your victory terminated at once by the result of your battles; we have seen no sword unsheathed in the city. The citizens whom we have lost were stricken down by the force of Mars, not by evil feelings let loose by victory; so that no man can doubt that Caius Cæsar would even raise many from the dead if that were possible, since he does preserve all those of that army that he can. But of the other party I will say no more than what we were all afraid of at the time-namely, that theirs would have been too angry a victory. For some of them were in the habit of indulging in threats not only against those of their enemies who were in arms, but even against those who remained quiet; and they used to say that the matter to be considered was not what each man had thought, but where he had been. So that it appears to me that the immortal gods, even if they were inflicting punishment on the Roman people for some offence, when they stirred up so serious and melancholy a civil war, are at length appeased, or at all events satiated, and have now made all our hopes of safety depend on the clemency and wisdom of the conqueror. Rejoice, then, in that admirable and virtuous disposition of yours; and enjoy not only your fortune and glory, but also your own natural good qualities and amiable inclinations and manners, for those are the things which produce the greatest fruit and pleasure to a wise man. When you call to mind your other achievements, although you will often congratulate yourself on your valour, still you will often have reason to thank your good fortune also. But as often as you think of us whom you have chosen to live safely in the republic as well as yourself, you will be thinking at the same time of your own exceeding kindness, of your own incredible liberality, of your own unexampled wisdom; qualities which I will venture to call not only the greatest, but the only real blessings. For there is so much splendour in genuine glory, so much dignity in magnanimity and real practical wisdom, that these qualities appear to be given to a man by virtue, while all other advantages seem only lent to him by fortune. Be not wearied then in the preservation of virtuous men, especially of those who have fallen, not from any evil desires or depravity of disposition, but merely from an opinion of their duty-a foolish and erroneous one perhaps, but certainly not a wicked one-and because they were misled by imaginary claims which they fancied the republic had on them. For it is no fault of yours if some people were afraid of you; and, on the other hand, it is your greatest praise that they have now felt that they had no reason to fear you. But now I come to those severe complaints, and to those most terrible suspicions that you have given utterance to; of dangers which should be guarded against not more by you yourself than by all the citizens, and most especially by us who have been preserved by you. And although I trust that the suspicion is an ungrounded one, still I will not speak so as to make light of it. For caution for you is caution for ourselves. So that, if we must err on one side or the other, I would rather appear too fearful than not sufficiently prudent. But still, who is there so frantic? Any one of your own friends? And yet who are more your friends than those to whom you have restored safety which they did not venture to hope for? Any one of that number who were with you? It is not credible that any man should be so insane as not to prefer the life of that man who was his general when he obtained the greatest advantages of all sorts to his own. But if your friends have no thoughts of wickedness, need you take precautions lest your enemies may be entertaining such? Who are they? For all those men who were your enemies have either already lost their lives through their obstinacy or else have preserved them through your mercy; so that either none of your enemies survive or those who do survive are your most devoted friends. But still, as there are so many hiding places and so many dark corners in men's minds, let us increase your suspicions, for by so doing we shall at the same time increase your diligence. For who is there so ignorant of everything, so very new to the affairs of the republic, so entirely destitute of thought either for his own or for the general safety, as not to understand that his own safety is bound up with yours? that the lives of all men depend on your single existence? I myself, in truth, while I think of you day and night-as I ought to do-fear only the chances to which all men are liable, and the uncertain events of health and the frail tenure of our common nature, and I grieve that, while the republic ought to be immortal, it depends wholly on the life of one mortal man. But if to the chances of human life and the uncertain condition of man's health there were to be added also any conspiracy of wickedness and treachery, then what god should we think able to assist the republic, even if he were to desire to do so? All things, O Caius Cæsar, which you now see lying stricken and prostrate as it was inevitable that they should be-through the violence of war, must now be raised up again by you alone. The courts of justice must be reestablished, confidence must be restored, licentiousness must be repressed, the increase of population must be encouraged, everything which has become lax and disordered must be braced up and strengthened by strict laws. In so vast a civil war, when there was such ardour of feeling and of warlike preparation on both sides, it was impossible but that-whatever the ultimate result of the war might be the republic which had been violently shaken by it should lose many ornaments of its dignity and many bulwarks of its security, and that each general should do many things while in arms, which he would have forbidden to have been done while clad in the garb of peace. And all those wounds of war thus inflicted now require your attention, and there is no one except you who is able to heal them. Therefore I was concerned when I heard that celebrated and wise saying of yours, "I have lived long enough to satisfy either Nature or glory." Sufficiently long, if you please, for Nature, and I will add, if you like, for glory; but, which is of the greatest consequence of all, certainly not long enough for your country. Give up then, I entreat you, that wisdom of learned men shown in their contempt of death; do not be wise at our expense. For it has often come to my ears that you are in the habit of using that expression much too frequently-that you have lived long enough for yourself. I dare say you have; but I could only be willing to hear you say so if you lived for yourself alone, or if you had been born for yourself alone. But as it is as your exploits have brought the safety of all the citizens and the entire republic to a dependence on you-you are so far from having completed your greatest labours that you have not even laid the foundations which you design to lay. And will you then limit your life not by the welfare of the republic, but by the tranquility of your own mind? What will you do if that is not even sufficient for your glory, of which-wise man though you be-you will not deny that you are exceedingly desirous? "Is it then," you will say, "but small glory that we shall leave behind us?" It may, indeed, be sufficient for others, however many they may be, and insufficient for you alone. For whatever it is, however ample it may be, it certainly is insufficient, as long as there is anything greater still. And if, O Caius Cæsar, this was to be the result of your immortal achievements, that after conquering all your enemies you were to leave the republic in the state in which it now is; then beware, I beg of you, lest your virtue should earn admiration rather than solid glory; since the glory which is illustrious and which is celebrated abroad is the fame of many and great services done either to one's own friends, or to one's country, or to the whole race of mankind. This, then, is the part which remains to you; this is the cause which you have before you; this is what you must now labour at-to settle the republic, and to enjoy it yourself, as the first of its citizens, in the greatest tranquility and peacefulness. And then, if you please, when you have discharged the obligations which you owe to your country, and when you have satisfied Nature herself with the devotion of your life, then you may say that you have lived long enough. For what is the meaning of this very word "long" when applied to what has an end? And when the end comes, then all past pleasure is to be accounted as nothing, because there is none to come after it. Although that spirit of yours has never been content with this narrow space which Nature has afforded us to live in, but has always been inflamed with a desire of immortality. Nor is this to be considered your life which is contained in your body and in your breath. That -that, I say, is your life, which will flourish in the memory of all ages; which posterity will cherish; which eternity itself will always preserve. This is what you must be subservient to; it is to this that you ought to display yourself; which, indeed, has long ago had many actions of yours to admire, and which now is expecting some which it may also praise. Unquestionably posterity will stand amazed when they hear and read of your military commands of the provinces which you have added to the empire of the Rhine, of the ocean, of the Nile, all made subject to us of your countless battles, of your incredible victories, of your innumerable monuments and triumphs. But unless this city is now securely settled, by your counsels and by your institutions, your name will indeed be talked about very extensively, but your glory will have no secure abode, no sure home in which to repose. There will be also among those who shall be born hereafter, as there has been among us, great disputes, when some with their praises will extol your exploits to the skies, and others, perhaps, will miss something in them and that, too, the most important thing of all unless you extinguish the conflagration of civil war by the safety of the country, so that the one shall appear to have been the effect of destiny and the other the work of your own practical wisdom. Have regard, then, to those judges who will judge you many ages afterward, and who will very likely judge you more honestly than we can. For their judgment will be unbiassed by affection or by ambition, and at the same time it will be untainted by hatred or by envy. And even if it will be incapable of affecting you at that time (which is the false opinion held by some men), at all events it concerns you now to conduct yourself in such a manner that no oblivion shall ever be able to obscure your praises. The inclinations of the citizens have been very diverse, and their opinions much distracted; for we showed our variance not only by our counsels and desires, but by arms and warlike operations. And there was obscurity in the designs of and contention between the most illustrious generals: many doubted which was the best side; many, what was expedient for themselves; many, what was becoming; some even felt uncertain as to what it was in their |