. N.

(3.) SOANA, a mountain of the French empire, in the dep. of the Doria, and late principality of Piedmont; 10 miles S. of Aofta.

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SOANDA, an ancient town of Armenia.

SOANE, a river of Hindooftan, which rifes in the S. border of Allahabad, from the lake, which allo gives rife to the NERBUDDA; but the Soane, flowing in an opposite direction to that river, after running a long courfe of 1500 miles, falls into the Ganges above Patna. This river, with the Ganges and the Nerbudda, by nearly furrounding the S. part of Hindqoftan, make it a penin fula.

SOANES, an ancient people of COLCHIS, near mount Caucafus, in whofe territories the rivers abounded with golden fands, which they gathered in theep fkins; whence Strabo deduces the origin of the fable of Golden Fleece. Strabo 11.

SQANGUR, a town of Hindoostan, in Guzerat; 50 miles S. of Siorat, and 15 W. of Noopour.

(4.)* SOAP. n. f. fape, Saxon; [Sapo, Latin.] A fubitance uled in wathing, made of a lixivium of vegetable alkaline afhes and any unctuous fubftance.-Soap is a mixture of a fixed alkaline falt and oi; its virtues are cicauling, penetrating, attenuating, and refolving; and any mixture of any oily fubftance with falt may be called a soap. Arbuthnot. He is like fullers foap. Malachi.—A bubble blown with water, firft made tenacious by dif folving a little foap in it, after a while will appear tinged with a great variety of colours. Newton.Soap-earth is found in great quantity on the land near the banks of the river Hermus. Woodward.

Soap-athes are much commended, after the soapboilers have done with them, for cold or four lands. Martimer-As rain-water diminishes their falt, fo the moistening of them with chamber-lee or foap-fuds adds thereto, Mortimer.

(2) SOAP is a composition of cauftic fixed alkaline falt, and oil, fometimes hard and dry, fometimes foft and liquid; much used in washing and whitening linens, and by dyers and fullers. Soap may be made by feveral methods, which, however, all depend upon the fame principle. The foap which is used in medicine is made without heat. See CHEMISTRY, Index; aifo SAPONACEOUS, and SAPONULÆ,

(3) SOAP, ACCOUNT OF THE MANUFACTURE OF. In manufactures, where large quantities of it are prepared, foap is made with heat. A lixivium of quicklime and foda is made, but it is lefs concentrated than that above referred to, and only fo much that it can fuftain a fresh egg. A part of this lixivium is even to be diluted and mixed with an equal weight of oil of olives. The mixture is to be put on a gentle fire, and agitated, that the union may be accelerated. When the vium is to be added to it; and the whole is to be mixture begins to unite well, the rest of the lixidigefted


used in making this are lees drawn from po and lime, boiled with tallow and oil. First, ley of a proper degree of ftrength (which mu eftimated by the weight of the liquor), and low, are put into the copper together, and as as they bail up the oil is added; the fire is damped or stopped up, while the ingredient main in the copper to unite; when they a nited, the copper is again made to boil, bein led with lees as it boils, till there be a fuffi quantity put into it; then it is boiled off and into cafks. When the foap is first made i pears uniform; but in about a week the ta feparates from the oil into thofe white g which we fee in the common foap. Soap made would appear yellow, but by a mixtur indigo added at the end of the boiling, it is dered green.

igefted with a very gentle heat, till the foap be completely made. A trial is to be made of it, to examine whether the juft proportion of oil and alkali has been obferved. Good foap of this kind ought to be firm, and very white when cold; not fubje& to become moift by expofure to air, and entirely mifcible with pure water, to which it communicates a milky appearance, but without any drops of oil floating on the furface. When the foap has not these qualities, the combination 3ias not been well made, or the quantity of fait or of oii is too great, which faults must be corrected. In foft or liquid foaps, green or black foaps, cheaper oils are employed, as oil of nuts, of hemp, of fish, &c. Thefe foaps, excepting in confiftence, are not effentially different from white foap. Fixed alkalis are much difpofed to unite with oils that are not volatile, both vegetal, and animal, for this union can be made even without heat. The compound refulting from it partakes at the fame time of the properties of oil and of alkali; but these properties are modified and tempered by each other, according to the general rule of combinations. Alkali formed into foap has not nearly the fame acrimony as when pure; it is even deprived of almost all its caufticity, and its other faline alkaline properties are almost entirely bolifhed. The oil contained in foap is lefs combuftible than when pure, from its union with the alkali, which is an uninflammable body. It is mifcible, or even foluble in water to a confiderable degree, by means of the alkali. Soap is entirely fluble in fpirit of wine; and still better in aquavitæ fharpened by a little alkaline falt, according to Mr Geoffroy. The manufacture of foap in London first began in 1524; before which time this city was ferved with white foap from foreign countries, and with grey foap speckled with white from Bristol, which was fold for a penny a pound; and alfo with black foap; which fold for a half penny the pound. The principal foaps of our own manufacture are the foft, the hard, and the ball foap. The foft foap is either white or green. See § 6. When oil unites with alkali in the formation of foap, it is little altered in the connection of its principles; for it may be feparated from the alkali by decompofing foap with any acid, and may be obtained nearly in its original


(4.) SOAP, ACID. This is formed by the addition of concentrated acids to the expreffed oils. Thus the oil is rendered partially foluble in water; but the union is not sufficiently complete to anfwer any valuable purpose.

(5.) SOAP, BALL, commonly used in the north, is made with lees from afhes and tailow. The lees are put into the copper, and boiled till the watery part is quite gone, and there remains no thing in the copper but a fort of faline matter; (the very ftrength or effence of the ley;) to this the tallow is put, and the copper is kept boiling and stirring for above half an hour, in which time the foap is made; and then it is put out of the copper into tubs or baskets with fheets in them, and immediately (whilft foft) made into balls. It requires near 24 hours in this process to boil a way the watery part of the ley.

16.) SOAP, GREEN SOFT. The chief ingredients

(7.) SOAP, HARD, is made with lees from a and tallow, and is most commonly boiled tw the first, called the half boil, has the fame ration as the first half-boil of foft white foap. 11.) Then the copper is charged with f fees again, and the first half-boil put into it, wi it is kept boiling, and fed with lees as it boils it grains or is boiled enough; then the ley is charged from it, and the foep put into a fram cool and harden. Common falt is made uf for the purpose of graining the foap; for w the oil or tallow has been united with the ley, ter a little boiling, a quantity of fait is thro into the mafs, which disfoiving readily in wa but not in the oil or tallow, draws out the w in a confiderable degree, fo that the oil or tal amited with the falt of the ley fwims on the t When the key is of a proper ftrength, lefs fal neceffary to raife the curd when it is too we There is no certain time for bringing off a b ing of any of these forts of foap: it frequer takes up part of two days.

(8.) SOAP, MEDICINAL USES, &C. OF. Al line foaps are very useful in many arts and trad and alfo in chemistry and medicine. Their p cipal utility confifts in a deterfive quality that t receive from their alkali, which is capable of a ing upon oily matters, and of rendering them ponaceous and mifcible with water. Hence f is very ufeful to cleanfe any fubftances from fat matters with which they are foiled. Soap therefore daily used for washing linen and wo len cloths from oil, and for whitening fik a freeing it from the refinous varnish with which is covered. Pure alkaline ligiviums might be e ployed for the fame purpofes; but when th activity is not mitigated by the oil, as it is in for they are capable of altering, and even of deftre ing entirely by their caufticity, moft fubftanc especially animal matters, as filk, wool, whereas foap cleanfes from oil almost as effec ally as pure alkali, without danger of altering deftroying the ftuff. Soap was imperfectly kno to the ancients. It is mentioned by Pliny as ma of fat and ashes, and as an invention of the Gau Aretus fays, that the Greeks obtained th knowledge of its medical ufe from the Roma Its virtues, according to Bergius, are detergei refolvent, and aperient, and its ufe recommend in jaundice, gout, calculous complaints, and


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