| Chemistry - 1773 - 682 pages
...Paternoster Row, MR. WATTS'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. Complete in Five Volumes, 8vo., price £7 35. cloth. A Dictionary of Chemistry, and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. By HENRY WATTS, FRS, assisted by eminent Scientific and Practical Chemists. 1 The greatest work which England has yet... | |
| Chemistry - 1773 - 692 pages
...Paternoster Row, MR. WATTS'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. Complete in Five Volumes, 8vo., price £7 33. cloth. A Dictionary of Chemistry, and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. By HENRY WATTS, FRS, assisted by eminent Scientific and Practical Chemists. " The greatest work which England has yet... | |
| Chemistry - 1774 - 628 pages
...Mohammedanism." MR. WATTS'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. Complete in Five Volumes, 8vo., price £7 33. cloth, Д Dictionary of Chemistry, and the Allied **• Branches of other Sciences. By HENRY WAITS, FRS, assisted by eminent Scientific and Practical Chemists. Also, in One thick Volume, 8vo.,... | |
| Sydney Smith - British literature - 1848 - 526 pages
...Cox, MA 3 vols. medium 8vo. price 63s. cloth. Chemistry, Medicine, Surgery, and the Allied Sciences. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches...assisted by eminent Scientific and Practical Chemists. 5 vols. medium 8vo. price £7 3s. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. By WILLIAM A. MILLER,... | |
| Chemical Society (Great Britain) - Chemistry - 1866 - 556 pages
...On a New Continuous Aspirator:" by H. McLeod, Esq. Donations to the Library in the year 1866 : — "A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other Sciences:" by Henry Watts! Parts XXXIII.— XXXVI. : from Messrs. Longman and Co. " Lectures on Animal Chemistry delivered at... | |
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...Cox, MA 8 vols. medium 8%"o. price t!3s. cloth. Chemistry, Medicine, Surgery, and the Allied Sciences. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches...assisted by eminent Scientific and Practical Chemists. 5 vols. medium 8vo. price £7 3s. Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. By WILLIAM A. MILLER,... | |
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...Acquirements. 3 vols. medium Svo. price 63s. cloth. Chemistry, Medicine, Surgery, and the Allied Sciences. A DICTIONARY of CHEMISTRY and the Allied Branches of other Sciences. By HENRY WATTS, FRS assisted by eminent Contributors. 6 vols. medium 8vo. price £8. Us. 6d. SECOND SUPPLEMENT in the... | |
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